594 research outputs found

    Calibration Methods for Head-Tracked 3D Displays

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    Head-tracked 3D displays can provide a compelling 3D effect, but even small inaccuracies in the calibration of the participant’s viewpoint to the display can disrupt the 3D illusion. We propose a novel interactive procedure for a participant to easily and accurately calibrate a head-tracked display by visually aligning patterns across a multi-screen display. Head-tracker measurements are then calibrated to these known viewpoints. We conducted a user study to evaluate the effectiveness of different visual patterns and different display shapes. We found that the easiest to align shape was the spherical display and the best calibration pattern was the combination of circles and lines. We performed a quantitative camera-based calibration of a cubic display and found visual calibration outperformed manual tuning and generated viewpoint calibrations accurate to within a degree. Our work removes the usual, burdensome step of manual calibration when using head-tracked displays and paves the way for wider adoption of this inexpensive and effective 3D display technology

    Augmented Reality for Restoration/Reconstruction of Artefacts with Artistic or Historical Value

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    The artistic or historical value of a structure, such as a monument, a mosaic, a painting or, generally speaking, an artefact, arises from the novelty and the development it represents in a certain field and in a certain time of the human activity. The more faithfully the structure preserves its original status, the greater its artistic and historical value is. For this reason it is fundamental to preserve its original condition, maintaining it as genuine as possible over the time. Nevertheless the preservation of a structure cannot be always possible (for traumatic events as wars can occur), or has not always been realized, simply for negligence, incompetence, or even guilty unwillingness. So, unfortunately, nowadays the status of a not irrelevant number of such structures can range from bad to even catastrophic. In such a frame the current technology furnishes a fundamental help for reconstruction/restoration purposes, so to bring back a structure to its original historical value and condition. Among the modern facilities, new possibilities arise from the Augmented Reality (AR) tools, which combine the virtual reality (VR) settings with real physical materials and instruments. The idea is to realize a virtual reconstruction/restoration before materially acting on the structure itself. In this way main advantages are obtained among which: the manpower and machine power are utilized only in the last phase of the reconstruction; potential damages/abrasions of some parts of the structure are avoided during the cataloguing phase; it is possible to precisely define the forms and dimensions of the eventually missing pieces, etc. Actually the virtual reconstruction/restoration can be even improved taking advantages of the AR, which furnish lots of added informative parameters, which can be even fundamental under specific circumstances. So we want here detail the AR application to restore and reconstruct the structures with artistic and/or historical valu

    MoSART: Mobile Spatial Augmented Reality for 3D Interaction With Tangible Objects

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    In this paper we introduce MoSART, a novel approach for Mobile Spatial Augmented Reality on Tangible objects. MoSART is dedicated to mobile interaction with tangible objects in single or collaborative situations. It is based on a novel “all-in-one” Head-Mounted Display (AMD) including a projector (for the SAR display) and cameras (for the scene registration). Equipped with the HMD the user is able to move freely around tangible objects and manipulate them at will. The system tracks the position and orientation of the tangible 3D objects and projects virtual content over them. The tracking is a feature-based stereo optical tracking providing high accuracy and low latency. A projection mapping technique is used for the projection on the tangible objects which can have a complex 3D geometry. Several interaction tools have also been designed to interact with the tangible and augmented content, such as a control panel and a pointer metaphor, which can benefit as well from the MoSART projection mapping and tracking features. The possibilities offered by our novel approach are illustrated in several use cases, in single or collaborative situations, such as for virtual prototyping, training or medical visualization

