10 research outputs found

    Semantic Information on Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) through Ontologies

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    This work shows the development of ontology in the domain of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). The ontology supports vocabulary and semantic information to patients. The ontology implemented begins with the, the exploration of semantic web applications, ontology design ,analysis and the use of ontological engineering in order information indexing and retrieval from and to electronic medical records. This ontology is one of other services to incorporate on current telemedicine systems.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Semantic Information on Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) through Ontologies

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    This work shows the development of ontology in the domain of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). The ontology supports vocabulary and semantic information to patients. The ontology implemented begins with the, the exploration of semantic web applications, ontology design ,analysis and the use of ontological engineering in order information indexing and retrieval from and to electronic medical records. This ontology is one of other services to incorporate on current telemedicine systems.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Rule-based Formalization of Eligibility Criteria for Clinical Trials

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    Abstract. In this paper, we propose a rule-based formalization of eli-gibility criteria for clinical trials. The rule-based formalization is imple-mented by using the logic programming language Prolog. Compared with existing formalizations such as pattern-based and script-based languages, the rule-based formalization has the advantages of being declarative, ex-pressive, reusable and easy to maintain. Our rule-based formalization is based on a general framework for eligibility criteria containing three types of knowledge: (1) trial-specific knowledge, (2) domain-specific knowledge and (3) common knowledge. This framework enables the reuse of several parts of the formalization of eligibility criteria. We have implemented the proposed rule-based formalization in SemanticCT, a semantically-enabled system for clinical trials, showing the feasibility of using our rule-based formalization of eligibility criteria for supporting patient re-cruitment in clinical trial systems.

    Analysis of the suitability of existing medical ontologies for building a scalable semantic interoperability solution supporting multi-site collaboration in oncology

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    Semantic interoperability is essential to facilitate efficient collaboration in heterogeneous multi-site healthcare environments. The deployment of a semantic interoperability solution has the potential to enable a wide range of informatics supported applications in clinical care and research both within as ingle healthcare organization and in a network of organizations. At the same time, building and deploying a semantic interoperability solution may require significant effort to carryout data transformation and to harmonize the semantics of the information in the different systems. Our approach to semantic interoperability leverages existing healthcare standards and ontologies, focusing first on specific clinical domains and key applications, and gradually expanding the solution when needed. An important objective of this work is to create a semantic link between clinical research and care environments to enable applications such as streamlining the execution of multi-centric clinical trials, including the identification of eligible patients for the trials. This paper presents an analysis of the suitability of several widely-used medical ontologies in the clinical domain: SNOMED-CT, LOINC, MedDRA, to capture the semantics of the clinical trial eligibility criteria, of the clinical trial data (e.g., Clinical Report Forms), and of the corresponding patient record data that would enable the automatic identification of eligible patients. Next to the coverage provided by the ontologies we evaluate and compare the sizes of the sets of relevant concepts and their relative frequency to estimate the cost of data transformation, of building the necessary semantic mappings, and of extending the solution to new domains. This analysis shows that our approach is both feasible and scalable

    Automatic classification of registered clinical trials towards the Global Burden of Diseases taxonomy of diseases and injuries

