7 research outputs found


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    Most training institutions in Kenya have supply led training instead of demand-driven training thereby creating a supply of graduates whose knowledge and skills in not needed in the industry thereby creating a training gap between the educators and the industry. This paper aims to analyze the skills gap in the tourism and hospitality industry in Kenya. The objectives were to investigate the skills gap between tourism and hospitality graduates and industry expectations, examine the stakeholder's opinion on performance university graduates as compared to graduates from Technical and Vocational Education Training institutes and examine the emerging trends in human labour in tourism and hospitality that educators should anticipate. The sample size was 200 respondents composed of managers and supervisors from 2 stars to 5 stars rating hotels. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews. It was found that the training institution applies supply-driven training instead of demand-driven thereby creating a  shortage of adequately trained and skilled staff suitable for the tourism job market. The study recommends the involvement of educators and industry practitioners in the training resource persons and enforcement of the National Qualification Framework to ensure standardized curriculum contents in training institutions

    Adaptation and application of the IEEE 2413-2019 standard security mechanisms to IoMT systems

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    Healthcare information systems are evolving from traditional centralised architectures towards highly-mobile distributed environments within the connected health context. The IoMT paradigm is at the forefront of this technological revolution underlying the development of communication infrastructures connecting smart medical devices, healthcare information systems and services. The IEEE 2413 standard, a promising general architectural framework for the design and implementation of IoT systems, has recently been announced. This standard proposes a general description for different types of domains, including healthcare, but it does not contain an extension developed for the IoMT systems domain. This paper presents a first approach to adapt the IEEE 2413 standard to the design of IoMT systems from a security perspective, considering the most relevant aspects of the standard for the construction of this type of systems. The application to an IoMT system for monitoring patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is presented as a use case.Fundación Mutua MadrileñaSociedad Española de Diabete

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pemberi Makan Hewan Peliharaan Pintar Menggunakan Mikrokontroler ESP32 Berbasis Internet Of Things (IoT) dengan Platform Blynk

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    Internet of Things (IoT) dapat digunakan untuk menangani berbagai masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari manusia, terutama dalam hal-hal yang memerlukan pengawasan konstan. Salah satu contohnya adalah pemberian makan hewan peliharaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang alat pemberi makan hewan peliharaan pintar berbasis Internet of Things menggunakan mikrokontroler ESP32 dan platform Blynk. Perangkat ini menawarkan fitur pemberian makan otomatis dan manual jarak jauh, serta pemantauan real-time makanan yang tersedia melalui platform dan aplikasi mobile Blynk. Studi sebelumnya tentang pemberi makan hewan peliharaan otomatis telah ditinjau dan menjadi dasar untuk penelitian ini. Perangkat yang diusulkan mencakup komponen seperti sensor ultrasonik, load cell, modul Real Time Clock, dan mikrokontroler ESP32. Arsitektur tiga lapisan, termasuk lapisan persepsi, lapisan jaringan dan gateway, dan lapisan aplikasi, diimplementasikan dalam desain sistem. Diagram Fritzing memberikan representasi visual dari hubungan komponen. Metodologi penelitian melibatkan identifikasi masalah, tinjauan literatur, desain perangkat, implementasi, dan pengujian sistem IoT. Pengujian sensor dan komponen dilakukan untuk memastikan akurasi dan efisiensi. Antarmuka aplikasi mobile dikembangkan menggunakan platform Blynk, memungkinkan pengguna memantau dan mengontrol pemberi makan pintar secara jarak jauh. Secara keseluruhan, perangkat pemberi makan hewan peliharaan pintar menunjukkan kinerja yang dapat diandalkan dan berhasil mengatasi tantangan yang terkait dengan pemberian makan hewan peliharaan

    IoT Based Smart Greenhouse Monitoring System With Fuzzy Logic

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    This thesis presents a smart greenhouse monitoring system based on fuzzy logic for effective control of temperature, irrigation, and lighting conditions. Traditional greenhouse monitoring practices often require manual intervention and monitoring of soil moisture, temperature, humidity, and light intensity, leading to challenges in maintaining optimal plant growth. To overcome these limitations, an automated monitoring system is developed using fuzzy logic principles. The proposed smart greenhouse monitoring system autonomously monitors the plant's growing conditions. It employs fuzzy logic algorithms to continuously assess and adjust environmental factors. For example, when the temperature exceeds predefined thresholds, the system activates the ventilation system to regulate and maintain the desired temperature range for optimal plant development. The system further addresses the issue of manual watering by monitoring soil moisture levels. When the soil moisture falls below a specified threshold, the system automatically activates the water pump, providing adequate irrigation to ensure optimal soil moisture for plant growth. Additionally, the system incorporates an intelligent lighting system to optimize light intensity. It continuously monitors the light levels within the greenhouse and activates supplementary grow lights when the intensity decreases below the desired range, thereby promoting consistent and adequate light exposure for plants, even during nighttime hours. By employing artificial intelligence techniques and fuzzy logic control, the smart greenhouse monitoring system provides an automated solution to optimize temperature, irrigation, and lighting conditions. Through its autonomous actuation of the water pump and ventilation system, the system reduces manual intervention and ensures that plants receive optimal growing conditions. The results of this study indicate improved plant growth, enhanced crop yield, and reduced labor efforts for greenhouse cultivation. In conclusion, this thesis contributes to the field of smart greenhouse technology by presenting a comprehensive monitoring system that utilizes fuzzy logic control. The system effectively monitors and regulates temperature, irrigation, and lighting conditions, alleviating the need for manual intervention, and enabling optimized plant growth. The findings highlight the efficacy of the proposed system in providing efficient and automated monitoring for greenhouse environments, fostering improved cultivation practices, and maximizing crop yields

