26,887 research outputs found

    Real-Time Analysis and Control of Serial Production Lines for Energy Efficient Manufacturing

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    Productivity analysis, operation control and energy consumption reduction have been the central topics in manufacturing research and practice. They are closely related to each other. Control of production operations is considered as one of the most economical methods to improve energy efficiency in manufacturing systems, while system performance analysis serves as the base of production control. On the other hand, effective operation control can result to energy efficiency in manufacturing. Steady state analysis has been investigated extensively; however, transient analysis remained largely unexplored. Our research focuses on system modeling, performance analysis, and real-time operation control of serial production lines with unreliable machines and finite buffers, especially in transient period, with Bernoulli or geometric reliability. Analytical results, practical case studies and applications for energy efficient manufacturing are provided. A simulation using ARENA software to reproduce and analyze brewery production line is performed

    Analytical evaluation of the output variability in production systems with general Markovian structure

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    Performance evaluation models are used by companies to design, adapt, manage and control their production systems. In the literature, most of the effort has been dedicated to the development of efficient methodologies to estimate the first moment performance measures of production systems, such as the expected production rate, the buffer levels and the mean completion time. However, there is industrial evidence that the variability of the production output may drastically impact on the capability of managing the system operations, causing the observed system performance to be highly different from what expected. This paper presents a general methodology to analyze the variability of the output of unreliable single machines and small-scale multi-stage production systems modeled as General Markovian structure. The generality of the approach allows modeling and studying performance measures such as the variance of the cumulated output and the variance of the inter-departure time under many system configurations within a unique framework. The proposed method is based on the characterization of the autocorrelation structure of the system output. The impact of different system parameters on the output variability is investigated and characterized. Moreover, managerial actions that allow reducing the output variability are identified. The computational complexity of the method is studied on an extensive set of computer experiments. Finally, the limits of this approach while studying long multi-stage production lines are highlighted. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Transient Performance Analysis of Serial Production Lines

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    TRANSIENT PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF SERIAL PRODUCTION LINES by Yang Sun The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2015 Under the Supervision of Professor Liang Zhang Production lines with unreliable machines and finite buffers are characterized by both steady-state performance and transient behavior. The steady-state performance has been analyzed extensively for over 50 years. Transient behavior, however, is rarely studied and remains less explored. In practice, a lot of the real production systems are running partially or entirely in transient periods. Therefore, transient analysis is of significant practical importance. Most of the past research on production systems focuses on discrete materials flow which utilities Markov chain analysis. This dissertation is devoted to investigate the effects of system parameters on performance measures for transient serial production line with other machine reliability models. The reliability models investigated in this dissertation are exponential and no-exponential (Weibull, Gamma, Log-normal). In a real production line system, machine reliability models are much more difficult to identify. Strictly speaking, it requires the identifications of the histograms of up- and downtime, which requires a very large number of measurements during a long period of time. The result may be that the machines\u27 real reliability model on the factory floor are, practically, never known. Therefore, it is of significant practical importance to investigate the general effects of system parameters on performance measures for transient serial production line with different reliability models. The system parameters include machine efficiency e, ratio of N and Tdown (K), machines\u27 average downtime Tdown, and coefficient of variation CV. The performance measures include settling time of production rate (t_sPR), settling time of work-in-process (t_sWIP), total production (TP), production loss (PL). The relationship between the performance measures and system parameters reveals the fundamental principles that characterize the behavior of such systems and can be used as a guideline for product lines\u27 management and improvement. Most previous research studies are limited to two or three machine system due to the technical complexity. Furthermore, presently there are no analytical tools to address the problems with multiple machines and buffers during transient periods. This dissertation addresses this problem by using simulations with C++ programming to evaluate the multiple machines (up to 10) and buffers and demonstrate the transient performance at different conditions. The simulation method does not only provide quantified transient performance results for a given production line, but also provides a valuable tool to investigate the system parameter effects and how to manage and improve the existing production line

    Asteroid lightcurves from the Palomar Transient Factory survey: Rotation periods and phase functions from sparse photometry

