105 research outputs found

    Systematic testing of multithreaded Java programs

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    Thesis (M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-150).Derek L. Bruening.M.Eng

    A proactive fault tolerance framework for high performance computing (HPC) systems in the cloud

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) systems have been widely used by scientists and researchers in both industry and university laboratories to solve advanced computation problems. Most advanced computation problems are either data-intensive or computation-intensive. They may take hours, days or even weeks to complete execution. For example, some of the traditional HPC systems computations run on 100,000 processors for weeks. Consequently traditional HPC systems often require huge capital investments. As a result, scientists and researchers sometimes have to wait in long queues to access shared, expensive HPC systems. Cloud computing, on the other hand, offers new computing paradigms, capacity, and flexible solutions for both business and HPC applications. Some of the computation-intensive applications that are usually executed in traditional HPC systems can now be executed in the cloud. Cloud computing price model eliminates huge capital investments. However, even for cloud-based HPC systems, fault tolerance is still an issue of growing concern. The large number of virtual machines and electronic components, as well as software complexity and overall system reliability, availability and serviceability (RAS), are factors with which HPC systems in the cloud must contend. The reactive fault tolerance approach of checkpoint/restart, which is commonly used in HPC systems, does not scale well in the cloud due to resource sharing and distributed systems networks. Hence, the need for reliable fault tolerant HPC systems is even greater in a cloud environment. In this thesis we present a proactive fault tolerance approach to HPC systems in the cloud to reduce the wall-clock execution time, as well as dollar cost, in the presence of hardware failure. We have developed a generic fault tolerance algorithm for HPC systems in the cloud. We have further developed a cost model for executing computation-intensive applications on HPC systems in the cloud. Our experimental results obtained from a real cloud execution environment show that the wall-clock execution time and cost of running computation-intensive applications in the cloud can be considerably reduced compared to checkpoint and redundancy techniques used in traditional HPC systems

    Workload Schedulers - Genesis, Algorithms and Comparisons

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    In this article we provide brief descriptions of three classes of schedulers: Operating Systems Process Schedulers, Cluster Systems, Jobs Schedulers and Big Data Schedulers. We describe their evolution from early adoptions to modern implementations, considering both the use and features of algorithms. In summary, we discuss differences between all presented classes of schedulers and discuss their chronological development. In conclusion, we highlight similarities in the focus of scheduling strategies design, applicable to both local and distributed systems

    Checkpointing of parallel applications in a Grid environment

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    The Grid environment is generic, heterogeneous, and dynamic with lots of unreliable resources making it very exposed to failures. The environment is unreliable because it is geographically dispersed involving multiple autonomous administrative domains and it is composed of a large number of components. Examples of failures in the Grid environment can be: application crash, Grid node crash, network failures, and Grid system component failures. These types of failures can affect the execution of parallel/distributed application in the Grid environment and so, protections against these faults are crucial. Therefore, it is essential to develop efficient fault tolerant mechanisms to allow users to successfully execute Grid applications. One of the research challenges in Grid computing is to be able to develop a fault tolerant solution that will ensure Grid applications are executed reliably with minimum overhead incurred. While checkpointing is the most common method to achieve fault tolerance, there is still a lot of work to be done to improve the efficiency of the mechanism. This thesis provides an in-depth description of a novel solution for checkpointing parallel applications executed on a Grid. The checkpointing mechanism implemented allows to checkpoint an application at regions where there is no interprocess communication involved and therefore reducing the checkpointing overhead and checkpoint size

    Nearest neighbor affinity scheduling in heterogeneous multi-core architectures

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    Asymmetric or heterogeneous multi-core (AMC) architectures have definite performance, performance per watt and fault tolerance advantages for a wide range of workloads. We propose a 16 core AMC architecture mixing simple and complex cores, and single and multiple thread cores of various power envelopes. A priority-based thread scheduling algorithm is also proposed for this AMC architecture. Fairness of this scheduling algorithm vis-a-vis lower priority thread starvation, and hardware and software requirements needed to implement this algorithm are addressed. We illustrate how this algorithm operates by a thread scheduling example. The produced schedule maximizes throughput (but is priority-based) and the core utilization given the available resources, the states and contents of the starting queues, and the threads' core requirement constraints. A simulation model simulates 6 scheduling algorithms which vary in their support of core affinity and thread migration. The simulation results that both core affinity and thread migration positively effect the completion time and that the nearest neighbor scheduling algorithm outperforms or is competitive with the other algorithms in all considered scenariosFacultad de Informátic

