15,328 research outputs found

    Exploring Digital Marketing Optimization: Enhancing Company Performance with a Focus on the FMCG Industry in Lebanon

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    In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, companies within the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry in Lebanon are recognizing the imperative need to optimize their digital marketing strategies to enhance overall performance. This study delves into the intricacies of digital marketing optimization, with an emphasis on perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, user experience, and consumer engagement as pivotal themes impacting company performance. Employing a qualitative research methodology, in-depth insights were garnered from 15 industry professionals through semi-structured interviews. These individuals were carefully selected for their expertise and firsthand experience with digital marketing within the Lebanese FMCG sector. The analysis of the qualitative data led to the extraction of nuanced understandings regarding how perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness directly influence the user experience and, subsequently, consumer engagement in digital platforms. The study highlights the critical role of user-friendly interfaces and valuable content in fostering positive consumer experiences, which in turn, amplify engagement rates. Moreover, the research identifies the chain effect that starts with the initial consumer interaction with digital marketing campaigns and cascades into long-term company performance metrics. The findings reveal that the FMCG companies in Lebanon are at a pivotal junction, where embracing digital marketing optimization can lead to significant competitive advantages. Companies that adeptly leverage the ease of use and usefulness of their digital content can create enhanced user experiences, thereby fostering deeper levels of consumer engagement.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Internationalization strategies of the companies via e-commerce

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    E-commerce eliminated all national borders between countries and provided a new dimension to the internationalization process. Technological developments have made the study of electronic commerce in the international environment inevitable. This study highlights the possibilities and challenges of e-commerce and, consequently, the impact of this form of internationalization on company strategy. For the development of an empirical study, five interviews were analyzed with the primary objective of exploring the motivations that led companies to expand online. As the consumer is the leading player in this process, its perspective concerning ecommerce was studied. For this, an online survey was created to analyze the impact of social networks on the consumer's relationship. The results suggest an apparent connection between internationalization strategies and the adaptation of e-commerce. In this study, we conclude that e-commerce is one of the main internationalization strategies.O e-commerce eliminou todas as fronteiras nacionais entre os países e proporcionou uma nova dimensão ao processo de internacionalização. A evolução tecnológica tornou inevitável o estudo do comércio eletrónico no ambiente internacional. Este estudo visa evidenciar as possibilidades e desafios do e-commerce e, consequentemente, o impacto dessa forma de internacionalização na estratégia das empresas. Para o desenvolvimento de um estudo empírico, foram analisadas cinco entrevistas com o objetivo principal de analisar as motivações que levaram as empresas a expandirem online. Como o consumidor é o principal player neste processo, foi estudada a perspetiva do mesmo em relação ao e-commerce. Para isso, foi criado um inquérito online para analisar o impacto das redes sociais na relação com o consumidor. Os resultados sugerem uma conexão aparente entre as estratégias de internacionalização e a adaptação do e-commerce. Neste estudo, podemos verificar que o e-commerce é uma das principais estratégias de internacionalização

    Proposed Digital Marketing Strategy To Increase Brand Awareness In Advertising Industry (Case Study: PT Saji Media Pratama)

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    In the context of a dynamic market like Indonesia, characterized by rapid population growth and increasing internet usage, OOH advertisers face unique opportunities. Indonesia is among the world's leaders in internet adoption, with a steady rise in users expected in the coming years. This digital transformation, led by social media platforms, offers advertisers a potent tool to connect with their audience. Social media, being a pivotal digital platform, has become integral to marketing strategies and customer engagement. Customers frequently turn to social media to inform their purchase decisions, which has propelled its significance in business strategies. Beyond facilitating customer-business interactions, it fosters customer-to-customer communication, transforming it into a multifaceted communication medium. PT. Saji Media Pratama, an out-of-home (OOH) advertising company based in Indonesia, has been operating since 1996 and has provided assistance to numerous companies in fulfilling their OOH requirements. However, in recent years, the company has encountered challenges as its digital marketing platform has struggled to attract new clients and has resulted in low brand awareness. This study examines the internal and external factors affecting the company in order to offer a digital marketing strategy aimed at increasing brand awareness and client acquisition. The company's internal analysis include the conduct of VRIO analysis, CRM analysis, and content analysis. The company's external analysis include the utilization of Porter's Five Forces analysis, customer analysis, and competitive analysis. The data was acquired by conducting a systematic review of relevant academic journals and by conducting in-depth interviews with both current employees of Saji Media and potential customers. The result will be developed using SWOT analysis to answer the research question and to propose a digital marketing strategy with RACE Planning Framework

