336 research outputs found

    Data compression techniques applied to high resolution high frame rate video technology

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    An investigation is presented of video data compression applied to microgravity space experiments using High Resolution High Frame Rate Video Technology (HHVT). An extensive survey of methods of video data compression, described in the open literature, was conducted. The survey examines compression methods employing digital computing. The results of the survey are presented. They include a description of each method and assessment of image degradation and video data parameters. An assessment is made of present and near term future technology for implementation of video data compression in high speed imaging system. Results of the assessment are discussed and summarized. The results of a study of a baseline HHVT video system, and approaches for implementation of video data compression, are presented. Case studies of three microgravity experiments are presented and specific compression techniques and implementations are recommended

    Inversion using a new low-dimensional representation of complex binary geological media based on a deep neural network

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    Efficient and high-fidelity prior sampling and inversion for complex geological media is still a largely unsolved challenge. Here, we use a deep neural network of the variational autoencoder type to construct a parametric low-dimensional base model parameterization of complex binary geological media. For inversion purposes, it has the attractive feature that random draws from an uncorrelated standard normal distribution yield model realizations with spatial characteristics that are in agreement with the training set. In comparison with the most commonly used parametric representations in probabilistic inversion, we find that our dimensionality reduction (DR) approach outperforms principle component analysis (PCA), optimization-PCA (OPCA) and discrete cosine transform (DCT) DR techniques for unconditional geostatistical simulation of a channelized prior model. For the considered examples, important compression ratios (200 - 500) are achieved. Given that the construction of our parameterization requires a training set of several tens of thousands of prior model realizations, our DR approach is more suited for probabilistic (or deterministic) inversion than for unconditional (or point-conditioned) geostatistical simulation. Probabilistic inversions of 2D steady-state and 3D transient hydraulic tomography data are used to demonstrate the DR-based inversion. For the 2D case study, the performance is superior compared to current state-of-the-art multiple-point statistics inversion by sequential geostatistical resampling (SGR). Inversion results for the 3D application are also encouraging

    Realtime image noise reduction FPGA implementation with edge detection

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    The purpose of this dissertation was to develop and implement, in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), a noise reduction algorithm for real-time sensor acquired images. A Moving Average filter was chosen due to its fulfillment of a low demanding computational expenditure nature, speed, good precision and low to medium hardware resources utilization. The technique is simple to implement, however, if all pixels are indiscriminately filtered, the result will be a blurry image which is undesirable. Since human eye is more sensitive to contrasts, a technique was introduced to preserve sharp contour transitions which, in the author’s opinion, is the dissertation contribution. Synthetic and real images were tested. Synthetic, composed both with sharp and soft tone transitions, were generated with a developed algorithm, while real images were captured with an 8-kbit (8192 shades) high resolution sensor scaled up to 10 × 103 shades. A least-squares polynomial data smoothing filter, Savitzky-Golay, was used as comparison. It can be adjusted using 3 degrees of freedom ─ the window frame length which varies the filtering relation size between pixels’ neighborhood, the derivative order, which varies the curviness and the polynomial coefficients which change the adaptability of the curve. Moving Average filter only permits one degree of freedom, the window frame length. Tests revealed promising results with 2 and 4ℎ polynomial orders. Higher qualitative results were achieved with Savitzky-Golay’s better signal characteristics preservation, especially at high frequencies. FPGA algorithms were implemented in 64-bit integer registers serving two purposes: increase precision, hence, reducing the error comparatively as if it were done in floating-point registers; accommodate the registers’ growing cumulative multiplications. Results were then compared with MATLAB’s double precision 64-bit floating-point computations to verify the error difference between both. Used comparison parameters were Mean Squared Error, Signalto-Noise Ratio and Similarity coefficient.O objetivo desta dissertação foi desenvolver e implementar, em FPGA, um algoritmo de redução de ruído para imagens adquiridas em tempo real. Optou-se por um filtro de Média Deslizante por não exigir uma elevada complexidade computacional, ser rápido, ter boa precisão e requerer moderada utilização de recursos. A técnica é simples, mas se abordada como filtragem monotónica, o resultado é uma indesejável imagem desfocada. Dado o olho humano ser mais sensível ao contraste, introduziu-se uma técnica para preservar os contornos que, na opinião do autor, é a sua principal contribuição. Utilizaram-se imagens sintéticas e reais nos testes. As sintéticas, compostas por fortes e suaves contrastes foram geradas por um algoritmo desenvolvido. As reais foram capturadas com um sensor de alta resolução de 8-kbit (8192 tons) e escalonadas a 10 × 103 tons. Um filtro com suavização polinomial de mínimos quadrados, SavitzkyGolay, foi usado como comparação. Possui 3 graus de liberdade: o tamanho da janela, que varia o tamanho da relação de filtragem entre os pixels vizinhos; a ordem da derivada, que varia a curvatura do filtro e os coeficientes polinomiais, que variam a adaptabilidade da curva aos pontos a suavizar. O filtro de Média Deslizante é apenas ajustável no tamanho da janela. Os testes revelaram-se promissores nas 2ª e 4ª ordens polinomiais. Obtiveram-se resultados qualitativos com o filtro Savitzky-Golay que detém melhores características na preservação do sinal, especialmente em altas frequências. Os algoritmos em FPGA foram implementados em registos de vírgula fixa de 64-bits, servindo dois propósitos: aumentar a precisão, reduzindo o erro comparativamente ao terem sido em vírgula flutuante; acomodar o efeito cumulativo das multiplicações. Os resultados foram comparados com os cálculos de 64-bits obtidos pelo MATLAB para verificar a diferença de erro entre ambos. Os parâmetros de medida foram MSE, SNR e coeficiente de Semelhança

