319 research outputs found

    User association strategies in HetNets leading to rate balancing under energy constraints

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    This paper deals with the development of several strategies for associating users to base stations (BSs) in heterogeneous networks. These strategies are able to balance the rate among users and BSs and increase the overall network utility. Constraints related to the energy availability at BSs are considered explicitly in the design, assuming that the BSs are equipped with batteries that are recharged through energy harvesting. We develop a general association strategy, and then we present several suboptimum but less complex solutions suitable for scenarios with high mobility or deployments of BSs with low computational capabilities. We also present an implementation that is to be executed in a distributed way among users and BSs without the need of having a central entity gathering all the information. The performance of the proposed strategies is evaluated through simulations in terms of rate balancing and the effect of the energy harvesting capabilities on the network throughput is shown. We also compare the proposed strategies with the traditional max-SINR user association approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Matching Theory for Future Wireless Networks: Fundamentals and Applications

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    The emergence of novel wireless networking paradigms such as small cell and cognitive radio networks has forever transformed the way in which wireless systems are operated. In particular, the need for self-organizing solutions to manage the scarce spectral resources has become a prevalent theme in many emerging wireless systems. In this paper, the first comprehensive tutorial on the use of matching theory, a Nobelprize winning framework, for resource management in wireless networks is developed. To cater for the unique features of emerging wireless networks, a novel, wireless-oriented classification of matching theory is proposed. Then, the key solution concepts and algorithmic implementations of this framework are exposed. Then, the developed concepts are applied in three important wireless networking areas in order to demonstrate the usefulness of this analytical tool. Results show how matching theory can effectively improve the performance of resource allocation in all three applications discussed

    Control-data separation architecture for cellular radio access networks: a survey and outlook

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    Conventional cellular systems are designed to ensure ubiquitous coverage with an always present wireless channel irrespective of the spatial and temporal demand of service. This approach raises several problems due to the tight coupling between network and data access points, as well as the paradigm shift towards data-oriented services, heterogeneous deployments and network densification. A logical separation between control and data planes is seen as a promising solution that could overcome these issues, by providing data services under the umbrella of a coverage layer. This article presents a holistic survey of existing literature on the control-data separation architecture (CDSA) for cellular radio access networks. As a starting point, we discuss the fundamentals, concepts, and general structure of the CDSA. Then, we point out limitations of the conventional architecture in futuristic deployment scenarios. In addition, we present and critically discuss the work that has been done to investigate potential benefits of the CDSA, as well as its technical challenges and enabling technologies. Finally, an overview of standardisation proposals related to this research vision is provided

    D13.2 Techniques and performance analysis on energy- and bandwidth-efficient communications and networking

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    Deliverable D13.2 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The report presents the status of the research work of the various Joint Research Activities (JRA) in WP1.3 and the results that were developed up to the second year of the project. For each activity there is a description, an illustration of the adherence to and relevance with the identified fundamental open issues, a short presentation of the main results, and a roadmap for the future joint research. In the Annex, for each JRA, the main technical details on specific scientific activities are described in detail.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Coalitional Model Predictive Control for the Energy Efficiency of Next-Generation Cellular Networks

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    Next-generation cellular networks are large-scale systems composed of numerous base stations interacting with many diverse users. One of the main challenges with these networks is their high energy consumption due to the expected number of connected devices. We handle this issue with a coalitional Model Predictive Control (MPC) technique for the case of next-generation cellular networks powered by renewable energy sources. The proposed coalitional MPC approach is applied to two simulated scenarios and compared with other control methods: the traditional best-signal level mechanism, a heuristic algorithm, and decentralized and centralized MPC schemes. The success of the coalitional strategy is considered from an energy efficiency perspective, which means reducing on-grid consumption and improving network performance (e.g., number of users served and transmission rates)

    An Optimized Multi-Layer Resource Management in Mobile Edge Computing Networks: A Joint Computation Offloading and Caching Solution

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    Nowadays, data caching is being used as a high-speed data storage layer in mobile edge computing networks employing flow control methodologies at an exponential rate. This study shows how to discover the best architecture for backhaul networks with caching capability using a distributed offloading technique. This article used a continuous power flow analysis to achieve the optimum load constraints, wherein the power of macro base stations with various caching capacities is supplied by either an intelligent grid network or renewable energy systems. This work proposes ubiquitous connectivity between users at the cell edge and offloading the macro cells so as to provide features the macro cell itself cannot cope with, such as extreme changes in the required user data rate and energy efficiency. The offloading framework is then reformed into a neural weighted framework that considers convergence and Lyapunov instability requirements of mobile-edge computing under Karush Kuhn Tucker optimization restrictions in order to get accurate solutions. The cell-layer performance is analyzed in the boundary and in the center point of the cells. The analytical and simulation results show that the suggested method outperforms other energy-saving techniques. Also, compared to other solutions studied in the literature, the proposed approach shows a two to three times increase in both the throughput of the cell edge users and the aggregate throughput per cluster

    Optimisation de la gestion des interférences inter-cellulaires et de l'attachement des mobiles dans les réseaux cellulaires LTE

