164 research outputs found

    Adversarial content manipulation for analyzing and improving model robustness

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    The recent rapid progress in machine learning systems has opened up many real-world applications --- from recommendation engines on web platforms to safety critical systems like autonomous vehicles. A model deployed in the real-world will often encounter inputs far from its training distribution. For example, a self-driving car might come across a black stop sign in the wild. To ensure safe operation, it is vital to quantify the robustness of machine learning models to such out-of-distribution data before releasing them into the real-world. However, the standard paradigm of benchmarking machine learning models with fixed size test sets drawn from the same distribution as the training data is insufficient to identify these corner cases efficiently. In principle, if we could generate all valid variations of an input and measure the model response, we could quantify and guarantee model robustness locally. Yet, doing this with real world data is not scalable. In this thesis, we propose an alternative, using generative models to create synthetic data variations at scale and test robustness of target models to these variations. We explore methods to generate semantic data variations in a controlled fashion across visual and text modalities. We build generative models capable of performing controlled manipulation of data like changing visual context, editing appearance of an object in images or changing writing style of text. Leveraging these generative models we propose tools to study robustness of computer vision systems to input variations and systematically identify failure modes. In the text domain, we deploy these generative models to improve diversity of image captioning systems and perform writing style manipulation to obfuscate private attributes of the user. Our studies quantifying model robustness explore two kinds of input manipulations, model-agnostic and model-targeted. The model-agnostic manipulations leverage human knowledge to choose the kinds of changes without considering the target model being tested. This includes automatically editing images to remove objects not directly relevant to the task and create variations in visual context. Alternatively, in the model-targeted approach the input variations performed are directly adversarially guided by the target model. For example, we adversarially manipulate the appearance of an object in the image to fool an object detector, guided by the gradients of the detector. Using these methods, we measure and improve the robustness of various computer vision systems -- specifically image classification, segmentation, object detection and visual question answering systems -- to semantic input variations.Der schnelle Fortschritt von Methoden des maschinellen Lernens hat viele neue Anwendungen ermöglicht – von Recommender-Systemen bis hin zu sicherheitskritischen Systemen wie autonomen Fahrzeugen. In der realen Welt werden diese Systeme oft mit Eingaben außerhalb der Verteilung der Trainingsdaten konfrontiert. Zum Beispiel könnte ein autonomes Fahrzeug einem schwarzen Stoppschild begegnen. Um sicheren Betrieb zu gewĂ€hrleisten, ist es entscheidend, die Robustheit dieser Systeme zu quantifizieren, bevor sie in der Praxis eingesetzt werden. Aktuell werden diese Modelle auf festen Eingaben von derselben Verteilung wie die Trainingsdaten evaluiert. Allerdings ist diese Strategie unzureichend, um solche AusnahmefĂ€lle zu identifizieren. Prinzipiell könnte die Robustheit “lokal” bestimmt werden, indem wir alle zulĂ€ssigen Variationen einer Eingabe generieren und die Ausgabe des Systems ĂŒberprĂŒfen. Jedoch skaliert dieser Ansatz schlecht zu echten Daten. In dieser Arbeit benutzen wir generative Modelle, um synthetische Variationen von Eingaben zu erstellen und so die Robustheit eines Modells zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen. Wir erforschen Methoden, die es uns erlauben, kontrolliert semantische Änderungen an Bild- und Textdaten vorzunehmen. Wir lernen generative Modelle, die kontrollierte Manipulation von Daten ermöglichen, zum Beispiel den visuellen Kontext zu Ă€ndern, die Erscheinung eines Objekts zu bearbeiten oder den Schreibstil von Text zu Ă€ndern. Basierend auf diesen Modellen entwickeln wir neue Methoden, um die Robustheit von Bilderkennungssystemen bezĂŒglich Variationen in den Eingaben zu untersuchen und Fehlverhalten zu identifizieren. Im Gebiet von Textdaten verwenden wir diese Modelle, um die DiversitĂ€t von sogenannten Automatische Bildbeschriftung-Modellen zu verbessern und Schreibtstil-Manipulation zu erlauben, um private Attribute des Benutzers zu verschleiern. Um die Robustheit von Modellen zu quantifizieren, werden zwei Arten von Eingabemanipulationen untersucht: Modell-agnostische und Modell-spezifische Manipulationen. Modell-agnostische Manipulationen basieren auf menschlichem Wissen, um bestimmte Änderungen auszuwĂ€hlen, ohne das entsprechende Modell miteinzubeziehen. Dies beinhaltet das Entfernen von fĂŒr die Aufgabe irrelevanten Objekten aus Bildern oder Variationen des visuellen Kontextes. In dem alternativen Modell-spezifischen Ansatz werden Änderungen vorgenommen, die fĂŒr das Modell möglichst ungĂŒnstig sind. Zum Beispiel Ă€ndern wir die Erscheinung eines Objekts um ein Modell der Objekterkennung tĂ€uschen. Dies ist durch den Gradienten des Modells möglich. Mithilfe dieser Werkzeuge können wir die Robustheit von Systemen zur Bildklassifizierung oder -segmentierung, Objekterkennung und Visuelle Fragenbeantwortung quantifizieren und verbessern

