1,008,328 research outputs found

    Towards an integrated workforce management system

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    We describe progress towards a workforce management system in which personnel scheduling is integrated with other important processes such as payroll processing, attendance and absence recording, staffing forecast and planning, etc. Our focus is on customeroriented sectors in which a considerable proportion of the available workforce is part-time. First, we discuss the importance of having an integrated workforce management strategy and then, we address the particular aspects of shift pattern design and staff allocation using a fast-food restaurant and a leisure centre as examples

    Fiscal Operations And Management In Malaysia : An Analytical Study

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    This project paper is a fresh study made to provide a comprehensive analytical review of fiscal behavior and management of Federal Government of Malaysia during post New Economic Policy era. The composition and growth trend of revenue system has been examined together with size and pattern of government spending for the period 1971 - 1998. The nexus between government deficits and public debt has been searched. The study suggests that fiscal operation and budgetary components have prudently managed in achieving its goals towards strong economic fundamental with macrobalancing

    Desirable typologies of organizational culture in quality management implementation. Communicational findings

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    The authors of this article present the findings of a longitudinal research carried out in the years 2007 and 2008 in a production and service company active in the food & beverages industry. The goal of the research was to identify the one model of organizational culture perceived by the employees as the most appropriate for an efficient implementation of a quality management system. The research method used was the enquiry based on the questionnaire. The methodological means chosen was the Culture Type Identification Questionnaire developed by Charles Handy (1983) based on the typology elaborated by Roger Harrison. The analysis and interpretation of the obtained data converge towards the more general thesis according to which the diagnosis of the pre-existing culture type in a changing organization, correlated with the identification of the model the employees strive for, facilitates the process of adopting a new attitudinal, cognitive and behavioral pattern, in a relatively homogeneous and tension-free approach. Specifically, the research has confirmed the hypothesis according to which the type of task-oriented culture is more appropriate with the quality management desiderata, and the transition from an entrepreneurial culture to a quality-oriented corporative one strongly depends on what the employees perceive as being the real and the ideal state, and not on a formal infusion of values, norms, principles, policies or organizational strategies.organizational culture, communication, quality management, Charles Handy's typology, human resources, behavior, organizational change.

    Coping with Climatic Variability by Rain-fed Farmers in Dry Zone, Sri Lanka: Towards Understanding Adaptation to Climate Change

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    Climate change introduces numerous uncertainties over the livelihoods of farming communities that depend heavily on weather and climate. Rain-fed farmers in developing countries are among the most vulnerable communities. However, climate risks are not new to farmers. Coping with ‘natural variability’ of climate has been a constant challenge faced by farmers even though broad sweeping change in climate due to anthropogenic causes is a relatively new prospect. Some argue ‘climate change’ could be significantly different from ‘climatic variability’ known to and experienced by farmers. In spite of this it is widely accepted that understanding farmers’ behavior towards adapting to climatic variability could generate useful insights in facing the risk of climate change. In Sri Lanka, the village tank farming community in the dry zone is one of the most vulnerable communities thereby deserving the priority attention of policy makers. This study is based on information gathered in Anuradhapura district of Sri Lanka. It depends mainly on information from secondary sources supplemented by qualitative primary information. Analysis was guided by recently introduced behavioral economics concepts of decisions based on experience. Accordingly adaptation is viewed as a response to the climate perceptions of farmers' aided by judgments based on heuristics. Farmers' adaptation decisions can be explained on the basis of their perception of climate variability with two major components. Firstly, farmers perceive climatic variability as an average annual pattern with variable probabilities of seasonal distribution of precipitation. Farmers base their long-term adaptation responses on this perceived average pattern and many of the choices made by them in the existing farming system and resource management practices can be explained accordingly. The average pattern of variability is largely a shared perception and therefore enables the option of joint adaptation. The land allocation practice popularly known as ‘Bethma’ provides a fine example for this. Secondly, farmers also perceive feasibility of random shocks with variable probabilities across the average pattern. This gives rise to short-term responses in the farming system activities. Such responses seem to be more individually oriented and reflect the variations in individual perceptions of climate risks.Adaptation, Climatic variability, Village tanks, Climate change, Rain-fed farmer, Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Analisis Operasi Pelayanan Pembagian Air Irigasi

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    The irrigation water distribution service method is one of the aspect from the management of irrigation system. The water distribution service method has an effect towards the verification of gate operation on the division structure whereas in the end it will affect the performance of the irrigation system. The sloppiness of the operator in operating the gate will affect the performance of the irrigation system as a whole. This study will overview the application of the irrigation water distribution service method that is continous, rotated and controlled. The method that is used will be applied on the Pijenan irrigation system , especially on the BPS structure which serve the secondary paddy plot of Pijenan Kanan (Pika), Pijenan Kiri (Piki) and Pucanganom. The outcome of the analysis towards the application of some the methods a!)ove shows that controlled method offers a much better performance than continous or rotation methods. This would mean that the controlled method is the best way to verify. The pattern of gate operation based on need. That is exact in time and quantity