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    Driven by an exponential growth in mobile broadband-enabled devices and a continue dincrease in individual data consumption, mobile data traffic has grown 4000-fold over the past 10 years and almost 400-million-fold over the past 15 years. Homogeneouscellular networks have been facing limitations to handle soaring mobile data traffic and to meet the growing end-user demand for more bandwidth and betterquality of experience. These limitations are mainly related to the available spectrumand the capacity of the network. Telecommunication industry has to address these challenges and meet exploding demand. At the same time, it has to guarantee a healthy economic model to reduce the carbon footprint which is caused by mobile communications.Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets), composed of macro base stations and low powerbase stations of different types, are seen as the key solution to improve spectral efficiency per unit area and to eliminate coverage holes. In such networks, intelligent user association and interference management schemes are needed to achieve gains in performance. Due to the large imbalance in transmission power between macroand small cells, user association based on strongest signal received is not adapted inHetNets as only few users would attach to low power nodes. A technique based onCell Individual Offset (CIO) is therefore required to perform load balancing and to favor some Small Cell (SC) attraction against Macro Cell (MC). This offset is addedto users’ Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) measurements and hence inducing handover towards different eNodeBs. As Long Term Evolution (LTE) cellular networks use the same frequency sub-bands, mobile users may experience strong inter-cellxv interference, especially at cell edge. Therefore, there is a need to coordinate resource allocation among the cells and minimize inter-cell interference. To mitigate stronginter-cell interference, the resource, in time, frequency and power domain, should be allocated efficiently. A pattern for each dimension is computed to permit especially for cell edge users to benefit of higher throughput and quality of experience. The optimization of all these parameters can also offer gain in energy use. In this thesis,we propose a concrete versatile dynamic solution performing an optimization of user association and resource allocation in LTE cellular networks maximizing a certainnet work utility function that can be adequately chosen. Our solution, based on gametheory, permits to compute Cell Individual Offset and a pattern of power transmission over frequency and time domain for each cell. We present numerical simulations toillustrate the important performance gain brought by this optimization. We obtain significant benefits in the average throughput and also cell edge user through put of40% and 55% gains respectively. Furthermore, we also obtain a meaningful improvement in energy efficiency. This work addresses industrial research challenges and assuch, a prototype acting on emulated HetNets traffic has been implemented.Conduit par une croissance exponentielle dans les appareils mobiles et une augmentation continue de la consommation individuelle des données, le trafic de données mobiles a augmenté de 4000 fois au cours des 10 dernières années et près de 400millions fois au cours des 15 dernières années. Les réseaux cellulaires homogènes rencontrent de plus en plus de difficultés à gérer l’énorme trafic de données mobiles et à assurer un débit plus élevé et une meilleure qualité d’expérience pour les utilisateurs.Ces difficultés sont essentiellement liées au spectre disponible et à la capacité du réseau.L’industrie de télécommunication doit relever ces défis et en même temps doit garantir un modèle économique pour les opérateurs qui leur permettra de continuer à investir pour répondre à la demande croissante et réduire l’empreinte carbone due aux communications mobiles. Les réseaux cellulaires hétérogènes (HetNets), composés de stations de base macro et de différentes stations de base de faible puissance,sont considérés comme la solution clé pour améliorer l’efficacité spectrale par unité de surface et pour éliminer les trous de couverture. Dans de tels réseaux, il est primordial d’attacher intelligemment les utilisateurs aux stations de base et de bien gérer les interférences afin de gagner en performance. Comme la différence de puissance d’émission est importante entre les grandes et petites cellules, l’association habituelle des mobiles aux stations de bases en se basant sur le signal le plus fort, n’est plus adaptée dans les HetNets. Une technique basée sur des offsets individuelles par cellule Offset(CIO) est donc nécessaire afin d’équilibrer la charge entre les cellules et d’augmenter l’attraction des petites cellules (SC) par rapport aux cellules macro (MC). Cette offset est ajoutée à la valeur moyenne de la puissance reçue du signal de référence(RSRP) mesurée par le mobile et peut donc induire à un changement d’attachement vers différents eNodeB. Comme les stations de bases dans les réseaux cellulaires LTE utilisent les mêmes sous-bandes de fréquences, les mobiles peuvent connaître une forte interférence intercellulaire, en particulier en bordure de cellules. Par conséquent, il est primordial de coordonner l’allocation des ressources entre les cellules et de minimiser l’interférence entre les cellules. Pour atténuer la forte interférence intercellulaire, les ressources, en termes de temps, fréquence et puissance d’émission, devraient être alloués efficacement. Un modèle pour chaque dimension est calculé pour permettre en particulier aux utilisateurs en bordure de cellule de bénéficier d’un débit plus élevé et d’une meilleure qualité de l’expérience. L’optimisation de tous ces paramètres peut également offrir un gain en consommation d’énergie. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une solution dynamique polyvalente effectuant une optimisation de l’attachement des mobiles aux stations de base et de l’allocation des ressources dans les réseaux cellulaires LTE maximisant une fonction d’utilité du réseau qui peut être choisie de manière adéquate.Notre solution, basée sur la théorie des jeux, permet de calculer les meilleures valeurs pour l’offset individuelle par cellule (CIO) et pour les niveaux de puissance à appliquer au niveau temporel et fréquentiel pour chaque cellule. Nous présentons des résultats des simulations effectuées pour illustrer le gain de performance important apporté par cette optimisation. Nous obtenons une significative hausse dans le débit moyen et le débit des utilisateurs en bordure de cellule avec 40 % et 55 % de gains respectivement. En outre, on obtient un gain important en énergie. Ce travail aborde des défis pour l’industrie des télécoms et en tant que tel, un prototype de l’optimiseur a été implémenté en se basant sur un trafic HetNets émulé
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