9 research outputs found

    The Impact Of Design Patterns In Refactoring Technique To Measure Performance Efficiency

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    Designing and developing software application has never been an easy task. The process is often time consuming and requires interaction between several different aspects. It will be harder in re-engineering the legacy system through refactoring technique, especially when consider to achieve software standard quality. Performance is one of the essential a quality attribute of software quality. Many studies in the literature have premise that design patterns improve the quality of object-oriented software systems but some studies suggest that the use of design patterns do not always result in appropriate designs. There are remaining question issues on negative or positive impacts of pattern refactoring in performance. In practice, refactoring in any part or structure of the system may take effect to another related part or structure. Effect of the process using refactoring technique and design patterns may improve software quality by making it more performable efficiency. Considerable research has been devoted in re-designing the system to improve software quality as maintainability and reliability. Less attention has been paid in measuring impact of performance efficiency quality factor. The main idea of this thesis is to investigate the impact, demonstrate how design patterns can be used to refactor the legacy software application in term of performance efficiency. It is therefore beneficial to investigate whether design patterns may influence performance of applications. In the thesis, an enterprise project named SIA (Sistem Informasi Akademik) is designed by applying Java EE platform. Some issues related to design patterns are addressed. The selection of design pattern is based on the application context issue. There are three kind of parameters measure, time behavior, resource utilization and capacity measures that based on standard guideline. We use tools support in experimentation as Apache JMeter and Java Mission Control. These tools provide convenient and generate appropriate result of performance measurement. The experiment results shown that the comparison between the legacy and refactored system that implemented design pattern indicates influence on application quality, especially on performance efficiency. ================================================================================================== Merancang dan mengembangkan aplikasi perangkat lunak bukan merupakan pekerjaan yang mudah karena membutuhkan waktu dan interaksi antara beberapa aspek. Proses desain pada rekayasa ulang akan lebih sulit meskipun melalui teknik refactoring, terutama untuk mencapai standar kualitas perangkat lunak. Kinerja merupakan salah satu atribut terpenting kualitas perangkat lunak. Banyak penelitian menjelaskan pola desain memperbaiki kualitas sistem perangkat lunak berorientasi objek, namun beberapa penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pola desain tidak selalu menghasilkan desain yang sesuai. Masih ada pertanyaan tentang dampak negatif atau positif dari kinerja pola refactoring. Pada praktiknya, melakukan refactoring pada suatu bagian atau struktur sistem akan berpengaruh pada bagian atau struktur lain yang terkait. Penggunaan teknik refactoring dan pola desain dapat meningkatkan kualitas perangkat lunak dengan kinerja lebih efisien. Sudah banyak penelitian yang berfokus untuk merancang ulang sistem untuk meningkatkan kualitas perangkat lunak sebagai kemampuan rawatan dan keandalan. Tetapi masih kurang penelitian perhatian dalam mengukur dampak faktor kualitas efisiensi kinerja. Tujuan utama dalam tesis ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampaknya, menunjukkan bagaimana pola desain dapat digunakan untuk refactor aplikasi perangkat lunak terdahulu dalam hal efisiensi kinerja. Oleh karena itu, akan bermanfaat untuk menyelidiki apakah pola desain dapat mempengaruhi kinerja aplikasi. Dalam tesis ini, sebuah proyek perusahaan bernama SIA (Sistem Informasi Akademik) dirancang dengan menerapkan platform Java EE. Beberapa masalah yang terkait dengan pola desain diketahui. Pemilihan pola desain berdasarkan pada isu konteks aplikasi. Tiga jenis ukuran parameter dipakai untuk penilitian ini, perilaku waktu, pemanfaatan sumber daya dan ukuran kapasitas yang berdasarkan pada pedoman standar. Kami menggunakan Apache JMeter dan Java Mission Control sebagai alat bantu dalam eksperimen. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan antara sistem terdahulu dengan penelitian ini yang menerapkan pola desain menunjukkan bahwa hasilnya berpengaruh terhadap kualitas aplikasi terutama pada efisiensi kinerja

    An Approach for Guiding Developers to Performance and Scalability Solutions

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    This thesis proposes an approach that enables developers who are novices in software performance engineering to solve software performance and scalability problems without the assistance of a software performance expert. The contribution of this thesis is the explicit consideration of the implementation level to recommend solutions for software performance and scalability problems. This includes a set of description languages for data representation and human computer interaction and a workflow

