431 research outputs found

    Semiconductor superlattice photodetectors

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    Superlattice photodetectors were investigated. A few major physical processes in the quantum-well heterostructures related to the photon detection and electron conduction mechanisms, the field effect on the wave functions and the energy levels of the electrons, and the optical absorption with and without the photon assistance were studied

    A Hierarchical Solver for Time-Harmonic Maxwell\u27s Equations

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    Die Kombination von Transformationsoptik und Sweeping Preconditionern sowie ein hierarchischer Ansatz ermöglichen einen Vorkonditionierer für lineare Gleichungssysteme, die bei der Diskretisierung von Maxwell\u27s Gleichungen mit der Finite Elemente Methode entstehen. Das Verfahren wird beschrieben, numerische Beispiele präsentiert und unterschiedliche Anwendungen diskutiert. Das Dokument enthält auch den dokumentierten Code als Anhang

    Iterative methods for scattering problems in isotropic or anisotropic elastic waveguides

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    International audienceWe consider the time-harmonic problem of the diffraction of an incident propagative mode by a localized defect, in an infinite straight isotropic elastic waveguide. We propose several iterative algorithms to compute an approximate solution of the problem, using a classical finite element discretization in a small area around the perturbation, and a modal expansion in unbounded straight parts of the guide. Each algorithm can be related to a so-called domain decomposition method, with or without an overlap between the domains. Specific transmission conditions are used, so that only the sparse finite element matrix has to be inverted, the modal expansion being obtained by a simple projection, using the Fraser bi-orthogonality relation. The benefit of using an overlap between the finite element domain and the modal domain is emphasized, in particular for the extension to the anisotropic case. The transparency of these new boundary conditions is checked for two- and three-dimensional anisotropic waveguides. Finally, in the isotropic case, numerical validation for two- and three-dimensional waveguides illustrates the efficiency of the new approach, compared to other existing methods, in terms of number of iterations and CPU time

    Discontinuities in open photonic waveguides: Rigorous 3D modeling with the finite element method

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    In this paper, a general methodology to study rigorously discontinuities in open waveguides is presented. It relies on a full vector description given by Maxwell's equations in the framework of the finite element method. The discontinuities are not necessarily small perturbations of the initial waveguide and can be very general, such as plasmonic inclusions of arbitrary shapes. The leaky modes of the invariant structure are first computed and then injected as incident fields in the full structure with obstacles using a scattered field approach. The resulting scattered field is finally projected on the modes of the invariant structure making use of their bi-orthogonality. The energy balance is discussed. Finally, the modes of open waveguides periodically structured along the propagation direction are computed. The relevant complex propagation constants are compared to the transmission obtained for a finite number of identical cells. The relevance and complementarity of the two approaches are highlighted on a numerical example encountered in infrared sensing. Open source models allowing to retrieve most of the results of this paper are provided.Comment: The GetDP/Gmsh scripts allowing to retrieve the results are attache

    Radial perfectly matched layers and infinite elements for the anisotropic wave equation

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    We consider the scalar anisotropic wave equation. Recently a convergence analysis for radial perfectly matched layers (PML) in the frequency domain was reported and in the present article we continue this approach into the time domain. First we explain why there is a good hope that radial complex scalings can overcome the instabilities of PML methods caused by anisotropic materials. Next we discuss some sensitive details, which seem like a paradox at the first glance: if the absorbing layer and the inhomogeneities are sufficiently separated, then the solution is indeed stable. However, for more general data the problem becomes unstable. In numerical computations we observe instabilities regardless of the position of the inhomogeneities, although the instabilities arise only for fine enough discretizations. As a remedy we propose a complex frequency shifted scaling and discretizations by Hardy space infinite elements or truncation-free PMLs. We show numerical experiments which confirm the stability and convergence of these methods.Comment: An extended version of the manuscrip

    Learned infinite elements for helioseismology

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    This thesis presents efficient techniques for integrating the information contained in the Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DtN) map of time-harmonic waves propagating in a stratified medium into finite element discretizations. This task arises in the context of domain decomposition methods, e.g. when reducing a problem posed on an unbounded domain to a bounded computational domain on which the problem can then be discretized. Our focus is on stratified media like the Sun, that allow for strong reflection of waves and for which suitable methods are lacking. We present learned infinite elements as a possible approach to deal with such media utilizing the assumption of a separable geometry. In this case, the DtN map is separable, however, it remains a non-local operator with a dense matrix representation, which renders its direct use computationally inefficient. Therefore, we approximate the DtN only indirectly by adding additional degrees of freedom to the linear system in such a way that the Schur complement w.r.t. the latter provides an optimal approximation of DtN and sparsity of the linear system is preserved. This optimality is ensured via the solution of a small minimization problem, which incorporates solutions of one-dimensional time-harmonic wave equations and allows for great flexibility w.r.t. properties of the medium. In the first half of the thesis we provide an error analysis of the proposed method in a generic framework which demonstrates that exponentially fast convergence rates can be expected. Numerical experiments for the Helmholtz equation and an in-depth study on modelling the solar atmosphere with learned infinite elements demonstrate the high accuracy and flexibility of the proposed method in practical applications. In the second half of the thesis, the potential of learned infinite elements in the context of sweeping preconditioners for the efficient iterative solution of large linear systems is investigated. Even though learned infinite elements are very suitable for separable media, they can only be used for tiny perturbations thereof since the corresponding DtN maps turn out to be extremely sensitive to perturbations in the presence of strong reflections.2021-12-2
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