440,514 research outputs found

    Type synthesis of 6-DOF mobile parallel link mechanisms based on screw theory

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    Mobile parallel mechanisms (MPMs), which are parallel mechanisms with moveable bases, have previously been proposed to resolve the limited workspace of conventional parallel mechanisms. However, most previous studies on the subject focused on the kinematic analysis of some specific MPMs and did not discuss a type synthesis method for MPMs. With this in mind, we propose a screw theory-based type synthesis method to find out possible 6-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) MPM structures. In our proposed method, the 6-DOF mobility is divided into 3-DOF planar motion and 3-DOF spatial motion, both of which are realized by the transmitted planar motions of the driving units. Separately, the type synthesis of the entire MPM is divided into that of the driving unit and connecting chain. To realize 3-DOF spatial motion, two methods, applying singularity configuration and adding an additional chain, are proposed as ways to restrict undesired motions for the synthesis of the connecting chain. The driving unit is synthesized via the same type-synthesis method as the connecting chain by considering the driving unit as a planar mechanism. The method used to integrate the driving unit and the connecting chain was constructed based on whether the end pair of the connecting chain should be connected with the driving unit directly or driven by it through an actuating mechanism. As a result, 284 possible types of MPM structure are suggested and four examples of MPMs with six DOFs were synthesized to verify the feasibility of the proposed method

    A finite screw approach to type synthesis of three-DOF translational parallel mechanisms

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    This paper for the first time presents a finite screw approach to type synthesis of three-degree-of-freedom (DOF) translational parallel mechanisms (TPMs). Firstly, the finite motions of a rigid body, a TPM and its limbs are described by finite screws. Secondly, given the standard form of a limb with the specified DOF, the analytical expressions of the finite screw attributed to the limb are derived using the properties of screw triangle product, resulting in a full set of the 3-, 4- and 5-DOF limbs that can readily be used for determining all the potential topological structures of TPMs. Finally, the assembly conditions for type synthesis of TPMs are proposed by taking into account the inclusive relationship between the finite motions of a TPM and those of its limbs. The merit of this approach lies in that the limb structures can be formulated in a justifiable manner that naturally ensures the full cycle finite motion pattern specified to the moving platform

    A simple and visually orientated approach for type synthesis of overconstrained 1T2R parallel mechanisms

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    This paper presents a simple and highly visual approach for the type synthesis of a family of overconstrained parallel mechanisms that have one translational and two rotational movement capabilities. It considers, especially, mechanisms offering the accuracy and dynamic response needed for machining applications. This family features a spatial limb plus a member of a class of planar symmetrical linkages, the latter connected by a revolute joint either to the machine frame at its base link or to the platform at its output link. Criteria for selecting suitable structures from among numerous candidates are proposed by considering the realistic practical requirements for reconfigurability, movement capability, rational component design and so on. It concludes that a few can simultaneously fulfil the proposed criteria, even though a variety of structures have been presented in the literature. Exploitation of the proposed structures and evaluation criteria then leads to a novel five degrees of freedom hybrid module named TriMule. A significant potential advantage of the TriMule over the Tricept arises because all the joints connecting the base link and the machine frame can be integrated into one single, compact part, leading to a lightweight, cost effective and flexible design particularly suitable for configuring various robotized manufacturing cells

    On the design of multi-platform parallel mechanisms

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    Parallel mechanisms have been examined in more and more detail over the past two decades. Parallel mechanisms are essentially the same design layout, a base, multiple legs/limbs, and a moving platform with a single end-effector to allow the mechanism to complete its desired function. Recently, several research groups have begun looking into multiple-platform parallel mechanisms and/or multiple end-effectors for parallel mechanisms. The reason for the research in this new form of parallel mechanism stems from multiple sources, such as applications that would require multiple handling points being accessed simultaneously, a more controlled gripper motion by having the jaws of the gripper being attached at different platforms, or to increasing the workload of the mechanism. The aim of the thesis is to modify the design process of parallel mechanisms so that it will support the development of a new parallel mechanism with multiple platforms capable of moving relative to each other in at least 1-DOF and to analyse the improvements made on the traditional single platform mechanism through a comparison of the power requirements for each mechanism. Throughout the thesis, a modified approach to the type synthesis of a parallel mechanism with multiple moving platforms is proposed and used to create several case study mechanisms. Additionally, this thesis presents a new series of methods for determining the workspace, inverse kinematic and dynamic models, and the integration of these systems into the design of a control system. All methods are vetted through case studies where they are judged based on the results gained from existing published data. Lastly, the concepts in this thesis are combined to produce a physical multi-platform parallel mechanism case study with the process being developed at each stage. Finally, a series of proposed topics of future research are listed along with the limitations and contributions of this work