    Freeform 3D interactions in everyday environments

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    PhD ThesisPersonal computing is continuously moving away from traditional input using mouse and keyboard, as new input technologies emerge. Recently, natural user interfaces (NUI) have led to interactive systems that are inspired by our physical interactions in the real-world, and focus on enabling dexterous freehand input in 2D or 3D. Another recent trend is Augmented Reality (AR), which follows a similar goal to further reduce the gap between the real and the virtual, but predominately focuses on output, by overlaying virtual information onto a tracked real-world 3D scene. Whilst AR and NUI technologies have been developed for both immersive 3D output as well as seamless 3D input, these have mostly been looked at separately. NUI focuses on sensing the user and enabling new forms of input; AR traditionally focuses on capturing the environment around us and enabling new forms of output that are registered to the real world. The output of NUI systems is mainly presented on a 2D display, while the input technologies for AR experiences, such as data gloves and body-worn motion trackers are often uncomfortable and restricting when interacting in the real world. NUI and AR can be seen as very complimentary, and bringing these two fields together can lead to new user experiences that radically change the way we interact with our everyday environments. The aim of this thesis is to enable real-time, low latency, dexterous input and immersive output without heavily instrumenting the user. The main challenge is to retain and to meaningfully combine the positive qualities that are attributed to both NUI and AR systems. I review work in the intersecting research fields of AR and NUI, and explore freehand 3D interactions with varying degrees of expressiveness, directness and mobility in various physical settings. There a number of technical challenges that arise when designing a mixed NUI/AR system, which I will address is this work: What can we capture, and how? How do we represent the real in the virtual? And how do we physically couple input and output? This is achieved by designing new systems, algorithms, and user experiences that explore the combination of AR and NUI

    Augmented reality X-ray vision on optical see-through head mounted displays

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    Abstract. In this thesis, we present the development and evaluation of an augmented reality X-ray system on optical see-through head-mounted displays. Augmented reality X-ray vision allows users to see through solid surfaces such as walls and facades, by augmenting the real view with virtual images representing the hidden objects. Our system is developed based on the optical see-through mixed reality headset Microsoft Hololens. We have developed an X-ray cutout algorithm that uses the geometric data of the environment and enables seeing through surfaces. We have developed four different visualizations as well based on the algorithm. The first visualization renders simply the X-ray cutout without displaying any information about the occluding surface. The other three visualizations display features extracted from the occluder surface to help the user to get better depth perception of the virtual objects. We have used Sobel edge detection to extract the information. The three visualizations differ in the way to render the extracted features. A subjective experiment is conducted to test and evaluate the visualizations and to compare them with each other. The experiment consists of two parts; depth estimation task and a questionnaire. Both the experiment and its results are presented in the thesis

    Requirement analysis and sensor specifications – First version

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    In this first version of the deliverable, we make the following contributions: to design the WEKIT capturing platform and the associated experience capturing API, we use a methodology for system engineering that is relevant for different domains such as: aviation, space, and medical and different professions such as: technicians, astronauts, and medical staff. Furthermore, in the methodology, we explore the system engineering process and how it can be used in the project to support the different work packages and more importantly the different deliverables that will follow the current. Next, we provide a mapping of high level functions or tasks (associated with experience transfer from expert to trainee) to low level functions such as: gaze, voice, video, body posture, hand gestures, bio-signals, fatigue levels, and location of the user in the environment. In addition, we link the low level functions to their associated sensors. Moreover, we provide a brief overview of the state-of-the-art sensors in terms of their technical specifications, possible limitations, standards, and platforms. We outline a set of recommendations pertaining to the sensors that are most relevant for the WEKIT project taking into consideration the environmental, technical and human factors described in other deliverables. We recommend Microsoft Hololens (for Augmented reality glasses), MyndBand and Neurosky chipset (for EEG), Microsoft Kinect and Lumo Lift (for body posture tracking), and Leapmotion, Intel RealSense and Myo armband (for hand gesture tracking). For eye tracking, an existing eye-tracking system can be customised to complement the augmented reality glasses, and built-in microphone of the augmented reality glasses can capture the expert’s voice. We propose a modular approach for the design of the WEKIT experience capturing system, and recommend that the capturing system should have sufficient storage or transmission capabilities. Finally, we highlight common issues associated with the use of different sensors. We consider that the set of recommendations can be useful for the design and integration of the WEKIT capturing platform and the WEKIT experience capturing API to expedite the time required to select the combination of sensors which will be used in the first prototype.WEKI

