178,986 research outputs found

    Mining and visualizing uncertain data objects and named data networking traffics by fuzzy self-organizing map

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    Uncertainty is widely spread in real-world data. Uncertain data-in computer science-is typically found in the area of sensor networks where the sensors sense the environment with certain error. Mining and visualizing uncertain data is one of the new challenges that face uncertain databases. This paper presents a new intelligent hybrid algorithm that applies fuzzy set theory into the context of the Self-Organizing Map to mine and visualize uncertain objects. The algorithm is tested in some benchmark problems and the uncertain traffics in Named Data Networking (NDN). Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm is precise and effective in terms of the applied performance criteria.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Belief Hierarchical Clustering

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    In the data mining field many clustering methods have been proposed, yet standard versions do not take into account uncertain databases. This paper deals with a new approach to cluster uncertain data by using a hierarchical clustering defined within the belief function framework. The main objective of the belief hierarchical clustering is to allow an object to belong to one or several clusters. To each belonging, a degree of belief is associated, and clusters are combined based on the pignistic properties. Experiments with real uncertain data show that our proposed method can be considered as a propitious tool

    Sequential pattern mining with uncertain data

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    In recent years, a number of emerging applications, such as sensor monitoring systems, RFID networks and location based services, have led to the proliferation of uncertain data. However, traditional data mining algorithms are usually inapplicable in uncertain data because of its probabilistic nature. Uncertainty has to be carefully handled; otherwise, it might significantly downgrade the quality of underlying data mining applications. Therefore, we extend traditional data mining algorithms into their uncertain versions so that they still can produce accurate results. In particular, we use a motivating example of sequential pattern mining to illustrate how to incorporate uncertain information in the process of data mining. We use possible world semantics to interpret two typical types of uncertainty: the tuple-level existential uncertainty and the attribute-level temporal uncertainty. In an uncertain database, it is probabilistic that a pattern is frequent or not; thus, we define the concept of probabilistic frequent sequential patterns. And various algorithms are designed to mine probabilistic frequent patterns efficiently in uncertain databases. We also implement our algorithms on distributed computing platforms, such as MapReduce and Spark, so that they can be applied in large scale databases. Our work also includes uncertainty computation in supervised machine learning algorithms. We develop an artificial neural network to classify numeric uncertain data; and a Naive Bayesian classifier is designed for classifying categorical uncertain data streams. We also propose a discretization algorithm to pre-process numerical uncertain data, since many classifiers work with categoric data only. And experimental results in both synthetic and real-world uncertain datasets demonstrate that our methods are effective and efficient

    Mining Frequent Itemsets for Evolving Database Involving Insertion

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    Mining frequent itemsets is one of the popular task in data mining. There are many applications like location-based services, sensor monitoring systems, and data integration in which the content of transaction is uncertain in nature. This initiates the requirements of uncertain data mining. The frequent itemsets mining in uncertain transaction databases semantically and computationally differs from techniques applied to standard certain databases. The goal of proposed model is to deal with the problem of extracting frequent itemsets from evolving databases using Possible World Semantics (PWS). As evolving databases contains exponential number of possible worlds mining process can be modeled as Poisson Binomial Distribution (PBD). In this proposed work apriori-based PFI mining algorithm and approximate incremental mining algorithm are developed. An approximate incremental mining algorithm can efficiently and accurately discover frequent itemsets. Also, focus is on the issue of maintaining mining results for uncertain databases. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150615

    Clustering Uncertain Data with Possible Worlds

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    The topic of managing uncertain data has been explored in many ways. Different methodologies for data storage and query processing have been proposed. As the availability of management systems grows, the research on analytics of uncertain data is gaining in importance. Similar to the challenges faced in the field of data management, algorithms for uncertain data mining also have a high performance degradation compared to their certain algorithms. To overcome the problem of performance degradation, the MCDB approach was developed for uncertain data management based on the possible world scenario. As this methodology shows significant performance and scalability enhancement, we adopt this method for the field of mining on uncertain data. In this paper, we introduce a clustering methodology for uncertain data and illustrate current issues with this approach within the field of clustering uncertain data

    Mining probabilistic representative frequent patterns from uncertain data

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    Copyright © SIAM. Probabilistic frequent pattern mining over uncertain data has received a great deal of attention recently due to the wide applications of uncertain data. Similar to its counterpart in deterministic databases, however, probabilistic frequent pattern mining suffers from the same problem of generating an exponential number of result patterns. The large number of discovered patterns hinders further evaluation and analysis, and calls for the need to find a small number of representative patterns to approximate all other patterns. This paper formally defines the problem of probabilistic representative frequent pattern (P-RFP) mining, which aims to find the minimal set of patterns with sufficiently high probability to represent all other patterns. The problem's bottleneck turns out to be checking whether a pattern can probabilistically represent another, which involves the computation of a joint probability of supports of two patterns. To address the problem, we propose a novel and efficient dynamic programming-based approach. Moreover, we have devised a set of effective optimization strategies to further improve the computation efficiency. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed P-RFP mining effectively reduces the size of probabilistic frequent patterns. Our proposed approach not only discovers the set of P-RFPs efficiently, but also restores the frequency probability information of patterns with an error guarantee
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