    Notação Visual para Representação de Linguagens de Padrões Ontológicos

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    Embora, atualmente, engenheiros de ontologias possam contar com vários métodos e ferramentas de apoio à engenharia de ontologias, o desenvolvimento de ontologias ainda não é uma tarefa fácil, mesmo para especialistas. Nesse contexto, reúso tem sido apontado como uma abordagem promissora para a engenharia de ontologias. Reutilização em ontologias permite acelerar o processo de desenvolvimento, além de melhorar a qualidade das ontologias resultantes, uma vez que promove a aplicação de boas práticas. O uso de padrões como abordagem para favorecer o reúso tem sido bastante explorado em Engenharia de Software, no entanto, o tema é consideravelmente recente em Engenharia de Ontologias. Um padrão (pattern) pode ser definido como uma solução bem-sucedida para um problema recorrente. Assim, padrões ontológicos (PO) apresentam soluções para problemas recorrentes de modelagem. Tipicamente, POs são disponibilizados em catálogos, porém essa abordagem não favorece reúso, uma vez que em um catálogo convencional perde-se o senso de conexão entre os POs. Padrões podem ser organizados em uma Linguagem de Padrões (LP), que representa os padrões e suas relações em uma rede e define um processo para seleção e utilização dos padrões para resolução sistemática de problemas. Nesse sentido, Linguagem de Padrões Ontológicos (LPO) fornecem, além dos padrões, diretrizes para sua seleção, incluindo a sequência em que podem ser usados, as variações existentes e os caminhos possíveis, entre outros. Para facilitar o uso de uma LPO, o processo e as relações entre os padrões devem ser representados de forma clara, não ambígua e completa. Notações visuais podem ser utilizadas para prover uma representação visual da LPO e são um importante meio de comunicação entre stakeholders, uma vez que se acredita que elas transmitam informações de forma mais eficaz do que texto. Para facilitar o entendimento e potencializar o uso de uma LPO, sua notação visual deve ser cognitivamente rica. Este trabalho propõe uma notação visual para representação de LPOs. Como bases para a proposta, foram utilizados os resultados de um mapeamento sistemático que investigou notações visuais em Linguagens de Padrões de Software e resultados de um estudo experimental em que se avaliou uma notação utilizada para representar LPOs. Buscando-se obter uma notação cognitivamente rica, os princípios de PoN (Physics of Notation) foram considerados no desenvolvimento da notação. Como prova de conceito, a notação visual proposta foi utilizada na reengenharia de LPO

    An Approach for Guiding Developers to Performance and Scalability Solutions

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    The quality of enterprise software applications plays a crucial role for the satisfaction of the users and the economic success of the enterprises. Software applications with unsatisfying performance and scalability are perceived by its users as low in quality, as less interesting and less attractive, and cause frustration when preventing the users from attaining their goals. This book proposes an approach for a recommendation system that enables developers who are novices in software perfor

    Development and Evaluation of a Holistic, Cloud-driven and Microservices-based Architecture for Automated Semantic Annotation of Web Documents

