562 research outputs found

    Semi-automated creation of converged iTV services: From macromedia director simulations to services ready for broadcast

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    While sound and video may capture viewers’ attention, interaction can captivate them. This has not been available prior to the advent of Digital Television. In fact, what lies at the heart of the Digital Television revolution is this new type of interactive content, offered in the form of interactive Television (iTV) services. On top of that, the new world of converged networks has created a demand for a new type of converged services on a range of mobile terminals (Tablet PCs, PDAs and mobile phones). This paper aims at presenting a new approach to service creation that allows for the semi-automatic translation of simulations and rapid prototypes created in the accessible desktop multimedia authoring package Macromedia Director into services ready for broadcast. This is achieved by a series of tools that de-skill and speed-up the process of creating digital TV user interfaces (UI) and applications for mobile terminals. The benefits of rapid prototyping are essential for the production of these new types of services, and are therefore discussed in the first section of this paper. In the following sections, an overview of the operation of content, service, creation and management sub-systems is presented, which illustrates why these tools compose an important and integral part of a system responsible of creating, delivering and managing converged broadcast and telecommunications services. The next section examines a number of metadata languages candidates for describing the iTV services user interface and the schema language adopted in this project. A detailed description of the operation of the two tools is provided to offer an insight of how they can be used to de-skill and speed-up the process of creating digital TV user interfaces and applications for mobile terminals. Finally, representative broadcast oriented and telecommunication oriented converged service components are also introduced, demonstrating how these tools have been used to generate different types of services

    Semantic adaptation of multimedia documents

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    laborie2011aInternational audienceMultimedia documents have to be played on multiple device types. Hence, usage and platform diversity requires document adaptation according to execution contexts, not generally predictable at design time. In an earlier work, a semantic framework for multimedia document adaptation was proposed. In this framework, a multimedia document is interpreted as a set of potential executions corresponding to the author specification. To each target device corresponds a set of possible executions complying with the device constraints. In this context, adapting requires to select an execution that satisfies the target device constraints and which is as close as possible from the initial composition. This theoretical adaptation framework does not specifically consider the main multimedia document dimensions, i.e., temporal, spatial and hypermedia. In this paper, we propose a concrete application of this framework on standard multimedia documents. For that purpose, we first define an abstract structure that captures the spatio-temporal and hypermedia dimensions of multimedia documents, and we develop an adaptation algorithm which transforms in a minimal way such a structure according to device constraints. Then, we show how this can be used for adapting concrete multimedia documents in SMIL through converting the documents in the abstract structure, using the adaptation algorithm, and converting it back in SMIL. This can be used for other document formats without modifying the adaptation algorithm

    Energy-aware video streaming with QoS control for portable computing devices

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    NOSSDAV '04 : 14th international workshop on Network and operating systems support for digital audio and video , Jun 16-18, 2004 , Cork, IrelandWe propose an energy-aware video streaming system for portable computing devices, in which the video can be played back for the specified duration within the remaining battery amount. To save power, we introduce techniques (i) to reduce playback quality of a video at an intermediate proxy and (ii) to shorten working time of the network I/F card using periodic bulk transfer of the video data on the wireless LAN. To enable playback for the specified duration, we have developed a power consumption model for portable devices using parameters on playback quality, playback duration, battery amount, and so on. We have also developed an algorithm to assign different playback quality among multiple video segments based on the user's preference.within the battery amount. Our experiments using PDAs and laptop PCs on 802.11b WLAN show that our system achieves less than 6 prediction error in playback duration while adapting playback quality among video segments

    Effect of oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) fibers to the compressive strength and water absorption of concrete

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    Growing popularity based on environmentally-friendly, low cost and lightweight building materials in the construction industry has led to a need to examine how these characteristics can be achieved and at the same time giving the benefit to the environment and maintain the material requirements based on the standards required. Recycling of waste generated from industrial and agricultural activities as measures of building materials is not only a viable solution to the problem of pollution but also to produce an economic design of building

    MPEG21 DI Browser : an MPEG-21 based architecture for the consumption of digital items

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    Um exemplar tem a paginação em folhas e o outro exemplar tem a paginação em folhas, mas ambos têm 125 (folhas ou páginas)Tese de mestrado. tecnologia Multimédia, Perfil Engenharia. 2006. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port

    Adaptation des images et des vidéos pour des utilisateurs multiples dans des environnements hétérogènes

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    La dernière décennie a connu l'émergence de l'utilisation des équipements mobiles comme les assistants personnels et les téléphones, ainsi que la prolifération des réseaux personnels favorisée par le développement considérable dans les technologies de communications. D'autre part, l'information véhiculée a travers le World Wide Web devient de plus en plus visuelle (images et videos) grâce à la numérisation. Afin de permettre à tous les usagers un accès universel à cette information visuelle dans un environnement caractérisé par la diversité des équipements et l'hétérogénéité des réseaux, il devient nécessaire d'adapter les documents multimédia. L'adaptation consiste à appliquer une ou plusieurs transformations sur un document multimédia. Dans ce cadre, plusieurs travaux ont été élaborés en partant de différentes formulations. Nous pensons qu'un système d'adaptation efficace doit choisir les traitements nécessaires à appliquer sur un document visuel afin de maximiser la satisfaction de l'usager. Il doit considérer conjointement les caractéristiques de cet usager ainsi que les performances de son équipement, la qualité de sa connexion et les conditions de son environnement. La majorité des travaux réalisés dans ce domaine n'ont traité que des cas limités, par exemple ajuster une vidéo pour la capacité d'un réseau donné. Dans la présente recherche, nous proposons une solution globale obtenue à l'aide d'un modèle probabiliste qui utilise les traitements des images et des vidéos et l'extraction des caractéristiques des contenus

    Investigation Report on Universal Multimedia Access

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    Universal Multimedia Access (UMA) refers to the ability to access by any user to the desired multimedia content(s) over any type of network with any device from anywhere and anytime. UMA is a key framework for multimedia content delivery service using metadata. This investigation report analyzes the state-of-the-art technologies in UMA and tries to identify the key issues of UMA. The state-of-the-art in multimedia content adaptation, an overview of the standards that supports the UMA framework, potential privacy problems in UMA systems and some new UMA applications are presented in this report. This report also provides challenges that still remain to be resolved in UMA to make clear the potential key problems in UMA and determine which ones to solve