5,286 research outputs found

    Robust Sliding Mode Observers for Large Scale Systems with Application to a Multimachine Power System

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    In this paper, a class of interconnected systems with structured and unstructured uncertainties is considered where the known interconnections and uncertain interconnections are nonlinear. The bounds on the uncertainties are employed in the observer design to enhance the robustness when the structure of the uncertainties is available for design. Under the condition that the structure distribution matrices of the uncertainties are known, a robust sliding mode observer is designed and a set of sufficient conditions is developed to guarantee that the error dynamics are asymptotically stable. In the case that the structure of uncertainties is unknown, an ultimately bounded approximate observer is developed to estimate the system states using sliding mode techniques. The results obtained are applied to a multimachine power system, and simulation for a two machine power system is presented to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the developed methods

    Observer-based tracking control for single machine infinite bus system via flatness theory

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    In this research, we aim to use the flatness control theory to develop a useful control scheme for a single machine connected to an infinite bus (SMIB) system taking into account input magnitude and rate saturation constraints. We adopt a fourth-order nonlinear SMIB model along an exciter and a turbine governor as actuators. According to the flatness-based control strategy, first we show that the adopted nominal SMIB model is a flat system. Then, we develop a full linearizing state feedback as well as an outer integral-type loop to ensure suitable tracking performances for the power and voltage as well as the angular velocity outputs. We assume that only the angular velocity of the generator is available to be measured. So, we provide a linear Luenberger observer to estimate the remaining states of the system. Also, the saturation nonlinearities are transferred to the linear part of the system and they are canceled out using their estimations. The efficiency and usefulness of the proposed observer-controller against faults are illustrated using simulation tests in Eurostag and Matlab. The results show that the clearing critical time of the introduced methodology is larger than the classical control approaches and the proposed observer-based flatness controller exhibits over much less control energy compared to the classic IEEE controllers

    Memory-based adaptive sliding mode load frequency control in interconnected power systems with energy storage

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    This paper presents a memory-based adaptive sliding mode load frequency control (LFC) strategy aimed at minimizing the impacts of exogenous power disturbances and parameter uncertainties on frequency deviations in interconnected power systems with energy storage. First, the dynamic model of the system is constructed by considering the participation of the energy storage system (ESS) in the conventional decentralized LFC model of a multiarea power system. A disturbance observer (DOB) is proposed to generate an online approximation of the lumped disturbance. In order to enhance the transient performance of the system and effectively mitigate the adverse effects of power fluctuations on grid frequency, a novel memory-based sliding surface is developed. This sliding surface incorporates the estimation of the lumped disturbance, as well as the past and present information of the state variables. The conservative assumption about the lumped disturbance is eased by considering the unknown upper bound of the disturbance and its first derivative. Based on the output of the proposed DOB, an adaptive continuous sliding mode controller with prescribed H performance index is introduced. This controller ensures that the sliding surface is reachable and guarantees asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. The controller design utilizes strict linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to achieve these objectives. Finally, the applicability and efficacy of the proposed scheme are verified through comparative simulation cases. Autho

    Comparative study of back-stepping controller and super twisting sliding mode controller for indirect power control of wind generator

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    © 2021 Springer. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1007/s13198-019-00905-7This paper presents the application nonlinear control to regulate the rotor currents and control the active and reactive powers generated by the Doubly Fed Induction Generator used in the Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS). The proposed control strategies are based on Lyapunov stability theory and include back-stepping control (BSC) and super-twisting sliding mode control. The overall WECS model and control scheme are developed in MATLAB/Simulink and the simulation results have shown that the BSC leads to superior performance and improved transient response as compared to the STSMC controller.Peer reviewe

    A State Observer Design for Simultaneous Estimation of Charge State and Crossover in Self-Discharging Disproportionation Redox Flow Batteries

