592 research outputs found

    Efficient MPC with a Mixed Adversary

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    Over the past 20 years, the efficiency of secure multi-party protocols has been greatly improved. While the seminal protocols from the late 80’s require a communication of Ω(n⁶) field elements per multiplication among n parties, recent protocols offer linear communication complexity. This means that each party needs to communicate a constant number of field elements per multiplication, independent of n. However, these efficient protocols only offer active security, which implies that at most t<n/3 (perfect security), respectively t<n/2 (statistical or computational security) parties may be corrupted. Higher corruption thresholds (i.e., t≄ n/2) can only be achieved with degraded security (unfair abort), where one single corrupted party can prevent honest parties from learning their outputs. The aforementioned upper bounds (t<n/3 and t<n/2) have been circumvented by considering mixed adversaries (Fitzi et al., Crypto' 98), i.e., adversaries that corrupt, at the same time, some parties actively, some parties passively, and some parties in the fail-stop manner. It is possible, for example, to achieve perfect security even if 2/3 of the parties are faulty (three quarters of which may abort in the middle of the protocol, and a quarter may even arbitrarily misbehave). This setting is much better suited to many applications, where the crash of a party is more likely than a coordinated active attack. Surprisingly, since the presentation of the feasibility result for the mixed setting, no progress has been made in terms of efficiency: the state-of-the-art protocol still requires a communication of Ω(n⁶) field elements per multiplication. In this paper, we present a perfectly-secure MPC protocol for the mixed setting with essentially the same efficiency as the best MPC protocols for the active-only setting. For the first time, this allows to tolerate faulty majorities, while still providing optimal efficiency. As a special case, this also results in the first fully-secure MPC protocol secure against any number of crashing parties, with optimal (i.e., linear in n) communication. We provide simulation-based proofs of our construction.ISSN:1868-896

    Applications of Secure Multiparty Computation

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    We generate and gather a lot of data about ourselves and others, some of it highly confidential. The collection, storage and use of this data is strictly regulated by laws, but restricting the use of data often limits the benefits which could be obtained from its analysis. Secure multi-party computation (SMC), a cryptographic technology, makes it possible to execute specific programs on confidential data while ensuring that no other sensitive information from the data is leaked. SMC has been the subject of academic study for more than 30 years, but first attempts to use it for actual computations in the early 2000s – although theoretically efficient – were initially not practicable. However, improvements in the situation have made possible the secure solving of even relatively large computational tasks. This book describes how many different computational tasks can be solved securely, yet efficiently. It describes how protocols can be combined to larger applications, and how the security-efficiency trade-offs of different components of an SMC application should be chosen. Many of the results described in this book were achieved as part of the project Usable and Efficient Secure Multi-party Computation (UaESMC), which was funded by the European Commission. The book will be of interest to all those whose work involves the secure analysis of confidential data

