7 research outputs found

    Locality properties of 3D data orderings with application to parallel molecular dynamics simulations

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    Application performance on graphical processing units (GPUs), in terms of execution speed and memory usage, depends on the efficient use of hierarchical memory. It is expected that enhancing data locality in molecular dynamic simulations will lower the cost of data movement across the GPU memory hierarchy. The work presented in this article analyses the spatial data locality and data reuse characteristics for row-major, Hilbert and Morton orderings and the impact these have on the performance of molecular dynamics simulations. A simple cache model is presented, and this is found to give results that are consistent with the timing results for the particle force computation obtained on NVidia GeForce GTX960 and Tesla P100 GPUs. Further analysis of the observed memory use, in terms of cache hits and the number of memory transactions, provides a more detailed explanation of execution behaviour for the different orderings. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate memory analysis and data locality issues for molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones fluids on NVidia’s Maxwell and Tesla architectures

    Fast micromagnetic simulations on GPU : recent advances made with mumaxÂł

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    In the last twenty years, numerical modeling has become an indispensable part of magnetism research. It has become a standard tool for both the exploration of new systems and for the interpretation of experimental data. In the last five years, the capabilities of micromagnetic modeling have dramatically increased due to the deployment of graphical processing units (GPU), which have sped up calculations to a factor of 200. This has enabled many studies which were previously unfeasible. In this topical review, we give an overview of this modeling approach and show how it has contributed to the forefront of current magnetism research

    Understanding and Optimizing GPU Cache Memory Performance for Compute Workloads

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    Reducing Cache Contention On GPUs

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    The usage of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) as an application accelerator has become increasingly popular because, compared to traditional CPUs, they are more cost-effective, their highly parallel nature complements a CPU, and they are more energy efficient. With the popularity of GPUs, many GPU-based compute-intensive applications (a.k.a., GPGPUs) present significant performance improvement over traditional CPU-based implementations. Caches, which significantly improve CPU performance, are introduced to GPUs to further enhance application performance. However, the effect of caches is not significant for many cases in GPUs and even detrimental for some cases. The massive parallelism of the GPU execution model and the resulting memory accesses cause the GPU memory hierarchy to suffer from significant memory resource contention among threads. One cause of cache contention arises from column-strided memory access patterns that GPU applications commonly generate in many data-intensive applications. When such access patterns are mapped to hardware thread groups, they become memory-divergent instructions whose memory requests are not GPU hardware friendly, resulting in serialized access and performance degradation. Cache contention also arises from cache pollution caused by lines with low reuse. For the cache to be effective, a cached line must be reused before its eviction. Unfortunately, the streaming characteristic of GPGPU workloads and the massively parallel GPU execution model increase the reuse distance, or equivalently reduce reuse frequency of data. In a GPU, the pollution caused by a large reuse distance data is significant. Memory request stall is another contention factor. A stalled Load/Store (LDST) unit does not execute memory requests from any ready warps in the issue stage. This stall prevents the potential hit chances for the ready warps. This dissertation proposes three novel architectural modifications to reduce the contention: 1) contention-aware selective caching detects the memory-divergent instructions caused by the column-strided access patterns, calculates the contending cache sets and locality information and then selectively caches; 2) locality-aware selective caching dynamically calculates the reuse frequency with efficient hardware and caches based on the reuse frequency; and 3) memory request scheduling queues the memory requests from a warp issuing stage, frees the LDST unit stall and schedules items from the queue to the LDST unit by multiple probing of the cache. Through systematic experiments and comprehensive comparisons with existing state-of-the-art techniques, this dissertation demonstrates the effectiveness of our aforementioned techniques and the viability of reducing cache contention through architectural support. Finally, this dissertation suggests other promising opportunities for future research on GPU architecture

    Intelligent Scheduling and Memory Management Techniques for Modern GPU Architectures

