4,378 research outputs found

    Implementation in Embedded Systems of State Observers Based on Multibody Dynamics

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Enxeñaría Naval e Industrial . 5015V01[Abstract] Simulation has become an important tool in the industry that minimizes either the cost and time of new products development and testing. In the automotive industry, the use of simulation is being extended to virtual sensing. Through an accurate model of the vehicle combined with a state estimator, variables that are difficult or costly to measure can be estimated. The virtual sensing approach is limited by the low computational power of invehicle hardware due to the strictest timing, reliability and safety requirements imposed by automotive standards. With the new generation hardware, the computational power of embedded platforms has increased. They are based on heterogeneous processors, where the main processor is combined with a co-processor, such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). This thesis explores the implementation of a state estimator based on a multibody model of a vehicle in new generation embedded hardware. Different implementation strategies are tested in order to explore the advantages that an FPGA can provide. A new state-parameter-input observer is developed, providing accurate estimations. The proposed observer is combined with an efficient multibody model of a vehicle, achieving real-time execution.[Resumen] La simulación se ha convertido en una importante herramienta para la industria que permite minimizar tanto costes como tiempo de desarrollo y test de nuevos productos. En automoción, el uso de la simulación se extiende al desarrollo de sensores virtuales. Mediante un modelo preciso de un vehículo combinado con un observador de estados, variables que son caras o imposibles de medir pueden ser estimadas. La principal limitación para utilizar sensores virtuales en los vehículos es la baja potencia computacional de los procesadores instalados a bordo, debido a los estrictos requisitos impuestos por los standards de automoción. Con el hardware de nueva generación, el poder de cálculo de las plataformas empotradas se ha visto incrementado. Estos nuevos procesadores son del tipo heterogéneo, donde el procesador principal se complementa con un co-procesador, como una Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Esta tesis explora la implementación de un observador de estados basado en un modelo multicuerpo de un vehículo en hardware empotrado de nueva generación. Se han probado diferentes implementaciones para evaluar las ventajas de disponer de una FPGA en el procesador. Se ha desarrollado un nuevo observador de estados, parámetros y entradas que permite obtener estimaciones de gran precisión. Combinando dicho observador con un eficiente modelo multicuerpo de un vehículo, se consigue rendimiento en tiempo real.[Resumo] A simulación estase a converter nunha importante ferramenta na industria que permite minimizar custes e tempo tanto de desenvolvemento coma de test de novos productos. En automoción, o uso da simulación esténdese á implementación de sensores virtuais. Mediante un modelo preciso dun vehículo combinado cun observador de estados, pódense estimar variables que son caras ou imposíbeis de medir. A principal limitación para utilizar sensores virtuais nos vehículos é a baixa potencia computacional dos procesadores instalados a bordo, debido aos estritos requisitos impostos polos estándares de automoción. Co hardware de nova xeración, o poder de cálculo das plataformas empotradas vese incrementado. Estos novos procesadores son de tipo heteroxéneo, onde o procesador principal compleméntase cun co-procesador, coma unha Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). Esta tese explora a implementación dun observador de estados basado nun modelo multicorpo dun vehículo en hardware empotrado de nova xeración. Diferentes implementacións foron probadas para avaliar as vantaxes de dispoñer dunha FPGA no procesador. Un novo observador de estados, parámetros e entradas deseñado nesta tese permite obter estimacións de gran precisión. Combinando dito observador cun eficiente modelo multicorpo dun vehículo, conséguese rendemento de tempo real

    Advanced suspension system using magnetorheological technology for vehicle vibration control

