37 research outputs found

    Cognitive Radio Programming: Existing Solutions and Open Issues

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    Software defined radio (sdr) technology has evolved rapidly and is now reaching market maturity, providing solutions for cognitive radio applications. Still, a lot of issues have yet to be studied. In this paper, we highlight the constraints imposed by recent radio protocols and we present current architectures and solutions for programming sdr. We also list the challenges to overcome in order to reach mastery of future cognitive radios systems.La radio logicielle a évolué rapidement pour atteindre la maturité nécessaire pour être mise sur le marché, offrant de nouvelles solutions pour les applications de radio cognitive. Cependant, beaucoup de problèmes restent à étudier. Dans ce papier, nous présentons les contraintes imposées par les nouveaux protocoles radios, les architectures matérielles existantes ainsi que les solutions pour les programmer. De plus, nous listons les difficultés à surmonter pour maitriser les futurs systèmes de radio cognitive

    Optimization of Pattern Matching Algorithms for Multi- and Many-Core Platforms

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    Image and video compression play a major role in the world today, allowing the storage and transmission of large multimedia content volumes. However, the processing of this information requires high computational resources, hence the improvement of the computational performance of these compression algorithms is very important. The Multidimensional Multiscale Parser (MMP) is a pattern-matching-based compression algorithm for multimedia contents, namely images, achieving high compression ratios, maintaining good image quality, Rodrigues et al. [2008]. However, in comparison with other existing algorithms, this algorithm takes some time to execute. Therefore, two parallel implementations for GPUs were proposed by Ribeiro [2016] and Silva [2015] in CUDA and OpenCL-GPU, respectively. In this dissertation, to complement the referred work, we propose two parallel versions that run the MMP algorithm in CPU: one resorting to OpenMP and another that converts the existing OpenCL-GPU into OpenCL-CPU. The proposed solutions are able to improve the computational performance of MMP by 3 and 2:7 , respectively. The High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC/H.265) is the most recent standard for compression of image and video. Its impressive compression performance, makes it a target for many adaptations, particularly for holoscopic image/video processing (or light field). Some of the proposed modifications to encode this new multimedia content are based on geometry-based disparity compensations (SS), developed by Conti et al. [2014], and a Geometric Transformations (GT) module, proposed by Monteiro et al. [2015]. These compression algorithms for holoscopic images based on HEVC present an implementation of specific search for similar micro-images that is more efficient than the one performed by HEVC, but its implementation is considerably slower than HEVC. In order to enable better execution times, we choose to use the OpenCL API as the GPU enabling language in order to increase the module performance. With its most costly setting, we are able to reduce the GT module execution time from 6.9 days to less then 4 hours, effectively attaining a speedup of 45

    Overview of online and offline reconstruction in ALICE for LHC Run 3

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    In LHC Run 3, ALICE will increase the data taking rate significantly to 50 kHz continuous readout of minimum bias Pb--Pb collisions. The reconstruction strategy of the online-offline computing upgrade foresees a first synchronous online reconstruction stage during data taking enabling detector calibration, and a posterior calibrated asynchronous reconstruction stage. The main challenges include processing and compression of 50 times more events per second than in Run 2, identification of removable TPC tracks and hits not used for physics, tracking of TPC data in continuous readout, the TPC space-charge distortion calibrations, and in general running more reconstruction steps online compared to Run 2. ALICE will leverage GPUs to facilitate the synchronous processing with the available resources. For the best GPU resource utilization, we plan to offload also several steps of the asynchronous reconstruction to the GPU. In order to be vendor independent, we support CUDA, OpenCL, and HIP, and we maintain a common C++ source code that also runs on the CPU. We will give an overview of the global reconstruction and tracking strategy, a comparison of the performance on CPU and different GPU models. We will discuss the scaling of the reconstruction with the input data size, as well as estimates of the required resources in terms of memory and processing power.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of Connecting the Dots 2020 Worksho

    Chameleon: a heterogeneous and disaggregated accelerator system for retrieval-augmented language models

