15 research outputs found

    The structured phase of concurrency

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    This extended abstract summarizes the state-of-the-art solution to the structuring problem for models that describe existing real world or envisioned processes. Special attention is devoted to models that allow for the true concurrency semantics. Given a model of a process, the structuring problem deals with answering the question of whether there exists another model that describes the process and is solely composed of structured patterns, such as sequence, selection, option for simultaneous execution, and iteration. Methods and techniques for structuring developed by academia as well as products and standards proposed by industry are discussed. Expectations and recommendations on the future advancements of the structuring problem are suggested

    Translating standard process models to BPEL

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    Standardisation of languages in the field of business process management has long been an elusive goal. Recently though, consensus has built around one process implementation language, namely BPEL, and two fundamentally similar process modelling notations, namely UML Activity Diagram (UML AD) and BPMN. This paper presents a technique for generating BPEL code from process models expressed in a core subset of BPMN and UML AD. This model-to-code translation is a necessary ingredient to the emergence of model-driven business process development environments based on these standards. The proposed translation has been implemented as an open source tool

    Generalized aggregate Quality of Service computation for composite services

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    This article addresses the problem of estimating the Quality of Service (QoS) of a composite service given the QoS of the services participating in the composition. Previous solutions to this problem impose restrictions on the topology of the orchestration models, limiting their applicability to well-structured orchestration models for example. This article lifts these restrictions by proposing a method for aggregate QoS computation that deals with more general types of unstructured orchestration models. The applicability and scalability of the proposed method are validated using a collection of models from industrial practice

    Sensitivity of Graph-theoretic Metrics to Edge Directions for Structured and Unstructured Programs�

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    Program complexity can be measured based on graph-theoretic metrics such as cyclomatic number, track number, normal number, etc. This thesis explores the question of changing the directions of the edges on a flow graph and its impact on the graph-theoretic complexity metrics. Both structured and unstructured flow graphs are considered in this study.Computer Scienc

    Programming models, compilers, and runtime systems for accelerator computing

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    Accelerators, such as GPUs and Intel Xeon Phis, have become the workhorses of high-performance computing. Typically, the accelerators act as co-processors, with discrete memory spaces. They possess massive parallelism, along with many other unique architectural features. In order to obtain high performance, these features must be carefully exploited, which requires high programmer expertise. This thesis presents new programming models, and the necessary compiler and runtime systems to ease the accelerator programming process, while obtaining high performance

    Inter-module code analysis techniques for software maintenance

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    The research described in this thesis addresses itself to the problem of maintaining large, undocumented systems written in languages that contain a module construct. Emphasis is placed on developing techniques for analysing the code of these systems, thereby helping a maintenance programmer to understand a system. Techniques for improving the structure of a system are presented. These techniques help make the code of a system easier to understand. All the code analysis techniques described in this thesis involve reasoning with, and manipulating, graphical representations of a system. To help with these graph manipulations, a set of graph operations are developed that allow a maintenance programmer to combine graphs to create a bigger graph, and to extract subgraphs from a given graph that satisfy specified constraints. A relational database schema is developed to represent the information needed for inter-module code analysis. Pointers are given as to how this database can be used for inter-module code analysis