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    This paper presents an augmented state observer design for the simultaneous estimation of charge state and crossover flux in disproportionation redox flow batteries, which exhibits exponential estimation error convergence to a bounded residual set. The crossover flux of vanadium through the porous separator is considered as an unknown function of the battery states, model-approximated as the output of a persistently excited linear system. This parametric model and the simple isothermal lumped parameter model of the battery are combined to form an augmented space state representation suitable for the observer design, which is carried out via Lyapunov stability theory including the error-uncertainty involved in the approximation of the crossover flux. The observer gain is calculated by solving a polytopic linear matrix inequality problem via convex optimization. The performance of this design is evaluated with a laboratory flow battery prototype undergoing self-discharge.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1903.0407

    On the Experimental Analysis of Integral Sliding Modes for Yaw Rate and Sideslip Control of an Electric Vehicle with Multiple Motors

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    With the advent of electric vehicles with multiple motors, the steady-state and transient cornering responses can be designed and implemented through the continuous torque control of the individual wheels, i.e., torque-vectoring or direct yaw moment control. The literature includes several papers on sliding mode control theory for torque-vectoring, but the experimental investigation is so far limited. More importantly, to the knowledge of the authors, the experimental comparison of direct yaw moment control based on sliding modes and typical controllers used for stability control in production vehicles is missing. This paper aims to reduce this gap by presenting and analyzing an integral sliding mode controller for concurrent yaw rate and sideslip control. A new driving mode, the Enhanced Sport mode, is proposed, inducing sustained high values of sideslip angle, which can be limited to a specified threshold. The system is experimentally assessed on a four-wheel-drive electric vehicle. The performance of the integral sliding mode controller is compared with that of a linear quadratic regulator during step steer tests. The results show that the integral sliding mode controller significantly enhances the tracking performance and yaw damping compared to the more conventional linear quadratic regulator based on an augmented singletrack vehicle model formulation. © 2018, The Korean Society of Automotive Engineers and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Natur

    Sveobuhvatan pregled LVRT mogućnosti i kliznog režima upravljanja vjetroagregata spojenog na mrežu s dvostruko napajanim asinkronim generatorom

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    In this paper, a comprehensive review of several strategies applied to improve the Low Voltage Ride-Through (LVRT) capability is presented for grid-connected wind-turbine-driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). Usually, the most proposed LVRT solutions in the literature based on: hardware solutions, which increase the system costs and software solutions, which increase the control system complexity. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to take into account grid requirements over LVRT performance under grid fault conditions using software solution based on Higher Order-Sliding Mode Control (HOSMC). Effectively, this control strategy is proposed to overcome the chattering problem and the injected stator current harmonics into the grid of the classical First Order Sliding Mode (FOSMC). Furthermore, the resultant HOSMC methodology is relatively simple; where, the online computational cost and time are considerably reduced. The LVRT capacity and effectiveness of the proposed control method, compared to the conventional FOSMC, are validated by time-domain simulation studies under Matlab on a 1.5 MW wind-turbine-driven DFIG.U ovom radu, prikazan je sveobuhvatan pregled strategija primjenjenih za poboljšanje sposobnosti rada tijekom prolaznih smetnji niskog napona mreže za vjetroagregat s dvostruko napajanim asinkronim generatorom (DFIG). Uobičajeno, većina predloženih LVRT rješenja u literaturi temelji se na: hardverskim rješenjima, što povećava troškove sustava i softverskih rješenja te složenost sustava upravljanja. Stoga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja da se uključuje i zahtjevi mreže kroz ponašanje LVRTa u uvjetima mrežnih kvarova korištenjem softverskog rješenja zasnovanoga na kliznom režimu rada višeg reda (HOSMC). Efektivno, ova upravljačka strategija je predložena kako bi se prevladali oscilacije i ubacivanje harmonika struje statora u mrežu klasičnim metodama kliznog režima rada prvog reda (FOSMC). Nadalje, rezultantna metodologija HOSMC je relativno jednostavna; gdje su online računski zahtjevi i potrebno vrijeme značajno smanjeni. LVRT kapacitet i učinkovitost predložene metode upravljanja, u usporedbi s konvencionalnim FOSMC potvrđene su simulacijama u vremenskoj domeni u Matlabu na 1.5 MW vjetroagregatu s DFIG-om