11 research outputs found

    Accessible POI Recommendation Using Adaptive Aggregation of Binary Ratings

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    Everyone needs one or more forms of accessibility at some point in life due to age, medical conditions, accidents, etc. People with accessibility needs have the right to accessible services, as well as the right to information about accessibility at various places or Points of Interest (POI). While most popular POI recommendation services do not take accessibility into account, some of them only consider a few specific needs, such as ramp for wheelchair users. However, different users have different accessibility needs regarding the structure of the building, special aid devices, and facilities to be able to independently visit a place. The proposed system focuses on finding the personalized accessibility score for a (user, POI) pair. It can be used with other factors such as historical behavior, social influence, geographical conditions, etc. to recommend accessible places. It uses time decaying aggregate on the crowd-sourced binary rating data to find accurate approximation of current accessibility status for each accessibility criteria. Also, we propose a tunnel-based algorithm to detect the trend of binary stream data to update the rate of decay. This ensures that the calculated aggregate adapts to change in the accessibility status of the place

    Service Recommendation System for a Smart City

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    Smart Cities are complex spaces with a variety of information and points of interest, in which citizens can have access, whether visitors or residents. This paper presents a system of recommendation of points of interest in smart cities, aiming to improve the result of the search performed by the user. For this, an ontological model was used, through a case study, adding data from a city. Through this study, it is possible to demonstrate the potential of an ontological modeling to provide recommendations. These improve semantics and create standardization to facilitate knowledge sharing. The approach developed aims to recommend information from sights and health services. To test the system, SWRL rules were developed and, from them, inferences are made by a reasoner

    Context-Driven Tour Planning Service: An Approach Based on Synthetic Coordinates Recommendation

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    The paper presents a hybrid context/model-based tour planning service aimed at recommendation generation by providing the tourists the sequence of attractions that are more interesting for him/her based on previous activity with the service. The service is developed based on SCoR recommender system that is aimed at recommendation generation based on calculating the synthetic coordinate between tourists of the service in according with their ratings. SCoR is a model-based collaborative filtering algorithm, constructing a model based on the user's personal ratings as well as exploiting collaborative information from the ratings of the rest of the users. One of the main advantages of SCoR's model is its ability to incorporate additional training information (new ratings) without having to perform the training process from the beginning. The prototype has been implemented for Android-based smartphone and has been evaluated for St. Petersburg city. For the evaluation the attraction database has been formed that includes attraction location information from OpenStreeMaps platform, location description and media from Wikipedia, and ratings from Google Place

    Accessibility of mobile applications for tourism - is equal access a reality?

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    With the increasing use of smartphones in people’s daily lives, mobile accessibility has become a key factor for them. Tourism is one of the sectors that has benefited the most from this growth but has not yet reached its full potential as accessibility has not yet been fully exploited. The main goal of this study is to assess accessibility in mobile applications for the tourism sector. Thus, 14 mobile applications were analyzed, using a manual and automatic methodology through the proposal of an evaluation model divided by quantitative and qualitative requirements, as well as the use of features such as VoiceOver and TalkBack. The results show a high overall number of errors in most quantitative requirements as well as non-compliance with most qualitative requirements. On iPhone 4, “Viseu – Guia da Cidade” was the application with the highest rating, while on Wiko GOA, it was the “JiTT.Travel Funchal” application. In turn, on iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone XR, Nokia 5.1 and OnePlus 6 devices, the best results were achieved by the “Viseu – Guia da Cidade,” “JiTT.Travel Funchal” and “TUR4all” applications. Regarding the accessibility of mobile applications on different versions of the same mobile operating system, it was concluded that there are no differences in their accessibility on both operating systems (iOS and Android). Finally, regarding the accessibility of applications on smartphones with different screen sizes, there are also no differences in their accessibility.This work is financed by the ERDF—European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation—COMPETE 2020 Programme, and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031309 entitled “PromoTourVR-Promoting Tourism Destinations with Multisensory Immersive Media.”info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conflating point of interest (POI) data: A systematic review of matching methods