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    We fit 54,296 sparsely-sampled asteroid lightcurves in the Palomar Transient Factory to a combined rotation plus phase-function model. Each lightcurve consists of 20+ observations acquired in a single opposition. Using 805 asteroids in our sample that have reference periods in the literature, we find the reliability of our fitted periods is a complicated function of the period, amplitude, apparent magnitude and other attributes. Using the 805-asteroid ground-truth sample, we train an automated classifier to estimate (along with manual inspection) the validity of the remaining 53,000 fitted periods. By this method we find 9,033 of our lightcurves (of 8,300 unique asteroids) have reliable periods. Subsequent consideration of asteroids with multiple lightcurve fits indicate 4% contamination in these reliable periods. For 3,902 lightcurves with sufficient phase-angle coverage and either a reliably-fit period or low amplitude, we examine the distribution of several phase-function parameters, none of which are bimodal though all correlate with the bond albedo and with visible-band colors. Comparing the theoretical maximal spin rate of a fluid body with our amplitude versus spin-rate distribution suggests that, if held together only by self-gravity, most asteroids are in general less dense than 2 g/cm3^3, while C types have a lower limit of between 1 and 2 g/cm3^3, in agreement with previous density estimates. For 5-20km diameters, S types rotate faster and have lower amplitudes than C types. If both populations share the same angular momentum, this may indicate the two types' differing ability to deform under rotational stress. Lastly, we compare our absolute magnitudes and apparent-magnitude residuals to those of the Minor Planet Center's nominal G=0.15G=0.15, rotation-neglecting model; our phase-function plus Fourier-series fitting reduces asteroid photometric RMS scatter by a factor of 3.Comment: 35 pages, 29 figures. Accepted 15-Apr-2015 to The Astronomical Journal (AJ). Supplementary material including ASCII data tables will be available through the publishing journal's websit

    Production Systems with Deteriorating Product Quality : System-Theoretic Approach

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    Manufacturing systems with perishable products are widely seen in practice (e.g., food, metal processing, etc.). In such systems, the quality of a part is highly dependent on its residence time within the system. However, the behavior and properties of these systems have not been studied systematically, and, therefore, is carried out in this dissertation. Specifically, it was assumed that the probability that each unfinished part is of good quality is a decreasing function of its residence time in the preceding buffer. Then, in the framework of serial production lines with machines having Bernoulli and geometric reliability models, closed-form formulas for performance evaluation in the two-machine line case were derived, and develop an aggregation-based procedure to approximate the performance measures in M\u3e2-machine lines. In addition, the monotonicity properties of these production lines using numerical experiments were studied. A case study in an automotive stamping plant is described to illustrate the theoretical results obtained. Also, Bernoulli serial lines with controlled parts released was analyzed for both deterministic and stochastic releases. Finally, bottleneck analysis in Bernoulli serial lines with deteriorating product quality were studied

    Numerical simulation of steady and unsteady asymmetric vortical flow

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    The unsteady, compressible, thin-layer, Navier-Stokes (NS) equations are solved to simulate steady and unsteady, asymmetric, vortical laminar flow around cones at high incidences and supersonic Mach numbers. The equations are solved by using an implicit, upwind, flux-difference splitting (FDS), finite-volume scheme. The locally conical flow assumption is used and the solutions are obtained by forcing the conserved components of the flowfield vector to be equal at two axial stations located at 0.95 and 1.0. Computational examples cover steady and unsteady asymmetric flows around a circular cone and its control using side strakes. The unsteady asymmetric flow solution around the circular cone has also been validated using the upwind, flux-vector splitting (FVS) scheme with the thin-layer NS equations and the upwind FDS with the full NS equations. The results are in excellent agreement with each other. Unsteady asymmetric flows are also presented for elliptic- and diamond-section cones, which model asymmetric vortex shedding around round- and sharp-edged delta winds

    Manufacturing flow line systems: a review of models and analytical results

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    The most important models and results of the manufacturing flow line literature are described. These include the major classes of models (asynchronous, synchronous, and continuous); the major features (blocking, processing times, failures and repairs); the major properties (conservation of flow, flow rate-idle time, reversibility, and others); and the relationships among different models. Exact and approximate methods for obtaining quantitative measures of performance are also reviewed. The exact methods are appropriate for small systems. The approximate methods, which are the only means available for large systems, are generally based on decomposition, and make use of the exact methods for small systems. Extensions are briefly discussed. Directions for future research are suggested.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DDM-8914277