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    In the past forty years, the concept of controllable vehicle suspension has attracted extensive attention. Since high price of an active suspension system and deficiencies on a passive suspension, researchers pay a lot attention to semi-active suspension. Magneto-rheological fluid (MRF) is always an ideal material of semi-active structure. Thanks to its outstanding features like large yield stress, fast response time, low energy consumption and significant rheological effect. MR damper gradually becomes a preferred component of semi-active suspension for improving the riding performance of vehicle. However, because of the inherent nonlinear nature of MR damper, one of the challenging aspects of utilizing MR dampers to achieve high levels of performance is the development of an appropriate control strategy that can take advantage of the unique characteristics of MR dampers. This is why this project has studied semi-active MR control technology of vehicle suspensions to improve their performance. Focusing on MR semi-active suspension, the aim of this thesis sought to develop system structure and semi-active control strategy to give a vehicle opportunity to have a better performance on riding comfort. The issues of vibration control of the vehicle suspension were systematically analysed in this project. As a part of this research, a quarter-car test rig was built; the models of suspension and MR damper were established; the optimization work of mechanical structure and controller parameters was conducted to further improve the system performance; an optimized MR damper (OMRD) for a vehicle suspension was designed, fabricated, and tested. To utilize OMRD to achieve higher level of performance, an appropriate semi-active control algorithm, state observer-based Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy controller (SOTSFC), was designed for the semi-active suspension system, and its feasibility was verified through an experiment. Several tests were conducted on the quarter-car suspension to investigate the real effect of this semiactive control by changing suspension damping. In order to further enhance the vibration reduction performance of the vehicle, a fullsize variable stiffness and variable damping (VSVD) suspension was further designed, fabricated, and tested in this project. The suspension can be easily installed into a vehicle suspension system without any change to the original configuration. A new 3- degree of freedom (DOF) phenomenological model to further accurately describe the dynamic characteristic of the VSVD suspension was also presented. Based on a simple on-off controller, the performance of the variable stiffness and damping suspension was verified numerically. In addition, an innovative TS fuzzy modelling based VSVD controller was designed. The TS fuzzy modelling controller includes a skyhook damping control module and a state observer based stiffness control module which considering road dominant frequency in real-time. The performance evaluation of the VSVD control algorithm was based on the quarter-car test rig which equipping the VSVD suspension. The experiment results showed that this strategy increases riding comfort effectively, especially under off-road working condition. The semi-active control system developed in this thesis can be adapted and used on a vehicle suspension in order to better control vibration

