43 research outputs found

    Figure 1. Aquamarine's History Panel showing operation #10 (brush stroke for the nose) selectively undone. Selective Undo Support for Painting Applications

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    ABSTRACT Today's widely deployed painting applications use a linear undo model that allows users to backtrack previous operations in reverse chronological order. This undo model is not useful if the user has performed desired operations after undesired ones. Selective undo, in contrast, allows users to select specific operations in the past and only undo those, while keeping the remaining operations intact. Although selective undo has been widely explored in the context of text editing and object-oriented drawing, we explore selective undo for painting (bitmap) editing, which has received less attention and introduces many interesting user interface design challenges. Our system, called Aquamarine, explores the script model for selective undo, where selectively undone operations are skipped in the history, rather than the more explored inverse model, which puts an inverse of the selected operations at the end of the history. We discuss the design implications and show through two informal user studies that selective undo is usable and desirable

    Computer-Supported Collaborative Production

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    This paper proposes the concept of collaborative production as a focus of concern within the general area of collaborative work. We position the concept with respect to McGrath's framework for small group dynamics and the more familiar collaboration processes of awareness, coordination, and communication (McGrath 1991). After reviewing research issues and computer-based support for these interacting aspects of collaboration, we turn to a discussion of implications for how to design improved support for collaborative production. We illustrate both the challenges of collaborative production and our design implications with a collaborative map-updating scenario drawn from the work domain of geographical information systems

    Improving Collaborative Drawing using HTML5

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    This research looks into improving online web-based collaborative drawing using HTML5. Although many systems have been developed over a number of years, none of the applications released have been satisfactory for many artists; the core drawing experience was too different from a stand-alone drawing applications. Stand-alone drawing applications have better freedom of control with functions like undo and allow artists to work efficiently with hotkeys. The advent of the HTML5 Canvas Element and Websockets in recent browsers has provided new opportunities for collaborative online interaction. This research used an incremental development approach to build a prototype HTML5 drawing application providing new functionality for online collaborative drawing. The project was supported by two experienced artists throughout investigation, design, implementation and testing. The project artists helped validate design decisions and evaluate the implementation. As a result, a robust HTML5 collaborative drawing application was built. The prototype contains core drawing functionality that existing applications did not. Features include: undo and redo, free canvas transformation, complex hotkey interaction, custom canvas size support, colour wheel, and layers. All these features work smoothly in a fully synchronized network environment under a client-server model. The collaboration system uses an authoritative server structure with local prediction and re-synchronization to hide latency. Although the result is only a prototype, the evaluations from the project artists were very positive. Once more functionality targeted towards social interaction is built, the prototype will be ready for mass public testing. Although there are some issues caused by the immaturity of HTML5 technology, this project affirms its capability for collaborative web applications

    Developing Digital Media Platforms for Early Design

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    In recent times, mobile devices are becoming an integral part of our daily life. Software applications on these handheld devices are successfully migrating the traditional paper-based activities such as reading news, books, and even navigating through maps, onto the digital medium. While these applications allow information access anywhere and anytime, there is still a necessity for repurposing these digital media to support content/information creation especially in domains such as industrial design where paper-based activities are common. To utilize direct-touch tablets for collaborative conceptual design, we studied their affordances and iteratively developed a web-based wiki system, named skWiki. In this thesis, we first report an evaluation of the impact of utilizing a capacitive stylus for tracing and sketching on direct-touch tablets. This study uncovers the differences in quantitative and qualitative performance of the tablet medium compared to the paper medium when using a stylus (pen) or finger input for both tracing and sketching. While paper performed better overall, we found that the tablet medium, when used with a capacitive stylus, performed comparably to the paper medium for sketching tasks. These findings can guide sketch application designers in developing an appropriate interaction design for various input methods. In order to explore the advantages of the ubiquity of information generated on digital media, we developed Sketchbox, an Android application for sketching and sharing ideas using Dropbox as the storage cloud. An evaluation of the usage patterns of this application in a collaborative toy design scenario provided necessary guidelines for developing the skWiki system. skWiki overcomes the drawbacks of traditional wiki software, that are used as design repositories, by providing a rich editor infrastructure for sketching, text editing, and image editing. Apart from these features, skWiki provides a higher degree of freedom in sharing (cloning, branching, and merging) different versions of a sketch at various data granularities by introducing the concept of paths for maintaining revisions in a collaborative design process. We evaluated the utility of skWiki through a user study by comparing constrained and unconstrained sharing models. Furthermore, skWiki was used by the students of toy design and product design courses for both collaborative ideation and design activities. We discuss the findings and qualitative feedback from the evaluation of skWiki, and potential features for the next version of this tool

