223,905 research outputs found

    Towards a Holistic, Total Engineering Cost Model

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    In this paper, we explore a new approach for a unified and interdisciplinary model for estimating the total engineering effort in developing and delivering a parametric software-intensive complex system. We begin by reviewing some of the limitations of using existing engineering discipline-focused tools for estimating total engineering cost and by articulating the benefits of such a holistic model. Applying a two step method combining heuristic analysis and data validation, we propose three hypotheses to expand the basic cost estimating relationship of COSYSMO, a systems engineering model, to the total engineering scope by including software size drivers. The implementation of the hypotheses and the validation approach are also discussed. We conclude the discussion by outlining the future work required to realize such a model and to apply it to supporting successful system development endeavours

    Kinerja Sistem Informasi Dengan Dengan Metode Unified Modelling Language

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    The size of the software to achieve its success is the ability to meet the needs of users with accurate data processing and display that can support a decision. One of the biggest factors in the success of software development understands the needs of the user. These needs are outlined in the features provided in the software. This paper discusses the factors that need to be considered by the information system with unified modelling language programming can contribute to the performance of the business organizations that can meet a critical factor companies that implement application programs. In this study, the expected realization of the development model of performance-based information systems software engineering methods unified modelling language that is useful for system developers to provide quality programming that is competitive to the user.Keywords— unified modelling language, performance based information system

    Software Usage Data Visualization

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    This thesis aims at investigating the adequacy of the Unified Model for Software Engineering Data and its technical framework for developing visualizations of software usage data. Two visual notations were developed using the aforementioned framework and its visualization templates. The data source was provided by logs of the software Kactus2 that had been previously collected. The two visualizations were evaluated both on a semantic level with an ontological analysis (based on the BWW-model), and on a syntactic level with the Physics of Notations. They were also presented to developers of Kactus2 for an additional assessment of their usability and usefulness. The results indicate that the data model and framework are indeed adequate for visualizing complex usage data from Kactus2. Furthermore, the visualizations appear to be both easy to understand and useful (in the sense that they provide insight to the usage of the software) by the developers. Based on these results, we argue that software visualizations of usage data in general - and in particular using the Unified Model for Software Engineering Data - should be studied and developed further as they may help improve software engineering products and processes

    Export Management Information System: Evidence from Willbes Global Purwadadi Inc.

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    The case study in this research is the export goods data report at Willbess Global Inc. The purpose of this research is to design an information system for managing data on export goods based on a website at Willbess Global Inc.. This can help the process of inputting export goods data. Willbess Global Inc. always strives to improve its business process services, especially in the field of exporting goods with more systematic data processing. The research method used is the Rational Unified Process (RUP) which is a software engineering method developed by collecting various best practices in the software development industry. RUP uses an object oriented concept, with activities that focus on model development using the Unified Model Language (UML). This research has produced information system functions contained in each process of functional requirements such as managing, deleting, and changing information data on export goods data, data on types of transportation equipment used and data for export goods travel documents

    CodeTF: One-stop Transformer Library for State-of-the-art Code LLM

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    Code intelligence plays a key role in transforming modern software engineering. Recently, deep learning-based models, especially Transformer-based large language models (LLMs), have demonstrated remarkable potential in tackling these tasks by leveraging massive open-source code data and programming language features. However, the development and deployment of such models often require expertise in both machine learning and software engineering, creating a barrier for the model adoption. In this paper, we present CodeTF, an open-source Transformer-based library for state-of-the-art Code LLMs and code intelligence. Following the principles of modular design and extensible framework, we design CodeTF with a unified interface to enable rapid access and development across different types of models, datasets and tasks. Our library supports a collection of pretrained Code LLM models and popular code benchmarks, including a standardized interface to train and serve code LLMs efficiently, and data features such as language-specific parsers and utility functions for extracting code attributes. In this paper, we describe the design principles, the architecture, key modules and components, and compare with other related library tools. Finally, we hope CodeTF is able to bridge the gap between machine learning/generative AI and software engineering, providing a comprehensive open-source solution for developers, researchers, and practitioners.Comment: Ongoing work - Draft Previe

