1,043 research outputs found

    Type classes for efficient exact real arithmetic in Coq

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    Floating point operations are fast, but require continuous effort on the part of the user in order to ensure that the results are correct. This burden can be shifted away from the user by providing a library of exact analysis in which the computer handles the error estimates. Previously, we [Krebbers/Spitters 2011] provided a fast implementation of the exact real numbers in the Coq proof assistant. Our implementation improved on an earlier implementation by O'Connor by using type classes to describe an abstract specification of the underlying dense set from which the real numbers are built. In particular, we used dyadic rationals built from Coq's machine integers to obtain a 100 times speed up of the basic operations already. This article is a substantially expanded version of [Krebbers/Spitters 2011] in which the implementation is extended in the various ways. First, we implement and verify the sine and cosine function. Secondly, we create an additional implementation of the dense set based on Coq's fast rational numbers. Thirdly, we extend the hierarchy to capture order on undecidable structures, while it was limited to decidable structures before. This hierarchy, based on type classes, allows us to share theory on the naturals, integers, rationals, dyadics, and reals in a convenient way. Finally, we obtain another dramatic speed-up by avoiding evaluation of termination proofs at runtime.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1105.275

    Formal Proofs for Nonlinear Optimization

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    We present a formally verified global optimization framework. Given a semialgebraic or transcendental function ff and a compact semialgebraic domain KK, we use the nonlinear maxplus template approximation algorithm to provide a certified lower bound of ff over KK. This method allows to bound in a modular way some of the constituents of ff by suprema of quadratic forms with a well chosen curvature. Thus, we reduce the initial goal to a hierarchy of semialgebraic optimization problems, solved by sums of squares relaxations. Our implementation tool interleaves semialgebraic approximations with sums of squares witnesses to form certificates. It is interfaced with Coq and thus benefits from the trusted arithmetic available inside the proof assistant. This feature is used to produce, from the certificates, both valid underestimators and lower bounds for each approximated constituent. The application range for such a tool is widespread; for instance Hales' proof of Kepler's conjecture yields thousands of multivariate transcendental inequalities. We illustrate the performance of our formal framework on some of these inequalities as well as on examples from the global optimization literature.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    Certified Roundoff Error Bounds Using Semidefinite Programming.

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    Roundoff errors cannot be avoided when implementing numerical programs with finite precision. The ability to reason about rounding is especially important if one wants to explore a range of potential representations, for instance for FPGAs or custom hardware implementation. This problem becomes challenging when the program does not employ solely linear operations as non-linearities are inherent to many interesting computational problems in real-world applications. Existing solutions to reasoning are limited in the presence of nonlinear correlations between variables, leading to either imprecise bounds or high analysis time. Furthermore, while it is easy to implement a straightforward method such as interval arithmetic, sophisticated techniques are less straightforward to implement in a formal setting. Thus there is a need for methods which output certificates that can be formally validated inside a proof assistant. We present a framework to provide upper bounds on absolute roundoff errors. This framework is based on optimization techniques employing semidefinite programming and sums of squares certificates, which can be formally checked inside the Coq theorem prover. Our tool covers a wide range of nonlinear programs, including polynomials and transcendental operations as well as conditional statements. We illustrate the efficiency and precision of this tool on non-trivial programs coming from biology, optimization and space control. Our tool produces more precise error bounds for 37 percent of all programs and yields better performance in 73 percent of all programs

    Rigorous Polynomial Approximation using Taylor Models in Coq

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    International audienceOne of the most common and practical ways of representing a real function on machines is by using a polynomial approximation. It is then important to properly handle the error introduced by such an approximation. The purpose of this work is to offer guaranteed error bounds for a specific kind of rigorous polynomial approximation called Taylor model. We carry out this work in the Coq proof assistant, with a special focus on genericity and efficiency for our implementation. We give an abstract interface for rigorous polynomial approximations, parameter- ized by the type of coefficients and the implementation of polynomials, and we instantiate this interface to the case of Taylor models with inter- val coefficients, while providing all the machinery for computing them. We compare the performances of our implementation in Coq with those of the Sollya tool, which contains an implementation of Taylor models written in C. This is a milestone in our long-term goal of providing fully formally proved and efficient Taylor models

    Gradual Certified Programming in Coq

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    Expressive static typing disciplines are a powerful way to achieve high-quality software. However, the adoption cost of such techniques should not be under-estimated. Just like gradual typing allows for a smooth transition from dynamically-typed to statically-typed programs, it seems desirable to support a gradual path to certified programming. We explore gradual certified programming in Coq, providing the possibility to postpone the proofs of selected properties, and to check "at runtime" whether the properties actually hold. Casts can be integrated with the implicit coercion mechanism of Coq to support implicit cast insertion a la gradual typing. Additionally, when extracting Coq functions to mainstream languages, our encoding of casts supports lifting assumed properties into runtime checks. Much to our surprise, it is not necessary to extend Coq in any way to support gradual certified programming. A simple mix of type classes and axioms makes it possible to bring gradual certified programming to Coq in a straightforward manner.Comment: DLS'15 final version, Proceedings of the ACM Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS 2015

    Sharing HOL4 and HOL Light proof knowledge

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    New proof assistant developments often involve concepts similar to already formalized ones. When proving their properties, a human can often take inspiration from the existing formalized proofs available in other provers or libraries. In this paper we propose and evaluate a number of methods, which strengthen proof automation by learning from proof libraries of different provers. Certain conjectures can be proved directly from the dependencies induced by similar proofs in the other library. Even if exact correspondences are not found, learning-reasoning systems can make use of the association between proved theorems and their characteristics to predict the relevant premises. Such external help can be further combined with internal advice. We evaluate the proposed knowledge-sharing methods by reproving the HOL Light and HOL4 standard libraries. The learning-reasoning system HOL(y)Hammer, whose single best strategy could automatically find proofs for 30% of the HOL Light problems, can prove 40% with the knowledge from HOL4
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