    Type Synthesis of 5-DoF Parallel Mechanisms with Different Submechanisms

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    Geometry Based Synthesis of Planar Compliances with Redundant Mechanisms Having Five Compliant Components

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    In this paper, a geometric approach to the passive realization of any planar compliance with a redundant compliant mechanism is presented. The mechanisms considered are either simple serial mechanisms consisting of five elastic joints or simple parallel mechanisms consisting of five springs. For each type of mechanism, realization conditions to achieve a given compliance are derived. The physical significance of each condition is identified and graphically interpreted. Geometry based synthesis procedures to achieve any given compliance are developed for both types of mechanisms. Since each realization condition imposes restrictions solely on the mechanism geometry, the procedures allow one to choose the geometric properties of each component (from a set of admissible options) independently from the selection of the elastic properties of each component

    Conceptual designs of multi-degree of freedom compliant parallel manipulators composed of wire-beam based compliant mechanisms

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    This paper proposes conceptual designs of multi-degree(s) of freedom (DOF) compliant parallel manipulators (CPMs) including 3-DOF translational CPMs and 6-DOF CPMs using a building block based pseudo-rigid-body-model (PRBM) approach. The proposed multi-DOF CPMs are composed of wire-beam based compliant mechanisms (WBBCMs) as distributed-compliance compliant building blocks (CBBs). Firstly, a comprehensive literature review for the design approaches of compliant mechanisms is conducted, and a building block based PRBM is then presented, which replaces the traditional kinematic sub-chain with an appropriate multi-DOF CBB. In order to obtain the decoupled 3-DOF translational CPMs (XYZ CPMs), two classes of kinematically decoupled 3-PPPR (P: prismatic joint, R: revolute joint) translational parallel mechanisms (TPMs) and 3-PPPRR TPMs are identified based on the type synthesis of rigid-body parallel mechanisms, and WBBCMs as the associated CBBs are further designed. Via replacing the traditional actuated P joint and the traditional passive PPR/PPRR sub-chain in each leg of the 3-DOF TPM with the counterpart CBBs (i.e. WBBCMs), a number of decoupled XYZ CPMs are obtained by appropriate arrangements. In order to obtain the decoupled 6-DOF CPMs, an orthogonally-arranged decoupled 6-PSS (S: spherical joint) parallel mechanism is first identified, and then two example 6-DOF CPMs are proposed by the building block based PRBM method. It is shown that, among these designs, two types of monolithic XYZ CPM designs with extended life have been presented

    Multioperation capacity of parallel manipulators basing on generic kinematic chain approach

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    The idea of designing multioperation mechanisms capable of performing different tasks has gained prominence in the last years. These mechanisms, commonly called reconfig- urable mechanisms, have the ability to change their configuration. At present, this type of mechanisms is capturing the attention of design engineers because of their great po- tential in many industrial applications. In this paper, the basis for the development of a methodology intended for the analysis and design of multioperational parallel manipu- lators is presented. First, the structural synthesis of 6 degree-of-freedom (dof) kinematic chains that can form a 6 dof manipulator is established. Next, a general purpose approach for non-redundant parallel manipulators (PM) will be presented. This procedure enables obtaining the Jacobian matrices of any 6 dof or low-mobility PM whose kinematic chains belong to the library of chains derived from the structural synthesis. To demonstrate the versatility of the procedure, it will be applied to three PM: the first one, a 6 dof PM, the second one, a reconfigurable 6 dof PM, and finally, a low-mobility PM.This work was supoorted by the Spanish Government through the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project DPI2015-67626-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE)), the financial support from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) un- der the program UFI 11/29 and the support to the research group, through the project with ref. IT949-16 , given by the Departamento de Educación , Política Lingüística y Cultura of the Regional Government of the Basque Country