32 research outputs found

    On the use of gamification tools for blended learning approaches in Thermodynamics courses

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    [EN] During the last year 2020, education in European universities has suffered a challenging transformation from an established pedagogical model to a digital one. The face-to-face formal lectures have been replaced to on-line sessions and blended learning approaches. The courses related to the Thermodynamics subject of two Bachelor of Science Degrees (Mechanical Engineering and Automatic and Industrial Electronic Engineering) have been also adapted to the blended learning approach, in this case combining the use of screencast videos, interactive slides with comments, synchronous on-line lectures and tutorials, and virtual laboratories. This recent methodology has been demonstrated to be effective due to its flexibility and ubiquitous characteristics. However, one of the difficulties is tracking the engagement and the evolution of the students due to the reduced direct interaction between them and the instructors. Among the technological tools that are used to benefit the learning process of students, gamification tools have been demonstrated to be effective and positive for academic performance. The aim of this study is to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the gamification in the Thermodynamics courses where the proposed blended learning approach is used. One of the goals is to identify the specific competences acquired by the students after watching the audio-visual content (videos and slides). For this purpose, a Kahoot was played before starting the on-line lecture (synchronous), and according to the score, the instructor could recognize the level of understanding of the concepts. Based on the results, the instructor was able to focus more on the weaker learning objectives, capturing their attention during the session. At the end of the session the Kahoot was played again to recognize if the concepts were consolidated during the lesson. The results show that the use of this gamification tool achieved high levels of engagement and improved the attention and participation of the students.This work has been done in the framework of the innovative teaching group EICE CONMAGIA promoted by the Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación.Bracho León, GC.; Martí-Aldaraví, P.; García Tíscar, J.; Gómez Soriano, J. (2022). On the use of gamification tools for blended learning approaches in Thermodynamics courses. En Proceedings INNODOCT/21. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 75-82. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2021.2021.13370758


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    Online learning assessment and evaluation has been widely used using the Learning Management system (LMS). However, the form of the questions is still based on multiple choice. Evaluation and form of questions in LMS need to be developed by exploring metacognitive thinking. The LMS plugin supports Essay-based questions and assessments, it's just that this plugin needs to be supported with file submissions and metacognitive assessment rubrics. Therefore, this research aims to customize and test the usability of Auto Essay File Grading (AEG) metacognitive assessment based on LMS. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach conducted at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Makassar, with lecturers and students as respondents. Data were collected through the USE questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the analysis of AEG usability testing from the point of view of lecturers and students who have the highest average are a usefulness. For the lowest average of the lecturers is the ease of use and from the student, the side is the ease of learning. These results also prove that the AEG application/plugin needs improvement in terms of ease and practicality of use so that users learn how to use it faster. Recommendations for ease of use and learning are discussed and explained further, along with the improved display, answer keywords, and minimizing irrelevant menus


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    This study aims to determine: (1) the relationship between learning activities and economic learning outcomes for students of X Accounting Class at SMK HMPTI Banjar Agung, (2) the relationship between learning media and economic learning outcomes for students in X Accounting class at SMK HMPTI Banjar Agung, (3) the relationship between between learning activities and learning media with economic learning outcomes for students of class X Accounting at SMK HMPTI Banjar Agung. This research is an ex-post facto research. The population in this study were 102 students of class X SMK HMPTI Banjar Agung. Sampling was done using cluster random sampling technique. The results based on the use of cluster random sampling technique obtained class X Accounting as a sample of 40 students. Data were collected using the methods of observation, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires, while the analysis used Product Moment Correlation. The results show that (1) there is a close relationship between learning activities and economic learning outcomes for students of class X Accounting at SMK HMPTI Banjar Agung, with the calculated value obtained thit = 5.3824 and tdaf = 2.02 the difference is 3.3624, thus thit tdaf, (2) there is a close relationship between learning media and economics learning outcomes for students of class X Accounting at SMK HMPTI Banjar Agung, with the calculated value obtained thit = 4.2015 and tdaf = 2.02 the difference is 2.1815, thus hit tdaf, (3) there is a close relationship between learning activities and learning media with economic learning outcomes for students of class X Accounting at SMK HMPTI Banjar Agung, with the calculated value obtained fhit = 3.4125 and fdaf = 3.26 with a difference of 0.1525 test criteria due to thit fdaf. From these calculations, it can be concluded that there is a close relationship between learning activities and learning media with economic learning outcomes for students of class X Accounting at SMK HMPTI Banjar Agung for the 2017/2018 academic year

    Scientific component of masters ICT competence in modern university

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    The article is devoted to a systematic approach to the formation of the ICT competency of masters in the modern university: development and approval of corporate standard identify necessary and sufficient conditions for its software, development of tools for the evaluation of the ICT competency formation of masters and mechanisms for the integration of ICT in education system. An example of one of the ways of forming the ICT competence of masters in the process of scientific activity by training on a specially designed course of study, which can serve as an example of open course in informal learning, and system evaluation of their formation through the use of the University e-learning resources

    Система інформаційної підтримки набуття магістрами наукової складової ІКТ-компетентності

