103 research outputs found

    How to improve learning from video, using an eye tracker

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    The initial trigger of this research about learning from video was the availability of log files from users of video material. Video modality is seen as attractive as it is associated with the relaxed mood of watching TV. The experiments in this research have the goal to gain more insight in viewing patterns of students when viewing video. Students received an awareness instruction about the use of possible alternative viewing behaviors to see whether this would enhance their learning effects. We found that: - the learning effects of students with a narrow viewing repertoire were less than the learning effects of students with a broad viewing repertoire or strategic viewers. - students with some basic knowledge of the topics covered in the videos benefited most from the use of possible alternative viewing behaviors and students with low prior knowledge benefited the least. - the knowledge gain of students with low prior knowledge disappeared after a few weeks; knowledge construction seems worse when doing two things at the same time. - media players could offer more options to help students with their search for the content they want to view again. - there was no correlation between pervasive personality traits and viewing behavior of students. The right use of video in higher education will lead to students and teachers that are more aware of their learning and teaching behavior, to better videos, to enhanced media players, and, finally, to higher learning effects that let users improve their learning from video

    Multimedia Development of English Vocabulary Learning in Primary School

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    In this paper, we describe a prototype of web-based intelligent handwriting education system for autonomous learning of Bengali characters. Bengali language is used by more than 211 million people of India and Bangladesh. Due to the socio-economical limitation, all of the population does not have the chance to go to school. This research project was aimed to develop an intelligent Bengali handwriting education system. As an intelligent tutor, the system can automatically check the handwriting errors, such as stroke production errors, stroke sequence errors, stroke relationship errors and immediately provide a feedback to the students to correct themselves. Our proposed system can be accessed from smartphone or iPhone that allows students to do practice their Bengali handwriting at anytime and anywhere. Bengali is a multi-stroke input characters with extremely long cursive shaped where it has stroke order variability and stroke direction variability. Due to this structural limitation, recognition speed is a crucial issue to apply traditional online handwriting recognition algorithm for Bengali language learning. In this work, we have adopted hierarchical recognition approach to improve the recognition speed that makes our system adaptable for web-based language learning. We applied writing speed free recognition methodology together with hierarchical recognition algorithm. It ensured the learning of all aged population, especially for children and older national. The experimental results showed that our proposed hierarchical recognition algorithm can provide higher accuracy than traditional multi-stroke recognition algorithm with more writing variability

    How users read translated web pages: occupational and purpose-based differences

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    Aquest estudi vol demostrar diferències en els patrons de lectura d'una pàgina web en base a les diferències ocupacionals dels participants i la finalitat de lectura. La recerca es realitza amb 20 participants dividits en dos grups: un grup de lectors professionals, on els participants són professionals de la lectura com traductors, editors i correctors, i un grup de lectura recreativa, on les seves professions no impliquen lectura detallada, com xefs, enginyers i personal militar. Tots els participants van completar quatre tasques dissenyades amb quatre finalitats de lectura: 1) sense objectiu específic, 2) per estudiar el tema, 3) per obtenir informació, i 4) per compartir informació. El text de partida en anglès presenta iOS 7. Per al test es va usar la versió web oficial en coreà, després d'inserir-li cinc tipus d'error segons el model d'avaluació LISA. Es va gravar la pantalla dels participants amb programari específic i es van usar Protocols en Veu Alta (TAP) per als seus informes verbals. L'anàlisi suggereix que els errors de traducció es perceben de diferent manera quan la finalitat lectora i la professió dels lectors varien. El grup de lectura professional va aplicar una lectura lineal i meticulosa, mentre que el grup de lectura recreativa va optar per una lectura circular i no rigorosa. El primer grup va detectar gran quantitat d'errors, mentre que el segon va mostrar un baix percentatge de detecció d'errors. Malgrat això, el grup professional mostra major nivell de tolerància als errors de traducció en el procés de comprensió i el grup recreatiu major nivell de frustració a la falta de comprensió. L'autoritat de la companyia encarregada de la web va exercir gran influència en el nivell de confiança del grup de lectura recreativa.Este estudio investiga diferencias en la lectura de una página web traducida en base a las diferencias ocupacionales de los participantes y la finalidad de lectura. La investigación se realiza con 20 participantes divididos en dos grupos: un grupo de lectores profesionales, cuyos participantes son profesionales de la lectura como traductores, editores y correctores, y un grupo de lectura recreativa, cuyas profesiones no implican lectura detallada, como chefs, ingenieros y personal militar. Todos los participantes completaron cuatro tareas diseñadas con cuatro finalidades de lectura: 1) sin objetivo específico, 2) para estudiar el tema, 3) para obtener información, y 4) para compartir información. Para estudiar como los lectores perciben los errores de traducción y la relación entre patrones de lectura y finalidad lectora, se introdujeron cinco tipos de errores de traducción en una web. Se grabó la pantalla de los participantes con software específico y se usaron Protocolos en Voz Alta (TAP) para sus informes verbales. El análisis sugiere que los errores de traducción se perciben de diferente manera cuando la finalidad lectora y la profesión de los lectores varían. El grupo de lectura profesional aplicó una lectura lineal y concienzuda, mientras que el grupo de lectura recreativa optó por una lectura circular y no rigurosa. El primer grupo detectó gran cantidad de errores, mientras que el segundo mostró un bajo porcentaje de detección de errores. Pese a ello, el grupo profesional muestra mayor nivel de tolerancia a los errores de traducción en el proceso de comprensión y el grupo recreativo mayor nivel de frustración a la falta de comprensión. La autoridad de la compañía encargada de la web ejerció gran influencia en el nivel de confianza del grupo de lectura recreativa.As a part of process-oriented research efforts, the study aimed to test occupational differences and purpose-based differences in reading pattern of a translated web page. The research used two reading groups with ten participants in each: a heavy-reading group, whose participants were reading professionals such as translators, editors and proofreaders, and a light-reading group, whose professions did not involve intensive reading, such as chefs, engineers, and military personnel. The participants in both groups completed four different tasks that were designed to provoke four different reading purposes: 1) reading without a specific task, 2) reading for studying subject matter, 3) reading for retrieving information, and 4) reading for sharing information. In order to learn more about how readers perceive translation errors and to test the relations between the reading patterns and the reading purposes, five different types of translation errors were planted in a web page. The participants’ screen activity was recorded by a screen recording software, and TAP is used for their verbal reports. In-depth analysis of the results suggests that occupations and reading purposes have meaningful impacts on the reading patterns of the translated web page. The heavy-reading group displayed very strict bottom-up approaches, with linear and thorough reading, whereas the light-reading group showed relaxed top-down approaches, with circular and not-thorough reading. The heavy group showed critical attitudes in detecting errors, while the light-reading group showed extremely low error-detection rates, with relaxed attitudes. Surprisingly, in spite of the critical error detection pattern, the tolerance level of translation errors in the process of comprehension was much higher in the heavy-reading group, and the frustration level of incomprehension was much higher in the light-reading group. The authority of the company producing the web page also heavily influenced the trust level of the light-reading group

