256 research outputs found

    A Comparison of the Classification of Vegetation Characteristics by Spectral Mixture Analysis and Standard Classifiers on Remotely Sensed Imagery within the Siberia Region

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    As an alternative to the traditional method of inferring vegetation cover characteristics from satellite data by classifying each pixel into a specific land cover type based on predefined classification schemes, the Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA) method is applied to images of the Siberia region. A linear mixture model was applied to determine proportional estimates of land cover for, (a) agriculture and floodplain soils, (b) broadleaf, and (c) conifer classes, in pixels of 30 m resolution Landsat data. In order to evaluate the areal estimates, results were compared with ground truth data, as well as those estimates derived from more sophisticated method of image classification, providing improved estimates of endmember values and subpixel areal estimates of vegetation cover classes than the traditional approach of using predefined classification schemes with discrete numbers of cover types. This technique enables the estimation of proportional land cover type in a single pixel and could potentially serve as a tool for deriving improved estimates of vegetation parameters that are necessary for modeling carbon processes

    Image Classification in Remote Sensing

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    One of the most important functions of remote sensing data is the production of Land Use and Land Cover maps and thus can be managed through a process called image classification. This paper looks into the following components related to the image classification process and procedures and image classification techniques and explains two common techniques K-means Classifier and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Keywords: Remote Sensing, Image Classification, K-means Classifier, Support Vector Machin

    Thresholding and Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Approaches in Handling Mangrove Forest Mixed Pixel Problems Associated with in QuickBird Remote Sensing Image Analysis

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    Mangrove forest is an important costal ecosystem in the tropical and sub-tropical coastal regions. It is among the most productivity, ecologically, environmentally and biologically diverse ecosystem in the world. With the improvement of remote sensing technology such as remote sensing images, it provides the alternative for better way of mangrove mapping because covered wider area of ground survey. Image classification is the important part of remote sensing, image analysis and pattern recognition. It is defined as the extraction of differentiated classes; land use and land cover categories from raw remote sensing digital satellite data. One pixel in the satellite image possibly covers more than one object on the ground, within-class variability, or other complex surface cover patterns that cannot be properly described by one class. A pixel in remote sensing images might represent a mixture of class covers, within-class variability, or other complex surface cover patterns. However, this pixel cannot be correctly described by one class. These may be caused by ground characteristics of the classes and the image spatial resolution. Therefore, the aim of this research is to obtain the optimal threshold value for each class of landuse/landcover using a combination of thresholding and fuzzy rule-based classification techniques. The proposed techniques consist of three main steps; selecting training site, identifying threshold value and producing classification map. In order to produce the final mangrove classification map, the accuracy assessment is conducted through ground truth data, spectroradiometer and expert judgment. The assessment discovered the relationship between the image and condition on the ground, and the spectral signature of surface material in identifying the geographical object. Keywords Mangrove, Remote Sensing Satellite Image, Threshold, Fuzzy Rule-Based Classificatio

    Cartografía de severidad de incendios forestales a partir de la combinación del modelo de mezclas espectrales y la clasificación basada en objetos

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    This study shows an accurate and fast methodology in order to evaluate fire severity classes of large forest fires. A single Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper multispectral image was utilized in this study with the aim of mapping fire severity classes (high, moderate and low) using a combined-approach based in an spectral mixing model and object-based image analysis. A large wildfire in the Northwest of Spain is used to test the model. Fraction images obtained by Landsat unmixing were used as input data in the object-based image analysis. A multilevel segmentation and a classification were carried out by using membership functions. This method was compared with other simplest ones in order to evaluate the suitability to distinguish between the three fire severity classes above mentioned. McNemar’s test was used to evaluate the statistical significance of the difference between approaches tested in this study. The combined approach achieved the highest accuracy reaching 97.32% and kappa index of agreement of 95.96% and improving accuracy of individual classes.Este estudio presenta una metodología rápida y precisa para la evaluación de los niveles de severidad que afectan a grandes incendios forestales. El trabajo combina un modelo de mezclas espectrales y un análisis de imágenes basado en objetos con el objetivo de cartografiar distintos niveles de severidad (alto, moderado y bajo) empleando una imagen multiespectral Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper. Este modelo es testado en un gran incendio forestal ocurrido en el noroeste de España. Las imágenes fracción obtenidas tras aplicar el modelo de mezclas a la imagen Landsat fueron utilizadas como datos de entrada en el análisis basado en objetos. En este se llevó a cabo una segmentación multinivel y una posterior clasificación usando funciones de pertenencia. Esta metodología fue comparada con otras más simples con el fin de evaluar su conveniencia a al hora de distinguir entre los tres niveles de severidad anteriormente mencionados. El test de McNemar fue empleado para evaluar la significancia estadística de la diferencia entre los métodos testados en el estudio. El método combinado alcanzó la más alta precisión con un 97,32% y un índice Kappa del 95,96%, además de mejorar la precisión de los niveles individualmente

    Continuous Iterative Guided Spectral Class Rejection Classification Algorithm: Part 1

