12,936 research outputs found

    The transtheoretical model and obesity: a bibliometric study

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    The Transtheoretical Model of behaviour change is currently one of the most promising models in terms of understanding and promoting behaviour change related to the acquisition of healthy living habits. By means of a bibliographic search of papers adopting a TTM approach to obesity, the present bibliometric study enables the scientific output in this field to be evaluated. The results obtained reveal a growing interest in applying this model to both the treatment of obesity and its prevention. Otherwise, author and journal outputs fit the models proposed by Lotka and Bradford, respectively

    The Effectiveness of Transtheoretical Model to Reduce Compulsive Internet Use of Senior High School Students

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    Abstract: This research aims at examining the effectiveness of transtheoretical model to reduce compulsive internet use of Senior High School students. This research employed single subject design approach. The subject of this research is four students of X graders at St. Joseph Senior High School Malang which obtained high compulsive internet use score. This research utilized transtheoretical model counseling guidebook, compulsive internet use scale, observation and interview guidebook. The results of significant visual and score margin between pre-test and post-test indicate that transtheoretical model is effective to reduce compulsive internet use among Senior High School students.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keefektifan transtheoretical model untuk menurunkan compulsive internet use siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan single subject design. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari empat siswa kelas X SMA Kolese Santo Yusup Malang yang memiliki skor compulsive internet use dalam kategori tinggi. Instrumen yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah panduan pelaksanaan konseling transtheoretical model, skala compulsive internet use, pedoman observasi dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis visual menunjukkan adanya perbedaan tingkat compulsive internet use siswa sebelum dan sesudah diberikan intervensi berupa konseling transtheoretical model.DOI: https://doi.org/10.17977/um001v3i12018p00

    Stage Based Interventions for Low Fat Diet with Middle School Students

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    Preventing obesity and cardiovascular disease at early ages is important; however, few effective interventions for early adolescents have been reported. In this study, low-income, culturally diverse students from an urban middle school (n = 60) received four classroom interventions with the use of a combined Health Promotion/Transtheoretical Model to control fat in diet and increase physical activity. A control group (n = 57) received the usual classroom education. Pretest percentage fat in diet was regressed on demographics, access to low-fat foods, perceived self-efficacy, benefits/barriers, and stage of change with results as proposed by the model [F(9,64) = 5.77; p = .000; adjusted R2 = 0.35]. Posttest percentage fat in food was significantly less for the intervention group as compared with the control group (t = 2.06; df, 115; p = .04)

    Moving beyond a limited follow-up in cost-effectiveness analyses of behavioral interventions

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    Background Cost-effectiveness analyses of behavioral interventions typically use a dichotomous outcome criterion. However, achieving behavioral change is a complex process involving several steps towards a change in behavior. Delayed effects may occur after an intervention period ends, which can lead to underestimation of these interventions. To account for such delayed effects, intermediate outcomes of behavioral change may be used in cost-effectiveness analyses. The aim of this study is to model cognitive parameters of behavioral change into a cost-effectiveness model of a behavioral intervention. Methods The cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) of an existing dataset from an RCT in which an high-intensity smoking cessation intervention was compared with a medium-intensity intervention, was re-analyzed by modeling the stages of change of the Transtheoretical Model of behavioral change. Probabilities were obtained from the dataset and literature and a sensitivity analysis was performed. Results In the original CEA over the first 12 months, the high-intensity intervention dominated in approximately 58% of the cases. After modeling the cognitive parameters to a future 2nd year of follow-up, this was the case in approximately 79%. Conclusion This study showed that modeling of future behavioral change in CEA of a behavioral intervention further strengthened the results of the standard CEA. Ultimately, modeling future behavioral change could have important consequences for health policy development in general and the adoption of behavioral interventions in particular

    How useful are the stages of change for targeting interventions? randomized test of a brief intervention to reduce smoking

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    Objectives. To see whether the stages of change are useful for targeting a brief intervention to reduce smoking based on implementation intentions. A second objective was to rule out demand characteristics as an alternative explanation for the findings of intervention studies based on the transtheoretical model and implementation intentions. Design. Participants (N = 350) were randomized to a passive control condition (questionnaire only), active control condition (questionnaire-plus-instruction to plan to quit) or experimental condition (questionnaire, plan to quit, form an implementation intention). Their behavior and psychosocial orientation to quit were measured at baseline and 2-month follow-up. Main Outcome Measures. Theory of planned behavior variables, nicotine dependence and quitting. Results. Significantly more people quit smoking in the experimental condition than in the control conditions, and the planning instructions changed intention to quit and perceived control over quitting, but not behavior. Stage of change moderated these effects such that implementation intentions worked best for individuals who were in the preparation stage at baseline. Conclusion. Harnessing both motivational and volitional processes seems to enhance the effectiveness of smoking cessation programs, although further work is required to clarify inconsistencies in the literature using the stages of change.</p

    The effect of individual counseling, line follow-up, and free nicotine replacement therapy on smoking cessation in the samples of Iranian smokers: Examination of transtheoretical model