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    Includes details on the implementation of MetaMap and IntraMap, prioritization rules, the test set of clinical trials and the classification of the external test set according to the 171 GBD categories. Dataset S1: Expert-based enrichment database for the classification according to the 28 GBD categories. Manual classification of 503 UMLS concepts that could not be mapped to any of the 28 GBD categories. Dataset S2: Expert-based enrichment database for the classification according to the 171 GBD categories. Manual classification of 655 UMLS concepts that could not be mapped to any of the 171 GBD categories, among which 108 could be projected to candidate GBD categories. Table S1: Excluded residual GBD categories for the grouping of the GBD cause list in 171 GBD categories. A grouping of 193 GBD categories was defined during the GBD 2010 study to inform policy makers about the main health problems per country. From these 193 GBD categories, we excluded the 22 residual categories listed in the Table. We developed a classifier for the remaining 171 GBD categories. Among these residual categories, the unique excluded categories in the grouping of 28 GBD categories were “Other infectious diseases” and “Other endocrine, nutritional, blood, and immune disorders”. Table S2: Per-category evaluation of performance of the classifier for the 171 GBD categories plus the “No GBD” category. Number of trials per GBD category from the test set of 2,763 clinical trials. Sensitivities, specificities (in %) and likelihood ratios for each of the 171 GBD categories plus the “No GBD” category for the classifier using the Word Sense Disambiguation server, the expert-based enrichment database and the priority to the health condition field. Table S3: Performance of the 8 versions of the classifier for the 171 GBD categories. Exact-matching and weighted averaged sensitivities and specificities for 8 versions of the classifier for the 171 GBD categories. Exact-matching corresponds to the proportion (in %) of trials for which the automatic GBD classification is correct. Exact-matching was estimated over all trials (N = 2,763), trials concerning a unique GBD category (N = 2,092), trials concerning 2 or more GBD categories (N = 187), and trials not relevant for the GBD (N = 484). The weighted averaged sensitivity and specificity corresponds to the weighted average across GBD categories of the sensitivities and specificities for each GBD category plus the “No GBD” category (in %). The 8 versions correspond to the combinations of the use or not of the Word Sense Disambiguation server during the text annotation, the expert-based enrichment database, and the priority to the health condition field as a prioritization rule. Table S4: Per-category evaluation of the performance of the baseline for the 28 GBD categories plus the “No GBD” category. Number of trials per GBD category from the test set of 2,763 clinical trials. Sensitivities and specificities (in %) of the 28 GBD categories plus the “No GBD” category for the classification of clinical trial records towards GBD categories without using the UMLS knowledge source but based on the recognition in free text of the names of diseases defining in each GBD category only. For the baseline a clinical trial records was classified with a GBD category if at least one of the 291 disease names from the GBD cause list defining that GBD category appeared verbatim in the condition field, the public or scientific titles, separately, or in at least one of these three text fields. (DOCX 84 kb

    Closed-World Semantics for Query Answering in Temporal Description Logics

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    Ontology-mediated query answering is a popular paradigm for enriching answers to user queries with background knowledge. For querying the absence of information, however, there exist only few ontology-based approaches. Moreover, these proposals conflate the closed-domain and closed-world assumption, and therefore are not suited to deal with the anonymous objects that are common in ontological reasoning. Many real-world applications, like processing electronic health records (EHRs), also contain a temporal dimension, and require efficient reasoning algorithms. Moreover, since medical data is not recorded on a regular basis, reasoners must deal with sparse data with potentially large temporal gaps. Our contribution consists of three main parts: Firstly, we introduce a new closed-world semantics for answering conjunctive queries with negation over ontologies formulated in the description logic ELH⊥, which is based on the minimal universal model. We propose a rewriting strategy for dealing with negated query atoms, which shows that query answering is possible in polynomial time in data complexity. Secondly, we introduce a new temporal variant of ELH⊥ that features a convexity operator. We extend this minimal-world semantics for answering metric temporal conjunctive queries with negation over the logic and obtain similar rewritability and complexity results. Thirdly, apart from the theoretical results, we evaluate minimal-world semantics in practice by selecting patients, based their EHRs, that match given criteria

    Computing Healthcare Quality Indicators Automatically: Secondary Use of Patient Data and Semantic Interoperability

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    Harmelen, F.A.H. van [Promotor]Keizer, N.F. de [Copromotor]Cornet, R. [Copromotor]Teije, A.C.M. [Copromotor

    Using Semantic Web Technologies for Clinical Trial Recruitment

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    International audienceClinical trials are fundamental for medical science: they provide the evaluation for new treatments and new diagnostic approaches. One of the most difficult parts of clinical trials is the recruitment of patients: many trials fail due to lack of participants. Recruitment is done by matching the eligibility criteria of trials to patient conditions. This is usually done manually, but both the large number of active trials and the lack of time available for matching keep the recruitment ratio low. In this paper we present a method, entirely based on standard semantic web technologies and tool, that allows the automatic recruitment of a patient to the available clinical trials. We use a domain specific ontology to represent data from patients' health records and we use SWRL to verify the eligibility of patients to clinical trials