728 research outputs found

    Image Retrieval in Digital Libraries - A Large Scale Multicollection Experimentation of Machine Learning techniques

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    International audienceWhile historically digital heritage libraries were first powered in image mode, they quickly took advantage of OCR technology to index printed collections and consequently improve the scope and performance of the information retrieval services offered to users. But the access to iconographic resources has not progressed in the same way, and the latter remain in the shadows: manual incomplete and heterogeneous indexation, data silos by iconographic genre. Today, however, it would be possible to make better use of these resources, especially by exploiting the enormous volumes of OCR produced during the last two decades, and thus valorize these engravings, drawings, photographs, maps, etc. for their own value but also as an attractive entry point into the collections, supporting discovery and serenpidity from document to document and collection to collection. This article presents an ETL (extract-transform-load) approach to this need, that aims to: Identify andextract iconography wherever it may be found, in image collections but also in printed materials (dailies, magazines, monographies); Transform, harmonize and enrich the image descriptive metadata (in particular with machine learning classification tools); Load it all into a web app dedicated to image retrieval. The approach is pragmatically dual, since it involves leveraging existing digital resources and (virtually) on-the-shelf technologies.Si historiquement, les bibliothèques numériques patrimoniales furent d’abord alimentées par des images, elles profitèrent rapidement de la technologie OCR pour indexer les collections imprimées afin d’améliorer périmètre et performance du service de recherche d’information offert aux utilisateurs. Mais l’accès aux ressources iconographiques n’a pas connu les mêmes progrès et ces dernières demeurent dans l’ombre : indexation manuelle lacunaire, hétérogène et non viable à grande échelle ; silos documentaires par genre iconographique ; recherche par le contenu (CBIR, content-based image retrieval) encore peu opérationnelle sur les collections patrimoniales. Aujourd’hui, il serait pourtant possible de mieux valoriser ces ressources, en particulier en exploitant les énormes volumes d’OCR produits durant les deux dernières décennies (tant comme descripteur textuel que pour l’identification automatique des illustrations imprimées). Et ainsi mettre en valeur ces gravures, dessins, photographies, cartes, etc. pour leur valeur propre mais aussi comme point d’entrée dans les collections, en favorisant découverte et rebond de document en document, de collection à collection. Cet article décrit une approche ETL (extract-transform-load) appliquée aux images d’une bibliothèque numérique à vocation encyclopédique : identifier et extraire l’iconographie partout où elle se trouve (dans les collections image mais aussi dans les imprimés : presse, revue, monographie) ; transformer, harmoniser et enrichir ses métadonnées descriptives grâce à des techniques d’apprentissage machine – machine learning – pour la classification et l’indexation automatiques ; charger ces données dans une application web dédiée à la recherche iconographique (ou dans d’autres services de la bibliothèque). Approche qualifiée de pragmatique à double titre, puisqu’il s’agit de valoriser des ressources numériques existantes et de mettre à profit des technologies (quasiment) mâtures

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.1: State of the Art on Multimedia Search Engines

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    Based on the information provided by European projects and national initiatives related to multimedia search as well as domains experts that participated in the CHORUS Think-thanks and workshops, this document reports on the state of the art related to multimedia content search from, a technical, and socio-economic perspective. The technical perspective includes an up to date view on content based indexing and retrieval technologies, multimedia search in the context of mobile devices and peer-to-peer networks, and an overview of current evaluation and benchmark inititiatives to measure the performance of multimedia search engines. From a socio-economic perspective we inventorize the impact and legal consequences of these technical advances and point out future directions of research

    Image Retrieval in Digital Libraries: A Large Scale Multicollection Experimentation of Machine Learning techniques

