393 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Structure Induction for Natural Language Processing

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    Probabilistic Modelling of Morphologically Rich Languages

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    This thesis investigates how the sub-structure of words can be accounted for in probabilistic models of language. Such models play an important role in natural language processing tasks such as translation or speech recognition, but often rely on the simplistic assumption that words are opaque symbols. This assumption does not fit morphologically complex language well, where words can have rich internal structure and sub-word elements are shared across distinct word forms. Our approach is to encode basic notions of morphology into the assumptions of three different types of language models, with the intention that leveraging shared sub-word structure can improve model performance and help overcome data sparsity that arises from morphological processes. In the context of n-gram language modelling, we formulate a new Bayesian model that relies on the decomposition of compound words to attain better smoothing, and we develop a new distributed language model that learns vector representations of morphemes and leverages them to link together morphologically related words. In both cases, we show that accounting for word sub-structure improves the models' intrinsic performance and provides benefits when applied to other tasks, including machine translation. We then shift the focus beyond the modelling of word sequences and consider models that automatically learn what the sub-word elements of a given language are, given an unannotated list of words. We formulate a novel model that can learn discontiguous morphemes in addition to the more conventional contiguous morphemes that most previous models are limited to. This approach is demonstrated on Semitic languages, and we find that modelling discontiguous sub-word structures leads to improvements in the task of segmenting words into their contiguous morphemes.Comment: DPhil thesis, University of Oxford, submitted and accepted 2014. http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:8df7324f-d3b8-47a1-8b0b-3a6feb5f45c

    Category-Theoretic Quantitative Compositional Distributional Models of Natural Language Semantics

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    This thesis is about the problem of compositionality in distributional semantics. Distributional semantics presupposes that the meanings of words are a function of their occurrences in textual contexts. It models words as distributions over these contexts and represents them as vectors in high dimensional spaces. The problem of compositionality for such models concerns itself with how to produce representations for larger units of text by composing the representations of smaller units of text. This thesis focuses on a particular approach to this compositionality problem, namely using the categorical framework developed by Coecke, Sadrzadeh, and Clark, which combines syntactic analysis formalisms with distributional semantic representations of meaning to produce syntactically motivated composition operations. This thesis shows how this approach can be theoretically extended and practically implemented to produce concrete compositional distributional models of natural language semantics. It furthermore demonstrates that such models can perform on par with, or better than, other competing approaches in the field of natural language processing. There are three principal contributions to computational linguistics in this thesis. The first is to extend the DisCoCat framework on the syntactic front and semantic front, incorporating a number of syntactic analysis formalisms and providing learning procedures allowing for the generation of concrete compositional distributional models. The second contribution is to evaluate the models developed from the procedures presented here, showing that they outperform other compositional distributional models present in the literature. The third contribution is to show how using category theory to solve linguistic problems forms a sound basis for research, illustrated by examples of work on this topic, that also suggest directions for future research.Comment: DPhil Thesis, University of Oxford, Submitted and accepted in 201

    Predicting Linguistic Structure with Incomplete and Cross-Lingual Supervision

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    Contemporary approaches to natural language processing are predominantly based on statistical machine learning from large amounts of text, which has been manually annotated with the linguistic structure of interest. However, such complete supervision is currently only available for the world's major languages, in a limited number of domains and for a limited range of tasks. As an alternative, this dissertation considers methods for linguistic structure prediction that can make use of incomplete and cross-lingual supervision, with the prospect of making linguistic processing tools more widely available at a lower cost. An overarching theme of this work is the use of structured discriminative latent variable models for learning with indirect and ambiguous supervision; as instantiated, these models admit rich model features while retaining efficient learning and inference properties. The first contribution to this end is a latent-variable model for fine-grained sentiment analysis with coarse-grained indirect supervision. The second is a model for cross-lingual word-cluster induction and the application thereof to cross-lingual model transfer. The third is a method for adapting multi-source discriminative cross-lingual transfer models to target languages, by means of typologically informed selective parameter sharing. The fourth is an ambiguity-aware self- and ensemble-training algorithm, which is applied to target language adaptation and relexicalization of delexicalized cross-lingual transfer parsers. The fifth is a set of sequence-labeling models that combine constraints at the level of tokens and types, and an instantiation of these models for part-of-speech tagging with incomplete cross-lingual and crowdsourced supervision. In addition to these contributions, comprehensive overviews are provided of structured prediction with no or incomplete supervision, as well as of learning in the multilingual and cross-lingual settings. Through careful empirical evaluation, it is established that the proposed methods can be used to create substantially more accurate tools for linguistic processing, compared to both unsupervised methods and to recently proposed cross-lingual methods. The empirical support for this claim is particularly strong in the latter case; our models for syntactic dependency parsing and part-of-speech tagging achieve the hitherto best published results for a wide number of target languages, in the setting where no annotated training data is available in the target language

