23 research outputs found

    Investigating the knowledge sharing activities among postgraduates students using social media tools

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    Knowledge sharing is a process where individuals mutually exchange their knowledge and jointly create new knowledge. Recently, it is found that besides face-to-face interactions, students also share their knowledge through social media tools. Social media is considered as the key value in the campus to facilitate knowledge sharing and the main tasks in order to support the daily communication. Many dimensions of knowledge sharing in social media environments have not yet been examined. Also many questions are still unanswered and need to be explored across different social media tools. Thus, this research aims to explore the knowledge sharing activities among local and international postgraduate students at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) as well as find the benefits and barriers through using social media tools during sharing knowledge. Data were collected through qualitative approach. A total of 12 postgraduate students were interviewed and received answers from them through semistructure interview. Interpretive analysis method was used to find the themes by using Nvivo software. The results for this study included four sections based on Nonaka and Takeuchi theory, in the socialization section the findings show the activities for students include exchange experience and perspective as well as confirmed the important of social media in overcome time, geographical distance and cost that is a barriers to share knowledge as well as provide more confident to share ideas for students. As well as, some barriers that still issues to sharing knowledge such as lack of math-symbol and culture. In externalization section, the findings show the design the diagram and document the files as activities as well as show the important of using social media in documentation to save the files and diagram online as well as enhance English language and protect from viruses. While the barriers include uploading limitation. In combination section the findings show the modification and reflection as activities among group member and show the benefit of social media during combine the work for assignment and project is easy to use and saving paper cost. While, the barriers is downloading limitation. In internalization section the findings show the review and reflection as activities among student. The benefits include create new idea and acquiring in depth understanding while lack of personal interaction and late in answering as barriers to share knowledge. This study contributed by using the Nonaka and Takeuchi model with higher educational institutions. In the same context, there is few empirical studies focused on the IT with share knowledge, therefore this research sought to add information into the literature by shed light the barriers and the benefits through utilize the new technologies for share know among the team wor

    Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Homeland Security - The Roles of Trust, Technology, and Expectations

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    This study focused on the knowledge sharing of employees at homeland security. In this study we developed and tested a theoretical model on the factors that influence employees’ attitude, intention, and behavior to share knowledge. We relied on the theory of reasoned action and media synchronicity theory to build our theoretical model. We found support for most of our hypotheses in this study which are consistent with prior studies on knowledge sharing. In particular, we found that trust had a positive relationship with the attitude to share knowledge. Another important finding is the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in knowledge sharing in homeland security. We found that ICT to support processing of information strengthened individual employees’ intention to share knowledge while the technology to support transmission of information facilitated knowledge sharing behavior

    Tourism SMEs in a Digital Environment: Literature Review

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    Purpose - The aim of the research is to present the main challenges faced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the tourism industry, to build and enhance their value proposition within the framework of a digital environment. Design/methodology/approach - The authors carried out a review of the literature in databases using keywords. The selection of sources includes scientific articles and case studies based on different methods and contexts. Findings - The findings suggest that in a context characterized by the integration of the economy and the interference of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), commercialization has become flexible and accessible. The above has had a tangible impact on the structure of the market and in the way in which the SMEs in the tourism industry are managed. Research limitations/implications - The study offers an up-to-date and global vision for future researchers through the review of the literature on SMEs located in the tourism industry in the context of a digital environment. Social implications - The study shows that to survive and grow, SMEs in the tourism sector must differentiate themselves from their competitors, evolve in their business model and rapidly integrate ICT in their organizational fabric. Originality/value - The construction of a value proposition for SMEs in the tourism sector should be settled on an understanding of the position held, on the competence of the competitors and the needs of the market