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    A Retrieval-Augmented Language Model (RALM) augments a generative language model by retrieving context-specific knowledge from an external database. This strategy facilitates impressive text generation quality even with smaller models, thus reducing orders of magnitude of computational demands. However, RALMs introduce unique system design challenges due to (a) the diverse workload characteristics between LM inference and retrieval and (b) the various system requirements and bottlenecks for different RALM configurations such as model sizes, database sizes, and retrieval frequencies. We propose Chameleon, a heterogeneous accelerator system that integrates both LM and retrieval accelerators in a disaggregated architecture. The heterogeneity ensures efficient acceleration of both LM inference and retrieval, while the accelerator disaggregation enables the system to independently scale both types of accelerators to fulfill diverse RALM requirements. Our Chameleon prototype implements retrieval accelerators on FPGAs and assigns LM inference to GPUs, with a CPU server orchestrating these accelerators over the network. Compared to CPU-based and CPU-GPU vector search systems, Chameleon achieves up to 23.72x speedup and 26.2x energy efficiency. Evaluated on various RALMs, Chameleon exhibits up to 2.16x reduction in latency and 3.18x speedup in throughput compared to the hybrid CPU-GPU architecture. These promising results pave the way for bringing accelerator heterogeneity and disaggregation into future RALM systems

    Software Defined Radio Solutions for Wireless Communications Systems

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    Wireless technologies have been advancing rapidly, especially in the recent years. Design, implementation, and manufacturing of devices supporting the continuously evolving technologies require great efforts. Thus, building platforms compatible with different generations of standards and technologies has gained a lot of interest. As a result, software defined radios (SDRs) are investigated to offer more flexibility and scalability, and reduce the design efforts, compared to the conventional fixed-function hardware-based solutions.This thesis mainly addresses the challenges related to SDR-based implementation of today’s wireless devices. One of the main targets of most of the wireless standards has been to improve the achievable data rates, which imposes strict requirements on the processing platforms. Realizing real-time processing of high throughput signal processing algorithms using SDR-based platforms while maintaining energy consumption close to conventional approaches is a challenging topic that is addressed in this thesis.Firstly, this thesis concentrates on the challenges of a real-time software-based implementation for the very high throughput (VHT) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11ac amendment from the wireless local area networks (WLAN) family, where an SDR-based solution is introduced for the frequency-domain baseband processing of a multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) transmitter and receiver. The feasibility of the implementation is evaluated with respect to the number of clock cycles and the consumed power. Furthermore, a digital front-end (DFE) concept is developed for the IEEE 802.11ac receiver, where the 80 MHz waveform is divided to two 40 MHz signals. This is carried out through time-domain digital filtering and decimation, which is challenging due to the latency and cyclic prefix (CP) budget of the receiver. Different multi-rate channelization architectures are developed, and the software implementation is presented and evaluated in terms of execution time, number of clock cycles, power, and energy consumption on different multi-core platforms.Secondly, this thesis addresses selected advanced techniques developed to realize inband fullduplex (IBFD) systems, which aim at improving spectral efficiency in today’s congested radio spectrum. IBFD refers to concurrent transmission and reception on the same frequency band, where the main challenge to combat is the strong self-interference (SI). In this thesis, an SDRbased solution is introduced, which is capable of real-time mitigation of the SI signal. The implementation results show possibility of achieving real-time sufficient SI suppression under time-varying environments using low-power, mobile-scale multi-core processing platforms. To investigate the challenges associated with SDR implementations for mobile-scale devices with limited processing and power resources, processing platforms suitable for hand-held devices are selected in this thesis work. On the baseband processing side, a very long instruction word (VLIW) processor, optimized for wireless communication applications, is utilized. Furthermore, in the solutions presented for the DFE processing and the digital SI canceller, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) multi-core central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs) are used with the aim of investigating the performance enhancement achieved by utilizing parallel processing.Overall, this thesis provides solutions to the challenges of low-power, and real-time software-based implementation of computationally intensive signal processing algorithms for the current and future communications systems


