312 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Odometry and Depth Learning for Endoscopic Capsule Robots

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    In the last decade, many medical companies and research groups have tried to convert passive capsule endoscopes as an emerging and minimally invasive diagnostic technology into actively steerable endoscopic capsule robots which will provide more intuitive disease detection, targeted drug delivery and biopsy-like operations in the gastrointestinal(GI) tract. In this study, we introduce a fully unsupervised, real-time odometry and depth learner for monocular endoscopic capsule robots. We establish the supervision by warping view sequences and assigning the re-projection minimization to the loss function, which we adopt in multi-view pose estimation and single-view depth estimation network. Detailed quantitative and qualitative analyses of the proposed framework performed on non-rigidly deformable ex-vivo porcine stomach datasets proves the effectiveness of the method in terms of motion estimation and depth recovery.Comment: submitted to IROS 201

    DEFORM'06 - Proceedings of the Workshop on Image Registration in Deformable Environments

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    Preface These are the proceedings of DEFORM'06, the Workshop on Image Registration in Deformable Environments, associated to BMVC'06, the 17th British Machine Vision Conference, held in Edinburgh, UK, in September 2006. The goal of DEFORM'06 was to bring together people from different domains having interests in deformable image registration. In response to our Call for Papers, we received 17 submissions and selected 8 for oral presentation at the workshop. In addition to the regular papers, Andrew Fitzgibbon from Microsoft Research Cambridge gave an invited talk at the workshop. The conference website including online proceedings remains open, see http://comsee.univ-bpclermont.fr/events/DEFORM06. We would like to thank the BMVC'06 co-chairs, Mike Chantler, Manuel Trucco and especially Bob Fisher for is great help in the local arrangements, Andrew Fitzgibbon, and the Programme Committee members who provided insightful reviews of the submitted papers. Special thanks go to Marc Richetin, head of the CNRS Research Federation TIMS, which sponsored the workshop. August 2006 Adrien Bartoli Nassir Navab Vincent Lepeti

    Expression Morphing Between Different Orientations

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    How to generate new views based on given reference images has been an important and interesting topic in the area of image-based rendering. Two important algorithms that can be used are field morphing and view morphing. Field morphing, which is an algorithm of image morphing, generates new views based on two reference images which were taken at the same viewpoint. The most successful result of field morphing is morphing from one person\u27s face to the other one\u27s face. View morphing, which is an algorithm of view synthesis, generates in between views based on two reference views which were taken at different viewpoints for the same object. The result of view morphing is often an animation of moving one object from the viewpoint of one reference image to the viewpoint of the other one. In this thesis, we proposed a new framework that integrates field morphing and view morphing to solve the problem of expression morphing. Based on four reference images, we successfully generate the morphing from one viewpoint with one expression to another viewpoint with a different expression. We also proposed a new approach to eliminate artifacts that frequently occur in view morphing due to occlusions and in field morphing due to some unforeseen combination of feature lines. We solve these problems by relaxing the monotonicity assumption to piece-wise monotonicity along the epipolar lines. Our experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of this approach in handling occlusions for more realistic synthesis of novel views

    Hybrid Focal Stereo Networks for Pattern Analysis in Homogeneous Scenes

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    In this paper we address the problem of multiple camera calibration in the presence of a homogeneous scene, and without the possibility of employing calibration object based methods. The proposed solution exploits salient features present in a larger field of view, but instead of employing active vision we replace the cameras with stereo rigs featuring a long focal analysis camera, as well as a short focal registration camera. Thus, we are able to propose an accurate solution which does not require intrinsic variation models as in the case of zooming cameras. Moreover, the availability of the two views simultaneously in each rig allows for pose re-estimation between rigs as often as necessary. The algorithm has been successfully validated in an indoor setting, as well as on a difficult scene featuring a highly dense pilgrim crowd in Makkah.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Machine Vision and Application