    Exploration of smart infrastructure for drivers of autonomous vehicles

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    The connection between vehicles and infrastructure is an integral part of providing autonomous vehicles information about the environment. Autonomous vehicles need to be safe and users need to trust their driving decision. When smart infrastructure information is integrated into the vehicle, the driver needs to be informed in an understandable manner what the smart infrastructure detected. Nevertheless, interactions that benefit from smart infrastructure have not been the focus of research, leading to knowledge gaps in the integration of smart infrastructure information in the vehicle. For example, it is unclear, how the information from two complex systems can be presented, and if decisions are made, how these can be explained. Enriching the data of vehicles with information from the infrastructure opens unexplored opportunities. Smart infrastructure provides vehicles with information to predict traffic flow and traffic events. Additionally, it has information about traffic events in several kilometers distance and thus enables a look ahead on a traffic situation, which is not in the immediate view of drivers. We argue that this smart infrastructure information can be used to enhance the driving experience. To achieve this, we explore designing novel interactions, providing warnings and visualizations about information that is out of the view of the driver, and offering explanations for the cause of changed driving behavior of the vehicle. This thesis focuses on exploring the possibilities of smart infrastructure information with a focus on the highway. The first part establishes a design space for 3D in-car augmented reality applications that profit from smart infrastructure information. Through the input of two focus groups and a literature review, use cases are investigated that can be introduced in the vehicle's interaction interface which, among others, rely on environment information. From those, a design space that can be used to design novel in-car applications is derived. The second part explores out-of-view visualizations before and during take over requests to increase situation awareness. With three studies, different visualizations for out-of-view information are implemented in 2D, stereoscopic 3D, and augmented reality. Our results show that visualizations improve the situation awareness about critical events in larger distances during take over request situations. In the third part, explanations are designed for situations in which the vehicle drives unexpectedly due to unknown reasons. Since smart infrastructure could provide connected vehicles with out-of-view or cloud information, the driving maneuver of the vehicle might remain unclear to the driver. Therefore, we explore the needs of drivers in those situations and derive design recommendations for an interface which displays the cause for the unexpected driving behavior. This thesis answers questions about the integration of environment information in vehicles'. Three important aspects are explored, which are essential to consider when implementing use cases with smart infrastructure in mind. It enables to design novel interactions, provides insights on how out-of-view visualizations can improve the drivers' situation awareness and explores unexpected driving situations and the design of explanations for them. Overall, we have shown how infrastructure and connected vehicle information can be introduced in vehicles' user interface and how new technology such as augmented reality glasses can be used to improve the driver's perception of the environment.Autonome Fahrzeuge werden immer mehr in den alltäglichen Verkehr integriert. Die Verbindung von Fahrzeugen mit der Infrastruktur ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Bereitstellung von Umgebungsinformationen in autonome Fahrzeugen. Die Erweiterung der Fahrzeugdaten mit Informationen der Infrastruktur eröffnet ungeahnte Möglichkeiten. Intelligente Infrastruktur übermittelt verbundenen Fahrzeugen Informationen über den prädizierten Verkehrsfluss und Verkehrsereignisse. Zusätzlich können Verkehrsgeschehen in mehreren Kilometern Entfernung übermittelt werden, wodurch ein Vorausblick auf einen Bereich ermöglicht wird, der für den Fahrer nicht unmittelbar sichtbar ist. Mit dieser Dissertation wird gezeigt, dass Informationen der intelligenten Infrastruktur benutzt werden können, um das Fahrerlebnis zu verbessern. Dies kann erreicht werden, indem innovative Interaktionen gestaltet werden, Warnungen und Visualisierungen über Geschehnisse außerhalb des Sichtfelds des Fahrers vermittelt werden und indem Erklärungen über den Grund eines veränderten Fahrzeugverhaltens untersucht werden. Interaktionen, welche von intelligenter Infrastruktur profitieren, waren jedoch bisher nicht im Fokus der Forschung. Dies führt zu Wissenslücken bezüglich der Integration von intelligenter Infrastruktur in das Fahrzeug. Diese Dissertation exploriert die Möglichkeiten intelligenter Infrastruktur, mit einem Fokus auf die Autobahn. Der erste Teil erstellt einen Design Space für Anwendungen von augmentierter Realität (AR) in 3D innerhalb des Autos, die unter anderem von Informationen intelligenter Infrastruktur profitieren. Durch das Ergebnis mehrerer Studien werden Anwendungsfälle in einem Katalog gesammelt, welche in die Interaktionsschnittstelle des Autos einfließen können. Diese Anwendungsfälle bauen unter anderem auf Umgebungsinformationen. Aufgrund dieser Anwendungen wird der Design Space entwickelt, mit Hilfe dessen neuartige Anwendungen für den Fahrzeuginnenraum entwickelt werden können. Der zweite Teil exploriert Visualisierungen für Verkehrssituationen, die außerhalb des Sichtfelds des Fahrers sind. Es wird untersucht, ob durch diese Visualisierungen der Fahrer besser auf ein potentielles Übernahmeszenario vorbereitet wird. Durch mehrere Studien wurden verschiedene Visualisierungen in 2D, stereoskopisches 3D und augmentierter Realität implementiert, die Szenen außerhalb des Sichtfelds des Fahrers darstellen. Diese Visualisierungen verbessern das Situationsbewusstsein über kritische Szenarien in einiger Entfernung während eines Übernahmeszenarios. Im dritten Teil werden Erklärungen für Situationen gestaltet, in welchen das Fahrzeug ein unerwartetes Fahrmanöver ausführt. Der Grund des Fahrmanövers ist dem Fahrer dabei unbekannt. Mit intelligenter Infrastruktur verbundene Fahrzeuge erhalten Informationen, die außerhalb des Sichtfelds des Fahrers liegen oder von der Cloud bereit gestellt werden. Dadurch könnte der Grund für das unerwartete Fahrverhalten unklar für den Fahrer sein. Daher werden die Bedürfnisse des Fahrers in diesen Situationen erforscht und Empfehlungen für die Gestaltung einer Schnittstelle, die Erklärungen für das unerwartete Fahrverhalten zur Verfügung stellt, abgeleitet. Zusammenfassend wird gezeigt wie Daten der Infrastruktur und Informationen von verbundenen Fahrzeugen in die Nutzerschnittstelle des Fahrzeugs implementiert werden können. Zudem wird aufgezeigt, wie innovative Technologien wie AR Brillen, die Wahrnehmung der Umgebung des Fahrers verbessern können. Durch diese Dissertation werden Fragen über Anwendungsfälle für die Integration von Umgebungsinformationen in Fahrzeugen beantwortet. Drei wichtige Themengebiete wurden untersucht, welche bei der Betrachtung von Anwendungsfällen der intelligenten Infrastruktur essentiell sind. Durch diese Arbeit wird die Gestaltung innovativer Interaktionen ermöglicht, Einblicke in Visualisierungen von Informationen außerhalb des Sichtfelds des Fahrers gegeben und es wird untersucht, wie Erklärungen für unerwartete Fahrsituationen gestaltet werden können