    A Boxer architecture and interface

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    The Boxer computational environment shows great promise not just as a teaching tool, but as a ubiquitous computational medium. To date, research into Boxer has concentrated mainly on the social impact of such a media, while less effort has been expended on the implementation or interface aspects of the project. This thesis outlines a possible architecture for a new implementation of Boxer, taking advantage of some fields of computer science that have matured over the last decade. Also, a new user interface for Boxer has been developed with the intention of providing easier access to Boxer for new and infrequent users. This interface is described and evaluated

    Multi-modal interface for offline robot programming

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    This thesis presents an approach for improving robot offline programming using input methods based on the human natural skills. The approach is focused to teach basic assembly and manipulation operations using a pair of industrial robots in an existing simulation environment and is meant to be improved in future works, that are also proposed in this thesis. In order to develop this approach, and regarding the available resources, an Add-In for the simulation and offline programming software RobotStudio was developed. This Add-In combines human pose, a graphical user interface and optionally speech to teach the robot a sequence of targets, along with the simulation environment, to automatically generate instructions. Two different kinds of sensors, Kinect and Leap Motion Sensor have been evaluated based on references in order to select the most suitable one for the implementation of this work. The executions of the programmed instructions have been evaluated in simulation.Este trabajo presenta una propuesta para mejorar al programación de robots fuera de línea usando métodos de entrada basados en habilidades humanas naturales. La propuesta se enfoca en enseñar operaciones básicas de ensamblaje y manipulación, utilizando un par de robots industriales en un entorno de simulación ya existente y se dispone para ser mejorado en trabajos futuros, los cuales también se proponen en este trabajo. Con el fin de desarrollar esta propuesta y teniendo en cuenta los recursos disponibles, se ha desarrollado un Add-In para el programa de simulación y programación fuera de línea Robot Studio. Este Add-In combina pose humana, una interfaz gráfica de usuario y opcionalmente habla para enseñar al robot una secuencia de objetivos junto con el entorno de simulación para automáticamente generar instrucciones. Dos diferentes tipos de sensores, Kinect y Leap Motion Sensor han sido evaluados en base a referencias para seleccionar el más adecuado para la implementación de este trabajo. Las ejecuciones de las instrucciones programadas han sido evaluadas en simulación.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial (M141

    Drawing from calculators.

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    Preparing Software Re-Engineering via Freehand Sketches in Virtual Reality

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    Re-architecting a software system requires significant preparation, e.g., to scope and design new modules with their boundaries and constituent classes. When planning an intended future state of a system as a re-engineering goal, engineers often fall recur to mechanisms such as freehand sketching (using a whiteboard). While this ensures flexibility and expressiveness, the sketches remain disconnected from the source code. The alternative, tool-supported diagramming on the other hand considerably restricts flexibility and impedes free-form communication.We present a method for preparing the architectural software re-engineering via freehand sketches in virtual reality (VR) that can be seamlessly integrated with the model structure of a software visualization and, thus, also the code of a system, for productive use: Engineers explore a subject system in the immersive visualization, while freehand sketching their insights and plans. Our concept automatically interprets sketched shapes and connects them to the system’s source code, and superimposes code-level references into a sketch to support engineers in reflecting on their sketches.We evaluated our method in an iterative interview-based case study with software developers from four different companies, where they planned a hypothetical re-engineering of an opensource software system.Video Demonstration — https://youtu.be/NKC5YpH3n4

