416 research outputs found

    Approches tomographiques structurelles pour l'analyse du milieu urbain par tomographie SAR THR : TomoSAR

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    SAR tomography consists in exploiting multiple images from the same area acquired from a slightly different angle to retrieve the 3-D distribution of the complex reflectivity on the ground. As the transmitted waves are coherent, the desired spatial information (along with the vertical axis) is coded in the phase of the pixels. Many methods have been proposed to retrieve this information in the past years. However, the natural redundancies of the scene are generally not exploited to improve the tomographic estimation step. This Ph.D. presents new approaches to regularize the estimated reflectivity density obtained through SAR tomography by exploiting the urban geometrical structures.La tomographie SAR exploite plusieurs acquisitions d'une même zone acquises d'un point de vue légerement différent pour reconstruire la densité complexe de réflectivité au sol. Cette technique d'imagerie s'appuyant sur l'émission et la réception d'ondes électromagnétiques cohérentes, les données analysées sont complexes et l'information spatiale manquante (selon la verticale) est codée dans la phase. De nombreuse méthodes ont pu être proposées pour retrouver cette information. L'utilisation des redondances naturelles à certains milieux n'est toutefois généralement pas exploitée pour améliorer l'estimation tomographique. Cette thèse propose d'utiliser l'information structurelle propre aux structures urbaines pour régulariser les densités de réflecteurs obtenues par cette technique

    Urban Deformation Monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and SAR tomography

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    This book focuses on remote sensing for urban deformation monitoring. In particular, it highlights how deformation monitoring in urban areas can be carried out using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Tomography (TomoSAR). Several contributions show the capabilities of Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and PSI techniques for urban deformation monitoring. Some of them show the advantages of TomoSAR in un-mixing multiple scatterers for urban mapping and monitoring. This book is dedicated to the technical and scientific community interested in urban applications. It is useful for choosing the appropriate technique and gaining an assessment of the expected performance. The book will also be useful to researchers, as it provides information on the state-of-the-art and new trends in this fiel

    Modeling and Simulation in Engineering

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    This book provides an open platform to establish and share knowledge developed by scholars, scientists, and engineers from all over the world, about various applications of the modeling and simulation in the design process of products, in various engineering fields. The book consists of 12 chapters arranged in two sections (3D Modeling and Virtual Prototyping), reflecting the multidimensionality of applications related to modeling and simulation. Some of the most recent modeling and simulation techniques, as well as some of the most accurate and sophisticated software in treating complex systems, are applied. All the original contributions in this book are jointed by the basic principle of a successful modeling and simulation process: as complex as necessary, and as simple as possible. The idea is to manipulate the simplifying assumptions in a way that reduces the complexity of the model (in order to make a real-time simulation), but without altering the precision of the results

    Remote Sensing methods for power line corridor surveys

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    AbstractTo secure uninterrupted distribution of electricity, effective monitoring and maintenance of power lines are needed. This literature review article aims to give a wide overview of the possibilities provided by modern remote sensing sensors in power line corridor surveys and to discuss the potential and limitations of different approaches. Monitoring of both power line components and vegetation around them is included. Remotely sensed data sources discussed in the review include synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, optical satellite and aerial images, thermal images, airborne laser scanner (ALS) data, land-based mobile mapping data, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) data. The review shows that most previous studies have concentrated on the mapping and analysis of network components. In particular, automated extraction of power line conductors has achieved much attention, and promising results have been reported. For example, accuracy levels above 90% have been presented for the extraction of conductors from ALS data or aerial images. However, in many studies datasets have been small and numerical quality analyses have been omitted. Mapping of vegetation near power lines has been a less common research topic than mapping of the components, but several studies have also been carried out in this field, especially using optical aerial and satellite images. Based on the review we conclude that in future research more attention should be given to an integrated use of various data sources to benefit from the various techniques in an optimal way. Knowledge in related fields, such as vegetation monitoring from ALS, SAR and optical image data should be better exploited to develop useful monitoring approaches. Special attention should be given to rapidly developing remote sensing techniques such as UAVs and laser scanning from airborne and land-based platforms. To demonstrate and verify the capabilities of automated monitoring approaches, large tests in various environments and practical monitoring conditions are needed. These should include careful quality analyses and comparisons between different data sources, methods and individual algorithms