    CompuP2P: a light-weight architecture for Internet computing

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    Internet computing is emerging as an important new paradigm in which resource intensive computing is integrated over Internet-scale networks. Over these large networks, different users and organizations have potential to share their computing resources, and computations can take place in a distributed fashion. In such an environment, a framework is needed in which the resource providers are given incentives to share their resources. In this research we propose CompuP2P, which is a light-weight architecture for enabling Internet computing. It uses peer-to-peer networks for sharing of computing resources. CompuP2P creates dynamic markets of network accessible computing resources, such as processing power, memory storage, disk space, etc., in a completely distributed, scalable, and fault-tolerant manner. We discuss the system architecture, functionality, and applications of the proposed CompuP2P architecture. We have implemented a Java based prototype of CompuP2P. We ran several algorithms with coarse grained parallelism on CompuP2P. Our results show that the system is light-weight and can provide almost a perfect speedup for applications that contain several independent compute-intensive tasks

    Out-of-Order Retirement of Instructions in Superscalar, Multithreaded, and Multicore Processors

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    Los procesadores superescalares actuales utilizan un reorder buffer (ROB) para contabilizar las instrucciones en vuelo. El ROB se implementa como una cola FIFO first in first out en la que las instrucciones se insertan en orden de programa después de ser decodificadas, y de la que se extraen también en orden de programa en la etapa commit. El uso de esta estructura proporciona un soporte simple para la especulación, las excepciones precisas y la reclamación de registros. Sin embargo, el hecho de retirar instrucciones en orden puede degradar las prestaciones si una operación de alta latencia está bloqueando la cabecera del ROB. Varias propuestas se han publicado atacando este problema. La mayoría utiliza retirada de instrucciones fuera de orden de forma especulativa, requiriendo almacenar puntos de recuperación (checkpoints) para restaurar un estado válido del procesador ante un fallo de especulación. Normalmente, los checkpoints necesitan implementarse con estructuras hardware costosas, y además requieren un crecimiento de otras estructuras del procesador, lo cual a su vez puede impactar en el tiempo de ciclo de reloj. Este problema afecta a muchos tipos de procesadores actuales, independientemente del número de hilos hardware (threads) y del número de núcleos de cómputo (cores) que incluyan. Esta tesis abarca el estudio de la retirada no especulativa de instrucciones fuera de orden en procesadores superescalares, multithread y multicore.Ubal Tena, R. (2010). Out-of-Order Retirement of Instructions in Superscalar, Multithreaded, and Multicore Processors [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8535Palanci

    Transparent Adaptive Parallelism on NOWs using OpenMP

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    We present a system that allows OpenMP programs to execute on a network of workstations with a variable number of nodes. The ability to adapt to a variable number of nodes allows a program to take advantage of additional nodes that become available after it starts execution, or to gracefully scale down when the number of available nodes is reduced. We demonstrate that the cost of adaptation is modest; the system allows a program to adapt at a moderate rate without much performance loss.Two ideas underlie the efficiency of our design. First, we recognize that OpenMP programs exhibit convenient adaptation points during their execution, points at which the cost of adaptation can be much reduced. Second, by allowing a process a certain grace period before it must leave a node, we insure that most adaptations can occur at these adaptation points, and thus at low cost. Migration of a process, a much more expensive method for providing adaptivity, is used only as a back-up solution, when the process cannot reach an adaptation point within the grace period.Our implementation consists of an OpenMP pre-processor that generates TreadMarks distributed shared memory (DSM) programs, and a version of TreadMarks modified to adapt to a variable number of nodes. Using a DSM as the underlying substrate facilitates the data (re-)distribution necessary after an adaptation

    Compiler assisted chekpointing of message-passing applications in heterogeneous environments

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    [Resumen] With the evolution of high performance computing towards heterogeneous, massively parallel systems, parallel applications have developed new checkpoint and restart necessities, Whether due to a failure in the execution or to a migration of the processes to different machines, checkpointing tools must be able to operate in heterogeneous environments. However, some of the data manipulated by a parallel application are not truly portable. Examples of these include opaque state (e.g. data structures for communications support) or diversity of interfaces for a single feature (e.g. communications, I/O). Directly manipulating the underlying ad-hoc representations renders checkpointing tools incapable of working on different environments. Portable checkpointers usually work around portability issues at the cost of transparency: the user must provide information such as what data needs to be stored, where to store it, or where to checkpoint. CPPC (ComPiler for Portable Checkpointing) is a checkpointing tool designed to feature both portability and transparency, while preserving the scalability of the executed applications. It is made up of a library and a compiler. The CPPC library contains routines for variable level checkpointing, using portable code and protocols. The CPPC compiler achieves transparency by relieving the user from time-consuming tasks, such as performing code analyses and adding instrumentation code