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    A variety of multiprocessor architectures has proliferated even for off-the-shelf computing platforms. To make use of these platforms, traditional implementation frameworks focus on implementing Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications using special platform features to achieve high performance. However, due to the fast evolution of the underlying architectures, solution redevelopment is error prone and re-usability of existing solutions and libraries is limited. In this thesis, we facilitate an efficient migration of DSP systems to multiprocessor platforms while systematically leveraging previous investment in optimized library kernels using dataflow design frameworks. We make these library elements, which are typically tailored to specialized architectures, more amenable to extensive analysis and optimization using an efficient and systematic process. In this thesis we provide techniques to allow such migration through four basic contributions: 1. We propose and develop a framework to explore efficient utilization of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) cores and accelerators available in heterogeneous multiprocessor platforms consisting of General Purpose Processors (GPPs) and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). We also propose new scheduling techniques by applying extensive block processing in conjunction with appropriate task mapping and task ordering methods that match efficiently with the underlying architecture. The approach gives the developer the ability to prototype a GPU-accelerated application and explore its design space efficiently and effectively. 2. We introduce the concept of Partial Expansion Graphs (PEGs) as an implementation model and associated class of scheduling strategies. PEGs are designed to help realize DSP systems in terms of forms and granularities of parallelism that are well matched to the given applications and targeted platforms. PEGs also facilitate derivation of both static and dynamic scheduling techniques, depending on the amount of variability in task execution times and other operating conditions. We show how to implement efficient PEG-based scheduling methods using real time operating systems, and to re-use pre-optimized libraries of DSP components within such implementations. 3. We develop new algorithms for scheduling and mapping systems implemented using PEGs. Collectively, these algorithms operate in three steps. First, the amount of data parallelism in the application graph is tuned systematically over many iterations to profit from the available cores in the target platform. Then a mapping algorithm that uses graph analysis is developed to distribute data and task parallel instances over different cores while trying to balance the load of all processing units to make use of pipeline parallelism. Finally, we use a novel technique for performance evaluation by implementing the scheduler and a customizable solution on the programmable platform. This allows accurate fitness functions to be measured and used to drive runtime adaptation of schedules. 4. In addition to providing scheduling techniques for the mentioned applications and platforms, we also show how to integrate the resulting solution in the underlying environment. This is achieved by leveraging existing libraries and applying the GPP-GPU scheduling framework to augment a popular existing Software Defined Radio (SDR) development environment -- GNU Radio -- with a dataflow foundation and a stand-alone GPU-accelerated library. We also show how to realize the PEG model on real time operating system libraries, such as the Texas Instruments DSP/BIOS. A code generator that accepts a manual system designer solution as well as automatically configured solutions is provided to complete the design flow starting from application model to running system

    Frequent itemset mining on multiprocessor systems

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    Frequent itemset mining is an important building block in many data mining applications like market basket analysis, recommendation, web-mining, fraud detection, and gene expression analysis. In many of them, the datasets being mined can easily grow up to hundreds of gigabytes or even terabytes of data. Hence, efficient algorithms are required to process such large amounts of data. In recent years, there have been many frequent-itemset mining algorithms proposed, which however (1) often have high memory requirements and (2) do not exploit the large degrees of parallelism provided by modern multiprocessor systems. The high memory requirements arise mainly from inefficient data structures that have only been shown to be sufficient for small datasets. For large datasets, however, the use of these data structures force the algorithms to go out-of-core, i.e., they have to access secondary memory, which leads to serious performance degradations. Exploiting available parallelism is further required to mine large datasets because the serial performance of processors almost stopped increasing. Algorithms should therefore exploit the large number of available threads and also the other kinds of parallelism (e.g., vector instruction sets) besides thread-level parallelism. In this work, we tackle the high memory requirements of frequent itemset mining twofold: we (1) compress the datasets being mined because they must be kept in main memory during several mining invocations and (2) improve existing mining algorithms with memory-efficient data structures. For compressing the datasets, we employ efficient encodings that show a good compression performance on a wide variety of realistic datasets, i.e., the size of the datasets is reduced by up to 6.4x. The encodings can further be applied directly while loading the dataset from disk or network. Since encoding and decoding is repeatedly required for loading and mining the datasets, we reduce its costs by providing parallel encodings that achieve high throughputs for both tasks. For a memory-efficient representation of the mining algorithms’ intermediate data, we propose compact data structures and even employ explicit compression. Both methods together reduce the intermediate data’s size by up to 25x. The smaller memory requirements avoid or delay expensive out-of-core computation when large datasets are mined. For coping with the high parallelism provided by current multiprocessor systems, we identify the performance hot spots and scalability issues of existing frequent-itemset mining algorithms. The hot spots, which form basic building blocks of these algorithms, cover (1) counting the frequency of fixed-length strings, (2) building prefix trees, (3) compressing integer values, and (4) intersecting lists of sorted integer values or bitmaps. For all of them, we discuss how to exploit available parallelism and provide scalable solutions. Furthermore, almost all components of the mining algorithms must be parallelized to keep the sequential fraction of the algorithms as small as possible. We integrate the parallelized building blocks and components into three well-known mining algorithms and further analyze the impact of certain existing optimizations. Our algorithms are already single-threaded often up an order of magnitude faster than existing highly optimized algorithms and further scale almost linear on a large 32-core multiprocessor system. Although our optimizations are intended for frequent-itemset mining algorithms, they can be applied with only minor changes to algorithms that are used for mining of other types of itemsets