    Adaptive Edge-guided Block-matching and 3D filtering (BM3D) Image Denoising Algorithm

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    Image denoising is a well studied field, yet reducing noise from images is still a valid challenge. Recently proposed Block-matching and 3D filtering (BM3D) is the current state of the art algorithm for denoising images corrupted by Additive White Gaussian noise (AWGN). Though BM3D outperforms all existing methods for AWGN denoising, still its performance decreases as the noise level increases in images, since it is harder to find proper match for reference blocks in the presence of highly corrupted pixel values. It also blurs sharp edges and textures. To overcome these problems we proposed an edge guided BM3D with selective pixel restoration. For higher noise levels it is possible to detect noisy pixels form its neighborhoods gray level statistics. We exploited this property to reduce noise as much as possible by applying a pre-filter. We also introduced an edge guided pixel restoration process in the hard-thresholding step of BM3D to restore the sharpness of edges and textures. Experimental results confirm that our proposed method is competitive and outperforms the state of the art BM3D in all considered subjective and objective quality measurements, particularly in preserving edges, textures and image contrast

    On normalization-equivariance properties of supervised and unsupervised denoising methods: a survey

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    Image denoising is probably the oldest and still one of the most active research topic in image processing. Many methodological concepts have been introduced in the past decades and have improved performances significantly in recent years, especially with the emergence of convolutional neural networks and supervised deep learning. In this paper, we propose a survey of guided tour of supervised and unsupervised learning methods for image denoising, classifying the main principles elaborated during this evolution, with a particular concern given to recent developments in supervised learning. It is conceived as a tutorial organizing in a comprehensive framework current approaches. We give insights on the rationales and limitations of the most performant methods in the literature, and we highlight the common features between many of them. Finally, we focus on on the normalization equivariance properties that is surprisingly not guaranteed with most of supervised methods. It is of paramount importance that intensity shifting or scaling applied to the input image results in a corresponding change in the denoiser output

    Color image quality measures and retrieval

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    The focus of this dissertation is mainly on color image, especially on the images with lossy compression. Issues related to color quantization, color correction, color image retrieval and color image quality evaluation are addressed. A no-reference color image quality index is proposed. A novel color correction method applied to low bit-rate JPEG image is developed. A novel method for content-based image retrieval based upon combined feature vectors of shape, texture, and color similarities has been suggested. In addition, an image specific color reduction method has been introduced, which allows a 24-bit JPEG image to be shown in the 8-bit color monitor with 256-color display. The reduction in download and decode time mainly comes from the smart encoder incorporating with the proposed color reduction method after color space conversion stage. To summarize, the methods that have been developed can be divided into two categories: one is visual representation, and the other is image quality measure. Three algorithms are designed for visual representation: (1) An image-based visual representation for color correction on low bit-rate JPEG images. Previous studies on color correction are mainly on color image calibration among devices. Little attention was paid to the compressed image whose color distortion is evident in low bit-rate JPEG images. In this dissertation, a lookup table algorithm is designed based on the loss of PSNR in different compression ratio. (2) A feature-based representation for content-based image retrieval. It is a concatenated vector of color, shape, and texture features from region of interest (ROI). (3) An image-specific 256 colors (8 bits) reproduction for color reduction from 16 millions colors (24 bits). By inserting the proposed color reduction method into a JPEG encoder, the image size could be further reduced and the transmission time is also reduced. This smart encoder enables its decoder using less time in decoding. Three algorithms are designed for image quality measure (IQM): (1) A referenced IQM based upon image representation in very low-dimension. Previous studies on IQMs are based on high-dimensional domain including spatial and frequency domains. In this dissertation, a low-dimensional domain IQM based on random projection is designed, with preservation of the IQM accuracy in high-dimensional domain. (2) A no-reference image blurring metric. Based on the edge gradient, the degree of image blur can be measured. (3) A no-reference color IQM based upon colorfulness, contrast and sharpness

