488 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for Eye Banking

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    Eye banking plays a critical role in modern medicine by providing cornea tissues for transplantation to restore vision for millions of people worldwide. The evaluation of corneal endothelium is done by measuring the corneal endothelial cell density (ECD). Unfortunately, the current system to measure ECD is manual, time-consuming, and error prone. Furthermore, the impact of social behaviors and biological conditions on corneal endothelium and corneal transplant success is largely unexplored. To overcome these challenges, this dissertation aims to develop tools for corneal endothelial image and data analysis that enhance the efficiency and quality of the cornea transplants. In the first study, an image processing algorithm is developed to analyze corneal endothelial images captured by a Konan CellChek specular microscope. The algorithm successfully identifies the region of interest, filters the image, and employs stochastic watershed segmentation to determine cell boundaries and evaluate endothelial cell density (ECD). The proposed algorithm achieves a high correlation with manual counts (R2 = 0.98) and has an average analysis time of 2.5 seconds. In the second study, a deep learning-based cell segmentation algorithm called Mobile-CellNet is proposed to estimate ECD. This technique addresses the limitations of classical algorithms and creates a more robust and highly efficient algorithm. The approach achieves a mean absolute error of 4.06% for ECD on the test set, similar to U-Net but with significantly fewer floating-point operations and parameters. The third study explores the correlation between alcohol abuse and corneal endothelial morphology in a donor pool of 5,624 individuals. Multivariable regression analysis shows that alcohol abuse is associated with a reduction in endothelial cell density, an increase in the coefficient of variation, and a decrease in percent hexagonality. These studies highlight the potential of big data and artificial algorithms in accurately and efficiently analyzing corneal images and donor medical data to improve the efficiency of eye banking and patient outcomes. By automating the analysis of corneal images and exploring the impact of social behaviors and biological conditions on corneal endothelial morphology, we can enhance the quality and availability of cornea transplants and ultimately improve the lives of millions of people worldwide

    Deep learning for corneal and retinal image analysis:AI for your eye

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    Deep learning for corneal and retinal image analysis:AI for your eye

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    Comparison of preservation and transportation protocols for preloaded Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) preparation is technically demanding and is a limiting factor for uptake of this kind of surgery. Supply methods that simplify the procedure for surgeons are key to increasing uptake. This study compares two different shipping protocols for DMEK. METHODS: An 8.5 mm DMEK graft was punched, marked and loaded for transportation in two different conditions: (A) endothelium trifolded inwards in organ culture conditions (n=7) and (B) endothelium rolled outwards in hypothermic conditions (n=7). Tissues were shipped from Italy to the UK, then analysed for orientation, endothelial cell density, denuded areas, cell mortality, triple viability staining (Hoechst/ethidium homodimer/calcein AM (HEC)), immunolocalisation of ZO-1 and Na/K-ATPase proteins, visualisation of actin filaments using phalloidin and histological analysis using H&E on paraffin-embedded sections. RESULTS: All tissues clearly showed the mark used for graft orientation. After shipping in condition A, there was an increase in cell mortality of 8.1% and in denuded areas of 22.4%, whereas for condition B there was an increase in cell mortality of 14.2% and in denuded areas of 34.3% after shipping. HEC staining revealed areas of viable cells and apoptotic cells, with large denuded areas found in the periphery for condition B and within folds for condition A. CONCLUSIONS: Prestripped preloaded DMEK grafts retained sufficient viable cells for transplantation, with condition A (endothelium-in) offering the advantage of greater flexibility of use due to a longer shelf-life. HEC analysis provides further detailed information as to the status of DMEK grafts and should be used in future similar studies

    Novel methods for subcellular in vivo imaging of the cornea with the Rostock Cornea Module 2.0

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    The Rostock Cornea Module transforms a confocal laser scanning ophthalmoscope into a corneal confocal laser scanning microscope. In this thesis, an improved version, the Rostock Cornea Module 2.0, and its achieved results were demonstrated. These include a concave contact cap design to attenuate eye movements to improve 3D volume reconstruction, an oscillating focal plane to improve mosaicking of the subbasal nerve plexus, the integration of simultaneous optical coherence tomography, multiwavelength corneal imaging, the clinical usage, and the automated morphological characterization

    A fully automated cell segmentation and morphometric parameter system for quantifying corneal endothelial cell morphology

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    YesBackground and Objective Corneal endothelial cell abnormalities may be associated with a number of corneal and systemic diseases. Damage to the endothelial cells can significantly affect corneal transparency by altering hydration of the corneal stroma, which can lead to irreversible endothelial cell pathology requiring corneal transplantation. To date, quantitative analysis of endothelial cell abnormalities has been manually performed by ophthalmologists using time consuming and highly subjective semi-automatic tools, which require an operator interaction. We developed and applied a fully-automated and real-time system, termed the Corneal Endothelium Analysis System (CEAS) for the segmentation and computation of endothelial cells in images of the human cornea obtained by in vivo corneal confocal microscopy. Methods First, a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Band-pass filter is applied to reduce noise and enhance the image quality to make the cells more visible. Secondly, endothelial cell boundaries are detected using watershed transformations and Voronoi tessellations to accurately quantify the morphological parameters of the human corneal endothelial cells. The performance of the automated segmentation system was tested against manually traced ground-truth images based on a database consisting of 40 corneal confocal endothelial cell images in terms of segmentation accuracy and obtained clinical features. In addition, the robustness and efficiency of the proposed CEAS system were compared with manually obtained cell densities using a separate database of 40 images from controls (n = 11), obese subjects (n = 16) and patients with diabetes (n = 13). Results The Pearson correlation coefficient between automated and manual endothelial cell densities is 0.9 (p < 0.0001) and a Bland–Altman plot shows that 95% of the data are between the 2SD agreement lines. Conclusions We demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the CEAS system, and the possibility of utilizing it in a real world clinical setting to enable rapid diagnosis and for patient follow-up, with an execution time of only 6 seconds per image
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