    Speculation in Parallel and Distributed Event Processing Systems

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    Event stream processing (ESP) applications enable the real-time processing of continuous flows of data. Algorithmic trading, network monitoring, and processing data from sensor networks are good examples of applications that traditionally rely upon ESP systems. In addition, technological advances are resulting in an increasing number of devices that are network enabled, producing information that can be automatically collected and processed. This increasing availability of on-line data motivates the development of new and more sophisticated applications that require low-latency processing of large volumes of data. ESP applications are composed of an acyclic graph of operators that is traversed by the data. Inside each operator, the events can be transformed, aggregated, enriched, or filtered out. Some of these operations depend only on the current input events, such operations are called stateless. Other operations, however, depend not only on the current event, but also on a state built during the processing of previous events. Such operations are, therefore, named stateful. As the number of ESP applications grows, there are increasingly strong requirements, which are often difficult to satisfy. In this dissertation, we address two challenges created by the use of stateful operations in a ESP application: (i) stateful operators can be bottlenecks because they are sensitive to the order of events and cannot be trivially parallelized by replication; and (ii), if failures are to be tolerated, the accumulated state of an stateful operator needs to be saved, saving this state traditionally imposes considerable performance costs. Our approach is to evaluate the use of speculation to address these two issues. For handling ordering and parallelization issues in a stateful operator, we propose a speculative approach that both reduces latency when the operator must wait for the correct ordering of the events and improves throughput when the operation in hand is parallelizable. In addition, our approach does not require that user understand concurrent programming or that he or she needs to consider out-of-order execution when writing the operations. For fault-tolerant applications, traditional approaches have imposed prohibitive performance costs due to pessimistic schemes. We extend such approaches, using speculation to mask the cost of fault tolerance.:1 Introduction 1 1.1 Event stream processing systems ......................... 1 1.2 Running example ................................. 3 1.3 Challenges and contributions ........................... 4 1.4 Outline ...................................... 6 2 Background 7 2.1 Event stream processing ............................. 7 2.1.1 State in operators: Windows and synopses ............................ 8 2.1.2 Types of operators ............................ 12 2.1.3 Our prototype system........................... 13 2.2 Software transactional memory.......................... 18 2.2.1 Overview ................................. 18 2.2.2 Memory operations............................ 19 2.3 Fault tolerance in distributed systems ...................................... 23 2.3.1 Failure model and failure detection ...................................... 23 2.3.2 Recovery semantics............................ 24 2.3.3 Active and passive replication ...................... 24 2.4 Summary ..................................... 26 3 Extending event stream processing systems with speculation 27 3.1 Motivation..................................... 27 3.2 Goals ....................................... 28 3.3 Local versus distributed speculation ....................... 29 3.4 Models and assumptions ............................. 29 3.4.1 Operators................................. 30 3.4.2 Events................................... 30 3.4.3 Failures .................................. 31 4 Local speculation 33 4.1 Overview ..................................... 33 4.2 Requirements ................................... 35 4.2.1 Order ................................... 35 4.2.2 Aborts................................... 37 4.2.3 Optimism control ............................. 38 4.2.4 Notifications ............................... 39 4.3 Applications.................................... 40 4.3.1 Out-of-order processing ......................... 40 4.3.2 Optimistic parallelization......................... 42 4.4 Extensions..................................... 44 4.4.1 Avoiding unnecessary aborts ....................... 44 4.4.2 Making aborts unnecessary........................ 45 4.5 Evaluation..................................... 47 4.5.1 Overhead of speculation ......................... 47 4.5.2 Cost of misspeculation .......................... 50 4.5.3 Out-of-order and parallel processing micro benchmarks ........... 53 4.5.4 Behavior with example operators .................... 57 4.6 Summary ..................................... 60 5 Distributed speculation 63 5.1 Overview ..................................... 63 5.2 Requirements ................................... 64 5.2.1 Speculative events ............................ 64 5.2.2 Speculative accesses ........................... 69 5.2.3 Reliable ordered broadcast with optimistic delivery .................. 72 5.3 Applications .................................... 75 5.3.1 Passive replication and rollback recovery ................................ 75 5.3.2 Active replication ............................. 80 5.4 Extensions ..................................... 82 5.4.1 Active replication and software bugs ..................................... 82 5.4.2 Enabling operators to output multiple events ........................ 87 5.5 Evaluation .................................... 87 5.5.1 Passive replication ............................ 88 5.5.2 Active replication ............................. 88 5.6 Summary ..................................... 93 6 Related work 95 6.1 Event stream processing engines ......................... 95 6.2 Parallelization and optimistic computing ................................ 97 6.2.1 Speculation ................................ 97 6.2.2 Optimistic parallelization ......................... 98 6.2.3 Parallelization in event processing .................................... 99 6.2.4 Speculation in event processing ..................... 99 6.3 Fault tolerance .................................. 100 6.3.1 Passive replication and rollback recovery ............................... 100 6.3.2 Active replication ............................ 101 6.3.3 Fault tolerance in event stream processing systems ............. 103 7 Conclusions 105 7.1 Summary of contributions ............................ 105 7.2 Challenges and future work ............................ 106 Appendices Publications 107 Pseudocode for the consensus protocol 10
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