11 research outputs found

    О построении алгебро-логической модели словообразования мотивированных префиксально-суффиксальных наречий русского языка

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    In this paper we consider the part of the word formation of adverbs, namely the proposed formalized model of word formation motivated prefixal-suffixed adverbs of the Russian language, based on the language of algebra finite predicates (AFP). The proposed model allows us to determine the structure and properties of word formation motivated adverbs prefixal-suffixed with amotivational basis, the motivation of which is unique, depending on the structure and properties of the motivational words

    Verification of business process workflows

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    Modeling of Business processes is essential in many areas. Workflows represent the Business processes. It is possible to identify potential problems while performing verification of workflows. One of the objectives of the verification is to assure reachability. This includes analysis of the deadlock and tempo blocking freeness properties. The paper presents verification approach based on using an adjacency matrix. Spreadsheets are used as a verification tool. The approach is illustrated by the examples which justify the importance of verification in workflow processes

    An Exploration of Enterprise Architecture Research

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    Management of the enterprise architecture has become increasingly recognized as a crucial part of both business and IT management. Still, a common understanding and methodological consistency seems far from being developed. Acknowledging the significant role of research in moving the development process along, this article employs different bibliometric methods, complemented by an extensive qualitative interpretation of the research field, to provide a unique overview of the enterprise architecture literature. After answering our research questions about the collaboration via co-authorships, the intellectual structure of the research field and its most influential works, and the principal themes of research, we propose an agenda for future research based on the findings from the above analyses and their comparison to empirical insights from the literature. In particular, our study finds a considerable degree of co-authorship clustering and a positive impact of the extent of co-authorship on the diffusion of works on enterprise architecture. In addition, this article identifies three major research streams and shows that research to date has revolved around specific themes, while some of high practical relevance receive minor attention. Hence, the contribution of our study is manifold and offers support for researchers and practitioners alike

    Web Engineering for Workflow-based Applications: Models, Systems and Methodologies

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    This dissertation presents novel solutions for the construction of Workflow-based Web applications: The Web Engineering DSL Framework, a stakeholder-oriented Web Engineering methodology based on Domain-Specific Languages; the Workflow DSL for the efficient engineering of Web-based Workflows with strong stakeholder involvement; the Dialog DSL for the usability-oriented development of advanced Web-based dialogs; the Web Engineering Reuse Sphere enabling holistic, stakeholder-oriented reuse

    Melhoria Contínua aplicada ao Process Mining num serviço de ligação energética

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    Atualmente os sistemas de informação são capazes de registar todas as interações entre os clientes e a organização. As técnicas de Process Mining (ProcM) procuram oferecer inputs sobre essas interações, o que tem vindo a mudar mentalidades por mostrar que os processos na realidade não se comportam como descritos nos seus modelos. Infelizmente, as abordagens tradicionais de ProcM têm problemas em lidar com processos não estruturados, mostrando todos os detalhes sem distinguir o que é/ não é importante. O presente trabalho utiliza a aplicação da ferramenta comercial de ProcM Celonis no processo de Pedidos de Ligação à Rede (PLR) na EDP Distribuição (EDP D). Procura desenvolver uma metodologia de simplificação da informação obtida, com o objetivo de identificar quais as interfaces mais críticas no processo, respetivas causas e consoante isso, apurar qual o melhor plano de ação a implementar. O processo correto é definido por especialistas ao sequencializar os eventos que compõem o PLR. Tendo isto em conta, analisa-se o estado real do processo na ferramenta Celonis, nomeadamente quais são os desvios visíveis e transgressões ao processo correto. Utilizaram-se critérios de classificação como o fator percentual de número de casos e dias de processamento médio e em excesso ao standard (12,8 dias) e a adaptou-se manualmente uma Árvore de Decisão para percecionar o panorama global de decisão. Através de ferramentas da Qualidade como o Diagrama de Relações, em Árvore e de Decisão, identificou-se quais as causas prioritárias e as respetivas medidas corretivas. Identificaram-se quais as interfaces que não deveriam existir ou que são gargalos no processo correto e através de ferramentas da Qualidade visualmente gráficas, conclui-se que o processo transitório pelo qual o processo de PLR está a passar é a causa maioritária para as inconformidades levantadas. Por fim, avalia-se a eficácia do processo tendo em conta a aplicação da ferramenta Celonis nos PLRs.Currently, information systems are able to record all interactions between customers and the organization. Process Mining (ProcM) techniques seek to offer inputs on these interactions which has been changing mentalities, by showing that the processes doesn’t actually behave as specifications in their models. Unfortunately, traditional ProcM approaches have problems dealing with unstructured processes, showing all the details without distinguishing what is / isn’t important. This work use the application of the ProcM Celonis commercial tool in the Grid Connection Requests (PLR) process at EDP Distribuição (EDP D). It seeks to develop a methodology for simplifying the information obtained, with the aim of identifying which interfaces are the most critical in the process, their causes and according with that, establish which is the best action plan to implement. The correct process is defined by experts when sequencing the events that make up the PLR. Taking this into account, the real state of the process is analyzed in the Celonis tool, namely what are the visible deviations and transgressions to the correct process. Classification criteria were used as the percentage factor of number of cases and average processing days and in excess of the standard (12,8 days) and a Decision Tree was manually adapted to perceive the global decision panorama. Through Quality tools such as the Relationship, Tree and Decision Diagram, it was identified the priority causes and the respective corrective measures. It was identified which interfaces shouldn’t exist or that are bottlenecks in the correct process and through visually graphic Quality tools, it is concluded that the transitory process that the PLR process is going through is the major cause for the nonconformities raised. Finally, the effectiveness of the process is evaluated taking into account the application of the Celonis tool in the PLRs

    Web engineering for workflow-based applications: models, systems and methodologies

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    Workflow-based Web applications present a central pillar of companies\u27 endeavors towards increased business process efficiency and flexibility. Considering their particular characteristics, this book presents innovative approaches for their efficient, completely model-driven construction with particular emphasis on effective stakeholder involvement, usability-oriented dialog design and cross-methodological reuse

    Trends in business process analysis: from verification to process mining

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    Business process analysis ranges from model verification at design-time to the monitoring of processes at runtime. Much progress has been achieved in process verification. Today we are able to verify the entire reference model of SAP without any problems. Moreover, more and more processes leave their "trail" in the form of event logs. This makes it interesting to apply process mining to these logs. Interestingly, practical applications of process mining reveal that reality is often quite different from the idealized models, also referred to as "PowerPoint reality". Future process-aware information systems will need to provide full support of the entire life-cycle of business processes. Recent results in business process analysis show that this is indeed possible, e.g., the possibilities offered by process mining tools such as ProM are breathtaking both from a scientific and practical perspective

    Trends in business process analysis: from verification to process mining

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    Business process analysis ranges from model verification at design-time to the monitoring of processes at runtime. Much progress has been achieved in process verification. Today we are able to verify the entire reference model of SAP without any problems. Moreover, more and more processes leave their "trail" in the form of event logs. This makes it interesting to apply process mining to these logs. Interestingly, practical applications of process mining reveal that reality is often quite different from the idealized models, also referred to as "PowerPoint reality". Future process-aware information systems will need to provide full support of the entire life-cycle of business processes. Recent results in business process analysis show that this is indeed possible, e.g., the possibilities offered by process mining tools such as ProM are breathtaking both from a scientific and practical perspective