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    Background: According to transtheoretical model(TTM), Stage matched interventions are more effective in quitting. The objective of current study was to investigate the effect of individual counseling, line follow-up, and free nicotine replacement therapy(NRT) on smoking cessation in smokers who are in preparation stage of smoking. Materials and Methods: In a randomized clinical trial design, through sending the short message system, potential participants in preparation stage of smoking were recruited and divided into control(n=60)and treatment(n=50) groups. The treatment group received an in-person counseling, line follow-up, and free NRT. TTM variables trend; pros and cons of smoking, behavioral and experiential processes, temptation, were assessed at baseline, 3 and 6months follow-up along with point prevalence and continuous abstinence. Results: Continuous abstinence at 6-month follow-up were 3.3%(n=2) in control group and 46%(n=23) in the treatment group(x 2 = 34.041, P &lt; 0.001). Time � group analyses indicated that except cons of smoking (P &gt; 0.05), all TTM constructs had significantly changed; temptation(F=36.864, P&lt;0.001), pros (F=12.172, P&lt;0.001), experiential processes(F=3.377, P&lt;0.001), and behavioral processes(F=11.131, P&lt;0.001). Conclusion: Interventions based on TTM variables increased the quite rate in prepared and motivated people. Our findings suggest that interventions through individual counseling along with free NRT and line follow-up in people who prepare for quitting are beneficial for our country

    Predicting and explaining transtheoretical model stage transitions in relation to condom-carrying behaviour

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    Objectives: The stages of change component of the transtheoretical model has been applied to safe sex behaviours in cross-sectional analyses, but have not yet been subject to prospective analysis. It was predicted that: (a) cross-sectional analyses would demonstrate good discrimination between the stages of change, (b) prospective analyses would allow for the identification of predictors of stage transitions, and (c) implementation intentions would explain progression from the preparation stage. Design: This study employed an experimental longitudinal design. Participants were randomly assigned to the experimental (implementation intention) or control conditions and completed questionnaires at baseline and at 2-months follow up. Methods: 525 adolescents who were broadly representative of the UK population completed questionnaires at baseline and follow up (n = 393) measuring: demographic variables, stage of change, theory of planned behaviour constructs, anticipated regret and moral norm in relation to condom carrying behaviour. The experimental condition completed a self-generated implementation intention to carry condoms at the end of the baseline questionnaire. Results: Discriminant function analyses indicated that the stages of change could be accurately discriminated from one another cross-sectionally and that, longitudinally, the measured variables were able to predict transitions between most stages. Implementation intentions caused people to progress from the preparation stage. Conclusions: Transitions between most stages were reliably predicted thereby providing potential targets for intervention. The brief implementation intention intervention was effective and could easily be utilised and expanded to encompass a broader range of sexual health behaviours.</p

    Readiness to use physical activity as a smoking cessation aid: a multiple behaviour change application of the Transtheoretical Model among quitters attending Stop Smoking Clinics

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    Objective: Physical activity (PA) reduces cigarette cravings during smoking abstinence. However, little is known about quitters’ use of PA. This study aimed to: (1) determine the extent of quitters’ past and current use of PA as a cessation aid, while attempting to quit; (2) examine the relationship between use of PA and quitter characteristics and cognitions, within the Transtheoretical Model framework. Methods: Self-report surveys were completed by 181 smokers attending Stop Smoking Services in England and Scotland. Results: Twenty-two percent of quitters reported currently using PA to control their smoking, and 35% had used it during a previous quit attempt. Those in a more advanced stage of readiness for using PA as a cessation aid, held more positive beliefs regarding self-efficacy and outcome efficacy. Conclusion: Quitters were more likely to use PA to help them quit when they had greater belief in their own ability to use PA and in the efficacy of PA to help them to quit, and were also meeting weekly PA targets for health. Practice implications: Strategies by stop smoking advisors that aim to enhance client self-efficacy and outcome efficacy beliefs regarding PA as a cessation aid may help to increase the use of this behavioural strategy, since it seems that most quitters do not use PA

    Progressive stage transition does mean getting better: a further test of the Transtheoretical Model in recovery from alcohol problems

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    Aims To test two central assumptions of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) regarding recovery from alcohol problems: (i) individuals making a forward transition from pre-action to action stages will show greater drinking improvements than those remaining in pre-action stages; and (ii) individuals remaining in pre-action stages will not demonstrate improvements in drinking outcomes. Design and setting Large, multi-centre, randomized controlled trial of treatment for alcohol problems [United Kingdom Alcohol Treatment Trial (UKATT)]. Measurements Stage of change, drinks per drinking day and percentage days abstinent at baseline, 3- and 12-month follow-ups. Findings In support of TTM assumption 1, improvements in drinking outcomes were consistently greater among clients who showed a forward stage transition (Cohen's d = 0.68) than among those who did not (d = 0.10). Two tests of assumption 2 showed a significant improvement in drinking outcomes in non-transition groups, inconsistent with the TTM; one test showed a significant deterioration and the other showed equivalent drinking outcomes across time. An explanation is offered as to why, under the relevant assumption of the TTM, clients in non-transition groups showed small changes in drinking outcomes. Conclusions In contrast to a previous study by Callaghan and colleagues, our findings largely support the TTM account of recovery from alcohol problems in treatment. The discrepancy can be explained by the use in our study of a more reliable and valid method for assigning stage of change