    Actively Semi-Supervised Deep Rule-based Classifier Applied to Adverse Driving Scenarios

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    This paper presents an actively semi-supervised multi-layer neuro-fuzzy modeling method, ASSDRB, to classify different lighting conditions for driving scenes. ASSDRB is composed of a massively parallel ensemble of AnYa type 0-order fuzzy rules. It uses a recursive learning algorithm to update its structure when new data items are provided and, therefore, is able to cope with nonstationarities. Different lighting conditions for driving situations are considered in the analysis, which is used by self-driving cars as a safety mechanism. Differently from mainstream Deep Neural Networks approaches, the ASSDRB is able to learn from unseen data. Experiments on different lighting conditions for driving scenes, demonstrated that the deep neuro-fuzzy modeling is an efficient framework for these challenging classification tasks. Classification accuracy is higher than those produced by alternative machine learning methods. The number of algebraic calculations for the present method are significantly smaller and, therefore, the method is significantly faster than common Deep Neural Networks approaches. Moreover, DRB produced transparent AnYa fuzzy rules, which are human interpretable

    A Functional Data Perspective and Baseline On Multi-Layer Out-of-Distribution Detection

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    A key feature of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is to exploit a trained neural network by extracting statistical patterns and relationships through the multi-layer classifier to detect shifts in the expected input data distribution. Despite achieving solid results, several state-of-the-art methods rely on the penultimate or last layer outputs only, leaving behind valuable information for OOD detection. Methods that explore the multiple layers either require a special architecture or a supervised objective to do so. This work adopts an original approach based on a functional view of the network that exploits the sample's trajectories through the various layers and their statistical dependencies. It goes beyond multivariate features aggregation and introduces a baseline rooted in functional anomaly detection. In this new framework, OOD detection translates into detecting samples whose trajectories differ from the typical behavior characterized by the training set. We validate our method and empirically demonstrate its effectiveness in OOD detection compared to strong state-of-the-art baselines on computer vision benchmarks