    Sound for Fantasy and Freedom

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    Sound is an integral part of our everyday lives. Sound tells us about physical events in the environ- ment, and we use our voices to share ideas and emotions through sound. When navigating the world on a day-to-day basis, most of us use a balanced mix of stimuli from our eyes, ears and other senses to get along. We do this totally naturally and without effort. In the design of computer game experiences, traditionally, most attention has been given to vision rather than the balanced mix of stimuli from our eyes, ears and other senses most of us use to navigate the world on a day to day basis. The risk is that this emphasis neglects types of interaction with the game needed to create an immersive experience. This chapter summarizes the relationship between sound properties, GameFlow and immersive experience and discusses two projects in which Interactive Institute, Sonic Studio has balanced perceptual stimuli and game mechanics to inspire and create new game concepts that liberate users and their imagination

    Postmodernism: Style and Subversion 1970-1990

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    ‘Postmodernism’ was the final instalment of a 12-year series of V&A exhibitions exploring 20th-century design. It examined a diverse collection of creative practices in art, architecture, design, fashion, graphics, film, performance and pop music/video, which the curators, Pavitt and Adamson (V&A/RCA), identified under the common theme of ‘postmodernism’. The exhibition assessed the rise and decline of postmodern strategies in art and style cultures of the period, exploring their radical impact as well as their inextricable links with the economics and effects of late-capitalist culture. The exhibition comprised over 250 objects, including large-scale reconstructions and archive film/video footage, drawn from across Europe, Japan and the USA. It was the first exhibition to bring together this range of material and to foreground the significance of pop music and performance in the development of postmodernism. Pavitt originated and co-curated the exhibition with Adamson. They shared intellectual ownership of the project and equal responsibility for writing and editing the accompanying 320-page book (including a 40,000-word jointly written introduction), but divided research responsibilities according to geography and subject. The research was conducted over four years, with Pavitt leading on European and British material. This involved interviewing artists, designers and architects active in the period and working with collections and archives across Europe. The research led to the acquisition of c.80 objects for the V&A’s permanent collections, making it one of the most significant public collections of late-20th-century design in the world. The exhibition was critically reviewed worldwide. For the Independent, ‘bright ideas abound at the V&A’s lucid show’ (2011). It attracted 115,000 visitors at the V&A (15% over the Museum’s target) and travelled in 2012 to MART Rovereto, Italy (50,000 visitors) and Landesmuseum Zürich, Switzerland (70,000 visitors). Pavitt was invited to speak about the exhibition in the UK, USA, Poland, Portugal, Ireland and Italy (2010-12)

    EVTOL concept design

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    This master thesis consists of a research and development project¿s documentation about Electrical Vertical Take off and Landing (EVTOL) technology. The main target is providing an investigation about this technology, reviewing its history since its origins to the future lines, understanding how it works by revising all the technical aspects such as the mechanical part, hardware components, software systems, structural stress design¿ In addition, a market study is carried out around this technology to come up with a first prototype. Based on a research for the applications and utilities that it can offer regarding the future problems that humanity is facing. Furthermore, this thesis documents the analog and digital methodologies that are being used throughout the entire creative process combining design and engineering workflows in order to achieve the proposed objectives. The project¿s value resides on the creative design aspect, therefore all the content is based from the pre-production design perspective. As the most technical part involving the product production such as the stress design aspect to select the right components, or quality validation process would be carried out on further stages by the engineers.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::13 - Acció per al ClimaObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::15 - Vida d'Ecosistemes Terrestre

