3,368 research outputs found


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    In the article presents results of research of primary statistical characteristics of time of processing and data transmission are given in systems of information economic area. On the basis of the received results the analysis of methods of recovery of the passed data is made. In work methods of data processing with admissions are analyzed and the most rational are chosen. Change of the law of distribution of selection depending on a way of elimination of the passed data is investigated. Forecasting of time of availability of the server of information economic area is executed. The goal of this paper is primary statistical characteristics research of data processing and transmission time in IES. Particularly, the server availability time (SAT) was studied within this work. This time consists of Client-to-Server connection time, Server data processing time, and Server answer transfer time. The values of service time were taken for research, that were received while studying of cloud computing performance. It was established that if data loss is not over 6% distribution law of initial model selection saves. If data loss is between 9% and 15% methods primary statistical characteristics of studied selection were determined without consideration of data missing. Missed data was filled with data distributed by the same law as for initial selection with admissions.В статье приведены результаты исследования первичных статистических характеристик времени обработки и передачи данных в информационно-экономических пространствах. На основании полученных результатов выполнен  анализ методов восстановления пропущенных данных. В работе проанализированы приемы обработки данных с пропускам и выбраны наиболее рациональные. Исследовано изменение  закона распределения выборки в зависимости от способа устранения пропущенных данных. Выполнено прогнозирование времени доступности сервера в информационно-экономических пространствах. Цель работы состояла в исследование первичных статистических характеристик времени обработки и передачи данных в информационно-экономических пространствах.  В частности, в рамках данной работы изучалось время доступности сервера.У статті наведено  результати дослідження первинних статистичних характеристик часу обробки і передачі даних в інформаційно-економічних просторах. На підставі отриманих результатів виконано  аналіз методів відновлення пропущених даних. Проаналізовано прийоми обробки даних з пропускам та  обрано найбільш раціональні. Досліджена зміна  закону розподілу вибірки залежно від способу усунення пропущених  даних.  Виконано прогнозування часу доступності сервера економічних просторів. Мета роботи полягала у дослідження первинних статистичних характеристик часу обробки і передачі даних в інформаційно-економічних просторах. Зокрема, в рамках даної роботи вивчалося час доступності сервера

    Architectural mismatch tolerance

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    The integrity of complex software systems built from existing components is becoming more dependent on the integrity of the mechanisms used to interconnect these components and, in particular, on the ability of these mechanisms to cope with architectural mismatches that might exist between components. There is a need to detect and handle (i.e. to tolerate) architectural mismatches during runtime because in the majority of practical situations it is impossible to localize and correct all such mismatches during development time. When developing complex software systems, the problem is not only to identify the appropriate components, but also to make sure that these components are interconnected in a way that allows mismatches to be tolerated. The resulting architectural solution should be a system based on the existing components, which are independent in their nature, but are able to interact in well-understood ways. To find such a solution we apply general principles of fault tolerance to dealing with arch itectural mismatche

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India