    Market Orientation and Innovation Performance: Mediating Effects of Customer Engagement in SMEs

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    This study's objective is to develop an innovation performance model based on the role of market orientation and customer engagement. Market-oriented practices through customer engagement will enable companies to achieve innovation performance. This research was conducted on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in manu-facturing in Bali. A conceptual model was developed to determine the mediating role of customer engagement in the relationship between market orientation and innovation performance. The research design used was cross-sectional. Quantitative data were collected from 242 respondents by distributing questionnaires to managers and own-ers of manufacturing SMEs in Bali. The model was tested using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study show that market orientation has a significant positive effect on innovation performance, market orientation has a positive effect on customer engagement, customer engagement has a positive effect on innovation performance, and customer engagement partially mediates the relationship between market orienta-tion and innovation performance. The results of this study are expected to be able to increase managers' insight and understanding of the mechanisms of how market ori-entation and customer engagement can contribute to innovation performance in ex-port-oriented SMEs

    Sustainable Strategies for Brand Loyalty and Customer Loyalty: Unraveling Born Global Firm Practices

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    Abstract The research in this thesis aimed to explore how sustainability impacts brand loyalty in born global companies, which are companies that early in their development establish themselves internationally. Sustainability is a critical issue for businesses in today's world as consumers and stakeholders demand that businesses take social and environmental responsibility. In this thesis, we take an exploratory approach by applying the Gioia method to examine the topic more thoroughly. The research highlighted a significant relationship between sustainability and brand loyalty in born global companies, as most companies incorporate sustainable practices into their operations, products, and services, resulting in building trust and loyalty among customers. Integrating sustainability into corporate branding is a positive driver of competitive advantage, as companies that receive recognition for their commitment to sustainability differentiate themselves from competitors, which attract and retain a customer base that values sustainability. The research also highlights the importance of communicating sustainable practices through various channels, such as social media, marketing, websites, and direct customer interactions, to improve brand identity and customer trust. The research highlights that several born global companies incorporate sustainability into their corporate branding strategies, which help develop a distinct brand that communicates the company's commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR). The study also emphasized the importance of incorporating sustainability into all aspects of the company's operations, including supply chain, product development, packaging and communication efforts, as key factors for effective sustainability branding. As a result, sustainability and brand loyalty are strongly connected in born global companies. The importance of corporate social responsibility has a further impact on the society and environment, while it also strategically differentiates themselves from competitors. This results in increased trust and brand loyalty among the customers