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    Матеріали статті присвячені питанням системного підходу до формування ІКТ-компетентності магістрів в умовах сучасного університету: розробка і затвердження корпоративного стандарту, визначення необхідних і достатніх умов для його забезпечення, розробка інструментів для оцінювання сформованості ІКТ-компетентності магістрів і механізмів інтеграції ІКТ у систему навчання. Наведено приклад одного зі шляхів формування ІКТ-компетентності у процесі здійснення наукової діяльності магістрів шляхом проведення навчання за спеціально розробленим навчальним курсом, який може стати прикладом відкритого курсу у неформальному навчанні, і систему оцінювання рівня їх сформованості на основі використання ресурсів е-середовища університету

    Designing Online-Based Independent Learning Network for the Development of Arabic Language Research Methodology (ALRM) at State University of Malang, Indonesia

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    The objective of this study is to describe the development of online-based independent learning of Arabic Language Research Methodology (ALRM) subjects through a learning network (sistem pembelajaran dalam jaringan) at Arabic Literature Department, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang (ALD FL UM). This research used Research and Development (R & D) design approach. The output of this research are (a) e-learning ALRM teaching materials through the sistem pembelajaran dalam jaringan is in the form of pdf, PowerPoint, film, and animation, (b) e-learning structured assignments and feedback, (c) conducting test with multiple choices form. The material developed is the material of Research and Development and Classroom Action Research. The research results show that the ALRM subjects development based on online learning through learning network is very effective both from the quality of the product and from the aspects of the process and learning outcomes. The main factor that causes the effectiveness of this product is the flexibility of time and place which can psychologically create a condition of student affection filters to be low or loose. The relaxation of the affection filter is marked by a sense of pleasure, excitement, and comfort in learning. The implication of this online-based learning system is that teaching materials that are equipped with specific and measurable indicators, assignments and tests are more easily understood by students

    Arabic language learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at public universities and Islamic universities in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the policy and implementation of online Arabic learning, to describe the obstacles faced in the implementation of online Arabic learning at UM, Maulana Malik Ibrahim UIN, Unisma, and UMM, and to describe the solutions. which was carried out to overcome the obstacles faced in the implementation of online Arabic learning at the fours campus. By the research objectives, this study used a descriptive qualitative approach. The population in this study is categorized into two, namely the institutional population (non-human) and the human population (respondents or informants) (Umar, 1983 and Emzir, 2008). The population of the institution is the Arabic language education study program at UM, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Unisma, and UMM. As for the human population (respondents or informants), namely the study program leaders and study program lecturers. This research was conducted from March to November 2020. The results showed that the policy and implementation of online Arabic learning were with a circular letter from each university rector due to the covid-19 pandemic. The obstacles faced in the implementation of online Arabic learning at UM, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Unisma, and UMM were caused by the supporting facilities, lecturers, and students. The solution to overcome the obstacles faced in the implementation of online Arabic learning at UM, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Unisma, and UMM is to allow study program lecturers to use other e-learning programs, besides PT e-learning, to provide facilities from study programs to lecturers to increasing the capacity of the internet network, proposing additional internet network capacity to universities, conducting training on on-line learning, providing assistance for lecturers who need it, conducting training on on-line learning, and providing supporting facilities for on-line learnin

    Arabic language learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at public universities and Islamic universities in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the policy and implementation of online Arabic learning, to describe the obstacles faced in the implementation of online Arabic learning at UM, Maulana Malik Ibrahim UIN, Unisma, and UMM, and to describe the solutions. which was carried out to overcome the obstacles faced in the implementation of online Arabic learning at the fours campus. By the research objectives, this study used a descriptive qualitative approach. The population in this study is categorized into two, namely the institutional population (non-human) and the human population (respondents or informants) (Umar, 1983 and Emzir, 2008). The population of the institution is the Arabic language education study program at UM, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Unisma, and UMM. As for the human population (respondents or informants), namely the study program leaders and study program lecturers. This research was conducted from March to November 2020. The results showed that the policy and implementation of online Arabic learning were with a circular letter from each university rector due to the covid-19 pandemic. The obstacles faced in the implementation of online Arabic learning at UM, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Unisma, and UMM were caused by the supporting facilities, lecturers, and students. The solution to overcome the obstacles faced in the implementation of online Arabic learning at UM, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Unisma, and UMM is to allow study program lecturers to use other e-learning programs, besides PT e-learning, to provide facilities from study programs to lecturers to increasing the capacity of the internet network, proposing additional internet network capacity to universities, conducting training on on-line learning, providing assistance for lecturers who need it, conducting training on on-line learning, and providing supporting facilities for on-line learnin

    Class Communication Tools in a Blended Graduate Course

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    The study presents a research carried out at the School of Continuing and Distance Education at the University of Ghana during the second semester of the 2015-2016 academic year. The research was carried out over a period of sixteen weeks from August to November 2015 for a course DEEL 612 taught at the graduate level. The study involved 11 graduate students who were studying for a Master’s Degree delivered in a blended mode. An in-depth telephone interview of the eleven students conducted by a trained and experienced interviewer was carried out. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. Results show that, respondents studying online enjoyed equality in the ability to share thoughts and ideas. They found studying online with the use of the Sakai LMS to be useful, flexible and convenient. Respondents in the study affirmed that, Sakai LMS enhanced interactivity with peers and the instructor in ways that supported trusted relationship building. This helped learning to take place, made it of fun and innovative. Keywords: Blended mode, online, Sakai LMS, interactivity, student learning DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-13-10 Publication date:May 31st 202