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    abstract: With the massive multithreading execution feature, graphics processing units (GPUs) have been widely deployed to accelerate general-purpose parallel workloads (GPGPUs). However, using GPUs to accelerate computation does not always gain good performance improvement. This is mainly due to three inefficiencies in modern GPU and system architectures. First, not all parallel threads have a uniform amount of workload to fully utilize GPU’s computation ability, leading to a sub-optimal performance problem, called warp criticality. To mitigate the degree of warp criticality, I propose a Criticality-Aware Warp Acceleration mechanism, called CAWA. CAWA predicts and accelerates the critical warp execution by allocating larger execution time slices and additional cache resources to the critical warp. The evaluation result shows that with CAWA, GPUs can achieve an average of 1.23x speedup. Second, the shared cache storage in GPUs is often insufficient to accommodate demands of the large number of concurrent threads. As a result, cache thrashing is commonly experienced in GPU’s cache memories, particularly in the L1 data caches. To alleviate the cache contention and thrashing problem, I develop an instruction aware Control Loop Based Adaptive Bypassing algorithm, called Ctrl-C. Ctrl-C learns the cache reuse behavior and bypasses a portion of memory requests with the help of feedback control loops. The evaluation result shows that Ctrl-C can effectively improve cache utilization in GPUs and achieve an average of 1.42x speedup for cache sensitive GPGPU workloads. Finally, GPU workloads and the co-located processes running on the host chip multiprocessor (CMP) in a heterogeneous system setup can contend for memory resources in multiple levels, resulting in significant performance degradation. To maximize the system throughput and balance the performance degradation of all co-located applications, I design a scalable performance degradation predictor specifically for heterogeneous systems, called HeteroPDP. HeteroPDP predicts the application execution time and schedules OpenCL workloads to run on different devices based on the optimization goal. The evaluation result shows HeteroPDP can improve the system fairness from 24% to 65% when an OpenCL application is co-located with other processes, and gain an additional 50% speedup compared with always offloading the OpenCL workload to GPUs. In summary, this dissertation aims to provide insights for the future microarchitecture and system architecture designs by identifying, analyzing, and addressing three critical performance problems in modern GPUs.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Engineering 201

    Rethinking Cache Hierarchy And Interconnect Design For Next-Generation Gpus

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    To match the increasing computational demands of GPGPU applications and to improve peak compute throughput, the core counts in GPUs have been increasing with every generation. However, the famous memory wall is a major performance determinant in GPUs. In other words, in most cases, peak throughput in GPUs is ultimately dictated by memory bandwidth. Therefore, to serve the memory demands of thousands of concurrently executing threads, GPUs are equipped with several sources of bandwidth such as on-chip private/shared caching resources and off-chip high bandwidth memories. However, the existing sources of bandwidth are often not sufficient for achieving optimal GPU performance. Therefore, it is important to conserve and improve memory bandwidth utilization. To achieve the aforementioned goal, this dissertation focuses on improving on-chip cache bandwidth by managing cache line (data) replication across L1 caches via rethinking the cache hierarchy and the interconnect design. Such data replication stems from the private nature of the L1 caches and inter-core locality. Specifically, each GPU core can independently request and store a given cache line (in its local L1 cache) while being oblivious to the previous requests of other cores. This dissertation treats inter-core locality (i.e., data replication) as a double-edged sword, and proposes the following. First, this dissertation shows that efficient inter-core communication can exploit data replication across the L1 caches to unlock an additional potential source of on-chip bandwidth, which we call as remote-core bandwidth. We propose to efficiently coordinate the data movement across GPU cores to exploit this remote-core bandwidth by investigating: a) which data is replicated across cores, b) which cores have the replicated data, and c) how to fetch the replicated data as soon as possible. Second, this dissertation shows that if data replication is eliminated (or reduced), then the L1 caches can effectively cache more data, leading to higher hit rates and more on-chip bandwidth. We propose designing a shared L1 cache organization, which restricts each core to cache only a unique slice of the address range, eliminating data replication. We develop lightweight mechanisms to: a) reduce the inter-core communication overheads and b) to identify applications that prefer the private L1 organization and hence execute them accordingly. Third, to improve the performance, area, and energy efficiency of the shared L1 organization, this dissertation proposes DC-L1 (DeCoupled-L1) cache, an L1 cache separated from the GPU core. We show how the decoupled nature of the DC-L1 caches provides an opportunity to aggregate the L1 caches, and enables low-overhead efficient data placement designs. These optimizations reduce data replication across the L1s and increase their bandwidth utilization. Altogether, this dissertation develops several innovative techniques to improve the efficiency of the GPU on-chip memory system, which are necessary to address the memory wall problem. The future work will explore other designs and techniques to improve on-chip bandwidth utilization by considering other bandwidth sources (e.g., scratchpad and L2 cache)