    Consulting project: Descubriendo Juntxs

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    El sector de las capacitaciones es cada vez más valorado por las empresas y busca mejorar el desenvolvimiento de las personas, tanto en lo laboral como lo social o familiar. Sin embargo, la desigualdad es una barrera para ciertas personas al momento de poder recibir este servicio. En ese sentido, es que nace Descubriendo Juntxs, empresa fundada el año 2023 con un importante enfoque social: llevar las capacitaciones a gente en los sectores de más difícil acceso peruano, como puede ser el sector rural. Esta realidad es contrastada por la fundadora de la empresa, Saddit Suice Vilchez, la cual es originaria de la ciudad de Huancayo y ha presenciado la desigualdad que vive mucha gente al momento de acceder a capacitaciones o educación de calidad. Por ende, el foco y motivo de la empresa es buscar mejorar la vida de la gente que no tiene fácil acceso a este servicio, a través de capacitaciones y de manera gratuita. Esta labor social viene siendo financiada por la misma empresa a través de los servicios que brinda a sus clientes. No obstante, el problema identificado es que no existen clientes nuevos para la empresa, lo cual ha generado un bajo flujo de caja y una ausencia de movimiento laboral en Descubriendo Juntxs. En consecuencia, el proceso de consultoría se centró en proponer soluciones a corto y mediano plazo, basadas en un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo, donde se recopiló información de los clientes anteriores, la cual sirvió para estudiarse y contrastarla con nuevas oportunidades encontradas por el equipo. Después de evaluar las alternativas de solución, se propuso una solución final, la cual contempla una estrategia de negocios que servirá para que Descubriendo Juntxs pueda generar nuevos ingresos y luego expanda su equipo a más personas, poniendo en marcha un plan de marketing, necesario para captar más clientes.The training sector is currently witnessing a heightened appreciation among companies, with a strong emphasis on enhancing individuals' performance across professional, social, and familial domains. Nevertheless, the pervasive issue of inequality acts as a significant impediment for certain individuals in accessing these services. It is in this context that Descubriendo Juntxs was established in 2023, underpinned by a profound social mission: to extend training opportunities to individuals residing in the most underserved regions of Peru, particularly in rural areas. The founder of the company, Saddit Vilchez, hailing from the city of Huancayo, brings a personal understanding of the inequalities many people face in their pursuit of quality training and education. Hence, the company's core purpose and driving force revolve around enhancing the lives of individuals who encounter formidable obstacles in accessing such services, all the while delivering this training free of charge. To sustain this noble social endeavor, the company leverages the revenues generated from the services it provides to its clients. However, a critical challenge has emerged in the form of stagnant client acquisition, resulting in reduced cash flow and a notable absence of labor movement within Descubriendo Juntxs. Consequently, the consulting process has been meticulously crafted to propose short and medium-term solutions. Rooted in both qualitative and quantitative analyses, this approach involved the aggregation of insights from prior clients, which were then meticulously scrutinized and aligned with fresh opportunities identified by the consulting team. Following a thorough evaluation of potential alternatives, a final solution has been outlined. This solution entails the formulation of a business strategy designed to enable Descubriendo Juntxs to secure additional income streams and subsequently expand its team, ushering in an era of growth through the implementation of an essential marketing plan aimed at attracting a broader clientele base


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    ABSTRACT : In the intricate landscape of 21st-century business, this study addresses the challenges facing companies, particularly international focal firms, in meeting stakeholders' sustainability expectations. Requiring astute strategic decision-making, the focus is on the interplay between sustainability and Relationship Marketing (RM) theory in contemporary business networks. Current literature lacks a thorough exploration of the sustainability-marketing relationship, especially in the internationalization context, highlighting a critical research gap. Identifying this gap, the research underscores the need for a cohesive theoretical framework to comprehend how companies navigate relationships through sustainability. Thus, the study aims to construct a robust RM framework, synthesizing theories and identifying success factors. The Research Question is: “How can sustainability contribute to effective implementation of focal firms’ Relationship Marketing strategies?”. Sub-questions delve into internal operations, stakeholder engagement, and internationalization, forming the foundation for model development through data analysis and literature review. Using a qualitative design, three distinct case studies undergo analysis through semi-structured interviews with marketing and sustainability executives of international focal firms. Contributing to RM and sustainability theory, the study identifies ten forms of relational exchange, emphasizing shared values like sustainability as catalysts for active engagement. In the context of the Resource-Advantage view of competition, it explores the significance of idiosyncratic competence resources. Comparative analysis reveals three key competences: intra-firm sustainability competence, interfirm sustainability competence, and international sustainability competence—forming Sustainability Factors for meaningful global relational exchanges. Concluding, the research not only fills a critical research gap by establishing a foundation for exploring the intricate relationship between sustainability and Relationship Marketing but also provides insights for focal firms’ executives navigating diverse business contexts, while suggesting avenues for further research

    Framework of Social Customer Relationship Management in E-Health Services

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    Healthcare organization is implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) as a strategy for managing interactions with patients involving technology to organize, automate, and coordinate business processes. Web-based CRM provides healthcare organization with the ability to broaden service beyond its usual practices in achieving a complex patient care goal, and this paper discusses and demonstrates how a new approach in CRM based on Web 2.0 or Social CRM helps healthcare organizations to improve their customer support, and at the same time avoiding possible conflicts, and promoting better healthcare to patients. A conceptual framework of the new approach will be proposed and highlighted. The framework includes some important features of Social CRM such as customer's empowerment, social interactivity between healthcare organization-patients, and patients-patients. The framework offers new perspective in building relationships between healthcare organizations and customers and among customers in e-health scenario. It is developed based on the latest development of CRM literatures and case studies analysis. In addition, customer service paradigm in social network's era, the important of online health education, and empowerment in healthcare organization will be taken into consideration.Comment: 15 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1204.3689, arXiv:1203.3919, arXiv:1204.3685, arXiv:1203.4309, arXiv:1204.3691, arXiv:1203.392

