11 research outputs found

    Towards Validating a Platoon of Cristal Vehicles using CSP||B

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    24 pagesInternational audienceThe complexity of specification development and verification of large systems has to be mastered. In this paper a specification of a real case study, a platoon of Cristal vehicles is developed using the combination, named CSP||B, of two well-known formal methods. This large -- both distributed and embedded -- system typically corresponds to a multi-level composition of components that have to cooperate. We show how to develop and verify the specification and check some properties in a compositional way. We make use of previous theoretical results on CSP||B to validate this complex multi-agent system

    Towards Validating a Platoon of Cristal Vehicles using CSP||B

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    24 pagesInternational audienceThe complexity of specification development and verification of large systems has to be mastered. In this paper a specification of a real case study, a platoon of Cristal vehicles is developed using the combination, named CSP||B, of two well-known formal methods. This large -- both distributed and embedded -- system typically corresponds to a multi-level composition of components that have to cooperate. We show how to develop and verify the specification and check some properties in a compositional way. We make use of previous theoretical results on CSP||B to validate this complex multi-agent system

    Using CSP||B Components: Application to a Platoon of Vehicles

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    27 pagesInternational audienceThis paper presents an experience report on the specification and the validation of a real case study in the context of the industrial CRISTAL project. The case study concerns a platoon of a new type of urban vehicles with new functionalities and services. It is specified using the combination, named CSP\|B, of two well-known formal methods, and validated using the corresponding support tools. This large -- both distributed and embedded -- system typically corresponds to a multi-level composition of components that have to cooperate. We identify some lessons learned, showing how to develop and verify the specification and check some properties in a compositional way using theoretical results and support tools to validate this complex system

    Incorporating Animation in Stepwise Development of Formal Specification

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    International audienceThis paper explores the possibility to incorporate validation of formal specifications into their step-wise development process. The key idea in formal methods to assess that an implementation is correct is to break the verification into smaller proofs associated with each refinement step. Likewise, the technique of animation could be used with each refinement step to break its validation into smaller assessments. Animating an abstract specification often requires to alter it in ways that proof obligations cannot be discharged anymore. So, we have developed a process and a set of transformation rules whose application produce an animatable specification which may be non-provable, but which is guaranteed to have the same behavior. 10 rules have been identified; they are presented and discussed with a special emphasis on their validity. We relate how step-wise animation is used in two case studies and what we gain from this

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India

    A tool for checking CSP||B specifications

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    International audienceThis paper reports about our experience with building a simple tool to assist us in the verification of CSP||B specifications. We present the Control Loop Invariant technique to check the consistency of a CSP||B specification. From this, we deduce the requirements of an assistant tool. The tool was developed in Ocaml. We discuss several issues observed during the development

    Validation of Formal Specifications through Transformation and Animation

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    International audienceA significant impediment to the uptake of formal refinement-based methods among practitioners is the challenge of validating that the formal specifications of these methods capture the desired intents. Animation of specifications is widely recognized as an effective way of addressing such validation. However, animation tools are unable to directly execute (and thus animate) the typical uses of several of the specification constructs often found in ideal formal specifications. To address this problem we have developed transformation heuristics that, starting with an ideal formal specification, guide its conversion into an animatable form. We show several of these heuristics, and address the need to prove that the application of these transformations preserves the relevant behavior of the original specification. Portions of several case studies illustrate this approac

    Domain Engineering with Event-B: Some Lessons We Learned

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    International audienceWell specified requirements are crucial for good software design and domain engineering helps better understanding and specification of requirements. Safety critical domains, such as transportation, exhibit interesting features, such as high levels of non-determinism, complex interactions, stringent safety properties, multifaceted timing attributes, etc. The formal representation of these features is a challenging task. This paper presents our experience of modeling land transportation domain in the formal framework of Event-B. We explore the possibility of using Event-B as a domain engineering tool. We discuss the problems posed by the introduction of time and how we tackle it. We design a technique based on animation to validate domain models