    HuSIS: A Dedicated Space for Studying Human Interactions

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    To support the study of effective human-surrogate interaction techniques and modalities, the Office of Naval Research awarded an equipment grant to support the development of a Human-Surrogate Interaction Space (HuSIS) at the University of Central Florida in the Institute for Simulation & Training. The HuSIS consists of a dedicated physical space, structures, and components designed specifically for carrying out controlled studies related to human-surrogate interactions. This article describes the motivation, design, and realization of the HuSIS and the benefits of the common data-collection and analysis framework developed for HuSIS research

    Contributions to virtual reality

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    153 p.The thesis contributes in three Virtual Reality areas: Âż Visual perception: a calibration algorithm is proposed to estimate stereo projection parameters in head-mounted displays, so that correct shapes and distances can be perceived, and calibration and control procedures are proposed to obtain desired accommodation stimuli at different virtual distances.Âż Immersive scenarios: the thesis analyzes several use cases demanding varying degrees of immersion and special, innovative visualization solutions are proposed to fulfil their requirements. Contributions focus on machinery simulators, weather radar volumetric visualization and manual arc welding simulation.Âż Ubiquitous visualization: contributions are presented to scenarios where users access interactive 3D applications remotely. The thesis follows the evolution of Web3D standards and technologies to propose original visualization solutions for volume rendering of weather radar data, e-learning on energy efficiency, virtual e-commerce and visual product configurators

    Wearable Augmented Reality Application for Shoulder Rehabilitation

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    Augmented reality (AR) technology is gaining popularity and scholarly interest in the rehabilitation sector because of the possibility to generate controlled, user-specific environmental and perceptual stimuli which motivate the patient, while still preserving the possibility to interact with the real environment and other subjects, including the rehabilitation specialist. The paper presents the first wearable AR application for shoulder rehabilitation, based on Microsoft HoloLens, with real-time markerless tracking of the user’s hand. Potentialities and current limits of commercial head-mounted displays (HMDs) are described for the target medical field, and details of the proposed application are reported. A serious game was designed starting from the analysis of a traditional rehabilitation exercise, taking into account HoloLens specifications to maximize user comfort during the AR rehabilitation session. The AR application implemented consistently meets the recommended target frame rate for immersive applications with HoloLens device: 60 fps. Moreover, the ergonomics and the motivational value of the proposed application were positively evaluated by a group of five rehabilitation specialists and 20 healthy subjects. Even if a larger study, including real patients, is necessary for a clinical validation of the proposed application, the results obtained encourage further investigations and the integration of additional technical features for the proposed AR application

    Augmented reality (AR) for surgical robotic and autonomous systems: State of the art, challenges, and solutions

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    Despite the substantial progress achieved in the development and integration of augmented reality (AR) in surgical robotic and autonomous systems (RAS), the center of focus in most devices remains on improving end-effector dexterity and precision, as well as improved access to minimally invasive surgeries. This paper aims to provide a systematic review of different types of state-of-the-art surgical robotic platforms while identifying areas for technological improvement. We associate specific control features, such as haptic feedback, sensory stimuli, and human-robot collaboration, with AR technology to perform complex surgical interventions for increased user perception of the augmented world. Current researchers in the field have, for long, faced innumerable issues with low accuracy in tool placement around complex trajectories, pose estimation, and difficulty in depth perception during two-dimensional medical imaging. A number of robots described in this review, such as Novarad and SpineAssist, are analyzed in terms of their hardware features, computer vision systems (such as deep learning algorithms), and the clinical relevance of the literature. We attempt to outline the shortcomings in current optimization algorithms for surgical robots (such as YOLO and LTSM) whilst providing mitigating solutions to internal tool-to-organ collision detection and image reconstruction. The accuracy of results in robot end-effector collisions and reduced occlusion remain promising within the scope of our research, validating the propositions made for the surgical clearance of ever-expanding AR technology in the future
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