    On Security Notions for Multi-Party Computation

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    Die meisten Sicherheitsbegriffe, die heutzutage benutzt werden, stammen aus den 1980ern. Doch durch ein seitdem besseres VerstĂ€ndnis der Theorie stellt sich die Frage, ob sie nicht weiterentwickelt werden können. Ein begrenzender Faktor sind hierbei sogenannte Unmöglichkeitsbeweise, die mathematisch beweisen, welche Sicherheitsgarantien nicht erfĂŒllt werden können. Diese liefern einen begrenzenden Faktor, ihre Aussage sollte jedoch nicht ĂŒbertrieben werden. Der Beweis ist nur in seinem eigenen Setting gĂŒltig und deckt nur genau den einen Sicherheitsbegriff ab. Historisch haben sich die etablierten Sicherheitsbegriffe jedoch zu etwas deutlich schwĂ€cherem entwickelt, wodurch eine LĂŒcke zwischen dem entstanden ist, was praktisch benutzt wird, und dem, was bekanntermaßen unmöglich ist. In dieser Promotion zeigen wir einige dieser LĂŒcken auf und untersuchen Sicherheitsbegriffe, die mit Sicherer Mehrparteienberechnung (MPC) zusammenhĂ€ngen, und die zwischen den Etablierten und den Unmöglichen liegen. Abbildung von GeschĂ€ftsmodellen und Gesetzlichen Regelungen in MPC. Mit Sicherer Mehrparteienberechnung (MPC) können Parteien eine Funktion ĂŒber privaten Eingaben auf sichere Weise so berechnen, dass nichts ĂŒber die Eingaben der anderen Parteien bekannt wird außer die Ausgabe der Funktion. Heutzutage hat MPC nur einen vergleichsweise geringen Mehraufwand im Vergleich zur direkten Berechnung. Und obwohl Datensparsamkeit in der Praxis belohnt wird, wird MPC kaum benutzt. Wir glauben dass einer der GrĂŒnde dafĂŒr, dass MPC in Praxis kaum benutzt wird, darin liegt, dass es GeschĂ€ftsmodelle und gesetzliche Regelungen ignoriert die eine gewisse Leakage der Daten benötigen, wĂ€hrend allgemeines MPC auf fast-perfekte PrivatsphĂ€re hinarbeitet. Wir prĂ€sentieren einen neuen Baustein, der es GeschĂ€ften---die durch einen zentralen Operator reprĂ€sentiert werden---ermöglicht, effizient die gewĂŒnschte Menge an Leakage abzubilden, die benötigt wird, um das GeschĂ€ft aufrechtzuerhalten oder um gesetzliche Vorgaben zu erfĂŒllen, wĂ€hrend Nutzer anonym und ohne durch mehrere Interaktionen hinweg verlinkt werden können Daten sammeln. Wir modellieren die Anforderungen im Universal Composability (UC) Framework. Dadurch wird garantiert, dass die Sicherheitsgarantien unabhĂ€ngig davon halten, welche Protokolle parallel ausgefĂŒhrt werden. Trotz dieser starken Sicherheitsgarantien ist das Protokoll dabei effizient genug, um auf moderner Hardware ausgefĂŒhrt zu werden, selbst wenn der Nutzer die Daten auf Smartphones mit beschrĂ€nkter Rechenleistung sammeln. (Fetzer, Keller, Maier, Raiber, Rupp, Schwerdt, PETS 2022) Eine Instantiierung stĂ€rkerer Commitments. Mit einem Bit Commitment Schema kann sich ein Sender gegenĂŒber eines EmpfĂ€ngers auf ein Bit festlegen, ohne das dabei zu offenbaren (hiding), aber auf eine Art die es dem Sender nicht erlaubt, den EmpfĂ€nger spĂ€ter davon zu ĂŒberzeugen, dass das Commitment auf ein anderes Bit festgelegt wurde (binding). In der Quantenwelt sind Commitments stark genug, um MPC zu konstruieren, weswegen es einen Anreiz gibt, Commitments so sicher wie möglich zu machen; jedoch sagen Unmöglichkeitsbeweise aus, dass beide Sicherheitsbegriffe -- hiding und binding -- gleichzeitig nicht bedingungslos halten können. Als Konsequenz weichen moderne Bit Commitment Schemas eine Sicherheitseigenschaft auf, die dann nur noch computationally halten, also auf Grundlage komplexitĂ€tstheoretischer Annahmen. Wir stellen das erste Bit Commitment Protokoll im Quantum Random Oracle Modle (QROM) vor, das bedingungslose Sicherheit fĂŒr den EmpfĂ€nger (binding) und langfristige Sicherheit fĂŒr den Sender (hiding) bietet und das dabei keine Zusatzhardware benötigt. Unser Resultat basiert auf einer neuen Annahme ĂŒber die Schwierigkeit, QuantenzustĂ€nde ĂŒber einen langen Zeitraum zu speichern. Langfristige Sicherheit modelliert technischen Fortschritt des Angreifers, da Transkripte, die heutzutage nicht effizient gebrochen werden können, in Zukunft vielleicht einfach extrahierbar sind, sobald schnellere Maschinen verfĂŒgbar sind. Wir beweisen die Sicherheit des Commitment Protokolls im QROM unter oben genannter Annahme und zeigen, dass eine Instantiierung im Standardmodell zu einem neuen Angriff auf die langfristige Hiding-Eigenschaft zulĂ€sst. (Döttling, Koch, Maier, Mechler, MĂŒller, MĂŒller-Quade, Tiepelt, IN EINREICHUNG) Undetectable Multi-Party Computation. Covert MPC ist eine Erweiterung von MPC, die nicht nur die Eingaben versteckt, sondern das gesamte Vorhandensein der Berechnung. Teilnehmer lernen nur dann die Ausgabe, wenn alle anderen Parteien das Protokoll ausgefĂŒhrt haben und die Ausgabe fĂŒr alle Parteien vorteilhaft ist. Anderenfalls lernen die Teilnehmer nichts, nicht mal, welche anderen Parteien versucht haben, an der Berechnung teilzunehmen. Ein einzelner Nichtteilnehmer kann unabsichtlich die gesamte Berechnung abbrechen. Daher stellt sich die Frage: können NN Teilnehmer eine Berechnung ausfĂŒhren, wĂ€hrend K>NK > N Parteien anwesend sind, und bei der die Ausgabe nur von den Eingaben der NN Teilnehmer abhĂ€ngt, wĂ€hrend die IdentitĂ€t der anderen Teilnehmer unter den anwesenden Parteien versteckt wird? Dies sollte insbesondere dann gelten, wenn die restlichen Parteien nicht wissen, dass eine Berechnung im Gang ist. Wir verknĂŒpfen diese Frage mit der theoretischen Machbarkeit von Anonymen Whistleblowing, bei dem eine einzelne Partei versucht, eine Nachricht preiszugeben, ohne dabei die eigene IdentitĂ€t zu offenbaren und ohne dass sich die anderen Parteien auf irgendeine besondere Art verhalten mĂŒssen. Leider zeigen wir dass keine Primitive sowohl Korrektheit und AnonymitĂ€t mit ĂŒberwĂ€ltigender Wahrscheinlichkeit im asymptotischen Setting erreichen kann, selbst unter sehr starken Annahmen. Jedoch konstruieren wir eine heuristische Instantiierung im Fine-Grained setting mit ĂŒberwĂ€ltigender Korrektheit und jeder beliebigen Ziel-AnonymitĂ€t. Unsere Ergebnisse liefern starke Grundlagen fĂŒr die Untersuchung der Möglichkeit von Anonymen Nachrichtentransfer durch authentifizierte KanĂ€le, ein faszinierendes Ziel von dem wir glauben, dass es von grundlegendem Interesse ist. (Agrikola, Couteau, Maier, TCC 2022