    PolyVR - A Virtual Reality Authoring Framework for Engineering Applications

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    Die virtuelle Realität ist ein fantastischer Ort, frei von Einschränkungen und vielen Möglichkeiten. Für Ingenieure ist dies der perfekte Ort, um Wissenschaft und Technik zu erleben, es fehlt jedoch die Infrastruktur, um die virtuelle Realität zugänglich zu machen, insbesondere für technische Anwendungen. Diese Arbeit bescheibt die Entstehung einer Softwareumgebung, die eine einfachere Entwicklung von Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen und deren Implementierung in immersiven Hardware-Setups ermöglicht. Virtual Engineering, die Verwendung virtueller Umgebungen für Design-Reviews während des Produktentwicklungsprozesses, wird insbesondere von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen nur äußerst selten eingesetzt. Die Hauptgründe sind nicht mehr die hohen Kosten für professionelle Virtual-Reality-Hardware, sondern das Fehlen automatisierter Virtualisierungsabläufe und die hohen Wartungs- und Softwareentwicklungskosten. Ein wichtiger Aspekt bei der Automatisierung von Virtualisierung ist die Integration von Intelligenz in künstlichen Umgebungen. Ontologien sind die Grundlage des menschlichen Verstehens und der Intelligenz. Die Kategorisierung unseres Universums in Begriffe, Eigenschaften und Regeln ist ein grundlegender Schritt von Prozessen wie Beobachtung, Lernen oder Wissen. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, einen Schritt zu einem breiteren Einsatz von Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen in allen Bereichen der Wissenschaft und Technik zu entwickeln. Der Ansatz ist der Aufbau eines Virtual-Reality-Authoring-Tools, eines Softwarepakets zur Vereinfachung der Erstellung von virtuellen Welten und der Implementierung dieser Welten in fortschrittlichen immersiven Hardware-Umgebungen wie verteilten Visualisierungssystemen. Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, das intuitive Authoring von semantischen Elementen in virtuellen Welten zu ermöglichen. Dies sollte die Erstellung von virtuellen Inhalten und die Interaktionsmöglichkeiten revolutionieren. Intelligente immersive Umgebungen sind der Schlüssel, um das Lernen und Trainieren in virtuellen Welten zu fördern, Prozesse zu planen und zu überwachen oder den Weg für völlig neue Interaktionsparadigmen zu ebnen

