652 research outputs found

    The projector algorithm: a simple parallel algorithm for computing Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay graphs

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    The Voronoi diagram is a certain geometric data structure which has numerous applications in various scientific and technological fields. The theory of algorithms for computing 2D Euclidean Voronoi diagrams of point sites is rich and useful, with several different and important algorithms. However, this theory has been quite steady during the last few decades in the sense that no essentially new algorithms have entered the game. In addition, most of the known algorithms are serial in nature and hence cast inherent difficulties on the possibility to compute the diagram in parallel. In this paper we present the projector algorithm: a new and simple algorithm which enables the (combinatorial) computation of 2D Voronoi diagrams. The algorithm is significantly different from previous ones and some of the involved concepts in it are in the spirit of linear programming and optics. Parallel implementation is naturally supported since each Voronoi cell can be computed independently of the other cells. A new combinatorial structure for representing the cells (and any convex polytope) is described along the way and the computation of the induced Delaunay graph is obtained almost automatically.Comment: This is a major revision; re-organization and better presentation of some parts; correction of several inaccuracies; improvement of some proofs and figures; added references; modification of the title; the paper is long but more than half of it is composed of proofs and references: it is sufficient to look at pages 5, 7--11 in order to understand the algorith

    Algorithmic Superactivation of Asymptotic Quantum Capacity of Zero-Capacity Quantum Channels

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    The superactivation of zero-capacity quantum channels makes it possible to use two zero-capacity quantum channels with a positive joint capacity for their output. Currently, we have no theoretical background to describe all possible combinations of superactive zero-capacity channels; hence, there may be many other possible combinations. In practice, to discover such superactive zero-capacity channel-pairs, we must analyze an extremely large set of possible quantum states, channel models, and channel probabilities. There is still no extremely efficient algorithmic tool for this purpose. This paper shows an efficient algorithmical method of finding such combinations. Our method can be a very valuable tool for improving the results of fault-tolerant quantum computation and possible communication techniques over very noisy quantum channels.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figures, Journal-ref: Information Sciences (Elsevier, 2012), presented in part at Quantum Information Processing 2012 (QIP2012), v2: minor changes, v3: published version; Information Sciences, Elsevier, ISSN: 0020-0255; 201

    Development of a GIS-based method for sensor network deployment and coverage optimization

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    Au cours des dernières années, les réseaux de capteurs ont été de plus en plus utilisés dans différents contextes d’application allant de la surveillance de l’environnement au suivi des objets en mouvement, au développement des villes intelligentes et aux systèmes de transport intelligent, etc. Un réseau de capteurs est généralement constitué de nombreux dispositifs sans fil déployés dans une région d'intérêt. Une question fondamentale dans un réseau de capteurs est l'optimisation de sa couverture spatiale. La complexité de l'environnement de détection avec la présence de divers obstacles empêche la couverture optimale de plusieurs zones. Par conséquent, la position du capteur affecte la façon dont une région est couverte ainsi que le coût de construction du réseau. Pour un déploiement efficace d'un réseau de capteurs, plusieurs algorithmes d'optimisation ont été développés et appliqués au cours des dernières années. La plupart de ces algorithmes reposent souvent sur des modèles de capteurs et de réseaux simplifiés. En outre, ils ne considèrent pas certaines informations spatiales de l'environnement comme les modèles numériques de terrain, les infrastructures construites humaines et la présence de divers obstacles dans le processus d'optimisation. L'objectif global de cette thèse est d'améliorer les processus de déploiement des capteurs en intégrant des informations et des connaissances géospatiales dans les algorithmes d'optimisation. Pour ce faire, trois objectifs spécifiques sont définis. Tout d'abord, un cadre conceptuel est développé pour l'intégration de l'information contextuelle dans les processus de déploiement des réseaux de capteurs. Ensuite, sur la base du cadre proposé, un algorithme d'optimisation sensible au contexte local est développé. L'approche élargie est un algorithme local générique pour le déploiement du capteur qui a la capacité de prendre en considération de l'information spatiale, temporelle et thématique dans différents contextes d'applications. Ensuite, l'analyse de l'évaluation de la précision et de la propagation d'erreurs est effectuée afin de déterminer l'impact de l'exactitude des informations contextuelles sur la méthode d'optimisation du réseau de capteurs proposée. Dans cette thèse, l'information contextuelle a été intégrée aux méthodes d'optimisation locales pour le déploiement de réseaux de capteurs. L'algorithme développé est basé sur le diagramme de Voronoï pour la modélisation et la représentation de la structure géométrique des réseaux de capteurs. Dans l'approche proposée, les capteurs change leur emplacement en fonction des informations contextuelles locales (l'environnement physique, les informations de réseau et les caractéristiques des capteurs) visant à améliorer la couverture du réseau. La méthode proposée est implémentée dans MATLAB et est testée avec plusieurs jeux de données obtenus à partir des bases de données spatiales de la ville de Québec. Les résultats obtenus à partir de différentes études de cas montrent l'efficacité de notre approche.In recent years, sensor networks have been increasingly used for different applications ranging from environmental monitoring, tracking of moving objects, development of smart cities and smart transportation system, etc. A sensor network usually consists of numerous wireless devices deployed in a region of interest. A fundamental issue in a sensor network is the optimization of its spatial coverage. The complexity of the sensing environment with the presence of diverse obstacles results in several uncovered areas. Consequently, sensor placement affects how well a region is covered by sensors as well as the cost for constructing the network. For efficient deployment of a sensor network, several optimization algorithms are developed and applied in recent years. Most of these algorithms often rely on oversimplified sensor and network models. In addition, they do not consider spatial environmental information such as terrain models, human built infrastructures, and the presence of diverse obstacles in the optimization process. The global objective of this thesis is to improve sensor deployment processes by integrating geospatial information and knowledge in optimization algorithms. To achieve this objective three specific objectives are defined. First, a conceptual framework is developed for the integration of contextual information in sensor network deployment processes. Then, a local context-aware optimization algorithm is developed based on the proposed framework. The extended approach is a generic local algorithm for sensor deployment, which accepts spatial, temporal, and thematic contextual information in different situations. Next, an accuracy assessment and error propagation analysis is conducted to determine the impact of the accuracy of contextual information on the proposed sensor network optimization method. In this thesis, the contextual information has been integrated in to the local optimization methods for sensor network deployment. The extended algorithm is developed based on point Voronoi diagram in order to represent geometrical structure of sensor networks. In the proposed approach sensors change their location based on local contextual information (physical environment, network information and sensor characteristics) aiming to enhance the network coverage. The proposed method is implemented in MATLAB and tested with several data sets obtained from Quebec City spatial database. Obtained results from different case studies show the effectiveness of our approach