    Contribution to ground-based and UAV SAR systems for Earth observation

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    Mankind's way of life is the main driver of a planetary-scale change that is marked by the growing of human population's demand of energy, food, goods, services and information. As a result, it have emerged new ecological, economical, social and geopolitical concerns. In this scenario, SAR remote sensing is a potential tool that provides unique information about the Earth's properties and processes that can be used to solve societal challenges of local and global dimension. SARs, which are coherent systems that are able to provide high resolution images with weather independence, represent a suitable alternative for EO with diverse applications. Some examples of SAR application areas are topography (DEM generation with interferometry), agriculture (crop classification or soil moisture), or geology (monitoring surface deformation). In this framework, the encompassing objective of the present doctoral work has been part of the implementation and the subsequent evaluation of capabilities of two X-band SAR sensors. On the one hand, the RISKSAR-X radar designed to be operated at ground to monitor small-scale areas of observation and, on the other, the ARBRES-X sensor designed to be integrated into small UAVs. Despite its inherently dissimilar conception, the concurrence of both sensors has been evidenced along this manuscript. By taking advantage of the similarities between them, it has been possible to analogously assess both sensors to obtain conclusions. In this context, the common link has been the development of the polarimetric OtF operation mode of the RISKSAR-X, allowing this sensor to be operated equivalently to the ARBRES-X. Regarding the RISKSAR-X SAR sensor, several hardware contributions have been developed during part of this Ph.D. with the aim of improving the system performance. By endowing the system with the capability to operate in the fully polarimetric OtF acquisition mode, the relative long scanning time has been reduced. It is of great interest since the measured scatterers that present a short term variable reflectivity during the scanning time, such as moving vegetation, may degrade the extracted parameters from the retrieved data and the SAR image reconstruction. During this doctoral activity, it has been studied the image blurring, the decorrelation and the coherence degradation introduced by this effect. Furthermore, a new term in the differential interferometric coherence that takes into account the image blurring has been introduced. Concerning the ARBRES-X SAR system, one of the main objectives pursued during this Ph.D. has been the integration of the sensor into a small UAV MP overcoming restrictions of weight, size and aerodynamics of the platform. The use of this type of platforms is expected to open up new possibilities in airborne SAR remote sensing, since it offers much more versatility than the commonly used fixed wings UAVs. Different innovative flight strategies with this type of platforms have been assessed and some preliminary results have been obtained with the use of the ARBRES-X SAR system. During the course of the present doctoral work, much effort has been devoted to achieve the first experimental repeat-pass interfereometric results obtained with the UAV MP together with the ARBRES-X. Moreover, the sensor has been endowed with fully polarimetric capabilities by applying the improvements developed to the RISKSAR-X radar, which is another example of the duality between both systems. Finally, a vertical and a semicircular aperture have been successfully performed obtaining SLC images of the scenario, which envisages the capability of the UAV MP to perform tomographic images and complete circular apertures in the future. In conclusion, the UAV MP is a promising platform that opens new potentials for several applications, such as repeat-pass interferometry or differential tomography imaging with the realization of almost arbitrary trajectories.El mode de viure de la humanitat és el principal motor d'un canvi a escala planetària que està marcat per la creixent demanda d'energia, d'aliment, de béns, de serveis i d'informació de les poblacions humanes. Com a resultat, han sorgit noves inquietuds ecològiques, econòmiques, socials i geopolítiques. En aquest escenari, la detecció remota SAR és una eina potencial que proporciona informació única sobre les propietats i processos de la Terra que es pot utilitzar per resoldre reptes socials de dimensió local i global. Els SARs, que són sistemes coherents que poden proporcionar imatges d'alta resolució amb independència del temps, representen una alternativa adequada per a l'observació de la Terra. Alguns exemples d'àrees d'aplicació SAR són la topografia (generació de DEM amb interferometria), l'agricultura (classificació de cultius o humitat del sòl) o la geologia (monitoratge de deformació superficial). En aquest context, l'objectiu general del present doctorat ha estat part de la implementació i posterior avaluació de les capacitats de dos sensors SAR de banda X. D'una banda, el radar RISKSAR-X dissenyat per funcionar a terra i monitoritzar àrees d'observació a petita escala i, d'altra, el sensor ARBRES-X dissenyat per ser integrat en petits UAVs. Malgrat la seva concepció inherentment diferent, la concurrència d'ambdós sensors s'ha evidenciat al llarg d'aquest manuscrit. Aprofitant les similituds entre ells, s'han pogut avaluar de forma anàloga els dos sensors per obtenir conclusions. En aquest sentit, el vincle comú ha estat el desenvolupament del mode de funcionament polimètric OtF del RISKSAR-X, permetent que aquest sensor operi de forma equivalent a l'ARBRES-X. Pel que fa al sensor RISKSAR-X, s'han desenvolupat diverses contribucions hardware durant part d'aquest doctorat amb l'objectiu de millorar el rendiment del sistema. En dotar el sistema de la possibilitat d'operar en el mode d'adquisició totalment polarimètric OtF, s'ha reduït el relatiu llarg temps d'escaneig. Això és de gran interès ja que els blancs mesurats que presenten una reflectivitat variable a curt termini, com ara la vegetació en moviment, poden degradar els paràmetres extrets de les dades recuperades i la reconstrucció d'imatges SAR. Durant aquesta activitat doctoral s'ha estudiat el desenfocat de la imatge, la decorrelació i la degradació de la coherència introduïts per aquest efecte. A més, s'ha introduït un nou terme en la coherència interferomètrica diferencial que té en compte el desenfocat de la imatge. Pel que fa al sistema ARBRES-X, un dels principals objectius perseguits durant aquest doctorat ha estat la integració del sensor en un petit UAV MP superant les restriccions de pes, grandària i aerodinàmica de la plataforma. S'espera que l'ús d'aquest tipus de plataformes obri noves possibilitats en la detecció remota SAR aerotransportada, ja que ofereix molta més versatilitat que els UAV d'ales fixes habituals. S'han avaluat diferents estratègies de vol innovadores amb aquest tipus de plataformes i s'han obtingut resultats preliminars amb l'ús del sistema ARBRES-X. Durant el transcurs del present treball, s'ha dedicat molt esforç a assolir els primers resultats experimentals d'interferometria de múltiple passada obtinguts amb l'UAV MP conjuntament amb l'ARBRES-X. A més, el sensor ha estat dotat de capacitats totalment polarimètriques aplicant les millores desenvolupades al radar RISKSAR-X, el qual constitueix un altre exemple de la dualitat entre ambdós sistemes. Finalment, s'han realitzat amb èxit una apertura vertical i semicircular obtenint imatges SLC de l'escenari, el qual permet preveure la capacitat de l'UAV MP per a realitzar imatges tomogràfiques i apertures circulars completes en el futur. En conclusió, l'UAV MP és una plataforma prometedora que obre nous potencials per a diverses aplicacions, com ara la interferometria de múltiple passada o la tomografia diferencial amb la realització de trajectòries gairebé arbitràries.Postprint (published version