    IM-sgi an interface model for shape grammar implementations

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    This research arises from the interest in computing as offering new paradigms in the design practice. Information technologies are the driving force for progress in the processes of design, enabling new forms of creativity. The increasing sophistication of computer applications, their easier access, and lower cost have had a significant impact on design practices and can be regarded as a paradigm shift. The invention and creativity are thus seen as knowledge processing activities and can, at least partially, be carried out with the support of computer applications. In this context Shape Grammars (SG) as production systems of designs through rules have the potential to create designs with variable user input and the ability to evaluate a large number of alternatives that may lead to innovative designs. Most architects and designers use computers on their daily practice as a representation tool for their projects, but not as a facilitator or increaser of the creative process. SG computational implementations have the potential to enhance creativity with the test of a wide range of design options, helping the appearance of new solutions, either through the emergence of new shapes or by stimulating the designer’s creativity with the possibilities presented. As Architects and Designers haven't adopted existing SG computational implementations, that take advantage of computation to facilitate and enhance their work, could the problem be on the communication between the applications and the user? If the interface of the SG implementation does not allow the user to understand how to use it or how to control and make use of its results, it can’t be successfully used. With interest in SG implementations as creative partners in the creative process, our research starts with the analysis of existing SG implementations, trying to understand if they had the potential to be adopted by architects and designers in their practice and, if not, what could be done to lead to that objective. User Interface Inspection Methods were used to perform this analysis and allowed us to understand that there are interactions and communication issues that need to be addressed for SG implementations to be adopted by designers. Taking this direction, we understood that models of interaction between the user and SG implementations have already been developed. The present research proposal started from the analysis of the interaction model of Scott Chase, where he defines the different levels of interaction between the user and SG implementation, with more or less input from the user, establishing different ways to combine synergies to obtain new creative solutions. Taking this interaction model as a starting point, next, we must assure the correct communication between user and implementation occurs. The means of communication between these two agents is the computational interface. Understanding the importance of the interface to allow the user to know how to use the computational implementation and be able to produce results, our research presents the development of an interface model for SG implementations to help to take a step towards the adoption of SG for creative projects. For this, we used methods from Human-Computer Interaction discipline, and we also took Bastien & Scapin's "List of Ergonomic Criteria Guidelines" as guiding lines to define the Criteria of our interface model, called IM-sgi, Interface Model for Shape Grammar Implementations. Thus, IM-sgi, an interface model for SG Implementations, has the purpose of helping SG implementations developers to address the interface on the right path to a correct communication with the particular type of user that architects and designers are. Interface prototypes following IM-sgi criteria are finally developed and presented to test the suitability of the IM-sgi Model to SG implementations and validate the objectives we propose.A presente pesquisa surge do interesse na computação por oferecer novos paradigmas na prática do design. As tecnologias da informação são a força motriz para o progresso nos processos de design, permitindo novas formas de criatividade. A crescente sofisticação das aplicações computacionais, o acesso mais fácil às mesmas e menor custo associado tiveram um grande impacto nas práticas de projeto e podemos considerar estar perante uma mudança de paradigma. A invenção e a criatividade são, portanto, vistas como atividades de processamento de conhecimento e podem, pelo menos parcialmente, ser realizadas com o suporte do computador. Nesse contexto, As Gramáticas de Forma, como sistemas de produção de designs através de regras, têm o potencial de criar projetos com entradas com níveis variáveis de intervenção do utilizador e apresentam a capacidade de avaliar um grande número de alternativas que podem levar a designs inovadores. A maioria dos arquitetos e designers usa o computador na sua prática diária como uma ferramenta de representação para seus projetos, mas não como um facilitador ou potenciador do processo criativo. As implementações computacionais de Gramáticas de Forma têm o potencial de aumentar a criatividade com o teste de uma ampla gama de opções de design, ajudando no surgimento de novas soluções, seja pela emergência de novas formas ou estimulando a criatividade do designer com as opções desenvolvidas. Uma vez que as implementações computacionais de Gramáticas de Forma existentes não foram adotadas por Arquitetos e Designers, que claramente tiram proveito de aplicações computacionais para facilitar e aperfeiçoar o seu trabalho, poderá o problema estar na comunicação entre as implementações e o utilizador? Se a interface da implementação não permitir que o utilizador entenda como usá-la ou como controlar e utilizar os seus resultados, ela não poderá ser utilizada com sucesso. Com interesse nas implementações de Gramáticas de Forma como parceiros criativos no processo criativo, a nossa investigação começa com a análise das implementações de Gramáticas de Forma existentes, tentando entender se estas têm potencial para ser adotadas pelos criativos na sua prática e, se não, o que poderia ser feito para chegar a este objetivo. Foram usados métodos de inspeção para realizar esta análise para nos permitir compreender que há interações e problemas de comunicação que precisam de ser resolvidos para que as implementações de Gramáticas de Forma sejam adotadas pelos projetistas. Seguindo essa direção de investigação, percebemos que foram já desenvolvidos modelos de interação entre o utilizador e as implementações de Gramáticas de Forma. A presente proposta de pesquisa surgiu a partir da análise do modelo de interação de Scott Chase, onde este define os diferentes níveis de interação entre utilizador e implementação de Gramáticas de Forma, com maior ou menor input do utilizador, estabelecendo diferentes formas de combinar sinergias para obter novas soluções criativas. Tomando esse modelo de interação como ponto de partida, devemos assegurar que a comunicação correta entre o utilizador e a implementação ocorra. O meio de comunicação desses dois agentes é o interface computacional. Entendendo a importância do interface para permitir que o utilizador entenda como usar a implementação computacional e seja capaz de produzir resultados, a nossa pesquisa apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de interface para implementações de Gramáticas de Forma para ajudar a dar um passo na direção da adoção das Gramáticas de Forma para projetos criativos. Deste modo, aplicámos métodos da disciplina de HCI e também adotámos a Lista de Diretrizes e Critérios Ergonómicos de Bastien & Scapin como linhas de orientação para definir os Critérios do nosso modelo de interface, denominado IM-sgi. O IM-sgi, um modelo de interface para Implementações de Gramática de Forma, tem a finalidade de ajudar programadores de implementações de Gramáticas de Forma a endereçar a interface no sentido de atingir uma comunicação correta com o tipo particular de utilizador que são os arquitetos e designers. Protótipos de interface seguindo os critérios IM-sgi são finalmente desenvolvidos e apresentados para testar a adequação do modelo IM-sgi e validar os objetivos que propomos