1,563 research outputs found

    The Decidability Frontier for Probabilistic Automata on Infinite Words

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    We consider probabilistic automata on infinite words with acceptance defined by safety, reachability, B\"uchi, coB\"uchi, and limit-average conditions. We consider quantitative and qualitative decision problems. We present extensions and adaptations of proofs for probabilistic finite automata and present a complete characterization of the decidability and undecidability frontier of the quantitative and qualitative decision problems for probabilistic automata on infinite words

    Undecidability of L(A)=L(B)L(\mathcal{A})=L(\mathcal{B}) recognized by measure many 1-way quantum automata

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    Let L>λ(A)L_{>\lambda}(\mathcal{A}) and L≥λ(A)L_{\geq\lambda}(\mathcal{A}) be the languages recognized by {\em measure many 1-way quantum finite automata (MMQFA)} (or,{\em enhanced 1-way quantum finite automata(EQFA)}) A\mathcal{A} with strict, resp. non-strict cut-point λ\lambda. We consider the languages equivalence problem, showing that \begin{itemize} \item {both strict and non-strict languages equivalence are undecidable;} \item {to do this, we provide an additional proof of the undecidability of non-strict and strict emptiness of MMQFA(EQFA), and then reducing the languages equivalence problem to emptiness problem;} \item{Finally, some other Propositions derived from the above results are collected.} \end{itemize}Comment: Readability improved, title change

    When is Containment Decidable for Probabilistic Automata?

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    The containment problem for quantitative automata is the natural quantitative generalisation of the classical language inclusion problem for Boolean automata. We study it for probabilistic automata, where it is known to be undecidable in general. We restrict our study to the class of probabilistic automata with bounded ambiguity. There, we show decidability (subject to Schanuel's conjecture) when one of the automata is assumed to be unambiguous while the other one is allowed to be finitely ambiguous. Furthermore, we show that this is close to the most general decidable fragment of this problem by proving that it is already undecidable if one of the automata is allowed to be linearly ambiguous

    What is known about the Value 1 Problem for Probabilistic Automata?

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    The value 1 problem is a decision problem for probabilistic automata over finite words: are there words accepted by the automaton with arbitrarily high probability? Although undecidable, this problem attracted a lot of attention over the last few years. The aim of this paper is to review and relate the results pertaining to the value 1 problem. In particular, several algorithms have been proposed to partially solve this problem. We show the relations between them, leading to the following conclusion: the Markov Monoid Algorithm is the most correct algorithm known to (partially) solve the value 1 problem

    Profinite Techniques for Probabilistic Automata and the Markov Monoid Algorithm

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    We consider the value 1 problem for probabilistic automata over finite words: it asks whether a given probabilistic automaton accepts words with probability arbitrarily close to 1. This problem is known to be undecidable. However, different algorithms have been proposed to partially solve it; it has been recently shown that the Markov Monoid algorithm, based on algebra, is the most correct algorithm so far. The first contribution of this paper is to give a characterisation of the Markov Monoid algorithm. The second contribution is to develop a profinite theory for probabilistic automata, called the prostochastic theory. This new framework gives a topological account of the value 1 problem, which in this context is cast as an emptiness problem. The above characterisation is reformulated using the prostochastic theory, allowing us to give a simple and modular proof.Comment: Conference version: STACS'2016, Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Journal version: TCS'2017, Theoretical Computer Scienc

    Probabilistic regular graphs

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    Deterministic graph grammars generate regular graphs, that form a structural extension of configuration graphs of pushdown systems. In this paper, we study a probabilistic extension of regular graphs obtained by labelling the terminal arcs of the graph grammars by probabilities. Stochastic properties of these graphs are expressed using PCTL, a probabilistic extension of computation tree logic. We present here an algorithm to perform approximate verification of PCTL formulae. Moreover, we prove that the exact model-checking problem for PCTL on probabilistic regular graphs is undecidable, unless restricting to qualitative properties. Our results generalise those of EKM06, on probabilistic pushdown automata, using similar methods combined with graph grammars techniques.Comment: In Proceedings INFINITY 2010, arXiv:1010.611

    Probabilistic Automata of Bounded Ambiguity

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    Probabilistic automata are a computational model introduced by Michael Rabin, extending nondeterministic finite automata with probabilistic transitions. Despite its simplicity, this model is very expressive and many of the associated algorithmic questions are undecidable. In this work we focus on the emptiness problem, which asks whether a given probabilistic automaton accepts some word with probability higher than a given threshold. We consider a natural and well-studied structural restriction on automata, namely the degree of ambiguity, which is defined as the maximum number of accepting runs over all words. We observe that undecidability of the emptiness problem requires infinite ambiguity and so we focus on the case of finitely ambiguous probabilistic automata. Our main results are to construct efficient algorithms for analysing finitely ambiguous probabilistic automata through a reduction to a multi-objective optimisation problem, called the stochastic path problem. We obtain a polynomial time algorithm for approximating the value of finitely ambiguous probabilistic automata and a quasi-polynomial time algorithm for the emptiness problem for 2-ambiguous probabilistic automata

    Timed Comparisons of Semi-Markov Processes

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    Semi-Markov processes are Markovian processes in which the firing time of the transitions is modelled by probabilistic distributions over positive reals interpreted as the probability of firing a transition at a certain moment in time. In this paper we consider the trace-based semantics of semi-Markov processes, and investigate the question of how to compare two semi-Markov processes with respect to their time-dependent behaviour. To this end, we introduce the relation of being "faster than" between processes and study its algorithmic complexity. Through a connection to probabilistic automata we obtain hardness results showing in particular that this relation is undecidable. However, we present an additive approximation algorithm for a time-bounded variant of the faster-than problem over semi-Markov processes with slow residence-time functions, and a coNP algorithm for the exact faster-than problem over unambiguous semi-Markov processes
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