16 research outputs found

    Assessing Risks Awareness in Operating Rooms among Post-Graduate Students: A Pilot Study

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    Background: In this study, we promote a global approach to occupational risk perception in order to improve occupational health and safety training programs. The study investigates the occupational risk perception of operating room healthcare workers using an Analytic Hierarchy Process approach. Methods: A pilot study was carried out through a cross-sectional survey in a university hospital in Southern Italy. An ad hoc questionnaire was administered to enrolled medical post-graduate students working in the operating room. Results: Fifty medical specialists from seven fields (anaesthetists, digestive system surgeons, general surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, thoracic surgeons, urologists, and gynaecologists) were questioned about perceived occupational risk by themselves. Biological, ionizing radiation, and chemical risks were the most commonly perceived in order of priority (w = 0.300, 0.219, 0.210). Concerning the biological risk, gynaecologists unexpected perceived this risk as less critical (w = 0.2820) than anaesthesiologists (w = 0.3354), which have the lowest perception of the risk of ionizing radiation (w = 0.1657). Conclusions: Prioritization methods could improve risk perception in healthcare settings and help detect training needs and perform sustainable training programs

    Road accident risk perception among police officers

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    Police job is regarded as one of the riskiest profession with high likelihood to experience physical harm while on duty. Amongst the greatest safety and health hazards towards them are road accidents that may cause injuries and deaths. The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences and relationship level on road accident risk perception among police officers as dependent variable with independent variables which are demographic characteristics, driving attitudes toward safe driving and link between management commitment on vehicle safety. The research method is quantitative analysis and adopting cross-sectional survey in data gathering. Primary data generated from the questionnaire choose as a data collection which consist of 25 questions. Random sampling method used in collecting data involving police officers around Klang Valley area. SPSS version 25.0 was used for quantitative analysis and the findings shows driving attitudes toward safe driving and management commitment on vehicle safety influences road accident risk perception


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    É de suma importância que as barragens, em especial as de rejeito da mineração, apresentem níveis satisfatórios e aceitáveis de segurança. Assim, o presente trabalho propõe a criação de uma metodologia para determinação e classificação de índices de perigo (iP) e o mapeamento de potenciais impactos associados à essas estruturas em situações hipotéticas de ruptura. A pesquisa propõe a utilização de um método de hierarquização multicriterial, conhecido como Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) e caracterizado pela diminuição de subjetividade durante as avaliações. Destaca-se que esse tipo de ferramenta, além do caráter objetivo, permite a avaliação das medidas de prevenção que garantem a segurança e minimizam possíveis eventos. Após a quantificação e da aplicação de técnicas estatísticas, foi realizada a classificação de cada uma das estruturas avaliadas quanto ao grau de perigo, por exemplo, em baixo, médio e alto. Finalmente, com base nos resultados obtidos, principalmente para a barragem de Fundão, conclui-se que a metodologia proposta mostrou-se eficaz e com viabilidade prática, podendo ser útil às empresas do ramo de mineração. Verifica-se também que ela permite ações mitigadoras e a redução de eventos que possam contribuir para o rompimento dessas barragens, propósito dos programas de gestão para empreendimentos desta natureza

    Multi-criteria decision making for business value creation

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    RESUMEN. La toma de decisión multicriterio para la creación de valor empresarial se ha convertido en un tema de significativo interés que no ha sido aun suficientemente estudiado. Las empresas encuentran dificultades para determinar los mejores criterios de decisión para crear valor. Se utiliza el Proceso Analítico Jerárquico como método para establecer un modelo de apoyo a la toma de decisiones empresariales. Los resultados evidencian una mayor contribución para la creación de valor de las decisiones basadas en el criterio de beneficios y establecen un ranking de prioridades sobre las decisiones de TI para la creación de valor empresarial.ABSTRACT. Multi-criteria decision making for business value creation has become a topic of significant interest that, however, has not yet been sufficiently studied. Companies find it difficult to determine the best decision criteria for creating value. Hierarchical Analytical Process is used as a method for establishing a business decision support model. The results highlight a greater contribution to the creation of business value of decisions based on the criterion of benefits and establish a ranking of priorities on IT decisions that lead to the creation of business valu

    Estudos avançados em tratamento térmico da biomassa residual para seu aproveitamento efetivo

