2,385 research outputs found

    Como consomem os turistas um destino de enoturismo no Centro de Portugal? Uma análise espaciotemporal

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    Space-time tourist behaviour is influenced by numerous factors related both to tourists and the destination. Yet, however complex it may be, understanding and to some extent managing the way tourists move in space and time is crucial to ensuring the quality of their experience, as well as the effective and sustainable management of destinations and attractions. In the rural wine tourism context, studies on space-time behaviour are rare. The present study uses empirical data collected from tourists staying in hotels of the Bairrada Wine Route territory (N = 116), combining a GPS tracking study with a questionnaire survey. Using a time-geographical analytical approach, the GPS tracking data were mapped for a more detailed analysis of the tourists’ movements in the Bairrada terroir. The findings highlight specificities of tourist consumption in the context of rural wine regions and provide valuable insights for destination planning, service design and marketing of the Bairrada Wine Route.O comportamento turístico espaciotemporal é influenciado por diversos fatores relacionados tanto com os turistas como com o destino. No entanto, por complexo que seja, compreender e, em certa medida, gerir a forma como os turistas se movem no espaço e no tempo é crucial para assegurar a qualidade da sua experiência, bem como a gestão eficaz e sustentável de destinos e atrações. No contexto do enoturismo, são raros os estudos sobre o comportamento espaciotemporal. O presente estudo utiliza dados empíricos recolhidos junto de turistas alojados em hotéis do território da Rota do Vinho da Bairrada (N= 116), combinando um estudo de rastreamento por GPS com um inquérito por questionário. Utilizando uma perspetiva temporal de análise, os dados de rastreamento por GPS foram mapeados para o estudo mais aprofundado dos movimentos dos turistas no terroir da Bairrada. Os resultados destacam as especificidades do consumo turístico no contexto das regiões vitivinícolas e fornecem informações relevantes para o planeamento do destino, conceção do serviço e marketing da Rota do Vinho da Bairrada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of Lisbon visitors’ internet access behavior: behavior analysis through the identification of clusters

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Driven Marketing, specialization in Marketing IntelligenceThis master's thesis focuses on clustering the internet access behavior of urban visitors in the Lisbon urban area. To promote smart city development, the study aims to provide insights into visitors' behaviors while accessing the internet in Lisbon, enabling improved decision-making processes for city management, and enhancing the overall online and offline experience for visitors. The over-tourism phenomenon has put a strain on infrastructure, public transportation, and cultural heritage sites. Therefore, innovative methods are needed for effective smart city management, particularly in urban mobility. The increasing availability of Wi-Fi networks during travel has generated valuable data that can be used to develop groundbreaking approaches to understanding visitors’ behaviors and mobility patterns in urban areas. This knowledge enables the analysis and clustering of urban visitors' behavior, contributing to improved decision-making processes in smart city management

    Methodological triangulation in movement pattern research

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    The application of GIS and GPS methods together with qualitative sociological methods is one of the current fields of discussion in studies of human behaviour in space. The authors ask about the justification, manner and value of using the ‘triad’: quantitative GIS measurement methods – qualitative sociological methods – quasi-experiment. A mixed-method approach in an analysis of human movement patterns is introduced. Also, the role of the investigator in such projects is discussed

    Density-based spatial clustering and ordering points approach for characterizations of tourist behaviour

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    Knowledge about the spots where tourist activity is undertaken, including which segments from the tourist market visit them, is valuable information for tourist service managers. Nowadays, crowdsourced smartphones applications are used as part of tourist surveys looking for knowledge about the tourist in all phases of their journey. However, the representativeness of this type of source, or how to validate the outcomes, are part of the issues that still need to be solved. In this research, a method to discover hotspots using clustering techniques and give to these hotspots a data-driven interpretation is proposed. The representativeness of the dataset and the validation of the results against existing statistics is assessed. The method was evaluated using 124,725 trips, which have been gathered by 1505 devices. The results show that the proposed approach successfully detects hotspots related with the most common activities developed by overnight tourists and repeat visitors in the region under study

    Cruisers in the City of Helsinki : Staging the Mobility of Cruise Passengers

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    International cruise passengers moving in urban destinations have particular time limitation that can make enabling and disabling elements of mobility meaningful on the quality of their visit. Identifying these elements is essential to improve their independent movement. Based on a staging mobilities framework that considers the dimensions of physical settings, material spaces, design (PMD), social interactions (SI) and embodied performances (EP) in situ, the research has analysed location-specific information in Helsinki, a popular port of call in the Baltic Sea. The study has used go-along observations and mobile application in data collection. The produced dataset was analysed by combining GIS-methods and content analyses. As a result, five categories were identified under the dimension of PMD: wayfinding tools, unexpected situations, lack of rest spots and walkability. Categories identified under the dimension of SI were local people, service providers and travel companions, and other tourists. Categories identified under the dimension of EP were traffic behaviour, occasioned activities, sense of direction, planning, and time-related anxiety. Urban destinations such as Helsinki can apply these results in practice, to make the movement of independently moving cruise passengers as effortless as possible, contributing to a better experience of the city space for both tourists and other city users. The proposed methodology could also be used to analyse other mobility-related phenomena.Peer reviewe

