36 research outputs found

    Finite Model Finding for Parameterized Verification

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    In this paper we investigate to which extent a very simple and natural "reachability as deducibility" approach, originated in the research in formal methods in security, is applicable to the automated verification of large classes of infinite state and parameterized systems. The approach is based on modeling the reachability between (parameterized) states as deducibility between suitable encodings of states by formulas of first-order predicate logic. The verification of a safety property is reduced to a pure logical problem of finding a countermodel for a first-order formula. The later task is delegated then to the generic automated finite model building procedures. In this paper we first establish the relative completeness of the finite countermodel finding method (FCM) for a class of parameterized linear arrays of finite automata. The method is shown to be at least as powerful as known methods based on monotonic abstraction and symbolic backward reachability. Further, we extend the relative completeness of the approach and show that it can solve all safety verification problems which can be solved by the traditional regular model checking.Comment: 17 pages, slightly different version of the paper is submitted to TACAS 201

    Key Substitution in the Symbolic Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols (extended version)

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    Key substitution vulnerable signature schemes are signature schemes that permit an intruder, given a public verification key and a signed message, to compute a pair of signature and verification keys such that the message appears to be signed with the new signature key. A digital signature scheme is said to be vulnerable to destructive exclusive ownership property (DEO) If it is computationaly feasible for an intruder, given a public verification key and a pair of message and its valid signature relatively to the given public key, to compute a pair of signature and verification keys and a new message such that the given signature appears to be valid for the new message relatively to the new verification key. In this paper, we prove decidability of the insecurity problem of cryptographic protocols where the signature schemes employed in the concrete realisation have this two properties

    On the Expressivity and Applicability of Model Representation Formalisms

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    A number of first-order calculi employ an explicit model representation formalism for automated reasoning and for detecting satisfiability. Many of these formalisms can represent infinite Herbrand models. The first-order fragment of monadic, shallow, linear, Horn (MSLH) clauses, is such a formalism used in the approximation refinement calculus. Our first result is a finite model property for MSLH clause sets. Therefore, MSLH clause sets cannot represent models of clause sets with inherently infinite models. Through a translation to tree automata, we further show that this limitation also applies to the linear fragments of implicit generalizations, which is the formalism used in the model-evolution calculus, to atoms with disequality constraints, the formalisms used in the non-redundant clause learning calculus (NRCL), and to atoms with membership constraints, a formalism used for example in decision procedures for algebraic data types. Although these formalisms cannot represent models of clause sets with inherently infinite models, through an additional approximation step they can. This is our second main result. For clause sets including the definition of an equivalence relation with the help of an additional, novel approximation, called reflexive relation splitting, the approximation refinement calculus can automatically show satisfiability through the MSLH clause set formalism.Comment: 15 page

    On the Expressivity and Applicability of Model Representation Formalisms

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    A number of first-order calculi employ an explicit model representation formalism for automated reasoning and for detecting satisfiability. Many of these formalisms can represent infinite Herbrand models. The first-order fragment of monadic, shallow, linear, Horn (MSLH) clauses, is such a formalism used in the approximation refinement calculus. Our first result is a finite model property for MSLH clause sets. Therefore, MSLH clause sets cannot represent models of clause sets with inherently infinite models. Through a translation to tree automata, we further show that this limitation also applies to the linear fragments of implicit generalizations, which is the formalism used in the model-evolution calculus, to atoms with disequality constraints, the formalisms used in the non-redundant clause learning calculus (NRCL), and to atoms with membership constraints, a formalism used for example in decision procedures for algebraic data types. Although these formalisms cannot represent models of clause sets with inherently infinite models, through an additional approximation step they can. This is our second main result. For clause sets including the definition of an equivalence relation with the help of an additional, novel approximation, called reflexive relation splitting, the approximation refinement calculus can automatically show satisfiability through the MSLH clause set formalism

    First-Order Logic Theorem Proving and Model Building via Approximation and Instantiation

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    In this paper we consider first-order logic theorem proving and model building via approximation and instantiation. Given a clause set we propose its approximation into a simplified clause set where satisfiability is decidable. The approximation extends the signature and preserves unsatisfiability: if the simplified clause set is satisfiable in some model, so is the original clause set in the same model interpreted in the original signature. A refutation generated by a decision procedure on the simplified clause set can then either be lifted to a refutation in the original clause set, or it guides a refinement excluding the previously found unliftable refutation. This way the approach is refutationally complete. We do not step-wise lift refutations but conflicting cores, finite unsatisfiable clause sets representing at least one refutation. The approach is dual to many existing approaches in the literature because our approximation preserves unsatisfiability

    First-order logic for safety verification of hedge rewriting systems

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    In this paper we deal with verification of safety properties of hedge rewriting systems and their generalizations. The verification problem is translated to a purely logical problem of finding a finite countermodel for a first-order formula, which is further tackled by a generic finite model finding procedure. We show that the proposed approach is at least as powerful as the methods using regular invariants. At the same time the finite countermodel method is shown to be efficient and applicable to the wide range of systems, including the protocols operating on unranked trees

    Finite Models vs Tree Automata in Safety Verification

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    In this paper we deal with verification of safety properties of term-rewriting systems. The verification problem is translated to a purely logical problem of finding a finite countermodel for a first-order formula, which is further resolved by a generic finite model finding procedure. A finite countermodel produced during successful verification provides with a concise description of the system invariant sufficient to demonstrate a specific safety property. We show the relative completeness of this approach with respect to the tree automata completion technique. On a set of examples taken from the literature we demonstrate the efficiency of finite model finding approach as well as its explanatory power

    Towards a Constrained-based Verification of Parameterized Cryptographic Protocols

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    International audienceAlthough many works have been dedicated to standard protocols like Needham-Schroeder very few address the more challenging class of group protocol s. We present a synchronous model for group protocols, that generalizes standard protocol models by permitting unbounded lists inside messages. In this extended model we propose a correct and complete set of inference rules for checking security properties in presence of an active intruder for the class of well-tagged protocols. Our inference system generalizes the ones that are implemented in several tools for a bounded number of sessions and fixed size lists in message. In particular when applied to protocols whose specification does not contain unbounded lists our inference system provides a decision procedure for secrecy in the case of a fixed number of sessions

    Deciding First-Order Satisfiability when Universal and Existential Variables are Separated

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    We introduce a new decidable fragment of first-order logic with equality, which strictly generalizes two already well-known ones -- the Bernays-Sch\"onfinkel-Ramsey (BSR) Fragment and the Monadic Fragment. The defining principle is the syntactic separation of universally quantified variables from existentially quantified ones at the level of atoms. Thus, our classification neither rests on restrictions on quantifier prefixes (as in the BSR case) nor on restrictions on the arity of predicate symbols (as in the monadic case). We demonstrate that the new fragment exhibits the finite model property and derive a non-elementary upper bound on the computing time required for deciding satisfiability in the new fragment. For the subfragment of prenex sentences with the quantifier prefix ∃∗∀∗∃∗\exists^* \forall^* \exists^* the satisfiability problem is shown to be complete for NEXPTIME. Finally, we discuss how automated reasoning procedures can take advantage of our results.Comment: Extended version of our LICS 2016 conference paper, 23 page