19 research outputs found

    Model-driven engineering techniques and tools for machine learning-enabled IoT applications: A scoping review

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    This paper reviews the literature on model-driven engineering (MDE) tools and languages for the internet of things (IoT). Due to the abundance of big data in the IoT, data analytics and machine learning (DAML) techniques play a key role in providing smart IoT applications. In particular, since a significant portion of the IoT data is sequential time series data, such as sensor data, time series analysis techniques are required. Therefore, IoT modeling languages and tools are expected to support DAML methods, including time series analysis techniques, out of the box. In this paper, we study and classify prior work in the literature through the mentioned lens and following the scoping review approach. Hence, the key underlying research questions are what MDE approaches, tools, and languages have been proposed and which ones have supported DAML techniques at the modeling level and in the scope of smart IoT services.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design Models for Service-based Software Application

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    Context: The use of a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) offers a new and distinct approach to creating software based applications (SBAs) around the idea of integrating distributed autonomous computing resources. A widely available realisation of an SOA exists in the form of web services. However, to date no standard techniques have emerged for developing SBAs. There is also a lack of consistency in describing the concept itself, and the published literature offers little evidence derived from the experience of developing `real world examples. Aims: The objective of the work described in this thesis was to conduct a series of studies to explore systematically the concept of what constitutes an SOA by using the published literature, to employ this to construct a proof of concept SOA design model based on a real world problem, and in doing so, to investigate how well existing design notations are able to support this architectural style. Method: The research described in this thesis has been conducted in an evolutionary manner by employing a range of empirical methods. A mapping study was performed to investigate how the concept of SOA is interpreted by the research community. Based upon this model of SOA, a participant-observer case study was employed to construct an SOA design model and a use case model for an energy engineering application to demonstrate use for a real world problem. Finally, expert knowledge was employed for evaluation of the case study through the use of walkthroughs. Results: From the mapping study we created an integrated model of what constitutes an SOA for the use with the case study. The case study outcomes include a design for a renewable energy control system together with codified experience of constructing and recording the SOA design model. The experience of employing the walkthrough method for evaluation, and the outcomes of the evaluation are also discussed. Conclusion: From this research we conclude that the SOA research community needs to develop a clearer shared understanding and agreement on the model of what constitutes an SOA and the vocabulary used to describe the SOA concept. This will aid designers to communicate their mental models more effectively and will provide the semantics needed for devising the new notations that this study implies are needed for SBA design. Further, some lessons about SBA design have been derived from the case study experiences

    Design of a Framework to Measure the Degree of Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) Simulation Interoperability

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    Accomplishment of the Live, Virtual and Constructive simulation interoperability has been a major goal and a challenge in the Modeling and Simulation (M&S) community. There have been efforts to interoperate individual Live, Virtual and Constructive simulations within a common synthetic environment through suitable technologies such as interface specifications, protocols, and standard middleware architectures. However, achieving interoperability of LVC simulation is a technologically complex since it is affected by multiple factors, and the characteristics are not yet satisfactorily defined and studied. A proper method is absent to measure the potential interoperability degree of LVC simulation. Therefore, there should be an appropriate systematic approach to measure the potential LVC simulation interoperability which includes technical, conceptual and organizational domains. This research aims to design a preliminary systematic approach to measure the potential interoperability degree of an individual Live, Virtual and Constructive simulation and a relevant organization which plans to use the simulation system for simulation interoperability. Specifically, a framework that contains components such as a) LVC simulation interoperability domains, b) interoperability domain factors, c) interoperability maturity levels, d) interoperability determination method is proposed. To accomplish the goal, a set of factors that determine the interoperability degree in LVC simulation environment are identified, and the factors are used to build the key elements of the framework. The proposed methodology for the framework design is based on systematic literature reviews and a survey involving a number of relevant domain experts. A case study is demonstrated to prove the validity and effectiveness of the developed framework. The case study illustrates how the interoperability levels of a simulation system and a relevant organization are effectively measured. This research potentially contributes by providing an understanding of the factors that determine the interoperability degree of LVC simulation, improvement of the LVC simulation interoperability measurement process, and consequently, accomplishment of more effective LVC simulation interoperability

    Service-Oriented Middleware for the Future Internet: State of the Art and Research Directions

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    International audienceService-oriented computing is now acknowledged as a central paradigm for Internet computing, supported by tremendous research and technology development over the last ten years. However, the evolution of the Internet, and in particular, the latest Future Internet vision, challenges the paradigm. Indeed, service-oriented computing has to face the ultra large scale and heterogeneity of the Future Internet, which are orders of magnitude higher than those of today's service-oriented systems. This article aims at contributing to this objective by identifying the key research directions to be followed in light of the latest state of the art. This article more specifically focuses on research challenges for service-oriented middleware design, therefore investigating service description, discovery, access and composition in the Future Internet of services