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    The present study aimed to investigate the thermochemical treatment of olive pomace carbonization to improve its value and use. For this purpose, experimental procedures were carried out at different temperatures, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700°C, and heating rates, 10 and 20°C/min, with a residence time of 1 hour. The resulting biochar was characterized through physical-chemical analysis, including elemental analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, evaluation of chemical kinetics through temperature and heating rate, as well as its morphology and chemical composition by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. In addition, different applications for biochar were evaluated using the hierarchical analysis method. The results indicated that the 400°C treatment showed the highest priority for application as a biofertilizer (26% priority vector), while heating rates of 20°C/min and treatments at 400 and 500°C showed the highest priority for application as a biofuel (between 44 and 46% priority vector). For application as a biocatalyst, treatments at 300 and 400°C showed the highest percentage values of the priority vector (27 and 26%, respectively). These results contribute to expanding the possibilities of using olive pomace as a sustainable resource in various areas.O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o tratamento termoquímico da carbonização do bagaço de azeitona para melhorar sua valorização e uso. Para isso, foram realizados procedimentos experimentais em diferentes temperaturas, 300, 400, 500, 600 e 700 ºC, e taxas de aquecimento, 10 e 20 ºC/min, com tempo de residência de 1 hora. O biochar resultante foi caracterizado através de análise físico-química, incluindo análise elementar, análise termogravimétrica, avaliação da cinética química através da temperatura e taxa de aquecimento, bem como a sua morfologia e composição química por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de raios X dispersiva de energia Além disso, foram avaliadas diferentes aplicações para o biochar utilizando o método de análise hierárquica. Os resultados indicaram que o tratamento a 400°C apresentou a maior prioridade para aplicação como biofertilizante (26% de vetor de prioridade), enquanto as taxas de aquecimento de 20ºC/min e os tratamentos a 400 e 500°C apresentaram a maior prioridade para aplicação como biocombustível (entre 44 e 46% de vetor de prioridade). Para a aplicação como biocatalisador, os tratamentos a 300 e 400°C apresentaram os maiores valores de porcentagem do vetor de prioridade (27 e 26%, respectivamente). Esses resultados contribuem para ampliar as possibilidades de uso do bagaço de azeitona como recurso sustentável em diversas áreas

    Effectiveness of various construction safety measures in Hong Kong

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    Thesis (B.Sc)--University of Hong Kong, 2006.published_or_final_versio

    Benefits of Implementing Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems for the Sustainable Construction Industry: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Accidents are more prevalent in the construction industry compared to other economic sectors. Therefore, understanding the benefits of occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMSs) in terms of their sustainable implementation, management and performance, as well as the awareness of OHMSs and barriers to their implementation, are important for improving OHSMSs in the sustainability of the construction industry. Although there is considerable research on OHSMSs, further assessments are needed concerning other aspects of OHSMSs, particularly the benefits of OHSMSs. Thus, this review paper summarises the empirical state of the art of OHSMS activities. Scopus, Web of Science and other databases were searched using predefined standards. The query was limited to articles published from 1999 to 2023. Consequently, one hundred and four articles were selected and analysed. These articles present analyses of OHSMSs and their potential benefits concerning the implementation of OHSMSs and management, performance, awareness, and barriers in relation to OHSMSs. The results reveal that 12.50% of the reviewed studies assessed the implementation of OHSMSs in the construction industry, and 25.96% studied the management of OHSMSs. Analyses of the performance of OHSMSs in the construction industry accounted for 8.65%, analyses of the awareness of OHSMSs accounted for 4.81%, model-related analyses accounted for 13.46%, studies on the significance/benefits of OHSMSs accounted for 3.85%, studies on the barriers/challenges associated with OHSMSs accounted for 5.77%, analyses on the safety indicators of OHSMSs accounted for 2.88% and other types of studies accounted for 20.19%. This study further reveals that the implementation of OHSMSs is characterised by a dearth of proper communication, the non-utilisation of personal protective equipment (PPE), wrong postures and work activities, a dearth of training, physiological factors including burnout and stress, and a dearth of safety culture and orientation; in addition, matters relating to compliance with effective laws are significant safety challenges in the construction industry. However, the rationality for evaluating the benefits of OHSMSs, comprising their implementation, management and performance, as well as awareness of and barriers to OHSMSs, is challenging to authenticate because appropriate field, survey, organisational and clinical data concerning incident occurrences in the construction industry are lacking for comprehensive evaluations. Thus, this novel study presents our effort to narrow this gap by establishing a framework for increasing our understanding of the benefits of implementing OHSMSs and accident reduction