    On security and privacy of consensus-based protocols in blockchain and smart grid

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    In recent times, distributed consensus protocols have received widespread attention in the area of blockchain and smart grid. Consensus algorithms aim to solve an agreement problem among a set of nodes in a distributed environment. Participants in a blockchain use consensus algorithms to agree on data blocks containing an ordered set of transactions. Similarly, agents in the smart grid employ consensus to agree on specific values (e.g., energy output, market-clearing price, control parameters) in distributed energy management protocols. This thesis focuses on the security and privacy aspects of a few popular consensus-based protocols in blockchain and smart grid. In the blockchain area, we analyze the consensus protocol of one of the most popular payment systems: Ripple. We show how the parameters chosen by the Ripple designers do not prevent the occurrence of forks in the system. Furthermore, we provide the conditions to prevent any fork in the Ripple network. In the smart grid area, we discuss the privacy issues in the Economic Dispatch (ED) optimization problem and some of its recent solutions using distributed consensus-based approaches. We analyze two state of the art consensus-based ED protocols from Yang et al. (2013) and Binetti et al. (2014). We show how these protocols leak private information about the participants. We propose privacy-preserving versions of these consensus-based ED protocols. In some cases, we also improve upon the communication cost


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    In todays heterogeneous network environment, there is a growing demand for distrusted parties to jointly execute distributed algorithms on private data whose secrecy needed to be safeguarded. Platforms that support such computation on image processing purposes are called secure image processing protocols. In this thesis, we propose a new security model, called quasi information theoretic (QIT) security. Under the proposed model efficient protocols on two basic image processing algorithms linear filtering and thresholding are developed. For both problems we consider two situations: 1) only two parties are involved where one holds the data and the other possesses the processing algorithm; 2) an additional non-colluding third party exists. Experiments show that our proposed protocols improved the computational time significantly compared with the classical cryptographical couterparts as well as providing reasonable amount of security as proved in the thesi