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    The Semantic Web is based on the concept of representing information on the web such that computers can both understand and process them. This implies defining context for web information to give them a well-defined meaning. Semantic Annotation defines the process of adding annotation data to web information for the much-needed context. However, despite several solutions and techniques for semantic annotation, it is still faced with challenges which have hindered the growth of the semantic web. With recent significant technological innovations such as Cloud Computing, Internet of Things as well as Mobile Computing and their various integrations with semantic technologies to proffer solutions in IT, little has been done towards leveraging these technologies to address semantic annotation challenges. Hence, this research investigates leveraging cloud computing paradigm to address some semantic annotation challenges, with focus on an automated system for providing semantic annotation as a service. Firstly, considering the current disparate nature observable with most semantic annotation solutions, a holistic perspective to semantic annotation is proposed based on a set of requirements. Then, a capability assessment towards the feasibility of leveraging cloud computing is conducted which produces a Cloud Computing Capability Model for Holistic Semantic Annotation. Furthermore, an investigation into application deployment patterns in the cloud and how they relate to holistic semantic annotation was conducted. A set of determinant factors that define different patterns for application deployment in the cloud were identified and these resulted into the development of a Cloud Computing Maturity Model and the conceptualisation of a “Cloud-Driven” development methodology for holistic semantic annotation in the cloud. Some key components of the “Cloud-Driven” concept include Microservices, Operating System-Level Virtualisation and Orchestration. With the role Microservices Software Architectural Patterns play towards developing solutions that can fully maximise cloud computing benefits; CloudSea: a holistic, cloud-driven and microservices-based architecture for automated semantic annotation of web documents is proposed as a novel approach to semantic annotation. The architecture draws from the theory of “Design Patterns” in Software Engineering towards its design and development which subsequently resulted into the development of twelve Design Patterns and a Pattern Language for Holistic Semantic Annotation, based on the CloudSea architectural design. As proof-of-concept, a prototype implementation for CloudSea was developed and deployed in the cloud based on the “Cloud-Driven” methodology and a functionality evaluation was carried out on it. A comparative evaluation of the CloudSea architecture was also conducted in relation to current semantic annotation solutions; both proposed in academic literature and existing as industry solutions. In addition, to evaluate the proposed Cloud Computing Maturity Model for Holistic Semantic Annotation, an experimental evaluation of the model was conducted by developing and deploying six instances of the prototype and deploying them differently, based on the patterns described in the model. This empirical investigation was implemented by testing the instances for performance through series of API load tests and results obtained confirmed the validity of both the “Cloud-Driven” methodology and the entire model

    Development and Evaluation of a Holistic, Cloud-driven and Microservices-based Architecture for Automated Semantic Annotation of Web Documents

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    The Semantic Web is based on the concept of representing information on the web such that computers can both understand and process them. This implies defining context for web information to give them a well-defined meaning. Semantic Annotation defines the process of adding annotation data to web information for the much-needed context. However, despite several solutions and techniques for semantic annotation, it is still faced with challenges which have hindered the growth of the semantic web. With recent significant technological innovations such as Cloud Computing, Internet of Things as well as Mobile Computing and their various integrations with semantic technologies to proffer solutions in IT, little has been done towards leveraging these technologies to address semantic annotation challenges. Hence, this research investigates leveraging cloud computing paradigm to address some semantic annotation challenges, with focus on an automated system for providing semantic annotation as a service. Firstly, considering the current disparate nature observable with most semantic annotation solutions, a holistic perspective to semantic annotation is proposed based on a set of requirements. Then, a capability assessment towards the feasibility of leveraging cloud computing is conducted which produces a Cloud Computing Capability Model for Holistic Semantic Annotation. Furthermore, an investigation into application deployment patterns in the cloud and how they relate to holistic semantic annotation was conducted. A set of determinant factors that define different patterns for application deployment in the cloud were identified and these resulted into the development of a Cloud Computing Maturity Model and the conceptualisation of a “Cloud-Driven” development methodology for holistic semantic annotation in the cloud. Some key components of the “Cloud-Driven” concept include Microservices, Operating System-Level Virtualisation and Orchestration. With the role Microservices Software Architectural Patterns play towards developing solutions that can fully maximise cloud computing benefits; CloudSea: a holistic, cloud-driven and microservices-based architecture for automated semantic annotation of web documents is proposed as a novel approach to semantic annotation. The architecture draws from the theory of “Design Patterns” in Software Engineering towards its design and development which subsequently resulted into the development of twelve Design Patterns and a Pattern Language for Holistic Semantic Annotation, based on the CloudSea architectural design. As proof-of-concept, a prototype implementation for CloudSea was developed and deployed in the cloud based on the “Cloud-Driven” methodology and a functionality evaluation was carried out on it. A comparative evaluation of the CloudSea architecture was also conducted in relation to current semantic annotation solutions; both proposed in academic literature and existing as industry solutions. In addition, to evaluate the proposed Cloud Computing Maturity Model for Holistic Semantic Annotation, an experimental evaluation of the model was conducted by developing and deploying six instances of the prototype and deploying them differently, based on the patterns described in the model. This empirical investigation was implemented by testing the instances for performance through series of API load tests and results obtained confirmed the validity of both the “Cloud-Driven” methodology and the entire model