    Prototype of Intrusion Detection Model using UML 5.0 and Forward Engineering

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    In this paper we are using UML (Unified Modeling Language) which is the blueprint language between the programmers, analysts, and designer’s for easy representation of pictures or diagrammatic notation with some textual data. Here we are using UML 5.0 to show “prototype of the Intrusion Detection Model” and by explaining it by combining various parts by drawing various UML diagrams such as Use cases and Activity diagrams and Class Diagram using which we show forward engineering using the class diagram of the IDM( Intrusion Detection Model). IDM is a device or software that works on detecting malicious activities by unauthorized users that can cause breach to the security policy within a network

    Development of a Systems Engineering Model for Chemical Separation Process

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    This thesis is concerned with the efforts to develop a general-purpose systems engineering model software TRPSEMPro1 that can be used to improve productivity in the design process. Different features of TRPSEMPro will be presented in this thesis. First, Systems Engineering technology is presented, followed by the exposition of different numerical optimization technologies and DOE (Design of Experiments) study technologies. Second, the detailed software process, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA&D) for the TRPSEMPro is presented. All the design data models are expressed by using Unified Modeling Language (UML). AMUSESimulator is another software package which has been designed and implemented in order to serve as a bridge between AMUSE Macro, developed by ANL, and systems engineering model, TRPSEMPro. The design process for AMUSESimulator is elaborated in this thesis. The topics in this thesis also include SQL Server Database, XML, DOE techniques and optimization techniques. Several study cases which apply the developed systems engineering model to solve typical design problems are demonstrated

    Applying Model-Driven Web Engineering to the Testing Phase of the ADAGIO Project

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    The Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has been used in recent years to promote better results in the development of Web Applications, in the field that has been called Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE). One of the advantages of applying MDWE is that it offers a solution to reduce the cost of the tests without affecting their quality execution. This paper presents the application of a MDWE methodology (Navigational Development Techniques, NDT) that provides support for all the phases of the lifecycle of a software project development proposing transformations between these phases, to manage the test phase of a real-world case study named ADAGIO. This project, among other goals, proposes the development of a web application whose main objective is to offer researchers the possibility of integrating and consolidating heterogeneous data sources, showing a unified vision of them, allowing to simplify the search task in different repositories as well as the relationship between the sources found.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016- 76956-C3-2-

    Integration of DFDs into a UML - based model-driven engineering approach

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    The main aim of this article is to discuss how the functional and the object-oriented views can be inter-played to represent the various modeling perspectives of embedded systems.We discuss whether the object-oriented modeling paradigm, the predominant one to develop software at the present time, is also adequate for modeling embedded software and how it can be used with the functional paradigm.More specifically, we present how the main modeling tool of the traditional structured methods, data flow diagrams, can be integrated in an object-oriented development strategy based on the unified modeling language. The rationale behind the approach is that both views are important for modeling purposes in embedded systems environments, and thus a combined and integrated model is not only useful, but also fundamental for developing complex systems. The approach was integrated in amodel-driven engineering process, where tool support for the models used was provided. In addition, model transformations have been specified and implemented to automate the process.We exemplify the approach with an IPv6 router case study.FEDER -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(HH-02-383

    Reverse Engineering Heterogeneous Applications

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    Nowadays a large majority of software systems are built using various technologies that in turn rely on different languages (e.g. Java, XML, SQL etc.). We call such systems heterogeneous applications (HAs). By contrast, we call software systems that are written in one language homogeneous applications. In HAs the information regarding the structure and the behaviour of the system is spread across various components and languages and the interactions between different application elements could be hidden. In this context applying existing reverse engineering and quality assurance techniques developed for homogeneous applications is not enough. These techniques have been created to measure quality or provide information about one aspect of the system and they cannot grasp the complexity of HAs. In this dissertation we present our approach to support the analysis and evolution of HAs based on: (1) a unified first-class description of HAs and, (2) a meta-model that reifies the concept of horizontal and vertical dependencies between application elements at different levels of abstraction. We implemented our approach in two tools, MooseEE and Carrack. The first is an extension of the Moose platform for software and data analysis and contains our unified meta-model for HAs. The latter is an engine to infer derived dependencies that can support the analysis of associations among the heterogeneous elements composing HA. We validate our approach and tools by case studies on industrial and open-source JEAs which demonstrate how we can handle the complexity of such applications and how we can solve problems deriving from their heterogeneous nature