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    Point of interest (POI) data provide digital representations of places in the real world, and have been increasingly used to understand human-place interactions, support urban management, and build smart cities. Many POI datasets have been developed, which often have different geographic coverages, attribute focuses, and data quality. From time to time, researchers may need to conflate two or more POI datasets in order to build a better representation of the places in the study areas. While various POI conflation methods have been developed, there lacks a systematic review, and consequently, it is difficult for researchers new to POI conflation to quickly grasp and use these existing methods. This paper fills such a gap. Following the protocol of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), we conduct a systematic review by searching through three bibliographic databases using reproducible syntax to identify related studies. We then focus on a main step of POI conflation, i.e., POI matching, and systematically summarize and categorize the identified methods. Current limitations and future opportunities are discussed afterwards. We hope that this review can provide some guidance for researchers interested in conflating POI datasets for their research

    Access to urban parks: Comparing spatial accessibility measures using three GIS-based approaches

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    Urban parks are essential components of urban ecosystems, providing recreation and relaxation places to residents. Measuring the spatial accessibility to urban parks serves as an initial step in urban planning and developing urban development strategies to improve social and environmental justice. This study aims to evaluate measures of spatial accessibility to urban parks by comparing three geographic information systems (GIS)-based approaches, accounting for network complexity, transport modes, distance thresholds, and destination choices. Taking Ipswich City (Australia) and Enschede (the Netherlands) as two testbeds, we examine the spatial patterns of a total of 21 accessibility measures in the two cities and conduct a correlation and principal component analysis to unravel the interrelationship between these measures. The results suggest that among all measures under the three approaches, the selection of distance thresholds and transport modes matter more to accessibility measures than the destination choices. Furthermore, when distance threshold and transport mode are held constant, the network-based and entrance-based methods provide more realistic accessibility measures than other methods. We also discuss the generality of the entrance-based method we propose and suggest ways to choose the most appropriate accessibility measure for use in different contexts

    Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y las personas con discapacidad intelectual: Tendencias y oportunidades

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    [SPA] El disfrute de una vida de calidad, exenta de discriminación y accesible, es un derecho fundamental para las personas con discapacidad. En este contexto, las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) desempeñan un papel crucial al garantizar y promover la accesibilidad en sus dimensiones físicas, cognitivas y sensoriales. El objetivo de este estudio es llevar a cabo una revisión documental que permita analizar la contribución de las TIC en diversos aspectos de la calidad de vida. En el proceso de revisión, se encontraron un total de 146 artículos que abordan la relación entre las TIC y las dimensiones de calidad de vida. De estos, 11 artículos respaldan la influencia positiva de las TIC en la mejora de la accesibilidad para las personas con discapacidad. 19 artículos evidencian una brecha digital y señalan los riesgos que amenazan la accesibilidad. se plantea una discusión sobre la falta de conciencia e integración en el diseño actual de las TIC, resaltando la necesidad de abordar estas cuestiones. Finalmente, se desarrolla una perspectiva en la cual se examina el potencial papel de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la mejora de la vida accesible para las personas con discapacidad intelectual. [ENG] The enjoyment of a quality, non-discriminatory and accessible life is a fundamental right for persons with disabilities. In this context, information and communication technologies (ICTs) play a crucial role in guaranteeing and promoting accessibility in its physical, cognitive and sensory dimensions. The aim of this study is to carry out a documentary review to analyze the contribution of ICTs to various aspects of quality of life. It also raises a discussion on the lack of awareness and integration in the current design of ICTs, highlighting the need to address these issues. In the review process, a total of 146 articles were found that address the relationship between ICTs and quality of life dimensions. Of these, 11 articles support the positive influence of ICTs in improving accessibility for people with disabilities. On the other hand, the remaining 19 articles evidence a digital divide and point out risks that threaten accessibility. In the last section, a perspective is developed in which the potential role of artificial intelligence (AI) in improving accessible living for people with intellectual disabilities is examined

    Turismo accesible y calidad de vida del adulto mayor en el distrito de Barranco, 2019