    Capital Structure Theories and Speed of Capital Adjustment towards Target Capital Structure along Life Cycle Stages of Asian Manufacturing Firms

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    Purpose: Firms have different costs and benefits and asymmetric information across their life cycle stages and hence each stage has different financial pattern and speed of adjustment towards target capital. Methodology: We use System GMM to test the hypotheses. We use market leverages proxies for the capital structure, life cycle proxies: introduction, growth, mature, shakeout and decline and the control determinants of capital structure such as profitability, tangibility, firm size and growth opportunities. We estimate the financial pattern and speed of adjustment along life cycle stages of manufacturing firms from eleven Asian economies over the period of 2010-2018. Findings: The results show that firms in earlier stages have more long term debt than mature stage. The speed of adjustment towards target capital structure is highest in mature stage than the other stages. The control determinants significantly affect market leverages. Implications: The findings suggest that management has to consider life cycle stages of their firms in order to adjust capital structure. Stockholders should consider stage of firm with relation to profitability and capital structure for long term prospects

    Analysis of Learning Behavior and Pattern of Online Learners on a MOOC Platform

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    Understanding a learner in an online environment can ensure success of an online course. The present study determines learning behavior and learning pattern among learners on the MOOC platform established for running an online course offered at ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad, India. The demographic description and significant difference between learning patterns of the learners on MOOC according to their subject domain were analyzed by using Moodle LMS (Learning Management System). The learner group was found to comprise in majority as males or doctorate degree holders, and of agriculture domain. Most of the learners were found to be passive who were frequently engaging in the course in terms of learning behavior which indicates their way of participating in the course. Majority of the learners had moderate interest and seriousness to learn the subject. With regard to course participation which is measured in Course log-in patterns, learners with subject domains like Engineering and Agribusiness Management and Agriculture and Veterinary streams had similarity in course participation. Among the weekly participation, there was a significant increase in course participation towards course ending irrespective of subject domains which indicates the participants’ urge to complete the course for certification. The key observations found through study can be of paramount importance in designing a successful MOOC with better completion rates. Keywords: Massive Open Online Courses, Learning behavior, Learning pattern, Learning Management System. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-13-03 Publication date:May 31st 2021

    Emergence and Dissemination of Ecosystem Concept in Innovation Studies: A Systematic Literature Review Study

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    The abundant academic literature on ecosystem approach has attracted the attention of many researchers in various fields (such as business and management, innovation and entrepreneurship). The debate is questioning whether ecosystem as a concept is going towards a matured path. This article, contributes to this debate by applying bibliometric analysis approach on two similar comparable concepts of “system” and “ecosystem” within the boundaries of Business and Management (B&M) discipline. The co-citation analysis shows that the “system” concept is structured on a stable body of references and disseminated into various fields and subdomains. While the “ecosystem” concept is at early development phase, and it is expected to be identified as a distinguished field which provides explicit added value to innovation related research community. This paper provides the network structure of the collaborating authors, compares the disseminating pattern of the concepts and performs an advance topical analysis of respected literatures

    The Work Programme: a new public governance policy or a continuation of new public management?

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    Since the 1970s, the governance of labour market policies in the UK has been characterised by New Public Management (NPM) traits and since the late 1990s the welfare system has experienced a trend towards activation. The current Coalition Government has maintained this focus on activation and the national welfare-to-work strategy for the long-term unemployed, the Work Programme, follows a similar pattern to that of previous programmes, although novel elements aim to tackle some of the criticism of previous policies. It has been argued that this increased shift towards activation-focused welfare policies is changing the governance of public policy towards the adoption of a new model inspired by partnership working and synonymous with New Public Governance. This paper, through documentary evidence and qualitative interviews, compares the Work Programme with previous policies with regards to three operational aspects -marketisation, service operation, and performance payment- and situates it within governance typologies

    Target-to-User Association in ISAC Systems With Vehicle-Lodged RIS

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    Target-to-user (T2U) association is a prerequisite to fully exploit the potential of the sensing function in communication-centric integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems, e.g., for beam and blockage management. This letter proposes to purposely mount a RIS on the roof of the vehicular user equipment (VUE), which can serve as an intentional back-reflector towards the base station. By controlling the reflection pattern over time, it is possible to transmit information to the sensing system, i.e., back-reflection as bit 1, no back-reflection as bit 0. The VUEs are configured to back-reflect a Hadamard code sequence, which enables T2U association. The numerical results confirm the validity of our proposal