    Tight Bounds for Protocols with Hybrid Security

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    We consider broadcast and multi-party computation (MPC) in the setting where a digital signature scheme and a respective public-key infrastructure (PKI) are given among the players. However, neither the signature scheme nor the PKI are fully trusted. The goal is to achieve unconditional (PKI- and signature-independent) security up to a certain threshold, and security beyond this threshold under stronger assumptions, namely, that the forgery of signatures is impossible and/or that the given PKI is not under adversarial control. We give protocols for broadcast and MPC that achieve an optimal trade-off between these different levels of security

    Literature based Cyber Security Topics: Handbook

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    Cyber security is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyber attacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes. Cloud computing has emerged from the legacy data centres. Consequently, threats applicable in legacy system are equally applicable to cloud computing along with emerging new threats that plague only the cloud systems. Traditionally the data centres were hosted on-premises. Hence, control over the data was comparatively easier than handling a cloud system which is borderless and ubiquitous. Threats due to multi-tenancy, access from anywhere, control of cloud, etc. are some examples of why cloud security becomes important. Considering the significance of cloud security, this work is an attempt to understand the existing cloud service and deployment models, and the major threat factors to cloud security that may be critical in cloud environment. It also highlights various methods employed by the attackers to cause the damage. Cyber-attacks are highlighted as well. This work will be profoundly helpful to the industry and researchers in understanding the various cloud specific cyber-attack and enable them to evolve the strategy to counter them more effectively

    PentaGOD: Stepping beyond Traditional GOD with Five Parties

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    Secure multiparty computation (MPC) is increasingly being used to address privacy issues in various applications. The recent work of Alon et al. (CRYPTO\u2720) identified the shortcomings of traditional MPC and defined a Friends-and-Foes (FaF) security notion to address the same. We showcase the need for FaF security in real-world applications such as dark pools. This subsequently necessitates designing concretely efficient FaF-secure protocols. Towards this, keeping efficiency at the center stage, we design ring-based FaF-secure MPC protocols in the small-party honest-majority setting. Specifically, we provide (1,1)-FaF secure 5 party computation protocols (5PC) that consider one malicious and one semi-honest corruption and constitutes the optimal setting for attaining honest-majority. At the heart of it lies the multiplication protocol that requires a single round of communication with 8 ring elements (amortized). To facilitate having FaF-secure variants for several applications, we design a variety of building blocks optimized for our FaF setting. The practicality of the designed (1,1)-FaF secure 5PC framework is showcased by benchmarking dark pools. In the process, we also improve the efficiency and security of the dark pool protocols over the existing traditionally secure ones. This improvement is witnessed as a gain of up to 62×62\times in throughput compared to the existing ones. Finally, to demonstrate the versatility of our framework, we also benchmark popular deep neural networks

    Information-Theoretic Secure Outsourced Computation in Distributed Systems

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    Secure multi-party computation (secure MPC) has been established as the de facto paradigm for protecting privacy in distributed computation. One of the earliest secure MPC primitives is the Shamir\u27s secret sharing (SSS) scheme. SSS has many advantages over other popular secure MPC primitives like garbled circuits (GC) -- it provides information-theoretic security guarantee, requires no complex long-integer operations, and often leads to more efficient protocols. Nonetheless, SSS receives less attention in the signal processing community because SSS requires a larger number of honest participants, making it prone to collusion attacks. In this dissertation, I propose an agent-based computing framework using SSS to protect privacy in distributed signal processing. There are three main contributions to this dissertation. First, the proposed computing framework is shown to be significantly more efficient than GC. Second, a novel game-theoretical framework is proposed to analyze different types of collusion attacks. Third, using the proposed game-theoretical framework, specific mechanism designs are developed to deter collusion attacks in a fully distributed manner. Specifically, for a collusion attack with known detectors, I analyze it as games between secret owners and show that the attack can be effectively deterred by an explicit retaliation mechanism. For a general attack without detectors, I expand the scope of the game to include the computing agents and provide deterrence through deceptive collusion requests. The correctness and privacy of the protocols are proved under a covert adversarial model. Our experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of SSS-based protocols and the validity of our mechanism design