    How would tourists use Green Spaces? Case Studies in Lisbon

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    EntretextosThis report provides in a relative condensed format the results of small-scale study undertaken in Lisbon during the Meeting of the CyberParks Project (www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/tud/Actions/TU1306). CyberParks is a COST Action coordinated by the Universidade Lusófona at the CeiED - Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Education and Development. The Project aims at creating a research platform on the relationship between Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the production of public open spaces, and their relevance to sustainable urban development. The impacts of this relationship are being explored from social, ecological, urban design and technological perspectives. Based on the supposition that the participants of the Meeting are tourists visiting Lisbon, a survey was carried out on the topic how people actually use and how they would use public spaces. This survey is also the first approach to the case study areas chosen in Lisbon: Parque Quinta das Conchas and Jardim da Estrela. Both green spaces will be subject of further studies in the forthcoming years. This study employed (1) a questionnaire for measuring the user’s experience and preferences, and (2) two different tracking devices that utilise GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), in our case the GPS for satellite positioning technologies. It also presents the results of a study on the relevance of wi-fi in Lisbon’s public spaces. Even considering that the surveys in Lisbon’s green spaces are a first exercise within the work programme of CyberParks they show important outcomes. On the one hand, regarding the technologies used and their potential for research and on the other hand the findings about Lisbon’s green spaces. It should be noted that the conducted surveys and the gathered data are statistically not representative, but can be characterised as an empirical case and as a showcase, as how tourists tend to use a green space. The results shows that surveys benefit from multiple research methods and from combining insights.Este relatório apresenta, em formato condensado, os resultados de um estudo de pequena escala realizado em Lisboa durante o Seminário do Projeto CyberParks. CyberParks é uma Ação COST coordenada pela Universidade Lusófona/CeiED - Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento. O projeto visa a criação de uma plataforma de debate sobre a relação entre as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) e a produção de espaços públicos, e da sua relevância para o desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. Os impactos dessa relação estão a ser explorados a partir de perspetivas sociais, ecológicas, tecnológicas e de desenho urbano. Na sua etapa exploratória, este estudo assenta na suposição de que os participantes do Seminário são turistas de visita a Lisboa. A partir dos dados recolhidos pelos investigadores envolvidos na ação COST, foi realizada uma análise à forma como diferentes indivíduos usam, e como poderão usar, diferentes espaços públicos verdes. Este estudo apresenta, portanto, a primeira abordagem às áreas de estudos selecionadas em Lisboa. São elas o Parque Quinta das Conchas e o Jardim da Estrela. Ambos os espaços verdes serão objeto de novos estudos nos próximos anos. Neste primeiro estudo exploratório foram empregues: (1) um questionário, para aferir a experiência de um potencial utilizador e as suas preferências, e (2) dois dispositivos diferentes de rastreamento que utilizam tecnologia GNSS (Sistemas de Navegação Global por Satélite) e, no nosso caso, o GPS para as tecnologias de posicionamento por satélite. Ele também apresenta os resultados de um estudo realizado sobre a relevância do wi-fi em espaços públicos na cidade de Lisboa. Mesmo considerando que os estudos realizados nos espaços verdes representam um primeiro exercício no âmbito do programa de trabalho do CyberParks em Lisboa, são aqui revelados resultados importantes. Por um lado, o recurso às tecnologias utilizadas e seu potencial para a investigação e, por outro lado, os resultados sobre a vivência dos espaços verdes. Deve-se notar que os dados recolhidos não são estatisticamente representativos, mas evidenciam um caso empírico de como turistas tendem a usar um espaço verde urbano. A combinação do questionário com novos métodos digitais resultou num grande ganho de conhecimento, recobrindo as áreas de estudo sob a perspetiva de um turista, para além de maiores informações sobre as potencialidades e limites da tecnologia digital como ferramenta de investigação. Os resultados mostram que a investigação no campo social pode se beneficiar da combinação de vários métodos e técnicas

    Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world : proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas : Wageningen, the Netherlands, May 30-June 3, 2010

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    Proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas : Wageningen, the Netherlands, May 30-June 3, 201

    Big data or small data? A methodological review of sustainable tourism

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    Research in the field of sustainable tourism is increasingly important due to significant growth in tourism industries and the unsustainable impacts incurred. Innovation in sustainable tourism studies is required to meet a number of challenges including socio-ecological impacts; the critical turn in tourism research; and the growth of ICTs, mobile technologies and big data analytics. These shifts in particular are transforming the field and creating new research opportunities. This paper seeks to identify potential new methodological areas of application to sustainable tourism studies for both quantitative and qualitative methods. A range of methods are reviewed, focusing on big data (e.g., mobile device signaling, GPS, social media and search engine data) that elucidates wider patterns of tourist movement, as applied to forecasting travel demands and sustainable management of a destination. Three novel ‘small data’ methods are also discussed, comprising visual methods, autoethnography, and qualitative GIS, that provide deeper, contextual insights into the drivers, dynamics and impacts of sustainable tourism. We consider how expansive qualitative methodologies might yield potentially important insights concealed by existing methodologies. Furthermore, we argue that combined big data and small data approaches can address methodological imbalance and generate mutually reinforcing insights at a number of levels