    Raum-Zeit Interpolationstechniken

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    The photo-realistic modeling and animation of complex scenes in 3D requires a lot of work and skill of artists even with modern acquisition techniques. This is especially true if the rendering should additionally be performed in real-time. In this thesis we follow another direction in computer graphics to generate photo-realistic results based on recorded video sequences of one or multiple cameras. We propose several methods to handle scenes showing natural phenomena and also multi-view footage of general complex 3D scenes. In contrast to other approaches, we make use of relaxed geometric constraints and focus especially on image properties important to create perceptually plausible in-between images. The results are novel photo-realistic video sequences rendered in real-time allowing for interactive manipulation or to interactively explore novel view and time points.Das Modellieren und die Animation von 3D Szenen in fotorealistischer QualitĂ€t ist sehr arbeitsaufwĂ€ndig, auch wenn moderne Verfahren benutzt werden. Wenn die Bilder in Echtzeit berechnet werden sollen ist diese Aufgabe um so schwieriger zu lösen. In dieser Dissertation verfolgen wir einen alternativen Ansatz der Computergrafik, um neue photorealistische Ergebnisse aus einer oder mehreren aufgenommenen Videosequenzen zu gewinnen. Es werden mehrere Methoden entwickelt die fĂŒr natĂŒrlicher PhĂ€nomene und fĂŒr generelle Szenen einsetzbar sind. Im Unterschied zu anderen Verfahren nutzen wir abgeschwĂ€chte geometrische EinschrĂ€nkungen und berechnen eine genaue Lösung nur dort wo sie wichtig fĂŒr die menschliche Wahrnehmung ist. Die Ergebnisse sind neue fotorealistische Videosequenzen, die in Echtzeit berechnet und interaktiv manipuliert, oder in denen neue Blick- und Zeitpunkte der Szenen frei erkundet werden können

    Implicit meshes:unifying implicit and explicit surface representations for 3D reconstruction and tracking

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    This thesis proposes novel ways both to represent the static surfaces, and to parameterize their deformations. This can be used both by automated algorithms for efficient 3–D shape reconstruction, and by graphics designers for editing and animation. Deformable 3–D models can be represented either as traditional explicit surfaces, such as triangulated meshes, or as implicit surfaces. Explicit surfaces are widely accepted because they are simple to deform and render, however fitting them involves minimizing a non-differentiable distance function. By contrast, implicit surfaces allow fitting by minimizing a differentiable algebraic distance, but they are harder to meaningfully deform and render. Here we propose a method that combines the strength of both representations to avoid their drawbacks, and in this way build robust surface representation, called implicit mesh, suitable for automated shape recovery from video sequences. This surface representation lets us automatically detect and exploit silhouette constraints in uncontrolled environments that may involve occlusions and changing or cluttered backgrounds, which limit the applicability of most silhouette based methods. We advocate the use of Dirichlet Free Form Deformation (DFFD) as generic surface deformation technique that can be used to parameterize objects of arbitrary geometry defined as explicit meshes. It is based on the small set of control points and the generalized interpolant. Control points become model parameters and their change causes model's shape modification. Using such parameterization the problem dimensionality can be dramatically reduced, which is desirable property for most optimization algorithms, thus makes DFFD good tool for automated fitting. Combining DFFD as a generic parameterization method for explicit surfaces and implicit meshes as a generic surface representation we obtained a powerfull tool for automated shape recovery from images. However, we also argue that any other avaliable surface parameterization can be used. We demonstrate the applicability of our technique to 3–D reconstruction of the human upper-body including – face, neck and shoulders, and the human ear, from noisy stereo and silhouette data. We also reconstruct the shape of a high resolution human faces parametrized in terms of a Principal Component Analysis model from interest points and automatically detected silhouettes. Tracking of deformable objects using implicit meshes from silhouettes and interest points in monocular sequences is shown in following two examples: Modeling the deformations of a piece of paper represented by an ordinary triangulated mesh; tracking a person's shoulders whose deformations are expressed in terms of Dirichlet Free Form Deformations

    Multi-view Performance Capture of Surface Details

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