10,815 research outputs found

    Using Augmented Reality technology to improve English language learning by identifying objects around us

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    Educators are expected to be aware of information technology development. However, many teachers have not integrated technology into teaching strategies. This research aims at developing English learning media by using Augmented Reality (AR) technology and analyzed its effectiveness in learning. The researchers employed Microsoft Solution Framework (MSF) tool to develop the media which consisted of requirement definition, and system & software design. The developed media was evaluated through tests to 30 seventh graders of junior high school. Interview and observation were conducted to know users’ learning needs. Data was obtained by distributing questionnaires and quantitatively analyzed. The results show; 1) AR-based English media has 12 markers which can be downloaded in the application menu. The application display consisted of pre-elemi nary, marker, information, and theory pages. The chapter theory included 8 chapters; 2) The mean score of enthusiasm by implementing AR-based media is 27.07, but the score of non-implementing AR-based learning media is 22.33. It can be scientifically stated that AR-based media is effective to increase students’ enthusiasm in learning English. The AR technology can potentially be utilized to generate English media in productive skills. Thus, further researchers should investigate the integration of English material and AR technology effectiveness in receptive language skills


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    Through Augmented Reality-based learning, this study aims to improve mathematical critical thinking skills. Learning with Augmented Reality-based media in Unity 3D can be used both online and offline. This research is quantitative (quasi-experimental), with 30 students from SMPN 34 Pekanbaru class VII participating in the academic year 2022/2023. The research was conducted on triangle and quadrilateral material. The following methods were used to collect data: (1) a mathematical critical thinking ability test; (2) interviews; and (3) documentation. The test result data was statistically processed, whereas the interview and documentation data were processed descriptively. The findings revealed that students who learned using Augmented Reality media with Unity 3D improved their mathematical critical thinking skills

    Experimenting with electromagnetism using augmented reality: Impact on flow student experience and educational effectiveness

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    Educational researchers have recognized Augmented Reality (AR) as a technology with great potential to impact affective and cognitive learning outcomes. However, very little work has been carried out to substantiate these claims. The purpose of this study was to assess to which extent an AR learning application affects learners' level of enjoyment and learning effectiveness. The study followed an experimental/control group design using the type of the application (AR-based, web-based) as independent variable. 64 high school students were randomly assigned to the experimental or control group to learn the basic principles of electromagnetism. The participants' knowledge acquisition was evaluated by comparing pre- and post-tests. The participants' level overall-state perception on flow was measured with the Flow State Scale and their flow states were monitored throughout the learning activity. Finally, participants' perceptions of benefits and difficulties of using the augmented reality application in this study were qualitatively identified. The results showed that the augmented reality approach was more effective in promoting students' knowledge of electromagnetic concepts and phenomena. The analysis also indicated that the augmented reality application led participants to reach higher flow experience levels than those achieved by users of the web-based application. However, not all the factors seem to have influence on learners' flow state, this study found that they were limited to: concentration, distorted sense of time, sense of control, clearer direct feedback, and autotelic experience. A deeper analysis of the flow process showed that neither of the groups reported being in flow in those tasks that were very easy or too difficult. However, for those tasks that were not perceived as difficult and included visualization clues, the experimental group showed higher levels of flow that the control group. The study suggests that augmented reality can be exploited as an effective learning environment for learning the basic principles of electromagnetism at high school provided that learning designers strike a careful balance between AR support and task difficulty.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish project EEE (TIN2011-28308-C03-01, Plan Nacional de I+D+i, Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad) and the eMadrid network (S2009/TIC-1650, Comunidad de Madrid).Publicad


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    Abstract: The low skills of students in reading and analyzing historical sources are caused by social restrictions due to the covid-19 pandemic. So that activities outside of school such as historical field trips are abolished. Responding to this issue, this study aims to determine whether there is an effect of using the Android-based Sang Nila Utama digital museum application on the skills of using primary source evidence for high school students in Pekanbaru City. Experimental research method with randomized pretest-posttest control group design is used as an approach in this study. The research subjects involved 96 students of SMA Negeri 1 Pekanbaru City who were selected through proportional sampling technique. The research data were collected through the use of primary source evidence skill test sheets which were arranged based on the research objectives. The data analysis of the research results was carried out with a quantitative descriptive approach through the t-test statistical test to see the effect of giving treatment to the variable. The research findings show that there is a significant effect of using the Android-based Sang Nila Utama digital museum application on the skills of using primary source evidence of high school students in Pekanbaru City which is confirmed by the t-test significance value of 0.000 or less than 0.05. The average posttest score between the control group and the experimental group showed a difference. So it was concluded that the use of the Android-based Sang Nila Utama digital museum application had a significant effect on students' primary source evidence use skills.   Keywords: Android application, Sang Nila museum, use primary source evidenc

    An investigation of mobile augmented reality-based learning features in cognitive and affective environments