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el Turismo Accesible y la Calidad de vida del adulto mayor en el distrito de Barranco, 2019. La metodología utilizada fue de enfoque cuantitativo de diseño no experimental y de tipo descriptiva correlacional. Se utilizó el muestreo de tipo no probabilístico aleatorio simple, conformado por una encuesta de 354 adultos mayores el distrito de Barranco. El instrumento que se utilizó fue el cuestionario. Los datos obtenidos fueron procesados mediante el sistema SPSS versión 22, por el cual llegamos a la estadística descriptiva para definir los niveles de cada variable. Además, se realizó la prueba de correlación Rho de Spearman para validar las hipótesis. Los resultados obtenidos fueron que si existe un nivel medio entre las dos variables. Se concluyó que el Turismo Accesible y la Calidad de Vida tienen una correlación positiva moderada (r=0,416). Con respecto a sus dimensiones, la Accesibilidad obtuvo una correlación positiva baja (r=0,353), además la dimensión Infraestructura Turística obtuvo una correlación positiva baja (r=0,242) y la dimensión Servicios Turístico obtuvo una correlación positiva moderada (r=0,421)

    Gestión municipal y el desarrollo turístico en el lago Sandoval - Tambopata

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    La investigación tiene como objetivo principal fue enfocado en determinar la relación entre la gestión municipal y el desarrollo turístico en los visitantes que llegan al lago Sandoval-Tambopata-2021. El diseño de investigación fue descriptivo correlacional debido a que se enlazó ambas variables dependiente e independiente, el tipo de muestra realizado fue aleatorio simple. Sobre el instrumento que se utilizó fue las encuestas el mismo que está conformado por 21ítems en la variable gestión municipal y 14 ítems en la variable desarrollo turístico haciendo en conjunto un total de 35 preguntas estas mismas contribuyeron a obtener el resultado para la investigación. La población encuestada fue conformada por 100 visitantes a dicho atractivo natural. Los resultados de la investigación, se obtuvieron a través del estadígrafo de Rho de Spearman que es igual a ,778 esto nos señala que existe una correlación positiva importante entre la variable independiente gestión municipal con la dependiente el desarrollo turístico. Concluyendo que la relación es significativa entre ambas variables, aceptando la hipótesis y evidenciando que existe relación entre la gestión municipal y el desarrollo turístico

    Sistema de recomendação de serviços para uma cidade inteligente

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    Cidades Inteligentes são espaços complexos com variedade de informações, no qual os cidadãos podem ter acesso, sejam eles visitantes ou residentes. Denominado de pontos de interesse (POIs) as informações relacionadas a uma cidade, estando estes POIs espalhados ou concentrados no mesmo local. Ao buscar interesses, o usuário utiliza meios tradicionais de pesquisa, que por vezes não retornam exatamente o local ou serviço desejado. Visando melhorar o resultado da busca, foi utilizado um modelo ontológico, através de um estudo de caso, adicionando dados da cidade de Cotiporã/RS. Através deste estudo é possível mostrar que uma das formas de se modelar um sistema de recomendação é com base nas ontologias. Essas melhoram a semântica e criam uma padronização na web para facilitar o compartilhamento do conhecimento. A abordagem desenvolvida tem por objetivo recomendar POIs turísticos e serviços da área da saúde. Para avaliar o protótipo, foram desenvolvidas regras SWRL inferidas utilizando o motor de inferências Pellet, onde, baseado nas preferências do usuário, o protótipo retorna o resultado da busca efetuada através da localização do usuário, apresentando na interface. Com esta proposta é possível continuar o projeto ampliando os filtros de recomendação para outros setores e ampliar o projeto para outras cidades.Smart Cities are complex spaces with a variety of information, which citizens can access, whether they are visitors or residents. Information related to a city is referred to as points of interest (POIs), these POIs being scattered or concentrated in the same location. When seeking interests, the user uses traditional means of research, which sometimes do not return exactly the desired location or service. To improve the search result, an ontological model was used, through a case study, adding data from the city of Cotiporã / RS. Through this study it is possible to show that one of the ways to model a recommendation system is based on ontologies. These improve semantics and create a standardization on the web to facilitate knowledge sharing. The developed approach aims to recommend tourist POIs and health services. To evaluate the prototype, SWRL rules developed using the Pellet inferences engine were developed, where, based on the user's preferences, the prototype returns the search result made through the user's location, presenting it on the interface. With this proposal it is possible to continue the project by expanding the recommendation filters to other sectors and to expand the project to other cities