181 research outputs found

    Global Publics Embrace Social Networking

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    Analyzes survey results on trends in the use of social networking sites, cell phone and computer ownership, and use of Internet and e-mail in twenty-two countries by age, gender, and education. Compares generational and gender gaps among countries

    Global Digital Communication: Texting, Social Networking Popular Worldwide

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    Presents survey findings about trends in the use of cell phone technologies and social networking sites in twenty-one countries by age, gender, and education and in relation to GDP per capita

    Impacts of the use of social network sites on users' psychological well-being: A systematic review

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    © 2018 ASIS & T As Social Network Sites (SNSs) are increasingly becoming part of people's everyday lives, the implications of their use need to be investigated and understood. We conducted a systematic literature review to lay the groundwork for understanding the relationship between SNS use and users' psychological well-being and for devising strategies for taking advantage of this relationship. The review included articles published between 2003 and 2016, extracted from major academic databases. Findings revealed that the use of SNSs is both positively and negatively related to users' psychological well-being. We discuss the factors that moderate this relationship and their implications on users' psychological well-being. Many of the studies we reviewed lacked a sound theoretical justification for their findings and most involved young and healthy students, leaving other cohorts of SNS users neglected. The paper concludes with the presentation of a platform for future investigation

    Social media and affective socialization of young people: Teaching needs in compulsory secondary education

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    Se analizan las necesidades y la situación de partida que detectamos tras estudiar las opiniones y percepciones que distintos profesionales de la educación tienen acerca del uso que las personas jóvenes hacen de las TIC para relacionarse emocionalmente. Nuestros datos fueron recogidos a partir de la aplicación de entrevistas semiestructuradas a informantes clave y grupos focales. Contamos con una muestra de 30 docentes en activo vinculados a 12 centros educativos de Asturias. El análisis cualitativo de tipo descriptivo y comparativo evidencia que existen importantes disonancias entre la visión del profesorado, la implicación de las familias y la vivencia cotidiana real del alumnado. Las disonancias detectadas son atribuidas a una falta de formación técnica y competencial. Esto se suma al desconocimiento que el profesorado siente y muestra en torno a los modelos de comunicación afectiva en redes sociales de las personas jóvenes. También se muestra una desconexión con los referentes mediáticos culturales y la influencia que estos tienen en la construcción identitaria y en la vinculación a valores, mitos e ideologías del colectivo adolescente. La distancia señalada dificulta el trabajo educativo significativo y la adecuación de contenidos y metodologías a las estrategias reales de interacción en las vivencias cotidianas del alumnado. En línea con los diferentes aspectos de interés y necesidades señaladas, aportamos conclusiones para la mejora de la situación en clave de equidadIt is analyzed the needs and the starting situation that we detect after studying the opinions and perceptions that different education professionals have about the use that young people make of ITC to relate emotionally. Our data were collected from the application of semi-structured interviews to key informants and focus groups. We have a sample of 30 teachers linked to 12 Asturian secondary schools. The descriptive and comparative qualitative analysis evidences the existence of important dissonances among teachers view, the implication of families and the real daily life of the students. The detected dissonances are attributed to a lack of competence and technical formation. All this adds to the lack of knowledge that teachers feel and show about affective communication models in in social networks of young people. It also shows a disconnection with the media cultural references and the influence of those in identity building and the relation to values, myths and ideologies. This is a handicap to develop significant educational work and to adapt contents and methodologies to real interaction strategies of students. According to different aspects of interest and indicated needs, we provide conclusions to improve the situation in terms of equityEsta investigación ha sido posible gracias a la financiación derivada del programa Severo Ochoa de ayudas predoctorales para la formación en investigación y docencia (BP-12128) gestionadas por FICYT (para el fomento en Asturias de la investigación científica aplicada y la tecnología