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    The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing hospitals to share knowledge more frequently, so that medical staff have adequate capabilities to better treat patients. One of the tools that can support knowledge sharing activities is the availability of adequate information technology infrastructure. This study will describe the influence of hospital information technology infrastructure on knowledge sharing intention. This study uses quantitative methods with a purposive sampling technique. The data obtained were 45 employee respondents in the finance bureau and the procurement and logistics bureau at St. X Hospital. The results showed that the procedure dimension had the highest score and the network dimension had the lowest score in the information technology infrastructure variable. As for the knowledge sharing intention variable, the proximity dimension has the highest score and the type of knowledge has the lowest score. The results of the study which show that information technology infrastructure does not affect knowledge sharing intention, make the hospital must be able to fix an information technology infrastructure before continuing its development. One of them is by giving awards to employees who are active and regularly use information technology infrastructure facilities especially as a medium to share knowledge.Pandemi COVID-19 memaksa rumah sakit untuk berbagi pengetahuan dengan lebih sering, sehingga staf medis memiliki kemampuan yang memadai untuk menangani pasien dengan lebih baik. Salah satu alat yang dapat mendukung aktivitas berbagi pengetahuan adalah ketersediaan infrastruktur teknologi informasi yang memadai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjabarkan bagaimana pengaruh infrastruktur teknologi informasi rumah sakit terhadap niat berbagi pengetahuan di RS St. X. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh sebanyak 45 responden pegawai di biro keuangan dan biro pengadaan dan logistik di RS St. X. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan dimensi prosedur memiliki skor tertinggi dan dimensi jaringan memiliki skor terendah dalam variabel infrastruktur teknologi informasi. Sedangkan untuk variabel niat berbagi pengetahuan, dimensi kedekatan memiliki skor tertinggi dan jenis knowledge memiliki skor terendah. Hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan tidak berpengaruhnya infrastruktur teknologi informasi terhadap niat berbagi pengetahuan, membuat rumah sakit harus dapat membenahi infrastruktur teknologi informasi sebelum melanjutkan pengembangannya. Salah satunya dengan memberikan penghargaan untuk pegawai yang secara aktif dan teratur menggunakan fasilitas infrastruktur teknologi informasi terutama sebagai media untuk menyebarkan pengetahuan


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    The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing hospitals to share knowledge more frequently, so that medical staff have adequate capabilities to better treat patients. One of the tools that can support knowledge sharing activities is the availability of adequate information technology infrastructure. This study will describe the influence of hospital information technology infrastructure on knowledge sharing intention. This study uses quantitative methods with a purposive sampling technique. The data obtained were 45 employee respondents in the finance bureau and the procurement and logistics bureau at St. X Hospital. The results showed that the procedure dimension had the highest score and the network dimension had the lowest score in the information technology infrastructure variable. As for the knowledge sharing intention variable, the proximity dimension has the highest score and the type of knowledge has the lowest score. The results of the study which show that information technology infrastructure does not affect knowledge sharing intention, make the hospital must be able to fix an information technology infrastructure before continuing its development. One of them is by giving awards to employees who are active and regularly use information technology infrastructure facilities especially as a medium to share knowledge.Pandemi COVID-19 memaksa rumah sakit untuk berbagi pengetahuan dengan lebih sering, sehingga staf medis memiliki kemampuan yang memadai untuk menangani pasien dengan lebih baik. Salah satu alat yang dapat mendukung aktivitas berbagi pengetahuan adalah ketersediaan infrastruktur teknologi informasi yang memadai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjabarkan bagaimana pengaruh infrastruktur teknologi informasi rumah sakit terhadap niat berbagi pengetahuan di RS St. X. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh sebanyak 45 responden pegawai di biro keuangan dan biro pengadaan dan logistik di RS St. X. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan dimensi prosedur memiliki skor tertinggi dan dimensi jaringan memiliki skor terendah dalam variabel infrastruktur teknologi informasi. Sedangkan untuk variabel niat berbagi pengetahuan, dimensi kedekatan memiliki skor tertinggi dan jenis knowledge memiliki skor terendah. Hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan tidak berpengaruhnya infrastruktur teknologi informasi terhadap niat berbagi pengetahuan, membuat rumah sakit harus dapat membenahi infrastruktur teknologi informasi sebelum melanjutkan pengembangannya. Salah satunya dengan memberikan penghargaan untuk pegawai yang secara aktif dan teratur menggunakan fasilitas infrastruktur teknologi informasi terutama sebagai media untuk menyebarkan pengetahuan

    Removing Barriers to Share Knowledge in Digital Transformation with LEGO® Serious Play®

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    Digital transformation involves the use of technology to change the way organisations and industries operate. The success of digital transformation relies on cultural change; the willingness and ability of employees to share their knowledge and create a shared vision of the organisation. Individual barriers to share knowledge, such as lack of trust and communication skills; and organisational barriers to share knowledge such as organisation structure, culture and communication mechanisms; limit transformational change and are well documented. Storytelling is an established means to share knowledge. LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) is a method that facilitates storytelling and initiates conversations, enabling tacit knowledge to be shared. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of the LSP method to reduce the known barriers to knowledge sharing and construct a shared meaningful context for transformational change in a UK SME. The LSP method was used by trained LSP facilitators in a series of workshops involving all employees in the organisation. Each workshop culminated with a LEGO® model and a video recording explaining the model. Feedback was gathered from participants about their perspective on knowledge sharing. Six months later, the organisation’s CEO was interviewed to determine the effectiveness of the method in facilitating sustained changes in knowledge sharing behaviour. The use of the LSP method removed barriers to share knowledge by creating a trusting environment and providing an effective means for open communication in which everyone had an equal voice. The workshops produced a tangible shared model of the vision for the organisation in which all employees were invested. The playful nature of the method used is deceptive, concealing the rich and complex knowledge sharing processes, and the depth of cultural, organisational and individual transformation experienced during the workshops. LSP is a low-technology method that removes the barriers to share knowledge through cultural change, providing a shared vision for effective digital transformation