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    This paper outlines the changes necessary to convert the iterative guided spectral class rejection (IGSCR) classification algorithm to a soft classification algorithm. IGSCR uses a hypothesis test to select clusters to use in classification and iteratively refines clusters not yet selected for classification. Both steps assume that cluster and class memberships are crisp (either zero or one). In order to make soft cluster and class assignments (between zero and one), a new hypothesis test and iterative refinement technique are introduced that are suitable for soft clusters. The new hypothesis test, called the (class) association significance test, is based on the normal distribution, and a proof is supplied to show that the assumption of normality is reasonable. Soft clusters are iteratively refined by creating new clusters using information contained in a targeted soft cluster. Soft cluster evaluation and refinement can then be combined to form a soft classification algorithm, continuous iterative guided spectral class rejection (CIGSCR)

    Key Information Retrieval in Hyperspectral Imagery through Spatial-Spectral Data Fusion

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    Hyperspectral (HS) imaging is measuring the radiance of materials within each pixel area at a large number of contiguous spectral wavelength bands. The key spatial information such as small targets and border lines are hard to be precisely detected from HS data due to the technological constraints. Therefore, the need for image processing techniques is an important field of research in HS remote sensing. A novel semisupervised spatial-spectral data fusion method for resolution enhancement of HS images through maximizing the spatial correlation of the endmembers (signature of pure or purest materials in the scene) using a superresolution mapping (SRM) technique is proposed in this paper. The method adopts a linear mixture model and a fully constrained least squares spectral unmixing algorithm to obtain the endmember abundances (fractional images) of HS images. Then, the extracted endmember distribution maps are fused with the spatial information using a spatial-spectral correlation maximizing model and a learning-based SRM technique to exploit the subpixel level data. The obtained results validate the reliability of the technique for key information retrieval. The proposed method is very efficient and is low in terms of computational cost which makes it favorable for real-time applications

    Hybrid Image Classification Technique for Land-Cover Mapping in the Arctic Tundra, North Slope, Alaska

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    Remotely sensed image classification techniques are very useful to understand vegetation patterns and species combination in the vast and mostly inaccessible arctic region. Previous researches that were done for mapping of land cover and vegetation in the remote areas of northern Alaska have considerably low accuracies compared to other biomes. The unique arctic tundra environment with short growing season length, cloud cover, low sun angles, snow and ice cover hinders the effectiveness of remote sensing studies. The majority of image classification research done in this area as reported in the literature used traditional unsupervised clustering technique with Landsat MSS data. It was also emphasized by previous researchers that SPOT/HRV-XS data lacked the spectral resolution to identify the small arctic tundra vegetation parcels. Thus, there is a motivation and research need to apply a new classification technique to develop an updated, detailed and accurate vegetation map at a higher spatial resolution i.e. SPOT-5 data. Traditional classification techniques in remotely sensed image interpretation are based on spectral reflectance values with an assumption of the training data being normally distributed. Hence it is difficult to add ancillary data in classification procedures to improve accuracy. The purpose of this dissertation was to develop a hybrid image classification approach that effectively integrates ancillary information into the classification process and combines ISODATA clustering, rule-based classifier and the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier which uses artificial neural network (ANN). The main goal was to find out the best possible combination or sequence of classifiers for typically classifying tundra type vegetation that yields higher accuracy than the existing classified vegetation map from SPOT data. Unsupervised ISODATA clustering and rule-based classification techniques were combined to produce an intermediate classified map which was used as an input to a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier. The result from the MLP classifier was compared to the previous classified map and for the pixels where there was a disagreement for the class allocations, the class having a higher kappa value was assigned to the pixel in the final classified map. The results were compared to standard classification techniques: simple unsupervised clustering technique and supervised classification with Feature Analyst. The results indicated higher classification accuracy (75.6%, with kappa value of .6840) for the proposed hybrid classification method than the standard classification techniques: unsupervised clustering technique (68.3%, with kappa value of 0.5904) and supervised classification with Feature Analyst (62.44%, with kappa value of 0.5418). The results were statistically significant at 95% confidence level

    Supervised / unsupervised change detection

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    The aim of this deliverable is to provide an overview of the state of the art in change detection techniques and a critique of what could be programmed to derive SENSUM products. It is the product of the collaboration between UCAM and EUCENTRE. The document includes as a necessary requirement a discussion about a proposed technique for co-registration. Since change detection techniques require an assessment of a series of images and the basic process involves comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences to essentially spot changes, co-registration is the first step. This ensures that the user is comparing like for like. The developed programs would then be used on remotely sensed images for applications in vulnerability assessment and post-disaster recovery assessment and monitoring. One key criterion is to develop semi-automated and automated techniques. A series of available techniques are presented along with the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The descriptions of the implemented methods are included in the deliverable D2.7 ”Software Package SW2.3”. In reviewing the available change detection techniques, the focus was on ways to exploit medium resolution imagery such as Landsat due to its free-to-use license and since there is a rich historical coverage arising from this satellite series. Regarding the change detection techniques with high resolution images, this was also examined and a recovery specific change detection index is discussed in the report