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    This research focuses on the effectiveness of using mobile Augmented Reality (mAR) for learning. Prior research has focused primarily on developing virtual contents for Augmented Reality (AR) and has largely ignored AR in the mobile context. Herein, this research primarily aims to examine the effectiveness of learning through two modes: mobile Augmented Reality (mAR) and the Current Learning Mode (CLM). This research is extended to the development stage of a theoretical model, to evaluate the ability of mAR in improving the learning outcomes that guide a further consideration of growth in learning. The first phase of this thesis is to examine the impact of how mAR influences the learning outcomes in cognitive ability and affective learning outcomes. The cognitive outcome was measured by the experimental method of using pre/ post-test performance achievement, while the affective learning outcome was measured by perceived usefulness, self-efficacy and satisfaction. This research contributes to cognitive ability and affective learning by investigating the differences in the learning outcomes and performance achievements of mAR within a self-centred learning environment, a classroom. The findings show that students’ performance achievement, learning outcomes, perceived learning effectiveness and self-efficacy were greater in the mAR group, as compared to the CLM group. Second, a theoretical model was developed and analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). SEM examines significant relationships between the determinants that integrate and facilitate effective mAR-based learning environments. SEM produces a feasible alternative in measuring the causal relationship amongst the constructs. This model evaluates to implement mAR as a learning aid in student-centred learning and to evaluate the motivation among students through the features of mAR, due to the absence of an in-depth understanding of the motivation of mAR-based learning from the current literature. This model also provides an insight into the causal factors amongst the dimensions of mAR. Finally, in the model, the moderating effects of students’ characteristics, which include their experience and age, are investigated to determine the factors influencing mAR. The findings of this research will help to verify the learning effectiveness of mAR, to improve the learning experiences, learning outcomes and performance achievements of students. Based on the results, it is confirmed that mAR can be leveraged upon and used as an optimum learning tool, exemplifying the use of technology within an educational context. In the aspects of information retention and learning outcome enhancement, mAR is significant in education as it facilitates students’ understanding by supporting abstract ideas throughout the course, enabling the students to learn in a limited period. Based on the results, it can be concluded that mAR is a technology that aids students with a better understanding of the subject matter and hence, resulting in greater motivation. With regards to the model fitness via the analysis of goodness-of-fit, all the results are confirmed as appropriate and good fit. Also, the model also shows a positive causal path from the mAR features’ determinant. The thesis can also assist educational administrators and educational policy makers in gauging the importance of mAR as a learning tool. This helps mainly to overcome the issue of educators being criticised for the lack of real-life experience that is being exposed to students at the university level. Furthermore, academia can use the model’s findings as appropriate groundwork to initiate other related studies, and this will help to fill the gap in the mAR learning area

    Augmented Reality for Presenting Real-Time Data During Students' Laboratory Work: Comparing a Head-Mounted Display With a Separate Display

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    Multimedia learning theories suggest presenting associated pieces of information in spatial and temporal contiguity. New technologies like Augmented Reality allow for realizing these principles in science laboratory courses by presenting virtual real-time information during hands-on experimentation. Spatial integration can be achieved by pinning virtual representations of measurement data to corresponding real components. In the present study, an Augmented Reality-based presentation format was realized via a head-mounted display and contrasted to a separate display, which provided a well-arranged data matrix in spatial distance to the real components and was therefore expected to result in a spatial split-attention effect. Two groups of engineering students (N = 107; Augmented Reality vs. separate display) performed six experiments exploring fundamental laws of electric circuits. Cognitive load and conceptual knowledge acquisition were assessed as main outcome variables. In contrast to our hypotheses and previous findings, the Augmented Reality group did not report lower extraneous load and the separate display group showed higher learning gains. The pre- and posttest assessing conceptual knowledge were monitored by eye tracking. Results indicate that the condition affected the visual relevancy of circuit diagrams to final problem completion. The unexpected reverse effects could be traced back to emphasizing coherence formation processes regarding multiple measurements

    Effect of Virtual Reality on Motivation and Achievement of Middle-School Students

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    The introduction of low-cost hand-held devices has provided K-12 educators with the opportunity to teach using virtual reality (VR). However, the efficacy of VR in K-12 classrooms for teaching and learning has not been established. Therefore, the purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to examine the influence of virtual reality field trips on middle-school students social studies academic achievement and motivation. The district chosen for the study is in a rural, economically depressed county, where generational poverty persists. However, the district has a history of being an early adopter of technology. Participants included 76 seventh-grade students at two middle schools, who participated in social studies instruction using either the traditional lecture method or a virtual reality system. The virtual reality system used in this study was the Google Expeditions Virtual Reality System, which uses smartphone technology and iBlue Google VR 3-D Glasses. Before and after the instruction was provided, participants were assessed using the Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS) and teacher designed social studies test. The results of the two one-way ANCOVAs, demonstrated that students using virtual reality scored significantly higher than students participating in traditional instruction on both their academic achievement and motivation. These findings provide support for the use of virtual reality in middle-school social studies classrooms

    Priorities, strategies and challenges : proactive leadership in multi-ethnic schools

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    Impact of the Information and Communication Technologies on the Education of Students with Down Syndrome: a Bibliometric Study (2008- 2018)

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    This article analyzes the impact of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on students with Down syndrome through the consult of scientific articles published during the 2008 to 2018 period, in five scientific journal databases utilized in the academic world. Through a descriptive and quantitative methodology, the most significant bibliometric data according to citation index is shown. Likewise, a methodology based on the analysis of co-words and clustering techniques is applied through a bibliometric maps, in order to determine the fields of scientific study. The results show that articles published have a medium-low index of impact. There are linked with the importance of using ICT with these students, from educational inclusion and accessibility perspective
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