26 research outputs found

    The influence of graphitization catalyst electrode in electrical discharge machining of polycrystalline diamond-finishing condition

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    Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a non-contact machining process that becomes famous in machining of Polycrystalline Diamond (PCD). The material is typically used as the cutting tools for aerospace and automotive industries. However, low electrical conductivity and high melting temperature of PCD has caused slower EDM process. This investigation purposely designed to investigate the influence of different types of electrode which are Copper (ordinary electrode) and Copper-Nickel (newly proposed graphitization catalyst electrode) on EDM performance of MRR and Ra. Interestingly the newly proposed electrode gave positive impact to the investigated performance indication. Cu-Ni electrode recorded 35% better in MRR than the Cu electrode, though with higher short-circuiting rate. Cu-Ni also provided the lowest Ra value with 10% better than the best Ra produced by Cu electrode. This phenomenon occurred as due to the high interaction between the catalyst materials of nickel and diamond which supported by the qualification data provided in this investigation

    Data based identification and prediction of nonlinear and complex dynamical systems

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    We thank Dr. R. Yang (formerly at ASU), Dr. R.-Q. Su (formerly at ASU), and Mr. Zhesi Shen for their contributions to a number of original papers on which this Review is partly based. This work was supported by ARO under Grant No. W911NF-14-1-0504. W.-X. Wang was also supported by NSFC under Grants No. 61573064 and No. 61074116, as well as by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, Beijing Nova Programme.Peer reviewedPostprin

    A model-based robust control approach for bilateral teleoperation systems

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    Nonlinearity and stochasticity in biochemical networks

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    Recent advances in biology have revolutionized our understanding of living systems. For the first time, it is possible to study the behavior of individual cells. This has led to the discovery of many amazing phenomena. For example, cells have developed intelligent mechanisms for foraging, communicating, and responding to environmental changes. These diverse functions in cells are controlled through biochemical networks consisting of many different proteins and signaling molecules. These molecules interact and affect gene expression, which in turn affects protein production. This results in a complex mesh of feedback and feedforward interactions. These complex networks are generally highly nonlinear and stochastic, making them difficult to study quantitatively. Recent studies have shown that biochemical networks are also highly modular, meaning that different parts of the network do not interact strongly with each other. These modules tend to be conserved across species and serve specific biological functions. However, detect- ing modules and identifying their function tends to be a very difficult task. To overcome some of these complexities, I present an alternative modeling approach that builds quantitative models using coarse-grained biological processes. These coarse-grained models are often stochastic (probabilistic) and highly non-linear. In this thesis, I focus on modeling biochemical networks in two distinct biological systems: Dictyostelium discoideum and microRNAs. Chapters 2 and 3 focus on cellular communication in the social amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum. Using universality, I propose a stochastic nonlinear model that describes the behavior of individual cells and cellular populations. In chapter 4 I study the interaction between messenger RNAs and noncoding RNAs, using Langevin equations

    Personalized noninvasive imaging of volumetric cardiac electrophysiology

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    Three-dimensionally distributed electrical functioning is the trigger of mechanical contraction of the heart. Disturbance of this electrical flow is known to predispose to mechanical catastrophe but, due to its amenability to certain intervention techniques, a detailed understanding of subject-specific cardiac electrophysiological conditions is of great medical interest. In current clinical practice, body surface potential recording is the standard tool for diagnosing cardiac electrical dysfunctions. However, successful treatments normally require invasive catheter mapping for a more detailed observation of these dysfunctions. In this dissertation, we take a system approach to pursue personalized noninvasive imaging of volumetric cardiac electrophysiology. Under the guidance of existing scientific knowledge of the cardiac electrophysiological system, we extract the subject specific cardiac electrical information from noninvasive body surface potential mapping and tomographic imaging data of individual subjects. In this way, a priori knowledge of system physiology leads the physiologically meaningful interpretation of personal data; at the same time, subject-specific information contained in the data identifies parameters in individual systems that differ from prior knowledge. Based on this perspective, we develop a physiological model-constrained statistical framework for the quantitative reconstruction of the electrical dynamics and inherent electrophysiological property of each individual cardiac system. To accomplish this, we first develop a coupled meshfree-BE (boundary element) modeling approach to represent existing physiological knowledge of the cardiac electrophysiological system on personalized heart-torso structures. Through a state space system approach and sequential data assimilation techniques, we then develop statistical model-data coupling algorithms for quantitative reconstruction of volumetric transmembrane potential dynamics and tissue property of 3D myocardium from body surface potential recoding of individual subjects. We also introduce a data integration component to build personalized cardiac electrophysiology by fusing tomographic image and BSP sequence of the same subject. In addition, we develop a computational reduction strategy that improves the efficiency and stability of the framework. Phantom experiments and real-data human studies are performed for validating each of the framework’s major components. These experiments demonstrate the potential of our framework in providing quantitative understanding of volumetric cardiac electrophysiology for individual subjects and in identifying latent threats in individual’s heart. This may aid in personalized diagnose, treatment planning, and fundamentally, prevention of fatal cardiac arrhythmia

    Aerospace Applications of Magnetic Suspension Technology, part 2

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    In order to examine the state of technology of all areas of magnetic suspension with potential aerospace applications, and to review related recent developments in sensors and control approaches, superconducting technology, and design/implementation practices, a workshop was held at NASA-Langley. Areas of concern are pointing and isolation systems, microgravity and vibration isolation, bearing applications, wind tunnel model suspension systems, large gap magnetic suspension systems, controls, rotating machinery, science and applications of superconductivity, and sensors. Papers presented are included

    Nonlinear identification and control of muscle relaxant dynamics.

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    The work reported in this thesis comprised two major parts which are: 1) Off-line nonlinear identification of muscle relaxant dynamics, 2) Simulation-based design of a variety of controllers (ranging from classical PID to nonlinear self-tuners) for the closed-loop control of muscle relaxation. Relaxant drugs namely, Vecuronium and Atracurium are considered throughout. Off-line identification studies, using two special nonlinear identification packages (Nonlinear Identification package and Nonlinear Orthogonal Identification package), were carried out to determine nonlinear difference equation models (NARMAX) that best fit (in the least squares sense) recorded data from trials on humans and dogs for each drug. After validation, these models were assumed to represent, in a nonlinear polynomial form, the muscle relaxant drugs pharmacology. Two different approaches were explored for determining the physiological structure of both relaxant drugs: a) The drug model to comprise a pharmacokinetics part to represent the drug distribution, and pharmacodynamics which are often modelled by using the well known Hill equation. b) A cross-correlation approach based on Volterra series. With the relaxant dynamics structure thus fixed, the work proceeded to the control phase. Simple three-term PID controllers were first designed with their parameters being optimised, off-line, using the Simplex method. The non-adaptive nature of this class of controllers makes their robustness open to question when the system parameters for which they have been optimised change. Hence adaptive controllers in the form of linear and nonlinear generalised minimum variance, self-tuners, generalised predictive and nonlinear k-step ahead predictive controllers were also considered. All these latter control approaches are shown to be satisfactory, in terms of transient and steady state performance

    Applications of Input-to-State Stability theory to chaos and non-linear adaptive control.

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    The aim of this work is to study the stability of a particular class of nonlinear control systems, that is Adaptive Control with Communications Constraints. As a subclass of such a system, we study stability properties of chaos control. The technical instrument used is the Input-to-State Stability theory. As a font of inspiration to find original solutions to the problem of adaptive control and face new interesting problems we collect known results about vertebrate movement learning and propose an inspired control scheme