    Augmenting Translation Lexica by Learning Generalised Translation Patterns

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    Bilingual Lexicons do improve quality: of parallel corpora alignment, of newly extracted translation pairs, of Machine Translation, of cross language information retrieval, among other applications. In this regard, the first problem addressed in this thesis pertains to the classification of automatically extracted translations from parallel corpora-collections of sentence pairs that are translations of each other. The second problem is concerned with machine learning of bilingual morphology with applications in the solution of first problem and in the generation of Out-Of-Vocabulary translations. With respect to the problem of translation classification, two separate classifiers for handling multi-word and word-to-word translations are trained, using previously extracted and manually classified translation pairs as correct or incorrect. Several insights are useful for distinguishing the adequate multi-word candidates from those that are inadequate such as, lack or presence of parallelism, spurious terms at translation ends such as determiners, co-ordinated conjunctions, properties such as orthographic similarity between translations, the occurrence and co-occurrence frequency of the translation pairs. Morphological coverage reflecting stem and suffix agreements are explored as key features in classifying word-to-word translations. Given that the evaluation of extracted translation equivalents depends heavily on the human evaluator, incorporation of an automated filter for appropriate and inappropriate translation pairs prior to human evaluation contributes to tremendously reduce this work, thereby saving the time involved and progressively improving alignment and extraction quality. It can also be applied to filtering of translation tables used for training machine translation engines, and to detect bad translation choices made by translation engines, thus enabling significative productivity enhancements in the post-edition process of machine made translations. An important attribute of the translation lexicon is the coverage it provides. Learning suffixes and suffixation operations from the lexicon or corpus of a language is an extensively researched task to tackle out-of-vocabulary terms. However, beyond mere words or word forms are the translations and their variants, a powerful source of information for automatic structural analysis, which is explored from the perspective of improving word-to-word translation coverage and constitutes the second part of this thesis. In this context, as a phase prior to the suggestion of out-of-vocabulary bilingual lexicon entries, an approach to automatically induce segmentation and learn bilingual morph-like units by identifying and pairing word stems and suffixes is proposed, using the bilingual corpus of translations automatically extracted from aligned parallel corpora, manually validated or automatically classified. Minimally supervised technique is proposed to enable bilingual morphology learning for language pairs whose bilingual lexicons are highly defective in what concerns word-to-word translations representing inflection diversity. Apart from the above mentioned applications in the classification of machine extracted translations and in the generation of Out-Of-Vocabulary translations, learned bilingual morph-units may also have a great impact on the establishment of correspondences of sub-word constituents in the cases of word-to-multi-word and multi-word-to-multi-word translations and in compression, full text indexing and retrieval applications

    Unsupervised grammar induction with Combinatory Categorial Grammars

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    Language is a highly structured medium for communication. An idea starts in the speaker's mind (semantics) and is transformed into a well formed, intelligible, sentence via the specific syntactic rules of a language. We aim to discover the fingerprints of this process in the choice and location of words used in the final utterance. What is unclear is how much of this latent process can be discovered from the linguistic signal alone and how much requires shared non-linguistic context, knowledge, or cues. Unsupervised grammar induction is the task of analyzing strings in a language to discover the latent syntactic structure of the language without access to labeled training data. Successes in unsupervised grammar induction shed light on the amount of syntactic structure that is discoverable from raw or part-of-speech tagged text. In this thesis, we present a state-of-the-art grammar induction system based on Combinatory Categorial Grammars. Our choice of syntactic formalism enables the first labeled evaluation of an unsupervised system. This allows us to perform an in-depth analysis of the system’s linguistic strengths and weaknesses. In order to completely eliminate reliance on any supervised systems, we also examine how performance is affected when we use induced word clusters instead of gold-standard POS tags. Finally, we perform a semantic evaluation of induced grammars, providing unique insights into future directions for unsupervised grammar induction systems

    Designing Statistical Language Learners: Experiments on Noun Compounds

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    The goal of this thesis is to advance the exploration of the statistical language learning design space. In pursuit of that goal, the thesis makes two main theoretical contributions: (i) it identifies a new class of designs by specifying an architecture for natural language analysis in which probabilities are given to semantic forms rather than to more superficial linguistic elements; and (ii) it explores the development of a mathematical theory to predict the expected accuracy of statistical language learning systems in terms of the volume of data used to train them. The theoretical work is illustrated by applying statistical language learning designs to the analysis of noun compounds. Both syntactic and semantic analysis of noun compounds are attempted using the proposed architecture. Empirical comparisons demonstrate that the proposed syntactic model is significantly better than those previously suggested, approaching the performance of human judges on the same task, and that the proposed semantic model, the first statistical approach to this problem, exhibits significantly better accuracy than the baseline strategy. These results suggest that the new class of designs identified is a promising one. The experiments also serve to highlight the need for a widely applicable theory of data requirements.Comment: PhD thesis (Macquarie University, Sydney; December 1995), LaTeX source, xii+214 page