    Detection and height estimation of buildings from SAR and optical images using conditional random fields

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    Contribution to ground-based and UAV SAR systems for Earth observation

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    Mankind's way of life is the main driver of a planetary-scale change that is marked by the growing of human population's demand of energy, food, goods, services and information. As a result, it have emerged new ecological, economical, social and geopolitical concerns. In this scenario, SAR remote sensing is a potential tool that provides unique information about the Earth's properties and processes that can be used to solve societal challenges of local and global dimension. SARs, which are coherent systems that are able to provide high resolution images with weather independence, represent a suitable alternative for EO with diverse applications. Some examples of SAR application areas are topography (DEM generation with interferometry), agriculture (crop classification or soil moisture), or geology (monitoring surface deformation). In this framework, the encompassing objective of the present doctoral work has been part of the implementation and the subsequent evaluation of capabilities of two X-band SAR sensors. On the one hand, the RISKSAR-X radar designed to be operated at ground to monitor small-scale areas of observation and, on the other, the ARBRES-X sensor designed to be integrated into small UAVs. Despite its inherently dissimilar conception, the concurrence of both sensors has been evidenced along this manuscript. By taking advantage of the similarities between them, it has been possible to analogously assess both sensors to obtain conclusions. In this context, the common link has been the development of the polarimetric OtF operation mode of the RISKSAR-X, allowing this sensor to be operated equivalently to the ARBRES-X. Regarding the RISKSAR-X SAR sensor, several hardware contributions have been developed during part of this Ph.D. with the aim of improving the system performance. By endowing the system with the capability to operate in the fully polarimetric OtF acquisition mode, the relative long scanning time has been reduced. It is of great interest since the measured scatterers that present a short term variable reflectivity during the scanning time, such as moving vegetation, may degrade the extracted parameters from the retrieved data and the SAR image reconstruction. During this doctoral activity, it has been studied the image blurring, the decorrelation and the coherence degradation introduced by this effect. Furthermore, a new term in the differential interferometric coherence that takes into account the image blurring has been introduced. Concerning the ARBRES-X SAR system, one of the main objectives pursued during this Ph.D. has been the integration of the sensor into a small UAV MP overcoming restrictions of weight, size and aerodynamics of the platform. The use of this type of platforms is expected to open up new possibilities in airborne SAR remote sensing, since it offers much more versatility than the commonly used fixed wings UAVs. Different innovative flight strategies with this type of platforms have been assessed and some preliminary results have been obtained with the use of the ARBRES-X SAR system. During the course of the present doctoral work, much effort has been devoted to achieve the first experimental repeat-pass interfereometric results obtained with the UAV MP together with the ARBRES-X. Moreover, the sensor has been endowed with fully polarimetric capabilities by applying the improvements developed to the RISKSAR-X radar, which is another example of the duality between both systems. Finally, a vertical and a semicircular aperture have been successfully performed obtaining SLC images of the scenario, which envisages the capability of the UAV MP to perform tomographic images and complete circular apertures in the future. In conclusion, the UAV MP is a promising platform that opens new potentials for several applications, such as repeat-pass interferometry or differential tomography imaging with the realization of almost arbitrary trajectories.El mode de viure de la humanitat és el principal motor d'un canvi a escala planetària que està marcat per la creixent demanda d'energia, d'aliment, de