    Learning visually grounded meaning representations

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    Humans possess a rich semantic knowledge of words and concepts which captures the perceivable physical properties of their real-world referents and their relations. Encoding this knowledge or some of its aspects is the goal of computational models of semantic representation and has been the subject of considerable research in cognitive science, natural language processing, and related areas. Existing models have placed emphasis on different aspects of meaning, depending ultimately on the task at hand. Typically, such models have been used in tasks addressing the simulation of behavioural phenomena, e.g., lexical priming or categorisation, as well as in natural language applications, such as information retrieval, document classification, or semantic role labelling. A major strand of research popular across disciplines focuses on models which induce semantic representations from text corpora. These models are based on the hypothesis that the meaning of words is established by their distributional relation to other words (Harris, 1954). Despite their widespread use, distributional models of word meaning have been criticised as ‘disembodied’ in that they are not grounded in perception and action (Perfetti, 1998; Barsalou, 1999; Glenberg and Kaschak, 2002). This lack of grounding contrasts with many experimental studies suggesting that meaning is acquired not only from exposure to the linguistic environment but also from our interaction with the physical world (Landau et al., 1998; Bornstein et al., 2004). This criticism has led to the emergence of new models aiming at inducing perceptually grounded semantic representations. Essentially, existing approaches learn meaning representations from multiple views corresponding to different modalities, i.e. linguistic and perceptual input. To approximate the perceptual modality, previous work has relied largely on semantic attributes collected from humans (e.g., is round, is sour), or on automatically extracted image features. Semantic attributes have a long-standing tradition in cognitive science and are thought to represent salient psychological aspects of word meaning including multisensory information. However, their elicitation from human subjects limits the scope of computational models to a small number of concepts for which attributes are available. In this thesis, we present an approach which draws inspiration from the successful application of attribute classifiers in image classification, and represent images and the concepts depicted by them by automatically predicted visual attributes. To this end, we create a dataset comprising nearly 700K images and a taxonomy of 636 visual attributes and use it to train attribute classifiers. We show that their predictions can act as a substitute for human-produced attributes without any critical information loss. In line with the attribute-based approximation of the visual modality, we represent the linguistic modality by textual attributes which we obtain with an off-the-shelf distributional model. Having first established this core contribution of a novel modelling framework for grounded meaning representations based on semantic attributes, we show that these can be integrated into existing approaches to perceptually grounded representations. We then introduce a model which is formulated as a stacked autoencoder (a variant of multilayer neural networks), which learns higher-level meaning representations by mapping words and images, represented by attributes, into a common embedding space. In contrast to most previous approaches to multimodal learning using different variants of deep networks and data sources, our model is defined at a finer level of granularity—it computes representations for individual words and is unique in its use of attributes as a means of representing the textual and visual modalities. We evaluate the effectiveness of the representations learnt by our model by assessing its ability to account for human behaviour on three semantic tasks, namely word similarity, concept categorisation, and typicality of category members. With respect to the word similarity task, we focus on the model’s ability to capture similarity in both the meaning and appearance of the words’ referents. Since existing benchmark datasets on word similarity do not distinguish between these two dimensions and often contain abstract words, we create a new dataset in a large-scale experiment where participants are asked to give two ratings per word pair expressing their semantic and visual similarity, respectively. Experimental results show that our model learns meaningful representations which are more accurate than models based on individual modalities or different modality integration mechanisms. The presented model is furthermore able to predict textual attributes for new concepts given their visual attribute predictions only, which we demonstrate by comparing model output with human generated attributes. Finally, we show the model’s effectiveness in an image-based task on visual category learning, in which images are used as a stand-in for real-world objects

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition

    Proceedings of the Post-Graduate Conference on Robotics and Development of Cognition, 10-12 September 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland

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    The aim of the Postgraduate Conference on Robotics and Development of Cognition (RobotDoC-PhD) is to bring together young scientists working on developmental cognitive robotics and its core disciplines. The conference aims to provide both feedback and greater visibility to their research as lively and stimulating discussion can be held amongst participating PhD students and senior researchers. The conference is open to all PhD students and post-doctoral researchers in the field. RobotDoC-PhD conference is an initiative as a part of Marie-Curie Actions ITN RobotDoC and will be organized as a satellite event of the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN 2012

    Proceedings of the Post-Graduate Conference on Robotics and Development of Cognition, 10-12 September 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland

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    The aim of the Postgraduate Conference on Robotics and Development of Cognition (RobotDoC-PhD) is to bring together young scientists working on developmental cognitive robotics and its core disciplines. The conference aims to provide both feedback and greater visibility to their research as lively and stimulating discussion can be held amongst participating PhD students and senior researchers. The conference is open to all PhD students and post-doctoral researchers in the field. RobotDoC-PhD conference is an initiative as a part of Marie-Curie Actions ITN RobotDoC and will be organized as a satellite event of the 22nd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN 2012