    Advancements and Challenges in IoT Simulators: A Comprehensive Review

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as an important concept, bridging the physical and digital worlds through interconnected devices. Although the idea of interconnected devices predates the term “Internet of Things”, which was coined in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, the vision of a seamlessly integrated world of devices has been accelerated by advancements in wireless technologies, cost-effective computing, and the ubiquity of mobile devices. This study aims to provide an in-depth review of existing and emerging IoT simulators focusing on their capabilities and real-world applications, and discuss the current challenges and future trends in the IoT simulation area. Despite substantial research in the IoT simulation domain, many studies have a narrow focus, leaving a gap in comprehensive reviews that consider broader IoT development metrics, such as device mobility, energy models, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), and scalability. Notably, there is a lack of literature examining IoT simulators’ capabilities in supporting renewable energy sources and their integration with Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) simulations. Our review seeks to address this gap, evaluating the ability of IoT simulators to simulate complex, large-scale IoT scenarios and meet specific developmental requirements, as well as examining the current challenges and future trends in the field of IoT simulation. Our systematic analysis has identified several significant gaps in the current literature. A primary concern is the lack of a generic simulator capable of effectively simulating various scenarios across different domains within the IoT environment. As a result, a comprehensive and versatile simulator is required to simulate the diverse scenarios occurring in IoT applications. Additionally, there is a notable gap in simulators that address specific security concerns, particularly battery depletion attacks, which are increasingly relevant in IoT systems. Furthermore, there is a need for further investigation and study regarding the integration of IoT simulators with traffic simulation for VANET environments. In addition, it is noteworthy that renewable energy sources are underrepresented in IoT simulations, despite an increasing global emphasis on environmental sustainability. As a result of these identified gaps, it is imperative to develop more advanced and adaptable IoT simulation tools that are designed to meet the multifaceted challenges and opportunities of the IoT domain

    Diseño de un protocolo de descubrimiento de servicios y intercambio de mensajes basado en coreografía para sistemas empotrados distribuidos en el "Edge" de la arquitectura IoT

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    [ES] Este documento presenta una solución bajo el paradigma de Internet de las Cosas (IoT) que permite el descubrimiento de microservicios distribuidos en la capa Edge de la arquitectura IoT. La capa Edge de la arquitectura IoT está compuesta por máquinas Raspberry Pi. Cada máquina ofrece diferentes microservicios organizados según un sistema colaborativo de coreografía. La solución propuesta implementa un middleware que incorpora modelos de transmisión de mensajes para que sean coherentes y compatibles con los protocolos actuales de mensajería de IoT. Estos modelos de transmisión, junto con un protocolo de descubrimiento basado en el estándar de OASIS WS-Discovery, permiten conectar e interrelacionar nuevos microservicios ubicados en distintas máquinas de forma rápida y efectiva, así como ayudar con el equilibrio de la carga de CPU en las distintas máquinas. El descubrimiento se implementa como un microservicio que actúa de intermediario (bróker) y admite expresiones regulares (Regexp) en el contenido del mensaje para interpretar tanto los patrones de publicación ofrecidos por los microservicios proveedores de datos como las necesidades de servicios consumidores de datos.[EN] This paper presents a solution to support service discovery for edge choreography based distributed embedded systems. The Internet of Things (IoT) edge architectural layer is composed of Raspberry Pi machines. Each machine hosts different services organized based on the choreography collaborative paradigm. The solution adds to the choreography middleware three messages passing models to be coherent and compatible with current IoT messaging protocols. It is aimed to support blind hot plugging of new machines and help with service load balance. The discovery mechanism is implemented as a broker service and supports regular expressions (Regexp) in message scope to discern both publishing patterns offered by data providers and client services necessities. Results compare Control Process Unit (CPU) usage in a request–response and datacentric configuration and analyze both Regexp interpreter latency times compared with a traditional message structure as well as its impact on CPU and memory consumption.Palanca Barrio, SM. (2021). Diseño de un protocolo de descubrimiento de servicios y intercambio de mensajes basado en coreografía para sistemas empotrados distribuidos en el "Edge" de la arquitectura IoT. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/175380TFG

    Internet of things based patient-centered care model for elderly healthcare

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    Providing quality healthcare services to the rising elderly population is a significant challenge, as they often have multiple diseases (multimorbidity) and require proper treatment. Current healthcare systems lack effective care coordination for patients with multimorbidity, and result in increased hospital readmissions and costs. Researchers recommend adopting a Patient Centered Care (PCC) approach for effective care coordination among healthcare systems. However, current health IT solutions are inefficient for recording and sharing patient data as PCC requires. The Internet of things (IoT) has the potential to overcome these obstacles. loT is a network of interconnected computing devices that can collect and share data without human interference. However, the heterogeneous nature of loT devices causes data standardization and interoperability issues between loT devices and Health Information Technology systems (HITs). Moreover, there is a lack of studies that address the interoperability of IT systems for data collection and sharing, as PCC requires. Therefore, this study aims to develop an IoT based PCC model for elderly healthcare to address the issues related to the interoperability of loT and HITs for data collection and sharing. To achieve this objective, PCC and IoT elements suitable for elderly healthcare services have been identified using a qualitative approach. The empirical investigation has been done using face-to-face interviews with elderly healthcare and loT experts. The proposed model has been evaluated through expert review. This study has produced a novel model incorporating loT elements with PCC principles for elderly healthcare services to achieve interoperability of loT and HITs for care coordination. This model will provide useful insights and information for effective healthcare decisions and increase efficient resource utilization for elderly healthcare. Thus, it will enable the loT and HITs to interoperate, improving multimorbidity treatment and the effectiveness of healthcare coordinatio