béns, de serveis i d'informació de les poblacions humanes. Com a resultat, han sorgit noves inquietuds ecològiques, econòmiques, socials i geopolítiques. En aquest escenari, la detecció remota SAR és una eina potencial que proporciona informació única sobre les propietats i processos de la Terra que es pot utilitzar per resoldre reptes socials de dimensió local i global. Els SARs, que són sistemes coherents que poden proporcionar imatges d'alta resolució amb independència del temps, representen una alternativa adequada per a l'observació de la Terra. Alguns exemples d'àrees d'aplicació SAR són la topografia (generació de DEM amb interferometria), l'agricultura (classificació de cultius o humitat del sòl) o la geologia (monitoratge de deformació superficial). En aquest context, l'objectiu general del present doctorat ha estat part de la implementació i posterior avaluació de les capacitats de dos sensors SAR de banda X. D'una banda, el radar RISKSAR-X dissenyat per funcionar a terra i monitoritzar àrees d'observació a petita escala i, d'altra, el sensor ARBRES-X dissenyat per ser integrat en petits UAVs. Malgrat la seva concepció inherentment diferent, la concurrència d'ambdós sensors s'ha evidenciat al llarg d'aquest manuscrit. Aprofitant les similituds entre ells, s'han pogut avaluar de forma anàloga els dos sensors per obtenir conclusions. En aquest sentit, el vincle comú ha estat el desenvolupament del mode de funcionament polimètric OtF del RISKSAR-X, permetent que aquest sensor operi de forma equivalent a l'ARBRES-X. Pel que fa al sensor RISKSAR-X, s'han desenvolupat diverses contribucions hardware durant part d'aquest doctorat amb l'objectiu de millorar el rendiment del sistema. En dotar el sistema de la possibilitat d'operar en el mode d'adquisició totalment polarimètric OtF, s'ha reduït el relatiu llarg temps d'escaneig. Això és de gran interès ja que els blancs mesurats que presenten una reflectivitat variable a curt termini, com ara la vegetació en moviment, poden degradar els paràmetres extrets de les dades recuperades i la reconstrucció d'imatges SAR. Durant aquesta activitat doctoral s'ha estudiat el desenfocat de la imatge, la decorrelació i la degradació de la coherència introduïts per aquest efecte. A més, s'ha introduït un nou terme en la coherència interferomètrica diferencial que té en compte el desenfocat de la imatge. Pel que fa al sistema ARBRES-X, un dels principals objectius perseguits durant aquest doctorat ha estat la integració del sensor en un petit UAV MP superant les restriccions de pes, grandària i aerodinàmica de la plataforma. S'espera que l'ús d'aquest tipus de plataformes obri noves possibilitats en la detecció remota SAR aerotransportada, ja que ofereix molta més versatilitat que els UAV d'ales fixes habituals. S'han avaluat diferents estratègies de vol innovadores amb aquest tipus de plataformes i s'han obtingut resultats preliminars amb l'ús del sistema ARBRES-X. Durant el transcurs del present treball, s'ha dedicat molt esforç a assolir els primers resultats experimentals d'interferometria de múltiple passada obtinguts amb l'UAV MP conjuntament amb l'ARBRES-X. A més, el sensor ha estat dotat de capacitats totalment polarimètriques aplicant les millores desenvolupades al radar RISKSAR-X, el qual constitueix un altre exemple de la dualitat entre ambdós sistemes. Finalment, s'han realitzat amb èxit una apertura vertical i semicircular obtenint imatges SLC de l'escenari, el qual permet preveure la capacitat de l'UAV MP per a realitzar imatges tomogràfiques i apertures circulars completes en el futur. En conclusió, l'UAV MP és una plataforma prometedora que obre nous potencials per a diverses aplicacions, com ara la interferometria de múltiple passada o la tomografia diferencial amb la realització de trajectòries gairebé arbitràries

    Application-Specific Broadband Antennas for Microwave Medical Imaging

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    The goal of this work is the introduction of efficient antenna structures on the basis of the requirement of different microwave imaging methods; i.e. quantitative and qualitative microwave imaging techniques. Several criteria are proposed for the evaluation of single element antenna structures for application in microwave imaging systems. The performance of the proposed antennas are evaluated in simulation and measurement scenarios