    Validation and Perceptions of an Advance organizer on Main Elements of Research: Philosophical Assumptions, Paradigms, and Praxis

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    Novice researchers lack an understanding of philosophical assumptions, paradigms, and praxis (3Ps) and their relationships with each other in research. As a result, the lack of understanding and application of the 3Ps components by novice researchers undermines confidence in the rigor and trustworthiness of their research. This study focused on filling this gap by providing a learning tool (Advance Organizer – AO) that contributes to developing knowledge of 3Ps in novice researchers. To achieve this, a two phased study was conducted. The first phase used a Delphi technique to collect data of the design of the AO in three rounds with instructional design experts, while the second phase, used semi-structured interviews with novice researchers to conduct a user test of the AO.Phase 1 produced evidence from instructional design experts that the principles of multimedia learning (i.e., coherence, signaling, spatial contiguity, segmenting, pre-training, modality, multimedia, personalization) have been used to a great extent in 3Ps AO. This reduced the external cognitive load, the management of the intrinsic cognitive load, and an increase in the germane cognitive load. Instructional design experts have also voiced their opinion of the 3Ps AO as a helpful learning tool for novice researchers. The results of phase 2 revealed that novice researchers, with either lower or higher experiences in research, faced challenges in understanding the 3Ps of the research. They described these components interchangeably and in unstructured ways, sometimes incorrectly. After reviewing the 3Ps learning tool, novices showed positive impressions and results during final conversations about the 3Ps. In short, instructional design experts and novice researchers alike expressed that the 3Ps AO is a helpful learning

    2018 FSDG Combined Abstracts

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    Analogical creative thinking and its application to engineering design and enterprise

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    Analogical thinking is valuable to creative design as it assists generation of new knowledge by mapping analogically from source domain to target domain. This study endeavours to enhance the value of analogical thinking in creative design by the development of Analogical Creative Process (ACP), and evaluation of its application in projects of engineering design and enterprise design. ACP is a systematic step-by-step tool to enable analogical thinking in design, and is derived from the fundamental cognitive process of key theories for analogy establishment. It analyses the given design problem as a complex of sub-systems and identifies their functions, before analogically mapping over the relations among the sub-systems between different domains. With these features, ACP is capable of providing tangible guidance on analogical thinking for designers without requirement of their existing experience in use of analogy. The effectiveness of ACP in creative ideation is examined with positive outcome observed in a real-life engineering design project compared to non-analogical approaches. The interrelations between creativity, analogy and design are identified featuring ACP and analogical thinking through a prescriptive study. As a result, a novel analogy-empowered creative design process is proposed and applied in an enterprise design project as a new field of application for analogical thinking in design. Initial evaluation supports the application success of the creative design process and analogical thinking is proven valuable in assisting enterprise design practices. The outcomes of this study include development of ACP based on the cognitive model of analogy, establishment of a new connection between creativity, analogy and design by the analogy-embedded creative design process, and a new design application of analogical thinking in enterprise. The identification of the value of analogical thinking in the context of enterprise design provides the researchers and entrepreneurs with a new tool to enhance enterprise design and business progress.Open Acces