    Adaptive filtering techniques for acquisition noise and coding artifacts of digital pictures

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    The quality of digital pictures is often degraded by various processes (e.g, acquisition or capturing, compression, filtering process, transmission, etc). In digital image/video processing systems, random noise appearing in images is mainly generated during the capturing process; while the artifacts (or distortions) are generated in compression or filtering processes. This dissertation looks at digital image/video quality degradations with possible solution for post processing techniques for coding artifacts and acquisition noise reduction for images/videos. Three major issues associated with the image/video degradation are addressed in this work. The first issue is the temporal fluctuation artifact in digitally compressed videos. In the state-of-art video coding standard, H.264/AVC, temporal fluctuations are noticeable between intra picture frames or between an intra picture frame and neighbouring inter picture frames. To resolve this problem, a novel robust statistical temporal filtering technique is proposed. It utilises a re-descending robust statistical model with outlier rejection feature to reduce the temporal fluctuations while preserving picture details and motion sharpness. PSNR and sum of square difference (SSD) show improvement of proposed filters over other benchmark filters. Even for videos contain high motion, the proposed temporal filter shows good performances in fluctuation reduction and motion clarity preservation compared with other baseline temporal filters. The second issue concerns both the spatial and temporal artifacts (e.g, blocking, ringing, and temporal fluctuation artifacts) appearing in compressed video. To address this issue, a novel joint spatial and temporal filtering framework is constructed for artifacts reduction. Both the spatial and the temporal filters employ a re-descending robust statistical model (RRSM) in the filtering processes. The robust statistical spatial filter (RSSF) reduces spatial blocking and ringing artifacts whilst the robust statistical temporal filter (RSTF) suppresses the temporal fluctuations. Performance evaluations demonstrate that the proposed joint spatio-temporal filter is superior to H.264 loop filter in terms of spatial and temporal artifacts reduction and motion clarity preservation. The third issue is random noise, commonly modeled as mixed Gaussian and impulse noise (MGIN), which appears in image/video acquisition process. An effective method to estimate MGIN is through a robust estimator, median absolute deviation normalized (MADN). The MADN estimator is used to separate the MGIN model into impulse and additive Gaussian noise portion. Based on this estimation, the proposed filtering process is composed of a modified median filter for impulse noise reduction, and a DCT transform based denoising filter for additive Gaussian noise reduction. However, this DCT based denoising filter produces temporal fluctuations for videos. To solve this problem, a temporal filter is added to the filtering process. Therefore, another joint spatio-temporal filtering scheme is built to achieve the best visual quality of denoised videos. Extensive experiments show that the proposed joint spatio-temporal filtering scheme outperforms other benchmark filters in noise and distortions suppression

    Color-compressive bilateral filter and nonlocal means for high-dimensional images

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    We propose accelerated implementations of bilateral filter (BF) and nonlocal means (NLM) called color-compressive bilateral filter (CCBF) and color-compressive nonlocal means (CCNLM). CCBF and CCNLM are random filters, whose Monte-Carlo averaged output images are identical to the output images of conventional BF and NLM, respectively. However, CCBF and CCNLM are considerably faster because the spatial processing of multiple color channels are combined into a single random filtering process. This implies that the complexity of CCBF and CCNLM is less sensitive to color dimension (e.g., hyperspectral images) relatively to other BF and NLM methods. We experimentally verified that the execution time of CCBF and CCNLM are faster than the existing fast implementations of BF and NLM, respectively

    Combined Industry, Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop

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    The sixth annual Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop and the third annual Data Compression Industry Workshop were held as a single combined workshop. The workshop was held April 4, 1996 in Snowbird, Utah in conjunction with the 1996 IEEE Data Compression Conference, which was held at the same location March 31 - April 3, 1996. The Space and Earth Science Data Compression sessions seek to explore opportunities for data compression to enhance the collection, analysis, and retrieval of space and earth science data. Of particular interest is data compression research that is integrated into, or has the potential to be integrated into, a particular space or earth science data information system. Preference is given to data compression research that takes into account the scien- tist's data requirements, and the constraints imposed by the data collection, transmission, distribution and archival systems