    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the English Language ClassroomA Case Study on the Use of ICT by Students and Faculty in the English Language Classroom at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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    Mientras el uso de las nuevas tecnologías tales como los mensajes de texto, las wikis, las redes sociales y otros servicios interactivos como el Facebook, MySpace, Flickr y YouTube y otras aplicaciones de la Web 2.0 por parte de nuestros alumnos es cada vez más común, no ocurre lo mismo en el caso de muchos profesores universitarios. Este fenómeno tiene importantes implicaciones a nivel educativo. Suponemos que el cambio tecnológico introducido por las herramientas de la Web 2.0 ha acarreado un cambio cultural al tratar con distintos tipos de comunicación, conocimiento y aprendizaje. El propósito de este trabajo es evaluar el uso de los recursos de internet por parte de los alumnos y profesores de Lengua Inglesa II así como su opinión sobre los beneficios de la Web 2.0 para completar el aprendizaje de dentro del aula

    Teens just wanna have fun? Adolescents' construction of desirability on SNS in Spain

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    Aquest treball presenta un estudi qualitatiu sobre estratègies d'autorepresentació dels adolescents en les xarxes socials (SNS) a Espanya, i se centra especialment en els biaixos de gènere implícits en la construcció identitària. L'estudi analitza les estratègies d'atracció que utilitzen els adolescents i com negocien significats de desitjabilitat. A l'estudi, trenta-dos adolescents espanyols van participar en grups de discussió i entrevistes domiciliàries individuals. Els resultats mostren com els participants utilitzen la sexualització i el joc i l'humor a Facebook i Tuenti com a estratègies entrellaçades per negociar les seves identitats i gestionar la desitjabilitat. Els participants es mostren i s'exposen constantment als companys, encara que així puguin posar en risc la seva privacitat i reputació sexual. Així mateix, mostrarem com els adolescents manegen un doble estàndard (sexual) per a jutjar les imatges dels altres.This paper presents a qualitative study on teens' self-representational strategies on social networking sites (SNS) in Spain, focusing on the gender bias in identity construction work. We looked at which representational strategies teenagers used in order to attract their peers and how they negotiated meanings of desirability. The research was conducted with 32 Spanish teenagers who participated in discussion groups and individual home interviews. Results show how participants used sexualization and playfulness as two intertwined strategies for negotiating their identities and managing relationships on Facebook and Tuenti. The participants constantly displayed themselves, testing their image on peers, even if this put their privacy and sexual reputation at risk. Findings also show that both boys and girls handled a (sexual) double standard when judging each other's displays

    Encounters on the social web: Everyday life and emotions online

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    Encounters also happen online nowadays and, yes, they are still difficult to describe, even though it is sometimes easier to observe them-and obtain data about them- than in the past. The internet is crucially 'shaping the interactions people have with one another' (Johns 2010: 499). With the recent explosion and popularity of Web 2.0 services and the social web, such as Facebook (FB), Twitter, and various other types of social media, internet users now have at their disposal an unprecedented collection of tools to interact with others. These modes of online sociability allow users to pursue social encounters with variable levels of involvement, attention, and activity (Papacharissi and Mendelson 2010). For many of us it is now difficult to imagine our social relationships without access to the internet. The social web plays an important role in relationships among internet users (Boyd 2006), with the expression, management and experience of emotions being key to the maintenance of these relationships

    The educational use of Social Networks Sites: a comparative analysis between the Spanish and English production

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    Considering the increasing importance and presence of the Social Networks Sites (SNSs) in educational scenarios, this work is aimed at exploring the scientific literature on the educational use of SNSs. Through a bibliometric analysis of 191 journal articles written in English and Spanish, found in 6 different databases (ERIC, Scopus, DOAJ, EBSCO, ISOC, REDIB, and PsycARTICLES), the following variables were analysed: database, academic journal, authorship (including number of authors, country, and institution), year of publication, Social Network Site involved, level of education, study population, and nature of the study. Results showed the existence of a greater number of publications written in Spanish than in English, just as a higher interest in the topic from Spanish authors, academic journals, and institutions. Facebook and Twitter were the most popular SNSs in both English and Spanish articles. Furthermore, the majority of the selected articles were focused on tertiary education and their students. With regard to the selected databases, Scopus was the one which hosted the largest amount of international literature (most of it framed by a qualitative research design). The scientific production on the pedagogical use of social media reveals a considerable and developing interest in the present topic.