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    While historically digital heritage libraries were first powered in image mode, they quickly took advantage of OCR technology to index printed collections and consequently improve the scope and performance of the information retrieval services offered to users. But the access to iconographic resources has not progressed in the same way, and the latter remain in the shadows: manual incomplete and heterogeneous indexation, data silos by iconographic genre. Today, however, it would be possible to make better use of these resources, especially by exploiting the enormous volumes of OCR produced during the last two decades, and thus valorize these engravings, drawings, photographs, maps, etc. for their own value but also as an attractive entry point into the collections, supporting discovery and serenpidity from document to document and collection to collection. This article presents an ETL (extract-transform-load) approach to this need, that aims to: Identify and extract iconography wherever it may be found, in image collections but also in printed materials (dailies, magazines, monographies); Transform, harmonize and enrich the image descriptive metadata (in particular with machine learning classification tools); Load it all into a web app dedicated to image retrieval. The approach is pragmatically dual, since it involves leveraging existing digital resources and (virtually) on-the-shelf technologies.Si historiquement, les bibliothèques numériques patrimoniales furent d’abord alimentées par des images, elles profitèrent rapidement de la technologie OCR pour indexer les collections imprimées afin d’améliorer périmètre et performance du service de recherche d’information offert aux utilisateurs. Mais l’accès aux ressources iconographiques n’a pas connu les mêmes progrès et ces dernières demeurent dans l’ombre : indexation manuelle lacunaire, hétérogène et non viable à grande échelle ; silos documentaires par genre iconographique ; recherche par le contenu (CBIR, content-based image retrieval) encore peu opérationnelle sur les collections patrimoniales. Aujourd’hui, il serait pourtant possible de mieux valoriser ces ressources, en particulier en exploitant les énormes volumes d’OCR produits durant les deux dernières décennies (tant comme descripteur textuel que pour l’identification automatique des illustrations imprimées). Et ainsi mettre en valeur ces gravures, dessins, photographies, cartes, etc. pour leur valeur propre mais aussi comme point d’entrée dans les collections, en favorisant découverte et rebond de document en document, de collection à collection. Cet article décrit une approche ETL (extract-transform-load) appliquée aux images d’une bibliothèque numérique à vocation encyclopédique : identifier et extraire l’iconographie partout où elle se trouve (dans les collections image mais aussi dans les imprimés : presse, revue, monographie) ; transformer, harmoniser et enrichir ses métadonnées descriptives grâce à des techniques d’apprentissage machine – machine learning – pour la classification et l’indexation automatiques ; charger ces données dans une application web dédiée à la recherche iconographique (ou dans d’autres services de la bibliothèque). Approche qualifiée de pragmatique à double titre, puisqu’il s’agit de valoriser des ressources numériques existantes et de mettre à profit des technologies (quasiment) mâtures

    Searching the Semantic Web: Approximate Query Processing Based on Ontologies

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    Adaptive constrained clustering with application to dynamic image database categorization and visualization.

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    The advent of larger storage spaces, affordable digital capturing devices, and an ever growing online community dedicated to sharing images has created a great need for efficient analysis methods. In fact, analyzing images for the purpose of automatic categorization and retrieval is quickly becoming an overwhelming task even for the casual user. Initially, systems designed for these applications relied on contextual information associated with images. However, it was realized that this approach does not scale to very large data sets and can be subjective. Then researchers proposed methods relying on the content of the images. This approach has also proved to be limited due to the semantic gap between the low-level representation of the image and the high-level user perception. In this dissertation, we introduce a novel clustering technique that is designed to combine multiple forms of information in order to overcome the disadvantages observed while using a single information domain. Our proposed approach, called Adaptive Constrained Clustering (ACC), is a robust, dynamic, and semi-supervised algorithm. It is based on minimizing a single objective function incorporating the abilities to: (i) use multiple feature subsets while learning cluster independent feature relevance weights; (ii) search for the optimal number of clusters; and (iii) incorporate partial supervision in the form of pairwise constraints. The content of the images is used to extract the features used in the clustering process. The context information is used in constructing a set of appropriate constraints. These constraints are used as partial supervision information to guide the clustering process. The ACC algorithm is dynamic in the sense that the number of categories are allowed to expand and contract depending on the distribution of the data and the available set of constraints. We show that the proposed ACC algorithm is able to partition a given data set into meaningful clusters using an adaptive, soft constraint satisfaction methodology for the purpose of automatically categorizing and summarizing an image database. We show that the ACC algorithm has the ability to incorporate various types of contextual information. This contextual information includes: spatial information provided by geo-referenced images that include GPS coordinates pinpointing their location, temporal information provided by each image\u27s time stamp indicating the capture time, and textual information provided by a set of keywords describing the semantics of the associated images