    Utilizing Event-B for Domain Engineering: A Critical Analysis

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    International audienceThis paper presents our experience of modeling land transportation domain in the formal framework of Event-B. Well-specified requirements are crucial for good software design; they depend on the understanding of the domain. Thus, domain engineering becomes an essential activity. The possibility to have a formal model of a domain, consistent with the use of formal methods for developing critical software working within it, is an important issue. Safety-critical domains, like transportation, exhibit interesting features, such as high levels of non-determinism, complex interactions, stringent safety properties, multifaceted timing attributes, etc. The formal representation of these features is a challenging task. We explore the possibility of utilizing Event-B as a domain engineering tool. We discuss the problems we faced during this exercise and how we tackled them. Special attention is devoted to the issue of the validation of the model, in particular with a technique based on the animation of specifications. Event-B is mature enough to be an effective tool to model domains except in some areas, temporal properties mainly, where more work is still needed

    Approche réactive pour la conduite en convoi des véhicules autonomes (Modélisation et vérification)

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    Cette thèse se situe dans la problématique de la conduite en convoi de véhicules autonomes : des ensembles de véhicules qui se déplacent en conservant une configuration spatiale, sans aucune accroche matérielle. Ses objectifs sont d'abord, la définition d'une approche de prise de décision pour les systèmes de convois de véhicules, puis, la définition d'une approche de vérification, adaptée à la preuve de propriétés relatives aux convois de véhicules, avec une attention particulière envers les propriétés de sûreté.L'approche pour la prise de décision est décentralisée et auto organisée : chaque véhicule détermine son comportement de façon locale, à partir de ses propres capacités de perception, sans avoir recours à une communication explicite, de telle sorte que l'organisation du convoi, son maintien et son évolution soient le résultat émergeant du comportement de chaque véhicule. L'approche proposée s'applique a des convois suivant plusieurs types de configuration, et permet des changements dynamiques de configuration.L'approche proposée pour la vérification de propriétés de sûreté des convois de véhicules, adopte le model-checking comme technique de preuve. Pour contourner le problème de l'explosion combinatoire, rencontré dans la vérification des systèmes complexes, nous avons proposé une méthode compositionnelle de vérification, qui consiste a décomposer le système en sous systèmes et à associer une propriété auxiliaire à chacun des sous systèmes. La propriété globale sera ensuite déduite de l'ensemble des propriétés auxiliaires, par l'application d'une règle de déduction compositionnelle. La complexité calculatoire est mieux maîtrisée car le model-checking s'applique aux sous-systèmes. Nous proposons une règle de déduction adaptée aux systèmes de conduite en convoi, en particulier ceux qui sont basés sur des approches décentralisées. La règle considère chaque véhicule comme un composant. Elle est consistante sous la condition que l'ajout d'un nouveau composant au système n'a pas d'influence sur le comportement du reste du système. L'approche décentralisée proposée pour la conduite en convoi satisfait cette condition. Deux propriétés de sûreté ont été vérifiées : absence de collision et évolution confortable pour les passagersThis thesis places in the framework of Platoons, sets of autonomous vehicles that move together while keeping a spatial configuration, without any material coupling. Goals of the thesis are: first, the definition of a decision making approach for platoon systems. Second, the definition of a method for the verification of safety properties associated to the platoon system.The proposed decision making approach is decentralized and self-organized. Platoon vehicles are autonomous, they act based only on their perception capabilities. The configuration emerges as a result of the individual behavior of each of the platoon vehicle. The proposed approach can be applied to platoon with different configurations, and allows for dynamic change of configuration.The proposed verification method uses the model-checking technique. Model checking of complex system can lead to the combinatory explosion problem. To deal with this problem, we choose to use a compositional verification method. Compositional methods decompose system models into different components and associate to each component an auxiliary property. The global property can then be deduced from the set of all the auxiliary properties, by applying a compositional deduction rule. We define a deduction rule suitable for decentralised platoon systems. The deduction rule considers each vehicle as a component. It is applicable under the assumption that adding a new component to an instance of the system does not modify behavior of the instance. Two safety properties have been verified : collision avoidance.BELFORT-UTBM-SEVENANS (900942101) / SudocSudocFranceF