    A pattern language for evolution reuse in component-based software architectures

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    Context: Modern software systems are prone to a continuous evolution under frequently varying requirements and changes in operational environments. Architecture-Centric Software Evolution (ACSE) enables changes in a system’s structure and behaviour while maintaining a global view of the software to address evolution-centric trade-offs. Lehman’s law of continuing change demands for long-living and continuously evolving architectures to prolong the productive life and economic value of software. Also some industrial research shows that evolution reuse can save approximately 40% effort of change implementation in ACSE process. However, a systematic review of existing research suggests a lack of solution(s) to support a continuous integration of reuse knowledge in ACSE process to promote evolution-off-the-shelf in software architectures. Objectives: We aim to unify the concepts of software repository mining and software evolution to discover evolution-reuse knowledge that can be shared and reused to guide ACSE. Method: We exploit repository mining techniques (also architecture change mining) that investigates architecture change logs to discover change operationalisation and patterns. We apply software evolution concepts (also architecture change execution) to support pattern-driven reuse in ACSE. Architecture change patterns support composition and application of a pattern language that exploits patterns and their relations to express evolution-reuse knowledge. Pattern language composition is enabled with a continuous discovery of patterns from architecture change logs and formalising relations among discovered patterns. Pattern language application is supported with an incremental selection and application of patterns to achieve reuse in ACSE. The novelty of the research lies with a framework PatEvol that supports a round-trip approach for a continuous acquisition (mining) and application (execution) of reuse knowledge to enable ACSE. Prototype support enables customisation and (semi-) automation for the evolution process. Results: We evaluated the results based on the ISO/IEC 9126 - 1 quality model and a case study based validation of the architecture change mining and change execution processes. We observe consistency and reusability of change support with pattern-driven architecture evolution. Change patterns support efficiency for architecture evolution process but lack a fine-granular change implementation. A critical challenge lies with the selection of appropriate patterns to form a pattern language during evolution. Conclusions: The pattern language itself continuously evolves with an incremental discovery of new patterns from change logs over time. A systematic identification and resolution of change anti-patterns define the scope for future research

    Kontextsensitive Informationsvisualisierung mit kompositen Rich Internet Applications fĂŒr Endnutzer

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    Das stetig wachsende Datenaufkommen - die weltweite Datenmenge verdoppelt sich alle zwei Jahre - ist eine wesentliche Herausforderung fĂŒr den Menschen in allen Bereichen des beruflichen und privaten Alltags. Um trotzdem relevante Informationen zu identifizieren und auch zu verstehen, nehmen Techniken und Anwendungen zur InfoVis einen immer grĂ¶ĂŸeren Stellenwert ein. Leider hat sich die Vision der "InfoVis for and by the masses" aufgrund des notwendigen Daten-, Visualisierungs- und Programmierwissens noch nicht durchgesetzt. Zudem sind heutige InfoVis-Softwareanbieter mit dem Problem konfrontiert, verschiedenste Kontexte, wie Nutzergruppen oder Hard- und Softwareplattformen, unterstĂŒtzen zu mĂŒssen. Ein möglicher Lösungsansatz fĂŒr dieses Problem ist das Paradigma der kompositen Webanwendungen. Auf deren Basis können Daten und UI-Widgets je nach Anwendungsfall teils automatisch kombiniert werden. Dies erhöht die Wiederverwendbarkeit und spart Zeit sowie Entwicklungskosten. Unter Zuhilfenahme von (semantischen) Modellen ist es zudem möglich, eine komposite RIA an die vorliegende Situation zu adaptieren. Um dem Endanwender Zugang zu den kompositen RIA zu verschaffen, mangelt es jedoch an einem Integrationsprozess, der den speziellen Anforderungen der InfoVis gerecht wird. Diese Dissertation stellt deshalb neue Konzepte fĂŒr einen ganzheitlichen Semantik-gestĂŒtzten InfoVis-Prozess vor, der bspw. die Endnutzer-gerechte Filterung großer DatensĂ€tze, die kontextsensitive Auswahl von InfoVis-Komponenten, die NutzerunterstĂŒtzung bei der Exploration und Interpretation der Daten sowie die Gewinnung und Wiederverwendung von Visualisierungswissen adressiert. Zur UnterstĂŒtzung des InfoVis-Prozesses werden weiterhin Konzepte fĂŒr eine formale Wissensbasis mit DomĂ€nenwissen vorgeschlagen. Die modulare, mit W3C-Standards prototypisch realisierte Visualisierungsontologie definiert u.a. Konzepte und Relationen zu Daten, graphischen Vokabular, menschlicher AktivitĂ€t sowie verĂ€nderliches Faktenwissen. Ein weiterer, wesentlicher Beitrag der Arbeit liegt in der Architekturkonzeption fĂŒr modellbasierte, komposite RIA fĂŒr die InfoVis-DomĂ€ne, womit ein neues Anwendungsfeld des Software-Paradigmas erschlossen wird. Damit steht nun erstmals fĂŒr eine komposite, webbasierte InfoVis-Lösung ein ganzheitliches Architekturkonzept zur VerfĂŒgung, das die AusfĂŒhrbarkeit der Anwendungen in der heute existierenden, heterogenen Landschaft der (mobilen) EndgerĂ€te gewĂ€hrleisten kann. Durch die Implementierung entscheidender Architekturkonzepte sowie einer beispielhaften InfoVis-Anwendung fĂŒr semantische Daten wurde die TragfĂ€higkeit der geschaffenen Konzepte nachgewiesen. Anhand einer Vielzahl von formativen sowie einer summativen Nutzerstudien konnte validiert werden, dass sich aus den neuen Konzepten Vorteile fĂŒr den Endanwender bei der Erstellung einer InfoVis ergeben