    A Functional Model For Information Exploration Systems

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    Information exploration tasks are inherently complex, ill-structured, and involve sequences of actions usually spread over many sessions. When exploring a dataset, users tend to experiment higher degrees of uncertainty, mostly raised by knowledge gaps concerning the information sources, the task, and the efficiency of the chosen exploration actions, strategies, and tools in supporting the task solution process. Provided these concerns, exploration tools should be designed with the goal of leveraging the mapping between user's cognitive actions and solution strategies onto the current systems' operations. However, state-of-the-art systems fail in providing an expressive set of operations that covers a wide range of exploration problems. There is not a common understanding of neither which operators are required nor in which ways they can be used by explorers. In order to mitigate these shortcomings, this work presents a formal framework of exploration operations expressive enough to describe at least the majority of state-of-the-art exploration interfaces and tasks. We also show how the framework leveraged a new evaluation approach, where we draw precise comparisons between tools concerning the range of exploration tasks they support.Comment: 27 page

    Understanding Digital Humanities

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    2012 In the first decade of the 21 st century, the researchers in the humanities and humanistic social sciences have gradually started to adopt computational and visualization tools. The majority of this work often referred as "digital humanities" has focused on textual data (e.g., literature, historical records, or social media) and spatial data (e.g., locations of people, places, or events visualization and computational analysis of large collections of images and video suitable for researchers in media studies, the humanities, and the social sciences who do not have technical background, and to apply these techniques to progressively large media data sets. Our second goal was theoretical -to examine existing practices and assumptions of visualization and computational data analysis (thus the name "Software Studies"), and articulate new research questions enabled by humanistic computational work with "big cultural data" in general, and visual media specifically. 3 This chapter draws on the number of my articles written since we started the lab where I discuss history of visualization, the techniques that we developed for visualizing large sets of visual media, and their applications to various types of media. 4 The reader is advised to consult these 1 For recent discussions of digital humanities, see David M

    Supporting Methodology Transfer in Visualization Research with Literature-Based Discovery and Visual Text Analytics

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    [ES] La creciente especialización de la ciencia está motivando la rápida fragmentación de disciplinas bien establecidas en comunidades interdisciplinares. Esta descom- posición se puede observar en un tipo de investigación en visualización conocida como investigación de visualización dirigida por el problema. En ella, equipos de expertos en visualización y un dominio concreto, colaboran en un área específica de conocimiento como pueden ser las humanidades digitales, la bioinformática, la seguridad informática o las ciencias del deporte. Esta tesis propone una serie de métodos inspirados en avances recientes en el análisis automático de textos y la rep- resentación del conocimiento para promover la adecuada comunicación y transferen- cia de conocimiento entre estas comunidades. Los métodos obtenidos se combinaron en una interfaz de análisis visual de textos orientada al descubrimiento científico, GlassViz, que fue diseñada con estos objetivos en mente. La herramienta se probó por primera vez en el dominio de las humanidades digitales para explorar un corpus masivo de artículos de visualización de propósito general. GlassViz fue adaptada en un estudio posterior para que soportase diferentes fuentes de datos representativas de estas comunidades, mostrando evidencia de que el enfoque propuesto también es una alternativa válida para abordar el problema de la fragmentación en la investigación en visualización

    Shaken not stirred: Mixing semantics into XPDL

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    Ubiquitous computing requires lightweight approaches to coordinating tasks distributed across smart devices. We are currently developing a semantic workflow modelling approach that blends the proven robustness of XPDL with semantics to support proactive behaviour. We illustrate the potential of the model through an example based on mixing a dry martini
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