    Adaptive and Robust Braking-Traction Control Systems

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    The designs of commercial Anti-Lock Braking Systems often rely on assumptions of a torsionally rigid tire-wheel system and heavily rely on hub-mounted wheel speed sensors to manage tire-road slip conditions. However, advancements in high-bandwidth braking systems, in-wheel motors, variations in tire/wheel designs, and loss of inflation pressure, have produced scenarios where the tire\u27s torsional dynamics could be easily excited by the braking system actuator. In these scenarios, the slip conditions for the tire-belt/ring will be dynamically different from what can be inferred from the wheel speed sensors. This dissertation investigates the interaction of tire torsional dynamics with ABS & traction controllers and offers new control designs that incorporate schemes for identifying and accommodating these dynamics. To this end, suitable braking system and tire torsional dynamics simulation models as well as experimental test rigs were developed. It is found that, indeed, rigid-wheel based controllers give degraded performance when coupled with low torsional stiffness tires. A closed-loop observer/nonlinear controller structure is proposed that adapts to unknown tire sidewall and tread parameters during braking events. It also provides estimates of difficult to measure state variables such as belt/ring speed. The controller includes a novel virtual damper emulation that can be used to tune the system response. An adaptive sliding-mode controller is also introduced that combines robust stability characteristics with tire/tread parameter and state estimation. The sliding mode controller is shown to be very effective at tracking its estimated target, at the expense of reducing the tire parameter adaptation performance. Finally, a modular robust state observer is developed that allows for robust estimation of the system states in the presence of uncertainties and external disturbances without the need for sidewall parameter adaptation

    Smart Sustainable Mobility: Analytics and Algorithms for Next-Generation Mobility Systems

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    To this date, mobility ecosystems around the world operate on an uncoordinated, inefficient and unsustainable basis. Yet, many technology-enabled solutions that have the potential to remedy these societal negatives are already at our disposal or just around the corner. Innovations in vehicle technology, IoT devices, mobile connectivity and AI-powered information systems are expected to bring about a mobility system that is connected, autonomous, shared and electric (CASE). In order to fully leverage the sustainability opportunities afforded by CASE, system-level coordination and management approaches are needed. This Thesis sets out an agenda for Information Systems research to shape the future of CASE mobility through data, analytics and algorithms (Chapter 1). Drawing on causal inference, (spatial) machine learning, mathematical programming and reinforcement learning, three concrete contributions toward this agenda are developed. Chapter 2 demonstrates the potential of pervasive and inexpensive sensor technology for policy analysis. Connected sensing devices have significantly reduced the cost and complexity of acquiring high-resolution, high-frequency data in the physical world. This affords researchers the opportunity to track temporal and spatial patterns of offline phenomena. Drawing on a case from the bikesharing sector, we demonstrate how geo-tagged IoT data streams can be used for tracing out highly localized causal effects of large-scale mobility policy interventions while offering actionable insights for policy makers and practitioners. Chapter 3 sets out a solution approach to a novel decision problem faced by operators of shared mobility fleets: allocating vehicle inventory optimally across a network when competition is present. The proposed three-stage model combines real-time data analytics, machine learning and mixed integer non-linear programming into an integrated framework. It provides operational decision support for fleet managers in contested shared mobility markets by generating optimal vehicle re-positioning schedules in real time. Chapter 4 proposes a method for leveraging data-driven digital twin (DT) frameworks for large multi-stage stochastic design problems. Such problem classes are notoriously difficult to solve with traditional stochastic optimization. Drawing on the case of Electric Vehicle Charging Hubs (EVCHs), we show how high-fidelity, data-driven DT simulation environments fused with reinforcement learning (DT-RL) can achieve (close-to) arbitrary scalability and high modeling flexibility. In benchmark experiments we demonstrate that DT-RL-derived designs result in superior cost and service-level performance under real-world operating conditions