71,538 research outputs found

    State estimation with partially observed inputs: a unified Kalman filtering approach

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    For linear stochastic time-varying state space models with Gaussian noises, this paper investigates state estimation for the scenario where the input variables of the state equation are not fully observed but rather the input data is available only at an aggregate level. Unlike the existing filters for unknown inputs that are based on the approach of minimum-variance unbiased estimation, this paper does not impose the unbiasedness condition for state estimation; instead it incorporates a Bayesian approach to derive a modified Kalman filter by pooling the prior knowledge about the state vector at the aggregate level with the measurements on the output variables at the original level of interest. The estimated state vector is shown to be a minimum-mean-square-error estimator. The developed filter provides a unified approach to state estimation: it includes the existing filters obtained under two extreme scenarios as its special cases, i.e., the classical Kalman filter where all the inputs are observed and the filter for unknown inputs

    Simultaneous excitation and parameter identification for non-linear structural systems

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    In this paper, an algorithm is proposed for simultaneous excitation and parameter identification for non-linear system in state space. The algorithm is based on the sequential application of extended Kalman estimator for non-linear structural parameters and the weighted least squares estimation for unknown excitations. The state and parameter are reformed into the augmented state, and the state space equations are non-linear associated with the augmented state. With the first-order Taylor expansion for nonlinear system and approximately linear minimum-variance unbiased estimation, a recursive algorithm is derived where the identification of the augmented state and the excitation are interconnected. Two numerical examples which identify uncertain parameters of a 3-DOF Duffing-type system and a four-story hysteretic shear-beam building subject to unknown random excitation respectively, are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Weighted Fusion Robust Steady-State Kalman Filters for Multisensor System with Uncertain Noise Variances

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    A direct approach of designing weighted fusion robust steady-state Kalman filters with uncertain noise variances is presented. Based on the steady-state Kalman filtering theory, using the minimax robust estimation principle and the unbiased linear minimum variance (ULMV) optimal estimation rule, the six robust weighted fusion steady-state Kalman filters are designed based on the worst-case conservative system with the conservative upper bounds of noise variances. The actual filtering error variances of each fuser are guaranteed to have a minimal upper bound for all admissible uncertainties of noise variances. A Lyapunov equation method for robustness analysis is proposed. Their robust accuracy relations are proved. A simulation example verifies their robustness and accuracy relations

    Энергосберегающее устройство нагружения резервных электрогенераторов

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    The Kalman filter computes the minimum variance state estimate as a linear function of measurements in the case of a linear model with Gaussian noise processes. There are plenty of examples of non-linear estimators that outperform the Kalman filter when the noise processes deviate from Gaussianity, for instance in target tracking with occasionally maneuvering targets. Here we present, in a preliminary study, a detailed analysis of the well-known parameter estimation problem. This time with Gaussian mixture measurement noise. We compute the discrepancy of the best linear unbiased estimator BLUE and the Cramer-Rao lower bound, and based on this conclude when computationally intensive Kalman filter banks or particle filters may be used to improve performance

    A Unified Filter for Simultaneous Input and State Estimation of Linear Discrete-time Stochastic Systems

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    In this paper, we present a unified optimal and exponentially stable filter for linear discrete-time stochastic systems that simultaneously estimates the states and unknown inputs in an unbiased minimum-variance sense, without making any assumptions on the direct feedthrough matrix. We also derive input and state observability/detectability conditions, and analyze their connection to the convergence and stability of the estimator. We discuss two variations of the filter and their optimality and stability properties, and show that filters in the literature, including the Kalman filter, are special cases of the filter derived in this paper. Finally, illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the performance of the unified unbiased minimum-variance filter.Comment: Preprint for Automatic

    Combining information in statistical modelling

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    How to combine information from different sources is becoming an important statistical area of research under the name of Meta Analysis. This paper shows that the estimation of a parameter or the forecast of a random variable can also be seen as a process of combining information. It is shown that this approach can provide sorne useful insights on the robustness properties of sorne statistical procedures, and it also allows the comparison of statistical models within a common framework. Sorne general combining rules are illustrated using examples from ANOVA analysis, diagnostics in regression, time series forecasting, missing value estimation and recursive estimation using the Kalman Filter

    Framework for state and unknown input estimation of linear time-varying systems

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    The design of unknown-input decoupled observers and filters requires the assumption of an existence condition in the literature. This paper addresses an unknown input filtering problem where the existence condition is not satisfied. Instead of designing a traditional unknown input decoupled filter, a Double-Model Adaptive Estimation approach is extended to solve the unknown input filtering problem. It is proved that the state and the unknown inputs can be estimated and decoupled using the extended Double-Model Adaptive Estimation approach without satisfying the existence condition. Numerical examples are presented in which the performance of the proposed approach is compared to methods from literature.Comment: This paper has been accepted by Automatica. It considers unknown input estimation or fault and disturbances estimation. Existing approaches considers the case where the effects of fault and disturbance can be decoupled. In our paper, we consider the case where the effects of fault and disturbance are coupled. This approach can be easily extended to nonlinear system