7,499 research outputs found

    A Secure Traitor Tracing Scheme against Key Exposure

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    Copyright protection is a major issue in distributing digital content. On the other hand, improvements to usability are sought by content users. In this paper, we propose a secure {\it traitor tracing scheme against key exposure (TTaKE)} which contains the properties of both a traitor tracing scheme and a forward secure public key cryptosystem. Its structure fits current digital broadcasting systems and it may be useful in preventing traitors from making illegal decoders and in minimizing the damage from accidental key exposure. It can improve usability through these properties.Comment: 5 pages, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory 2005 (ISIT 2005

    Gossip Codes for Fingerprinting: Construction, Erasure Analysis and Pirate Tracing

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    This work presents two new construction techniques for q-ary Gossip codes from tdesigns and Traceability schemes. These Gossip codes achieve the shortest code length specified in terms of code parameters and can withstand erasures in digital fingerprinting applications. This work presents the construction of embedded Gossip codes for extending an existing Gossip code into a bigger code. It discusses the construction of concatenated codes and realisation of erasure model through concatenated codes.Comment: 28 page

    Fully Collusion Resistant Traitor Tracing

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    We construct the first fully collusion resistant tracing traitors system with sublinear size ciphertexts and constant size private keys. More precisely, let NN be the total number of users. Our system generates ciphertexts of size O(N)O(\sqrt{N}) and private keys of size O(1)O(1). We build our system by first building a simpler primitive called private linear broadcast encryption (PLBE). We then show that any PLBE gives a tracing traitors system with the same parameters. Our system uses bilinear maps in groups of composite order

    Towards joint decoding of binary Tardos fingerprinting codes

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    The class of joint decoder of probabilistic fingerprinting codes is of utmost importance in theoretical papers to establish the concept of fingerprint capacity. However, no implementation supporting a large user base is known to date. This article presents an iterative decoder which is, as far as we are aware of, the first practical attempt towards joint decoding. The discriminative feature of the scores benefits on one hand from the side-information of previously accused users, and on the other hand, from recently introduced universal linear decoders for compound channels. Neither the code construction nor the decoder make precise assumptions about the collusion (size or strategy). The extension to incorporate soft outputs from the watermarking layer is straightforward. An extensive experimental work benchmarks the very good performance and offers a clear comparison with previous state-of-the-art decoders.Comment: submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security. - typos corrected, one new plot, references added about ECC based fingerprinting code

    A construction of traceability set systems with polynomial tracing algorithm

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.A family F of w-subsets of a finite set X is called a set system with the identifiable parent property if for any w-subset contained in the union of some t sets, called traitors, of F at least one of these sets can be uniquely determined, i.e. traced. A set system with traceability property (TSS, for short) allows to trace at least one traitor by minimal distance decoding of the corresponding binary code, and hence the complexity of tracing procedure is of order O(M), where M is the number of users or the code's cardinality. We propose a new construction of TSS which is based on the old Kautz-Singleton concatenated construction with algebraic-geometry codes as the outer code and Guruswami-Sudan decoding algorithm. The resulting codes (set systems) have exponentially many users (codevectors) M and polylog(M) complexity of code construction and decoding, i.e. tracing traitors. This is the first construction of traceability set systems with such properties.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Almost separating and almost secure frameproof codes over q-ary alphabets

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10623-015-0060-zIn this paper we discuss some variations of the notion of separating code for alphabets of arbitrary size. We show how the original definition can be relaxed in two different ways, namely almost separating and almost secure frameproof codes, yielding two different concepts. The new definitions enable us to obtain codes of higher rate, at the expense of satisfying the separating property partially. These new definitions become useful when complete separation is only required with high probability, rather than unconditionally. We also show how the codes proposed can be used to improve the rate of existing constructions of families of fingerprinting codes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Trust economics feasibility study

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    We believe that enterprises and other organisations currently lack sophisticated methods and tools to determine if and how IT changes should be introduced in an organisation, such that objective, measurable goals are met. This is especially true when dealing with security-related IT decisions. We report on a feasibility study, Trust Economics, conducted to demonstrate that such methodology can be developed. Assuming a deep understanding of the IT involved, the main components of our trust economics approach are: (i) assess the economic or financial impact of IT security solutions; (ii) determine how humans interact with or respond to IT security solutions; (iii) based on above, use probabilistic and stochastic modelling tools to analyse the consequences of IT security decisions. In the feasibility study we apply the trust economics methodology to address how enterprises should protect themselves against accidental or malicious misuse of USB memory sticks, an acute problem in many industries

    Enhanced blind decoding of Tardos codes with new map-based functions

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    This paper presents a new decoder for probabilistic binary traitor tracing codes under the marking assumption. It is based on a binary hypothesis testing rule which integrates a collusion channel relaxation so as to obtain numerical and simple accusation functions. This decoder is blind as no estimation of the collusion channel prior to the accusation is required. Experimentations show that using the proposed decoder gives better performance than the well-known symmetric version of the Tardos decoder for common attack channels