    Determinants to knowledge transfer and sharing in multimedia super corridor in Malaysia : the mediating role of trust

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    The increased quest for vision 2020 has certainly meant that the role of MSC status organizations in Malaysia in contributing success becomes the subject of considerable debate. In this context, not much research has been conducted on knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations as well as the mediating role of trust in enhancing knowledge transfer and sharing in the Malaysian organizations. Based on knowledge creation theory, this study examines the determinants of knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations in Malaysia. Primarily, this study explored the relationship between organizational capacity, organizational motivation, organizational environment, trust and knowledge transfer and sharing in MSC status organizations. Partial Least Squares Method (PLS) algorithm and bootstrap techniques were used to test the hypotheses. The results indicated that eight out of twenty-five hypotheses were found to be positive and significant. Specifically, the hypothesized direct relationships between organizational capacity (top management support), organizational motivation (culture), organizational environment (information technology), trust and knowledge transfer and sharing were supported. The results also revealed that the direct relationships between organizational capacity (human resource practices), and organizational environment (information technology, networks) were significantly related to trust. Furthermore, in terms of trust as mediating variable between organizational capacity, organizational motivation, organizational environment and knowledge transfer and sharing, one out of eight hypotheses indicated full mediation including the relationship between networks and knowledge transfer and sharing. These results offer theoretical, methodological, and practical implications and will help academics and practitioners in the knowledge management field. Nonetheless, further studies are necessary both to confirm the findings and to incorporate additional variables that may influence results. The results of the study were crucial to be looked into so that MSC status organizations could have a clearer understanding and guidelines if they were to enhance their mission to accomplish phase three 2011-2020 of vision 2020 in transforming Malaysia into a knowledge-based society

    An Investigation of Factors Motivating Employee Attitudes and Intentions to Share Knowledge in Homeland Security

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    The terrorist events of September 11, 2001, highlighted the inability of federal employees and officials to collaborate and share actionable knowledge-based information with the right people at the right time. However, much of the literature on knowledge sharing provided insight into knowledge sharing in private sector organizations and foreign public-sector organizations, instead of domestic public sectors or the United States federal government. While the importance of knowledge sharing for homeland security has been documented in the literature, there are no established frameworks that evaluate knowledge sharing motive and intentions in this context. The main goal of this research was to understand what motivates employee attitudes and intentions to share knowledge, by empirically assessing a model, testing the impact of the factors of expected rewards, expected contributions, expected associations, trust, and information technology (IT) type and usage on employee attitudes and intentions toward knowledge sharing in homeland security. The technology acceptance model and the theory of reasoned action served as the theoretical framework to understand motivation factors that affect employee attitudes, intentions, and their influence on knowledge sharing behaviors, as well as the technology used in sharing knowledge. Data were collected from employees and affiliates of the United States Department of Homeland Security (N = 271), using a Web-based survey. The effects of expected rewards, expected contributions, expected associations, trust, and IT type usage were studied using regression analyses. The statistical results revealed that expected contributions and expected associations were positively related to attitudes to share knowledge, but expected rewards were not significantly related to attitudes to share knowledge. Results also revealed that attitudes to share knowledge was positively related to intentions to share knowledge, but trust did not significantly moderate this relationship. Finally, the results revealed that intentions to share knowledge was positively related to knowledge sharing, and IT-type usage positively moderated this relationship. The research model showed significant results to support five of the seven hypotheses proposed and revealed key findings on factors that influence employee attitudes and intentions to share knowledge in homeland security. This research advances prior findings and contributes to knowledge sharing research, practice, and overall literature regarding knowledge sharing, individual behaviors, attitudes, and intentions to share knowledge, technology acceptance, and usage. This contribution to the body of knowledge provides researchers, policymakers, and decision-makers with foundations for improving collaboration through information and knowledge sharing across traditional and nontraditional organizational boundaries