33 research outputs found

    Vertex elimination orderings for hereditary graph classes

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    We provide a general method to prove the existence and compute efficiently elimination orderings in graphs. Our method relies on several tools that were known before, but that were not put together so far: the algorithm LexBFS due to Rose, Tarjan and Lueker, one of its properties discovered by Berry and Bordat, and a local decomposition property of graphs discovered by Maffray, Trotignon and Vu\vskovi\'c. We use this method to prove the existence of elimination orderings in several classes of graphs, and to compute them in linear time. Some of the classes have already been studied, namely even-hole-free graphs, square-theta-free Berge graphs, universally signable graphs and wheel-free graphs. Some other classes are new. It turns out that all the classes that we study in this paper can be defined by excluding some of the so-called Truemper configurations. For several classes of graphs, we obtain directly bounds on the chromatic number, or fast algorithms for the maximum clique problem or the coloring problem

    A theorem of Truemper

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    On hereditary graph classes defined by forbidding Truemper configurations: recognition and combinatorial optimization algorithms, and χ-boundedness results

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    Truemper configurations are four types of graphs that helped us understand the structure of several well-known hereditary graph classes. The most famous examples are perhaps the class of perfect graphs and the class of even-hole-free graphs: for both of them, some Truemper configurations are excluded (as induced subgraphs), and this fact appeared to be useful, and played some role in the proof of the known decomposition theorems for these classes. The main goal of this thesis is to contribute to the systematic exploration of hereditary graph classes defined by forbidding Truemper configurations. We study many of these classes, and we investigate their structure by applying the decomposition method. We then use our structural results to analyze the complexity of the maximum clique, maximum stable set and optimal coloring problems restricted to these classes. Finally, we provide polynomial-time recognition algorithms for all of these classes, and we obtain χ-boundedness results

    Detecting wheels

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    A \emph{wheel} is a graph made of a cycle of length at least~4 together with a vertex that has at least three neighbors in the cycle. We prove that the problem whose instance is a graph GG and whose question is "does GG contains a wheel as an induced subgraph" is NP-complete. We also settle the complexity of several similar problems

    The world of hereditary graph classes viewed through Truemper configurations

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    In 1982 Truemper gave a theorem that characterizes graphs whose edges can be labeled so that all chordless cycles have prescribed parities. The characterization states that this can be done for a graph G if and only if it can be done for all induced subgraphs of G that are of few speci c types, that we will call Truemper con gurations. Truemper was originally motivated by the problem of obtaining a co-NP characterization of bipartite graphs that are signable to be balanced (i.e. bipartite graphs whose node-node incidence matrices are balanceable matrices). The con gurations that Truemper identi ed in his theorem ended up playing a key role in understanding the structure of several seemingly diverse classes of objects, such as regular matroids, balanceable matrices and perfect graphs. In this survey we view all these classes, and more, through the excluded Truemper con gurations, focusing on the algorithmic consequences, trying to understand what structurally enables e cient recognition and optimization algorithms

    Algorithms for square-3PC(·, ·)-free Berge graphs

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    We consider the class of graphs containing no odd hole, no odd antihole, and no configuration consisting of three paths between two nodes such that any two of the paths induce a hole, and at least two of the paths are of length 2. This class generalizes clawfree Berge graphs and square-free Berge graphs. We give a combinatorial algorithm of complexity O(n7) to find a clique of maximum weight in such a graph. We also consider several subgraph-detection problems related to this class

    Clique-cutsets beyond chordal graphs

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    Truemper configurations (thetas, pyramids, prisms, and wheels) have played an important role in the study of complex hereditary graph classes (eg, the class of perfect graphs and the class of even‐hole‐free graphs), appearing both as excluded configurations, and as configurations around which graphs can be decomposed. In this paper, we study the structure of graphs that contain (as induced subgraphs) no Truemper configurations other than (possibly) universal wheels and twin wheels. We also study several subclasses of this class. We use our structural results to analyze the complexity of the recognition, maximum weight clique, maximum weight stable set, and optimal vertex coloring problems for these classes. Furthermore, we obtain polynomial x-bounding functions for these classes

    Algorithms for square-3PC(.,.)-free Berge graphs

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    We consider the class of graphs containing no odd hole, no odd antihole and no configuration consisting of three paths between two nodes such that any two of the paths induce a hole and at least two of the paths are of length 2. This class generalizes claw-free Berge graphs and square-free Berge graphs. We give a combinatorial algorithm of complexity O(n7) to find a clique of maximum weight in such a graph. We also consider several subgraph-detection problems related to this class.Recognition algorithm, maximum weight clique algorithm, combinatorial algorithms, perfect graphs, star decompositions.

    Isometric Path Complexity of Graphs

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    Isometric path complexity of graphs

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    A set SS of isometric paths of a graph GG is "vv-rooted", where vv is a vertex of GG, if vv is one of the end-vertices of all the isometric paths in SS. The isometric path complexity of a graph GG, denoted by ipco(G)ipco(G), is the minimum integer kk such that there exists a vertex vV(G)v\in V(G) satisfying the following property: the vertices of any isometric path PP of GG can be covered by kk many vv-rooted isometric paths. First, we provide an O(n2m)O(n^2 m)-time algorithm to compute the isometric path complexity of a graph with nn vertices and mm edges. Then we show that the isometric path complexity remains bounded for graphs in three seemingly unrelated graph classes, namely, hyperbolic graphs, (theta, prism, pyramid)-free graphs, and outerstring graphs. Hyperbolic graphs are extensively studied in Metric Graph Theory. The class of (theta, prism, pyramid)-free graphs are extensively studied in Structural Graph Theory, e.g. in the context of the Strong Perfect Graph Theorem. The class of outerstring graphs is studied in Geometric Graph Theory and Computational Geometry. Our results also show that the distance functions of these (structurally) different graph classes are more similar than previously thought. There is a direct algorithmic consequence of having small isometric path complexity. Specifically, we show that if the isometric path complexity of a graph GG is bounded by a constant, then there exists a polynomial-time constant-factor approximation algorithm for ISOMETRIC PATH COVER, whose objective is to cover all vertices of a graph with a minimum number of isometric paths. This applies to all the above graph classes.Comment: A preliminary version appeared in the proceedings of the MFCS 2023 conferenc