    Consulting project - Recidar

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    En cuanto al proyecto de consultoría que se ha llevado a cabo para Recidar, encierra un enfoque innovador para garantizar un futuro viable a su compromiso social de abogar por procesos de economía circular en Lima. La iniciativa recomendada se construye a través de la colaboración con diferentes actores clave que permitirán optimizar el alcance y la profundidad de la nueva Recidar. La asociación con actores locales clave es la clave para que Recidar desarrolle una mejor vía para su visión a largo plazo. Dado que Recidar está actualmente atascada con el alto nivel de actividad que se le exige a diario, el trabajo externo propuesto le dará una nueva visión para construir adecuadamente su negocio de modo que pueda resistir a las importantes fluctuaciones del entorno externo en el que opera.The following consultancy project analyzes the status of Recidar's strategic plan and recommends a greater emphasis on a long-term vision. The preliminary work has been based on the search for relevant academic articles covering the different dimensions of the circular economy. In addition, the literature review covers the different management practices that a social enterprise should foster to ensure a viable long-term vision for its operations. To successfully develop a comprehensive recommendation, an industry analysis (Porter's 5 forces), external analysis (PESTEL), internal analysis (AMOFHIT) and a detailed analysis of the problem at hand have been carried out. In terms of concrete recommendations, it highlights collaboration with universities, an engagement with a professional with inside knowledge of Gamarra, initiatives within the Gamarra ecosystem and the development of an e-commerce platform. These initiatives aim to improve brand recognition, promote a circular economy, create diverse revenue streams, and most importantly, respond to Recidar's request to build a long-term strategy for the future of its social mission

    Exploring The Influence of Digital Marketing Channels on Consumer Purchase Intentions on High Involvement Versus Low Involvement Products.

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    This executive summary provides an overview of a research study that explored the influence of digital marketing channels on consumer purchase intentions for high involvement versus low involvement products. The study utilized a cross-sectional research design and employed an online survey through Google Forms to collect data from customers in Norway. The data were analyzed using linear regression analysis and their interaction effects to examine the relationships between variables and test the research hypotheses. The study's findings indicate that the combined effect of Online Advertisements, Blogs and websites, Product descriptions on company ethical and sustainability practices does not have a statistically significant impact on Consumer Purchase Intentions. The F-statistic for this regression model is 1.225, suggesting that the independent variables jointly do not play a significant role in shaping the Consumer Purchase Intention. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, indicating that these factors do not significantly influence consumer purchase intentions. However, when considering individual predictors, it was found that some variables, such as Age tiers, Price, and Quality, have a statistically significant impact on Consumer Purchase Intentions. These factors independently influence consumer purchase intentions. The F-statistic for the regression model that includes these variables is 10.775, indicating that the model is statistically significant. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis cannot be rejected, suggesting that the combined presence of Online Advertisements, Blogs and websites, product descriptions on company ethical and sustainability practices, age, gender, price, and quality significantly affects Consumer Purchase Intentions. Additionally, the study examined the influence of the presence of high and low involvement products on the relationship between Online Advertisements, Blogs and websites, the product description on company ethical and sustainability practices, and Consumer Purchase Intentions. The F-statistic for this regression model is statistically significant, supporting the hypothesis that the presence of high and low involvement products affects the relationship between these variables and Consumer Purchase Intentions. These findings contribute to the understanding of consumer behavior and can guide marketing strategies aimed at enhancing purchase intentions for both high and low involvement products. It is therefore recommended that the level of consumer involvement with the product should guide the selection and implementation of digital marketing channels. For high involvement products, brands should focus on channels that provide in-depth information, facilitate research, and enable comparisons, such as search engine marketing, search engine optimization, and dedicated brand websites. For low involvement products, brands should emphasize channels that create brand awareness, trigger impulse buying, and provide convenience, such as social media advertising, email marketing, and mobile apps. Keywords: Digital Marketing Channels, Consumer Purchase Intentions, High Involvement Products, Low Involvement Products, Online Advertisement, Blogs and Websites, Product description on the company’s ethical and sustainability measures