    Minimizing Movement for Target Coverage and Network Connectivity in Mobile Sensor Networks

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    PublishedJournal Article© 2014 IEEE. Coverage of interest points and network connectivity are two main challenging and practically important issues of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Although many studies have exploited the mobility of sensors to improve the quality of coverage andconnectivity, little attention has been paid to the minimization of sensors' movement, which often consumes the majority of the limited energy of sensors and thus shortens the network lifetime significantly. To fill in this gap, this paper addresses the challenges of the Mobile Sensor Deployment (MSD) problem and investigates how to deploy mobile sensors with minimum movement to form a WSN that provides both target coverage and network connectivity. To this end, the MSD problem is decomposed into two sub-problems: the Target COVerage (TCOV) problem and the Network CONnectivity (NCON) problem. We then solve TCOV and NCON one by one and combine their solutions to address the MSD problem. The NP-hardness of TCOV is proved. For a special case of TCOV where targets disperse from each other farther than double of the coverage radius, an exact algorithm based on the Hungarian method is proposed to find the optimal solution. For general cases of TCOV, two heuristic algorithms, i.e., the Basic algorithm based on clique partition and the TV-Greedy algorithm based on Voronoi partition of the deployment region, are proposed to reduce the total movement distance ofsensors. For NCON, an efficient solution based on the Steiner minimum tree with constrained edge length is proposed. Thecombination of the solutions to TCOV and NCON, as demonstrated by extensive simulation experiments, offers a promising solutionto the original MSD problem that balances the load of different sensors and prolongs the network lifetime consequently.This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61232001, 61103203, 61173169, and 61173051), the Major Science & Technology Research Program for Strategic Emerging Industry of Hunan (Grant No. 2012GK4054), and the Scientific Research Fund of Hunan Provincial Education Department (Grant No. 14C0030)

    Nature of the learning algorithms for feedforward neural networks

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    The neural network model (NN) comprised of relatively simple computing elements, operating in parallel, offers an attractive and versatile framework for exploring a variety of learning structures and processes for intelligent systems. Due to the amount of research developed in the area many types of networks have been defined. The one of interest here is the multi-layer perceptron as it is one of the simplest and it is considered a powerful representation tool whose complete potential has not been adequately exploited and whose limitations need yet to be specified in a formal and coherent framework. This dissertation addresses the theory of generalisation performance and architecture selection for the multi-layer perceptron; a subsidiary aim is to compare and integrate this model with existing data analysis techniques and exploit its potential by combining it with certain constructs from computational geometry creating a reliable, coherent network design process which conforms to the characteristics of a generative learning algorithm, ie. one including mechanisms for manipulating the connections and/or units that comprise the architecture in addition to the procedure for updating the weights of the connections. This means that it is unnecessary to provide an initial network as input to the complete training process.After discussing in general terms the motivation for this study, the multi-layer perceptron model is introduced and reviewed, along with the relevant supervised training algorithm, ie. backpropagation. More particularly, it is argued that a network developed employing this model can in general be trained and designed in a much better way by extracting more information about the domains of interest through the application of certain geometric constructs in a preprocessing stage, specifically by generating the Voronoi Diagram and Delaunav Triangulation [Okabe et al. 92] of the set of points comprising the training set and once a final architecture which performs appropriately on it has been obtained, Principal Component Analysis [Jolliffe 86] is applied to the outputs produced by the units in the network's hidden layer to eliminate the redundant dimensions of this space

    Geometry-Driven Detection, Tracking and Visual Analysis of Viscous and Gravitational Fingers

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    Viscous and gravitational flow instabilities cause a displacement front to break up into finger-like fluids. The detection and evolutionary analysis of these fingering instabilities are critical in multiple scientific disciplines such as fluid mechanics and hydrogeology. However, previous detection methods of the viscous and gravitational fingers are based on density thresholding, which provides limited geometric information of the fingers. The geometric structures of fingers and their evolution are important yet little studied in the literature. In this work, we explore the geometric detection and evolution of the fingers in detail to elucidate the dynamics of the instability. We propose a ridge voxel detection method to guide the extraction of finger cores from three-dimensional (3D) scalar fields. After skeletonizing finger cores into skeletons, we design a spanning tree based approach to capture how fingers branch spatially from the finger skeletons. Finally, we devise a novel geometric-glyph augmented tracking graph to study how the fingers and their branches grow, merge, and split over time. Feedback from earth scientists demonstrates the usefulness of our approach to performing spatio-temporal geometric analyses of fingers.Comment: Published at IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphic

    Detection algorithms for spatial data

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of anomaly detection in spatial data. The problem of landmine detection in airborne spatial data is chosen as the specific detection scenario. The first part of the dissertation deals with the development of a fast algorithm for kernel-based non-linear anomaly detection in the airborne spatial data. The original Kernel RX algorithm, proposed by Kwon et al. [2005a], suffers from the problem of high computational complexity, and has seen limited application. With the aim to reduce the computational complexity, a reformulated version of the Kernel RX, termed the Spatially Weighted Kernel RX (SW-KRX), is presented. It is shown that under this reformulation, the detector statistics can be obtained directly as a function of the centered kernel Gram matrix. Subsequently, a methodology for the fast computation of the centered kernel Gram matrix is proposed. The key idea behind the proposed methodology is to decompose the set of image pixels into clusters, and expediting the computations by approximating the effect of each cluster as a whole. The SW-KRX algorithm is implemented for a special case, and comparative results are compiled for the SW-KRX vis-à-vis the RX anomaly detector. In the second part of the dissertation, a detection methodology for buried mine detection is presented. The methodology is based on extraction of color texture information using cross-co-occurrence features. A feature selection methodology based on Bhattacharya coefficients and principal feature analysis is proposed and detection results with different feature-based detectors are presented, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology in the extraction of useful discriminatory information --Abstract, page iii

    Sensor-Based Reactive Navigation in Unknown Convex Sphere Worlds

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    We construct a sensor-based feedback law that provably solves the real-time collision-free robot navigation problem in a compact convex Euclidean subset cluttered with unknown but sufficiently separated and strongly convex obstacles. Our algorithm introduces a novel use of separating hyperplanes for identifying the robot’s local obstacle-free convex neighborhood, affording a reactive (online-computed) continuous and piecewise smooth closed-loop vector field whose smooth flow brings almost all configurations in the robot’s free space to a designated goal location, with the guarantee of no collisions along the way. Specialized attention to planar navigable environments yields a necessary and sufficient condition on convex obstacles for almost global navigation towards any goal location in the environment. We further extend these provable properties of the planar setting to practically motivated limited range, isotropic and anisotropic sensing models, and the nonholonomically constrained kinematics of the standard differential drive vehicle. We conclude with numerical and experimental evidence demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed sensory feedback motion planner